Showing posts with label - - - Sennin Immortals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Sennin Immortals. Show all posts


Welcome !

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The Heian period  平安時代 Heian jidai 
794 to 1185.

CLICK for more colorful photos !

Read the introduction here:
- - - WIKIPEDIA - - -

This blog also covers the history and culture until the Heian period:

Legendary Emperors (660 BC - 269 AD)
Kofun Period (270-539)
Asuka Period (539–710)

. Nara Period (710 to 794)  奈良時代 .


Mosts of the material is preliminarily collected on my facebook page.
. Join - Heian Period - on Facebook ! .

Details of the period will be introduced.
The many legends of this period, including legends and haiku about it, will be introduced in more detail.

This BLOG also collects legends, tales and folklore of Japan.

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

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- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

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Gabi Greve

. ABC List of Contents - Heian Period .

A Gallery of the Darumapedia, Daruma Museum Japan.


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Sennin Chuzan Chusan

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Chuusan Shoonin, Chūzan, Chūsan 中算上人 (ちゅうざん) Saint Chuzan

He is Nr. 32 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

Not much to be found about this Immortal.
(935 - 976)

山階寺の僧である中算 Chuzan from temple Yamashinadera
興福寺の僧である中算 Chuzan from the temple Kofuku-Ji

... Chusan, another disciple of Kusei, worked miracles at Nachi ...

- quote -
One of the leaders of the Yamashina temple community was the monk 中筹 Chusan, who was staying at a small residence near the Kangaku-In while his community was putting pressure on the government officials. One night, in the presence of a number of his disciples, Chusan suddenly said that someone was approaching, but his disciples could see no one, no matter how hard they looked.
Nevertheless, shortly afterward the disciples could hear Chusan conversing with someone, and when they asked him with whom he was speaking, he replied that it was Ryogen of the Enryaku-Ji.
the monks incredulous, exclaimed: "What are you saying? But, Ryogen is dead!..."
Then, realizing that it must have been the departed spirit of the deceased Ryogen that came to speak with their master, they became speechless with fear.
The next day Chusan, saying that he felt ill, excused himself from attending the hearing on the Gion question. Without their leader, and recalling the eerie event of the preceding night, the monks of the Yamashina temple were confused and upset, and when the court failed to issue the judgement that they were hoping for, they quickly left Kyoto and withdrew to their home temple.
... Chusan died in 969, sixteen years before Ryogen died . . .
- source : pdf file -


Kōfukuji and the Mountains of Yamato
..... Later, during a terrible drought,
Chusan struck the rock of a mountain with his sword and cool water gushed forth "like a waterfall." ...
- source : .. Tyler Royall .. -


. Kōfukuji, Koofukuji 興福寺 Kōfuku-Ji .
Kōfuku-ji has its origin as a temple that was established in 669 by Kagami-no-Ōkimi (鏡大君), the wife of Fujiwara no Kamatari, wishing for her husbands's recovery from illness. Its original site was in Yamashina, Yamashiro Province (present-day Kyoto).
In 672, the temple was moved to Fujiwara-kyō, the first artificially planned capital in Japan, then again in 710, moved to its current place, on the east side of the newly constructed capital, Heijō-kyō, today's Nara.

- wikipedia -


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今昔物語 - Konjaku Monogatari  
- reference source : -

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「小寺の小僧、小寺の小僧とな! これは、これは」
- reference source : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninchuzan #chuzansennin #chusan-


Sennin Kanda Sao-Uchi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kanda 竿打仙 Kanda Sen/ 竿打ち仙人 Sao-Uchi Sennin

He is Nr. 30 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


kanda (sao-uchi) means "hitting with a pole".

竿打(さおうち)仙人 Saouchi Sennin

The quest for an immortal life is long and difficult, and some try very hard but do not get anywhere.
Sao-Uchi lived in the Nara period, but not much is known about him.

It seems he took a lot of elixirs of immortality, but his body never got light enough to fly.
He had almost given up of ever making any progress, when he made another effort and could fly above the ground for about 2 or 3 meters.
The other villagers thought this was something special not everybody could do and begun to respect him.
Bud the bad kids of the village made fun of him and hit and chased him around with a pole like a butterfly.

In haste he jumped up again, but again they came after him with the pole.
Eventually he became invisible . . . at least nobody knew where he had gone.

source : 475 ...

For some reason he was mentioned in a book from 1097:
本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals.



. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkanda #kanda #kandasennin #saouchi -


Sennin Jugeso Juge

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Juge soo 河内国樹下僧 Monk Juge from Kawachi no Kuni
河内国 Kawachi is now part of Osaka.

He is Nr. 25 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

樹下僧円宝房 Juge So Enho-Bo
三井寺の円宝房阿関梨 Miidera no Enho-Bo Ajari

His story is not quite clear.
He was either a priest at Miidera or at the shine after which he is named, Juge Jinja.


Related to 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Jinja (日枝神社 Hie Jinja)

miyagomori 宮籠り to make a wish (vow) and stay in the shrine until it is granted
One of them was Juge So 中世日吉神社における宮籠りと樹下僧.

- reference source : -


Juge Jinja 樹下神社 Juge Jinja shrines
All are located in 滋賀県 Shiga prefecture.
They belong to the seven sub-shrines of 日吉大社 Hiyoshi Taisha.

Juge shrines are also called
Juuzenji sha 十禅師社 (ジュウゼンジ) Juzenji Shrine ("Ten Zen Teacher's Shrine)
Junizenji are known in Buddhism as 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu.

樹下神社 (大津市北小松) - 滋賀県大津市北小松鎮座 Kitakomatsu
樹下神社 (大津市南比良) - 滋賀県大津市南比良鎮座 Minamihira
樹下神社 (大津市木戸) - 滋賀県大津市木戸鎮座 Kido
樹下神社 (大津市山中町) - 滋賀県大津市山中町鎮座 Yamanaka
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


大津市北小松 Otsu town, Kita-Komatsu

- Deity in residence
. 鴨玉依姫命 / 玉依姫命 Tamayori Hime no Mikoto .

The origin of this shrine is not quite clear.
In 982, 佐々木成頼 Sasaki Nariyori ordered the construction of the 日吉十禅師 Juzenji of Hiyoshi.
This shrine flourished as the protector shrine of the Sasaki clan in 近江国 Omi (now Shiga prefecture).
The shrine was destructed by Oda Nobunaga, but later rebuild.
In 1870, it was named 十禅師社 Juzenji Shrine

Minamoto no Nariyori 源成頼 (676 - 1003) = Sasaki Nariyori


大津市南比良 Otsu town, Minami-Kira


大津市木戸 Otsu town, Kido

This shrine was constructed on orders of 佐野豊賢 Sano Toyokata. the regent of 木戸城 Kido castle, to protect the area and his clan.
The shrine was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga and later rebuilt in 1578.

- reference source : shiga/otsu-kido-jugejinja... -


- quote -
Juge Jinja is a small shrine in the Higashi-Hongu area of Hiyoshi Taisha. This structure is classified as an Important Cultural Asset.
Hiyoshi Taisha
is dedicated to Sanno Gongen, the deity of Mount Hiei, and dates back to 806. The shrine is located at the base of the mountain in Sakamoto near the shores of Lake Biwa. Because of its proximity to Hieizan, it has always been associated with Enryaku-ji. The shrine was destroyed in 1571 when Nobunaga eliminated the Enryaku-ji monks, but it was rebuilt soon after.
Hiyoshi Taisha. Otsu, Shiga.
- source : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninjugeso #jugeso #jugejinja #enhobo #juzenji -

Kawara no In Minamoto Toru

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kawara no In 河原院 源融 Minamoto Toru
河原院大臣侍 Kawara no In / 河原院の大臣(おとど)の侍 Otodo 
Kawara no Sadaijin 河原左大臣 - Poet and statesman

He is Nr. 20 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


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Minamoto no Tōru 源 融 (822 – September 21, 895)
was a Japanese poet and statesman. He was born the son of Emperor Saga and a member of the Saga Genji clan. He is sometimes mentioned as the model for Hikaru Genji in important Japanese literary classic The Tale of Genji.
Under his title Kawara no Sadaijin (河原左大臣, Minister of the Left of Kawara), he is the author of poem 14 in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu poetry anthology:


Michinoku no
Tare yue ni
Midare somenishi
Ware naranaku ni

Like Michinoku prints,
Of the tangled leaves of ferns,
It is because of you,
That I have become confused;
But my love for you remains.

The poem originally appeared in the Kokinshū, no. 724. Here is another translation:

The dye with hare's-foot-fern, of Michinoku
who else would have made me feel as disturbed?

The poet is also famous for making a replica of the uta-makura Shiogama ("poetic place name") in his garden.
His tomb resides at the Seiryō-ji, a Buddhist temple situated on what was once Saga Moor in Kyoto.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shiogama in Kyoto 京都の塩竈

source :


. Matsuo Basho visiting Shinobu .

みちのく(陸奥)の しのぶもぢずり(忍ぶ 綟摺り)
誰ゆえに 乱れ染めにし 我ならなくに

shinobu mojizuri is a special cloth dyed in the region of the village
Shinobu gun Fukushima 福島県信夫郡.
Made from shinobugusa 忍ぶ草、hare's-foot fern, deersfoot fern
Davallia bullata and others
. Michinoku roads みちのく路 .

As wholly confused
as cloth dyed in moss-fern design
from Michinoku
so distraught is my heart now
and for no one else but you.

Tr. Steven D. Carter


I long to find a path
to the depths of Mount Shinobu
that I might fathom
the secrets of
another’s heart

Tr. Shirane

- quote
Shinobu Mottling Rock, Fukushima
6 km north-east from Fukushima City sits the village of Shinobu (present-day Mojizuri). Three seemingly unconnected objects - a large, moss-dappled rock, the Michinoku (Tohoku) kimono design of mottled ferns made famous in the Heian period (794 - 1185), and an impossible love story - have together made Shinobu a vastly recognized and esteemed location of utamakura.
Utamakura is a place-name used in waka (traditional Japanese poetry) which, through alternative readings of the name's kanji (Chinese characters) or its associations with national histories and figures, can be used as an allusive tool towards sentiment and meaning within waka; an incredibly popular and admired poetic device which was employed even in everyday conversation at the Heian Kyoto Court.

In the 9th century, Minamoto no Toru (a high-ranking noble of the Heian Imperial Court in Kyoto) traveled to the "great north," Michinoku, which was at that time deemed an uncivilized land due to its distance from the shining capital. At some point, he passed through Shinobu, a village well-known by the Imperial Court for its unique production of a kimono design called Shinobu Mojizuri (fern mottle). It was not uncommon for high-ranking nobles to undertake vast journeys north for state affairs. And on these journeys, it wasn't completely unheard of to learn of nobles falling in love with villagers of little, or no, social status.

Unfortunately for Minamoto no Toru and the lady of Shinobu, he did just so. Staying with the lady's father and delaying his return to the capital for over a month, he was eventually called back to court and the separation was impossible to withstand for both of them. Minamoto no Toru did as all Heian courtiers in his day could do; he wrote a poem about it. And the lady of Shinobu took to her bed with grief, dying before the verse could reach her.
The verse adopts the word 'shinobu' and its three potential readings in Japanese: the name of the village Shinobu; the type of fern found in abundance around the village, called shinobugusa; and the verb shinobu, "to love secretly."
In just five lines, Minamoto no Toru encapsulates his sentiment, the history and relevance of the setting to his story, and appropriate similes for such a saddening poem in incredible subtlety and talent in his employment of utamakura.

Like the cloth printed
with ferns in far Shinobu
of the deep north —
if not for you
for whom would I dye my heart
with tangled love?

Since this all occurred over twelve centuries ago, Shinobu has welcomed such admirers of its history and poetry as Basho Matsuo, who came to compose a haiku on the subject in his Oku no Hosomichi pilgrimage of Michinoku utamakura locations.


Deft hands that now pluck
seedlings, once you used to press
patterns from the stones.

Tr. Donald Keene

The mottling rock upon which the famous Michinoku kimono was mottled with fern is enshrined by an open gate. The two poems are also on the grounds, set in stone. All are surrounded by a wonderful view of Fukushima, the Kannon-Do Temple and Phoenix Pagoda, and a river also famous in traditional waka, the Abukumagawa.
- source :


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 

文知摺石 Mojizuri Ishi
Minamoto no Toru stayed some time at the residence of a rich family near the Mojizuri Ishi stone. He fell in love with the beautiful Torajo 虎女 (Tiger Woman), but eventually he had to go back to Kyoto. There was no further news from him.
Torajo was so sad, waiting and waiting for her lover. She made a vow to the stone, to show her the image of her lover Toru. After praying for many days, her wish was fulfilled and his figure appeared on the stone.

source : HeartLand-Icho

mojizuri ishi 文字摺石 - 信夫文知摺石 mojizuri mottlilng stone, rock
shinobu mojizuri しのぶもじずり / 忍捩摺り/信夫捩摺り

The lower part of the stone has been used so often that it is all shining and the stone was once called
kagami ishi 鏡石 mirror stone.

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 

tooru no daijin no rei 融の大臣の霊 / Tôru daijin / The Minister Toru
Most of the stories of ghosts are about people becoming ghosts and appearing as a skull.
One of the oldest records is the Nihon Ryooiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki.
宇多院 Emperor Uda (867 - 931) made an official visit to 河原院 Kawara no In (the official residence of Minamoto no Tooru 源融 Toru (822 - 895).
The late owner of this Kawara residence, Toru, appeared clad in 衣冠 formal robes as a ghost to greet the visitor.

oni 鬼 demon
When 栄爵 Eishaku and his wife from the countryside came to Kawara no In to find work, she was taken away by a demon.

. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kawaranoin #minamototoru #mojizuri -


Sennin Hoon Daishi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Hoo-on Daishi 報恩大師 Ho-On Daishi
報恩大徳 Ho-on Daitoku

He is Nr. 15 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


He was a monk in the Nara period.
Not much is known about him.
He was born in 備前国津高郡波珂, now 岡山市北区芳賀 Kaga, Okayama city.
Other sources quote he was born in Nara prefecture.
At the age of 15 he became a monk at the temple 法華経寺 Hokekyo-Ji , now 岡山市北区日応寺 Nichio-Ji in Okayama city.
He took on the name of 快賢芳賀坊 Kaiken Kaga-Bo .
At the age of 30 he went to 大和吉野山 Mount Yoshinoyama and later to the temple 山城国清水寺 Kiyomizudera.
There he learned how to jump freely up to the clouds in the sky.

Together with 摩訶上人 Saint Maka Shonin he organized 備前国内に四十八ヶ寺 the Pilgrim Route to 48 temples in Bizen on behalf of 孝謙天皇 Emperor Koken (718 - 770). The Emperor had fallen ill in 752 and wanted to something special to get better.
Ho-On founded the temple 報恩山子嶋寺 Hoonzan Kojimadera in Nara.
He died in 795, maybe at 千手山 Senjusan at Mount Hoonyama, where he had founded the temple
弘法寺 Kobo-Ji in Okayama
In the back of Kobo-Ji is a hall in honor of Ho-On, 報恩大師堂.
Okayama Prefecture, Setouchi, Ushimado Senju


報恩大師 開基備前 48寺 Bizen Pilgrimage in honor of Ho-On Daishi
- List and photos of all the temples
- reference source : s_minaga/bizen48... -


報恩山子嶋寺 Hoonzan Kojimadera
Nara Prefecture, Takaichi District, Takatori, Kangakuji, 544

source : wikipedia

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Kojimadera Temple
One of the sacred sites of the Kannon Bodhisattva in western Japan, said to have been founded in 760, this temple followed Tsubosakadera and Hasedera in prosperity during the Heian period. Its gate, a secondary gate of Takatori castle relocated here, is the only portion of the castle buildings to survive.
When the head priest said prayers to cure the illness of Emperor Ichijo and he healed completely, he was granted as reward the Mandala of the Womb Realm scroll, which is a designated National Treasure.
The scroll is in the custody of the Nara National Museum, and a replica hangs in the temple's image hall, where it can be publicly seen.
- source : -

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Kojima mandara 子島曼荼羅 / Also read Koshima mandara.
A pair of Mandala of the Two Realms *Ryoukai mandara 両界曼荼羅 in gold and silver paint on dark-blue twill originally kept at Kojimadera 子島寺 in Nara. but now preserved at the Nara National Museum. Also known as Tobi mandara 飛曼荼羅 or Hikou mandara 飛行曼荼羅 (flying mandara). The Matrix mandala *Taizoukai mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅 is 349.1cm X 307.9cm in size and the Diamond World mandala *Kongoukai mandara 金剛界曼荼羅 is 351.3cm X 297.0cm.
According to the temple tradition, Shinkou 真興 Shinko (934-1004), who restored Kojimadera during the late Heian period, was given these two mandala by the emperor Ichijou 一条 during the Chouhou 長保 era (999-1004), and they remained treasured possessions of the temple until recent times. Iconographically they differ markedly from orthodox versions of the Ryoukai mandara as transmitted by *Kuukai 空海 (774-835): for example, the 16 deities of the Auspicious Aeon gengou juurokuson 賢劫十六尊 are missing from the Vanquisher of the Three Worlds, Gouzanze-e 降三世会 in the Kongoukai mandara, while in the Taizoukai mandara the positions of Tenkuraion 天鼓雷音 and Kaifukeou 開敷華王 in the Chuudai hachiyouin 中台八葉院 have been intercanged and the number of deities in the Soshitsuji-in 蘇悉地院 has been increased to 16.
It is generally considered that they date from around the Chouhou era when they are said to have been given to Shinkou but there are some scholars who place the date of their execution in the early Heian period. They are at any rate an unusually early example of the Ryoukai mandara, and because they are also in an extremely good state of preservation, they have been designated national treasures.
- source : JAANUS -


Senjusan Kobooji 千手山 弘法寺 Senjusan Kobo-Ji - Okayama

- HP of the temple
- reference source : -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Okayama 岡山県 

金山寺 Temple Kinzan-Ji
Once upon a time, at the temple Kinzan-Ji there lived a huge toad and a huge serpent.
They used to fight all the time, but thanks to the spiritual power of High Priest Ho-On they stopped.
Now this fight has become a round of "tug of war" with a huge rope at the temple festival.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #hoondaishi #senninhoon -

Sennin Yosho

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Yooshoo Sennin 陽勝仙人 Yosho Sennin

He is Nr. 18 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

He was born in 869 in 能登ノ国 Noto no Kuni (now 石川県北部(能登半島) Ishikawa, Noto peninsula) in the early Heian period. He was very merciful, he gave his robes to people who had none, he gave his food to people who had nothing to eat. He let the mosquitoes drink his blood.

His mother once had a dream about a strong light and then became pregnant with Yosho. The child was very clever and never forgot anything he had heard or learned. At age 11 he was sent to 比叡山 Mount Hieizan in Shiga and became a disciple of priest 空日律師 Kunichi Risshi. He almost never slept during this time.
Later he went on to Yoshino and practised austerities at 金峰山 Kinpusan (Nara prefecture).
In winter he stayed at temple 六田の牟田寺 Muden-Ji. But there was not much food and he spent days just eating one grain of millet.
At around 80 years of age he became a Sennin.
He slept without a blanket even in winter, he jumped on the smoke of incense and made it to heaven as he pleased.
He went on to other sacred mountains.
To 大峰山山上ヶ岳 Sanjogatake (1719 m) in Yoshino.
To the temple 竜門寺 Ryumon-Ji in the 洞川集落 Dorogawa hamlet.
His movements were fast and he could fly in the clouds.

Through his supernatural power he knew about the coming death of his father, He jumped on the roof of his parents home and begun to recite the 法華経 Hokekyo Lotus Sutra.
When the family went outside to have a look, there was no one to be seen.

He always came down from the sky to take part of the 不断念仏 fasting rituals at Mount Hiezan.


Yosho, the Super Hermit
- with literature references
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陽勝仙人弟子仙 / 陽勝弟子童 Hijiri, disciple of Yosho

He is Nr. 19 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

. hijiri ひじり 【聖】 ”holy men" a wandering priest .

- quote -
Hijiri, 仙 / 聖 (Japanese: “holy man”),
in Japanese religion, a man of great personal magnetism and spiritual power, as distinct from a leader of an institutionalized religion. Historically, hijiri has been used to refer to sages of various traditions, such as the shaman, Shintō mountain ascetic, Taoist magician, or Buddhist reciter.
Most characteristically hijiri describes the wandering priest who operates outside the orthodox Buddhist tradition to meet the religious needs of the common people.
- source : -

Koya hijiri 高野聖 "mendicant priests from Mr. Koya"

Sengai Gibon 仙厓義梵 // 聖福寺 Shofuku-Ji


陽勝寺 Yosho-Ji
岐阜県揖斐郡大野町大瀬古小辻142 / Gifu Prefecture, Ibi District, Ono,


. Mount Hieizan, Hiei-zan 比叡山 .
Shiga prefecture



Introducing special priests of Japan

陽勝 - Yosho
仙人群像 Group of Sennin
- reference : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninyosho #yoshosennin #hijiri -


Sennin Kyotai Osho

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kyootai Osho 教待和尚 Kyotai Osho, Priest Kyotai

He is Nr. 14 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

教待堂 Kyotai Do Hall
at temple Miidera, Shiga, Otsu.

He was an old priest taking care of Miidera until priest 智証大師 Chisho Daishi came to the temple.
In the Kyotaido Hall in honor of Kyotai there is a statue of the priest.

After Chisho's arrival, Kyotai went into a cave and did not come out again.
Later Chisho Daishi put up a stone memorial on the cave.

Since olden times, people who come here to become a monk have their hair cut and offer it on the altar of this hall.
- reference -

. Miidera, Mii-dera 三井寺 Temple Mii .

. Chisho Daishi 智証大師 / 智證大師 / Enchin 圓珍 / 円珍 .
(814 - 891) nephew of Kobo Daishi


. oshoo 和尚 priest - Introduction .


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kyotai "kyotaiosho #miidera -


Sennin Gyoei Koji

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Gyooei Koji 行叡居士 Gyoei Koji

He is Nr. 13 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

The dates of his life are not clear. He was a monk, maybe living in the Asuka or Nara period.
He lived in a hermitage in the 東山山麓 Higashiyama Mountain range in 山城国愛宕郡八坂郷 Yasaka, Atago district of Yamashiro no Kuni.
In 778 priest 延鎮 Enchin came to visit him.
Gyoei gave Enchin a precious piece of wood and soon after he left for the Eastern Provinces and was not seen again.
Enchin was involved in the building of temple 清水寺 Kiyomizudera, together with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro.

清水寺 観音像 Kiyomizu Kannon

- quote -
It was said that Kiyomisu Dera was found by a Nara monk named Enchin who practiced asceticism in 778.
He met a Buddhist old recluse called Gyoei Koji while wandering nearby Otowa-ni-taki waterfall, to look for a site with a golden stream to build a temple, after being inspired in a dream.
Gyoei told him that he was a devotee to Kannon Bodhisattva and had been waiting for him to come as he was to leave. He presented the monk a piece of wood and left.
Monk Enchin soon found a pair of sandals on top of the hill and realized that the old hermit was a Bodhisattva.
The monk Enchin later created an image of eleven headed thousand armed image of Kannon and carved it on the sacred log given to him by Gyoei, and built a little hut to house it.
One day, General Sakanone Tamuramaro (758-811) happened to pass by the waterfall when hunting a deer. He met Enchin. Seeing him killing a deer and carrying it in hand, the monk delivered him a Dharma talk and lectured him with merciful teaching of Kannon Bodhisattva. General Tamuramaro repented and became a pious disciple to Enchin, devoted and in faith to Kannon. He donated a proper hall to enshrine the image of Kannon by dismantling his own house and in year 794, he contributed to the master
The Emperor's old residence that was gifted to him after the emperor built a new palace when moved to Kyoto. The building was made into the main shrine hall of the temple.
- source : ANICCA -


. Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺 Kyoto .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)
conquering the Emishi (蝦夷征伐 Emishi Seibatsu) in Tohoku.

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 
田村郡 Tamura district 三春町 Miharu

kinma 木馬(きんま) "wooden horse"
Tamuramaro fought against the local tribesman, 大多鬼丸」(大滝丸) Otaki Maru, who lived in a cave at 大滝根山 Mount Otakine san (1,192 m).
延鎮上人 Saint Enchin had carved the statue of Kannon at temple Kiyomizudera and from the left-over pieces of wood had carved 鞍馬 100 wooden horses with saddles and sent them to Tamuramaro. Tamuramaro put the horses in his armor and left for Tohoku. When he was in a pinch fighting, all of a sudden 100 horsemen came out and helped him fight at Mount Otakine.
When he returned in triumph, the horses had disappeared from his armor.
One day later, one of the wooden horses was found all sweating at 高柴村 Takanomura village near 三春 Miharu. A man named 杵阿弥 Kiami realized it was one of the wooden horses given by Enchin and out of piety he carved the other 99 anew.
Three years later, the one horse became missing. The family of Kiami still preserves the memory of the wooden horses.
When they gave a horse to a family with an ill child, the child got well very soon. Now the horses are a kind of amulet for bringing up healthy children in Miharu.

People kept them as talismans for an easy birth of their horses.
They also build statues of a Kannon with a horsehead (Bato Kannon) at the entrance of their villages to protect their animals.

. Miharu koma 三春駒 horses from Miharu .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senningyoei #gyoeikoji #enchin #kiyomizu -


Sennin Kisen Hoshi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kisen Hooshi 窺詮法師 Kisen Hoshi

He is Nr. 12 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


Kisen 喜撰 / 喜撰法師 Kisen Hoshi

One of the Rokkasen 六歌仙 Six Immortal Waka Poets.

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Kisen (喜撰) also known as Kisen Hōshi (喜撰法師)
was an early Heian period Buddhist monk (僧 sō) and poet.
Little is known about his life other than that he lived in Ujiyama.

When Ki no Tsurayuki wrote the Japanese preface (仮名序 kanajo) of the Kokinshū, he selected Kisen as one of the six poetic sages (六歌仙 rokkasen) whose work was to be considered as superior. Tsurayuki says the following to comment on Kisen's work.

ことばかすかにして 始め終り たしかならず
kotoba kasuka ni shite hajime wohari tashikanarazu.
The use of words is a delicate thing—from start to end it does not express the thing that actually is.

いはば、 秋の月を見るに、 暁の雲に あへるが ごとし
ihaba, aki no tsuki wo miruni, akatsuki no kumo ni aheru ga gotoshi.
That is to say, to speak of the autumn moon, one compares it to the clouds at dawn.

is sometimes said to be the author of the poetry collection waka sakushiki (倭歌作式) (also known as the kisen-shiki (喜撰式)), but it is probably apocryphal and created well after the end of the Heian period.

The following two eika (詠歌) of Kisen are the only poems that can be confidently traced back to him.

waga iho ha miyako no tatsumi shika zo sumu yo wo ujiyama to hito ha ifu nari
People say that I am a secluded hermit living in Ujiyama, but my hermitage is just to the southeast of the capital!
(Kokinshū 18:983; also in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu)

ki no ma yori miyuru ha tani no hotaru kamo isari ni ama no umi he yuku kamo
What I see through the trees seems to be the fireflies (蛍 hotaru) from the valley—or is that the luring fires (漁火 isaribi) of the fishermen as they head to the sea?
(Gyokuyōshū 400)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source :

Kisenyama 喜撰山 Mount Kisen - 91 m high
in Kyoto, UJi 京都府宇治市池尾南組
喜撰山ダム Kisenyama dam
a rockfill hydroelectric dam finished in 1970.


Kōmei Bijin Rokkasen (高名美人六家撰, "Renowned Beauties from the Six Best Houses")
is a series of ukiyo-e prints designed by the Japanese artist Utamaro and published in c. 1795–96. The subjects were well-known courtesans, geisha, and others associated with the Yoshiwara pleasure districts of Edo (modern Tokyo).
Fūryū Rokkasen (風流六歌撰, "Elegant Six Immortal Poets"),
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


歌舞伎「六歌仙容彩」 Kabuki
Narihira 業平(梅玉・魁春)
Kisen 喜撰 (菊五郎・芝雀)

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Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori 六歌仙容彩
The five-role hengemono "Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori" was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1831 at the Nakamuraza. It starred Nakamura Shikan II in the five roles of Sôjô Henjô, Ariwara no Narihira, Bun'ya no Yasuhide, Kisen and Ôtomo no Kuronushi. His stage partner in the role of Ono no Komachi was Iwai Kumesaburô II. The dance was divided into 5 sections :
"Henjô" (Gidayû), "Bun'ya" (Kiyomoto), "Narihira" (Nagauta), "Kisen" (Kiyomoto/Nagauta) and "Kuronushi" (Nagauta).
- - - - - Kisen
The scene changes to the Gion district of Kyôto, the only section of the dance performed in an outdoor setting. Kisen enters on the hanamichi. He is the chief priest of a local temple and he has escaped from his religious duties to come and admire the cherry blossoms. The gourd he carries, which contains sake, can be floated along a stream [2]. As Kisen admires the scenery, a serving girl named Okaji brings him tea. Kisen, who is enamoured of Komachi, is astonished when he realizes who she really is and, in his confusion, he spills the tea. Kisen then proceeds to flirt clumsily with her and she performs a short dance, alone, describing the uties of a teahouse waitress. Kisen then dances a well-known chobokure based upon the antics of wandering beggar-priests who, waving a short staff with metal rings, would beg for alms outside people's homes by reciting Buddhist scriptures, performing comic dances and telling funny stories. Monks from Kisen's temple then come in search of Kisen and they perform a sumiyoshi odori. Kisen then dances again, a cloth on his head in imitation of a maid at a roadside inn trying to attract customers. The dance ends with Kisen posing under a large parasol, the chorus warning of the divine retribution in store for priests who break their vow of chastity.

source :

The actor Sawamura Chôjûrô V (top/right, top/left, bottom/right, bottom/center, bottom/left) playing the roles of Sôjô Henjô, Ariwara no Narihira, Bun'ya no Yasuhide, Kisen and Ôtomo no Kuronushi, with Onoe Baikô IV (top/center) playing the role of Ono no Komachi, in the dance "Rokkasen Koko-ni Kanagaki", which was staged in the 8th lunar month of 1851 at the Kawarazakiza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)
- source : -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


- Rokkasen 六歌仙 6 Immortal Waka poets

source :

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The Rokkasen (六歌仙, "six poetry immortals") are six Japanese poets of the mid-ninth century who were named by Ki no Tsurayuki in the kana and mana prefaces to the poetry anthology Kokin wakashū (c. 905–14) as notable poets of the generation before its compilers.
... There are numerous phrases that show the conceptualization of these six as a cohesive group, but the term "Rokkasen" first appeared in an early Kamakura-period commentary on Kokin wakashū,
titled Sanryūshō 三流抄.

僧正遍昭 Sōjō Henjō, 17 poems
在原業平 Ariwara no Narihira, 30 poems
文屋康秀 Funya no Yasuhide, 1 poem
喜撰法師 Kisen Hōshi, 1 poem
小野小町 Ono no Komachi, 18 poems
大友黒主 Ōtomo no Kuronushi, 3 poems

The concept of the rokkasen had a lasting legacy on poetic scholarship both in the pre-modern and modern periods....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Kisen Hoshi hotaru no uta mo yomarekeri

Kisen Hoshi
has also written a poem
about fireflies . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

山口素堂 Yamaguchi Sodo

. kigo - hotaru 蛍 firefly .


喜撰山入道雲の頭出て Kisenyama


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkisen #kisenhoshi


Sennin Gotenbayashi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Gotenbayashi Sennin 御殿林仙人

He is mentioned in the second volume of
. 本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden .

He lived in 信濃国更科郡御殿林 Shinano no Kuni, Sarashina district, Gotenbayashi (now 長野県 Nagano)

He was born in 上野国 Kozuke no Kuni (now Gunma).
He is first mentioned in 1875. He was first seen in 六月(みなづき)村 Minatsuki mura by a farmer, named 信平(しんべい) Shinbei.
Shinbei saw a rather tall man who was looking for a horse to help with his farming. To pay for the horse the man gave Shinbei a medicine and said:
"Dear man, if you eat this you will never get ill until you die."
He gave the man the fruit of a tree named komoshii コモシイ.
The tall man said that he was 神仙にも天狗にもあらず neither a Shinsen nor a Tengu.
He had left the world of dust behind him and lived in the mountain, not counting the years he had been there.


There is a famous Gotenbayashi Forest in Yamagata.
Kiyokawa, Shonai Town, Higashitagawa-gun, Yamagata / 山形県東田川郡庄内町清川


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Gotenbayashi Forest
The forest is the battleground where the Shonai Clan and the new government army fought in the Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces. Today, there is a walking path.
In 1893, the poet, Masaoka Shiki visited and composed a poem about cicadas.
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蜩(ひぐらし)の 二十五年も 昔かな
higurashi no nijuugo nen mo mukashi kana

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 (1867 - 1902) .

higurashi 蜩 evening cicada, Tanna japonensis
. hatsu higurashi 初蜩 first Higurashi .
- kigo for mid-summer -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senningotenbayashi #gotenbayashi -


Sennin Glossary

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Glossary about the Sennin

- reference source : kotobank dictionary -

せん【仙】 sen
1 仙人。
2 仙人の術。仙術。
3 仙人の住む所。
1 山中で修行して不老不死の術を修めた人。「仙境・仙骨・仙術・仙女(せんにょ・せんじょ)・仙人/神仙・謫仙(たくせん)・登仙」
2 世俗にとらわれない人。非凡な才能を持つ人。「歌仙・詩仙・酒仙」


jintsuuriki じんつう‐りき / 神通力 supernatural powers, divine power

senjutsu せんじゅつ【仙術】 techniques of a Sennin, wizardry

senkai 仙界 same as senkyoo


senkaku 仙客 / センカク
1 仙人。same as sennin
2 鶴の別名。 another name for crane
3 Cyclamen persicum


senkotsu せんこつ【仙骨/薦骨】

senkyoo 仙境/仙郷 realm of the Sennin

sennin 仙人/僊人 / センニン
1 俗界を離れて山中に住み、不老不死で、飛翔(ひしょう)できるなどの神通力をもつといわれる人。道教で、理想とされる神的存在。仙。神仙。仙客。
2 無欲で世事に疎い人。

senpoo 仙方 / センポウ
same as senjutsu

senshi 仙椎 sacral region of the human spine, os sacrum

shinsen 神仙 【しんせん】immortals
1 不老不死で、神通力をもつ人。仙人。「―譚(たん)」
2 (神仙)shinzen《「しんぜん」とも》日本音楽の十二律の一。基音の壱越(いちこつ)より一〇律高い音で、中国の十二律の無射(ぶえき)、洋楽のハ音にあたる。

shinsenden 神仙伝 legends about immortals

shinsendoo 神仙道 Shinsendo "the way to gain longevity"

shinsen shisoo 神仙思想 cult of immortality

takusen たくせん 【謫仙】 Sennin driven out of the Sennin realm

toosen とうせん 【登仙】 Sennin going to paradise
1 天に登って仙人となること。また、仙人。「羽化登仙」same as uka toosen
2 貴人、特に天子を敬って、その死をいう語。〈運歩色葉〉

ukatoosen, uka toosen うかとうせん 【羽化登仙】
1 Sennin growing wings (and flying to paradise)
A Sense of Release (As if One had Wings and were Riding on Air.)
2 Being nicely drunk.

source : 島添酒販
米焼酎 Schnaps, Shochu /Shiga 佐賀県唐津市


- quote -
Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death, unending existence.
It is repeatedly stated in Lüshi Chunqiu that death is unavoidable.
Henri Maspero noted that many scholarly works frame Taoism as a school of thought focused on the quest for immortality.
- More in the Wikipedia - -


Taoist Tosen Immortal, China


. The Elixir of Life and Immortality .
Sennin no tabemono 仙人の食べ物 Food of the Sennin


National Diet Library 国立国会図書館
本朝神仙記伝. 上之巻
- reference source : -

本朝神仙記伝. 下之巻
- reference source : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninglossary #glossarysennin #senninvocabulary -