
kaminari thunder legends

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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Lightning

. kaminari, rai 雷 / raiden 雷電 thunder and lightning .
- Introduction -

raijin 雷神 God of Thunder
raiko 雷鼓 drum of the God of Thunder

. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder and Lightning .

In Japanese, the voice of this angry deity is represented as
GOROGORO sama ゴロゴロ様 .

The word kaminari seems to be derived from the meaning:
the gods are sounding, kami ga naru 神が鳴る / naru kami 鳴神

雷, if we look at the Chinese character for the word, means to have rain on the fields, so this is an expression for the deity that helps watering the rice paddies.

kami ... can also be interpreted as Kami san, the wife of the farmer, who wakes him up early in the morning and makes him work hard in the fields to feed the family. If she roars with her angry voice (kami ga naru), then the farmer had better work hard!

source : facebook
raisama らいさま "Honorable Thunder Man"

raikoo 雷光 thunder and flash of lightning

. raijuu Raijū 雷獣 Raiju Thunder Beast Yokai Legends .

At temple Kennin-Ji

. Narukami Shonin 鳴神上人 Saint Narukami and Fudo Myo-O .
Kabuki : Narukami Fudo Kitayama-Zakura 雷神不動北山桜

雷さま, カミナリサマ Mister Kaminari Sama
稲妻さま,イナヅマサマ Missus Inazuma Sama

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

Many legends are related to the Dragon deity and rain, which often comes together with a thunderstorm.

source : ac.auone-net.jp/~cockpit


.......................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 ............................

source : yu on facebook
篠栗- 南蔵院 Nanzo-In


.......................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 ............................
佐波郡 Sawa district

There is a ritual called nawa no goshinji ナワノゴシンジ "Ritual of the rope".
Once upon a time, the farmers were having a hard time with wind storms and thunder, so the priest decided to have 21 days and nights of prayers in the temple hall. When he came out of the hall after 21 days, there was an oni 鬼 demon saying: "I was the one who caused all the trouble with bad weather!"
So the priest took the devil and tore out its horns, throwing them high in the air. One flew off to the next village, one flew of to the shrine
角折神社 Tsunoori Jinja (Tsuno-ori) "Shrine of the Broken Horn", now in Saitama.
Since then, the farmers held this ritual and could grow good crops.
There are other versions of this story, dating back to the year 862 and the ritual done with the approval of the Emperor. The priest tore the whole Oni to pieces and one of its arms was floating down a river, floating to 群馬県佐波郡玉村町の角渕.

Now people come here to pray for peace in the land and the family.
- Homepage of the Shrine (also read: Tsuno-ore)
- reference source : jinjajin.jp/modules/newdb-


.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ............................

When there is a strong thunderbolt, if people act careless, they will draw the anger of Mister Thunder and his wife, 稲妻 Inazuma Lightning, and cut their legs or get other wounds.

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ............................
帯解町 Obitake

ryuu 竜 Ryu, Dragon
In the village pond lived a Dragon who ate peopoe, so they tried to drive it away. They lit a fire at the dam of the pond and tried to scare it, but the Dragon did not appear. A Samurai, who walked past, shot an arrow in the pond. The Dragon grabbed the Samurai and flew with him up to heaven. Eventually it begun 雷光 to thunder and flashes of lightning appeared.
Blood-red raindrops fell into the pond. Eventually the body of the dragon dropped into the pond, all torn with wounds.
The villagers collected the Dragon bones from the pond and made a statue of a Dragon.
The Samurai never appeared again. They say it was an incarnation of
. 春日明神 the Deity Kasuga Myojin. .

. Lightning and Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 Prince Shōtoku .

.......................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 ............................

. Kaminari in Toda city 戸田市 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
47 雷神 (00)
14 雷が鳴った (00)
14 雷電 (00)
58 雷鳴 (00)
42 雷雨 rai-u, thunder and rain
100 雷 (00)
17 稲妻 (00)
7 鳴神 / 鳴神餘響 Book / 鳴神社
雷光 ok /

"The Falling Thunder God"

. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho .
(1652 – 1724)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


図録 全国の神社信仰
- reference source : www2.ttcn.ne.jp/honkawa -


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  1. Legend from Kyoto 京都府 Fushimi 伏見区
    kaminari no doku 雷の毒 poison of the thunder
    Around 1780, there was a sudden thunderstorm and the farmers fled into a small hut near the field. A stroke of lightning hit the hut and almost all of the farmers died.
    There were only two who survived. But two months later they fell ill and died. People said this was the poison of the thunder that had killed them.

  2. Legend from Kyoto 京都府 Fushimi 伏見区
    raimei 雷鳴 sound of thunder
    Acording to the fishermen from Fushimi, when there is a thunder in the 11th lunar month, there will be a good fishing harvest in the next year.

  3. Legend from Hokkaido 北海道
    A legend from the アイヌ Ainu knows this:
    天の神 The Gods of Heaven had come together to look at the realm of humans. They found two houses and beautiful girls living there.
    Raijin 雷神 the God of Thunder saw them first and the other Kami pushed him to fall down to the earth. So both of these burned down. But two trees begun to grow:
    akadamo あかだも(チサキニ chisaniki)and
    ohyoo おひょう(アトニ atoni)
    The two two girls had been pregnant at their death and this was the result.

  4. Legend from Wakayama
    The heso 臍 navel of the God of Thunder had come out of the ground. It looked like 陶器質 a piece of pottery, its size that of the heart of a mullet.
    Parents often tell their children to be careful of their navels, because Kaminari's favorite food is a navel and he is coming to steal theirs.


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