
kitoshi shaman legends

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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

kitooshi, kitōshi 祈祷師と伝説 Kitoshi, Legends about Shamans

江戸時代の祈とう師 Kitoshi exorcist in the Edo period

- - - - - kitooshi can be translated in many ways:
Shaman, exorcist, faith healer, spirit medium, diviner, spiritual healer

. yorigitoo 憑祈祷 / 憑り祈祷 exorcistic 祈祷 Kito rituals .
The act of communicating or channeling spirits in special rituals.


- quote -
Kitō are magico-religious invocations of the powers of a wide range of Shintō and Buddhist deities in hope of divine favor or protection. The ritual is also referred to as kinen, kigan, or kisei ; it also shares the same meaning as inori and nomi.
In ancient times, invocations and offerings were made to shrines to request safety, good weather, and bountiful harvests throughout the realm. Invocations of such highly public nature formed the original purpose of Shintō worship.
On the other hand, invocations made for the private benefit of individuals (shikitō and shikigan) are thought to have derived from "yin-yang exorcism" (onmyō harai) rites by ying-yang diviners (onmyōji ) in the mid-Heian period.
The integration of such rituals into the Shintō faith in the late Heian period has been attributed to the activities of invocation ritualists (okitōshi, o-kitōshi), who are precursors of the medieval oshi. Moreover, influenced by the practice of reaching empowerment through ritual union with the deity (kajikitō) of esoteric Buddhism and by yin-yang exorcism rites, Yoshida Shintō adapted the esoteric Buddhist goma rite and created the "Shintō goma", the "elemental Shinto ceremony" (sōgen gyōji), and a wide variety of other prayer rituals.
At present, shrine priests (shinshoku) conduct shikitō and shikigan invocations for diverse aims, such as easy childbirth, recovery from illness, longevity, and the prosperity of descendants.
Invocation rituals that are personally performed by individuals, without the intervention of shinshoku, are popular, including the "100 pilgrimages" (hyakudo mōde; see ohyakudo), the "1,000 shrine pilgrimage" (senja mōde, see also senja fuda), and "temporary seclusion at a shrine for making an invocation" (sanrō ).
- source : Shimazu Norifumi, Kokugakuin 2007 -


. kitoo 祈祷 is often translated as "prayer" .
and some kigo for Haiku are related to it.
In Japan, official prayers at shrines or temples are often accompanied by ritual dance and other ceremonies.
kitoo-gitsune 祈祷狐 prayer to the Inari Fox deity (kitsune)
kitsune mai 狐舞 fox dance
inariyama no shirogitsune 稲荷山の白狐 the white fox from Inari mountain


. Yamanokami and Shaman legends .
- a long list

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
北房町 Hokubo

kishiojin キシオジン / キシオヂン / きしおじん Kishio-Jin, Kishibojin
Once on the day of 庚申 Koshin the child of a certain family did not come home at night. Three days (months) later they found some of her cloths and some hair at an old temple near 古坊 Furubo. They showed them to カンパラ(祈祷師), Ganbara, a diviner at Soja. He found that キシオジン Kishiojin (the name of the deity in the local dialect) had taken her away.
The house of her family was built along a road where the Tengu pass.
(Other sources say a キシオジンの通り筋 road where Kishiojin passes.)
Also called Kishiojin-suji キシオジン筋.

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
飯島町 Iijima

kuda くだ Kuda (Yokai fox-like animal)
Kuda, a green bamboo tube where cooked rice is kept. When people hit it, the KUDA comes out and the family where this happens will become rich and have a lot of silk worms.
A home with many KUDA is blessed, but if there are too much, they will eat too much and eventually the family will become poor and its members become ill.
So the family has to call for an exorcist 祈祷師, a Shinto priest, and have rituals performed.
. kudagitsune 管狐 Fox Kuda Yokai, living in bamboo tubes .

下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 辰野町 Tatsuno

. Yamanokami is also called "Kitoshi" .

............................................................................... Nagasaki

. Gaappa ガーッパ The Kappa of Nagasaki 長崎県 .
In some very rural areas there are some kind of 祈祷師 exorcists for the Kappa, Gaappa, ガーッパおとしの神さん Gaappa otoshi no kami san. They can remove a Gaappa if he possesses a human by beating the Shaman drum, swinging the ritual wand 御幣 and chanting exorcist Sutras.

............................................................................... Oita 大分県
佐伯市 Saiki town

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
134 祈祷師 to explore
373 祈とう師 to collect


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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  1. Legend from Nagano, 飯田市 Iida city // 山住様 Yamazumi Sama
    . kudashoo クダショー, kudasho クダショ Kudasho Fox .
    A person bewitched by a Kudasho Fox can be calling in a loud voise or keep talking all night.
    He might also get up and shake his hands all night.
    A simple case can by cured by kitoo 祈祷 a Shamanistic Kito ritual.
    A severe case needs to go to the Shrine of Mitsumine Sama and get a paper amulet from 山住様 Yamazumi Sama to place at the entrance.
    Soon a Yamainu will come and chase the Kudasho Fox away.

  2. Legend from Nagano
    Sometimes a mujina ムジナ Tanuki bewitches a human.
    In that case people go to kitooshi 祈祷師 a Shamen for exorcism
    or they go to 神宮寺 the Temple Jingo-Ji for kitoo 祈とう a special ritual.


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