
Otoragitsune fox legends

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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Yamazumisama - see below
O-Inu sama, Oinusama - see below


Otoragitsune, O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 / オトラギツネ Legends about the Fox named Tora (Tiger)
おとら狐 / オトラギツネ

. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .
- Introduction -

source : anaguma.moo.jp/blog

Otoragitsune no hanashi お寅狐の話
Tōkyō : Genbunsha, Taishō 9 [1920]), by 早川孝太郎 Hayagawa Kōtarō


This is a fox Yokai from 愛知県 Aichi prefecture.

The fox was the messenger of the Inari Fox Shrine at the Nagashino Castle, 長篠城の稲荷社. The fox had lost his "home" at the shrine and was now wandering around, causing trouble.
Otoragitsune bewitches people and causes a lot of trouble and harm. The first to have been bewitched was a young woman called "O-Tora", hence the name.
People often loose their eyesight on one eye or begin to limp on the left food. This is because the fox was hurt by bullets during the Battle of Nagashino. When he lay down to rest after his eye was hurt, another soldier came close and shot him in the left leg.
Many bewitched people can also suddenly tell stories about this battle.
Another shrine has later been built in the compound of temple 大通寺 Daitsu-Ji in 新城市 Shinshiro, Aichi.

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hemulen_civa

Nagashino Inari Shrine 長篠稲荷 at Daitsu-Ji


- quote -
The Battle of Nagashino (長篠の戦い Nagashino no Tatakai) took place in 1575 near Nagashino Castle on the plain of Shitaragahara in the Mikawa province of Japan (now Aichi).
Forces under Takeda Katsuyori had besieged the castle since the 17 June; Okudaira Sadamasa, a Tokugawa vassal, commanded the defending force. The Takeda forces attacked the castle because it threatened Takeda's supply lines.
Both Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga sent troops to assist Okudaira Sadamasa and break the siege, and their combined forces defeated Takeda Katsuyori. Nobunaga's skillful use of firearms to defeat Takeda's cavalry tactics is often cited as a turning point in Japanese warfare; many cite it as the first 'modern' Japanese battle. In fact, the cavalry charge had been introduced only a generation earlier by Katsuyori's father, Takeda Shingen. Furthermore, firearms had already been used in other battles. Oda Nobunaga's innovation was the wooden stockades and rotating volleys of fire which led to a decisive victory at Nagashino.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- LINK to many ema 絵馬 votive tablets with O-Toragitsune:
- source : youkaiodaie.blog.fc2.com -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

........................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .............................................................

There are many reports of people being bewitched by this fox.

A young person got bewitched by this fox. After about two years he came back to his normal safe. Then he went to Ise and became a boatsman.
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An old man got bewitched. He had no teeth but he begun to eat raw fish, putting the fish head into his mouth and biting as fast as he could.
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A granddaughter went to the mountain to get firewood. When she came back, O-Toragitsune followed her. He had bewitched her grandmother.
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Another grandmother was bewitched. Every night a dog 牡犬 came to her home, but she was afraid of it. One day before she died, although she had been bedridden for about one year, she suddenly got up and dances like wild the whole night - and then died in peace.
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One day in the morning the rooster was attacked by a fox. It was in fact the grandmother of the family, who had been bewitched by this fox.
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A woman was recovering from an operation, but then got bewitched by this fox and tried to eat her faeces. A mountain priest was called to perform an exorcism for her, but it did have no effect. She died a short while later.

東加茂郡 Higashikamo district 下山村

This fox オトラ狐 had lost one eye by a stray bullet in the battle.
A person with bad eyesight is said to have been cursed by オトラサン "Otora San", "the honorable Tora fox".
The curse stays in some families for a long time.

........................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .............................................................

In this area, there are many stories about people being bewitched by special fox, the
When he heard the sound of guns during the Battle of Sekigahara, he run away and became lame on one leg. People who are bewitched by this fox become lame, but also begin to talk about war strategy.

. The Battle of Sekigahara 関ヶ原の戦い .

This seems a mix-up with the name of the battle of Nagashino,
Nagashino Shitaragahara 長篠設楽原 (ながしの したらがはら).

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
オトラギツネ / 山住様


Yamazumisama 山住様 /ヤマズミサマ "Deity living in the mountains"

If someone is bewitched by Otoragitsune, people call for an 陰陽師 Onmyo-Shi Yin-Yang Master or a 修験者 Shugendo priest to perform exorcism rituals.
If this does not help, they have to go deep into the mountains of 秋葉山 Akibasan and call Yamazumisama for help. He has a helper, the sacred 山犬 Mountain Wolf and is also called
Oinusama 御犬様 O-Inusama, "Honorable Wolf Deity".

Yamazumi Jinja 山住神社 in Hamamatsu

- - - - - Deities in residence
大山積命 Oyamatsumi no Mikoto - オオヤマツミ(大山積神、大山津見神、大山祇神)
- Deity of the Mountains
事解男命 Kotosakao no Mikoto
伊邪冊命 Izanami no Mikoto
速玉男命 Hayatamao no Mikoto

- quote -
Yamazumi Shrine is a shrine with a long history of Wolf Worship.
It is said that the shrine was founded in 709, when Oyamazu no Kami, or generally called Yamazumi Daigongen, was invited here from Iyo province (present-day Matsuyama Pref.). Enshrined together are Kotosakao no Mikoto, Izanami no Mikoto and Hayatamao no Mikoto.
Yamazumi Shrine is famous for its wolf cult. When Tokugawa Ieyasu took refuge in a mountain to escape from the attack of the Takeda clan, the mountain suddenly began to quake and he heard great roaring of a wolf, which drove away the enemy. Because of this, it is said, Ieyasu paid great respect for this shrine.
Around 1700, Yamazumi Daizennosuke, the chief priest of this shrine, planted 360,000 cedar and zelkova trees in as long as 40 years to improve the rough mountain. Now Mt. Yamazumi is full of fine trees. In the precinct are two sacred cedar trees, which are over 1,200 years old.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -

Yamazumi, Mizukubo-cho, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka
- reference : wikipedia -

. ookami 狼, yamainu 山犬 Okami, wolf legends .
yamainu 豺 "mountain dog" Wolf

........................................................... Nagano 長野県 .............................................................
飯田市 Handa town

クダショ Kudasho Fox
A person bewitched by Kudasho begins to sigh and moan in a loud voice day and night. He might also not be able to get up any more and tremble all over.
In a lighter case a simple exorcism might be helpful. In a difficult case, they have to call Yamazumisama to do the rituals. He brings a special shinsatsu 神札 "talisman of God" and calls on Oinusama to help. When the Wolf appears, the fox has to run away fast and the person is healed.

........................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .............................................................
磐田郡 Iwata district

クダショー Kudashoo Fox and Oinusama お犬様
When people get a high fever, stomach ache and begin to mumble in fever, they are bewitched by this fox. They need some exorcism to get healed. Yamazumisama changes his form into the wolf お犬様 Oinusama for the exorcism. But people who take part in this ritual are not allowed to look back at him.
Some say Kudasho is like a weasel (イタチ itachi) wit white hair.
If a family gets a bride from a family with Kudasho experience, this new family home will prosper soon.


a small sub-shrine in the village of Oshide
- reference : mis.janis.or.jp/~takao424


kudashoo クダショー, kudasho クダショ "Pipe Fox"

- quote -
Mythology and Folklore - Kudakitsune:
In the area is also known as kudasho and it seems that some people saw a cat capture it.
It had black fur and they say it looked like a marmot.
- source : mugetsu.silverblood.net

. kudagitsune, kudakitsune クダ狐 / 管狐 "Pipe-Fox" .
- Introduction -


Oinusama 御犬様 O-Inusama, "Honorable Wolf Deity"

. Tokyo - Legend .
25 お犬様
03 オイヌ様 / 03 オイヌさま // 06 御犬様 - to explore


. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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