
Yamaotoko legends mountain man monster

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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Yamaotoko 山男と伝説 Legends about the "Mountain Man"
"kindly giant of the hills"

by 竹原春泉 Takehara Shunsen

"Mountain Man" - a monster found in many parts of Japan.
He is usually half-naked and very hairy. He kidnappes people. If someone meets him in the forest and escapes, he usually gets ill. But gnerally the Mountain Man is a gentle monster, helps the woodworkers carry their loads in exchange for some food.

He is a hero of the 絵本百物語.
Legends from 静岡県, 新潟県, 神奈川県,青森県
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA - 山男 !

Most probably identical with
. - Yamawaro, Yama-Waro やまわろ / ヤマワロ / 山童 "Child of the Mountain" .
- - - - - and his alter ego
Kappa 河童 "Child of the River"

- reference : yamaotoko yokai -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
上宝村 Kamitakara village

. bamboo shoot legends .
Once a man from the village went to the forest to dig for bamboo shoots, but he was captured by the "Mountain Man" and never came back.

............................................................................... Mie 三重県

Once upon a time
a man named 大西喜作 Onishi Kisaku met Yamaotoko while working in his fields and asked him for a bout of Sumo.
But then the cock of Yamanokami was crowing and Yamaokoko ran awai. Now there is a statue of Jizo venerated at this place.

. niwatori 鶏と伝説 Legends about the rooster, cock, chicken .

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village

. Yamaotoko chasing inoshishi 猪 a wild boar .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
56 山男 to explore (03)


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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1 comment:

  1. Legend from Shizuoka 賀茂郡 Kamo district 西伊豆町 Nishi-Izu town
    Upstream of the river 仁科川 Nishinagawa where was a man making charcoal. When he took a break to eat his food, a yamaotoko 山男 "mountain man" appeared and stretched out his huge hand asking for food. The man placed some steaming-hot rice on the hand and the mountain man run away in great pain.
    After that the mountain man became crazy, lost his mind and jumped into the river to his death.
    In memory of this event the villagers perform 人形三番叟 a ningyo Sanbaso.


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