
Hebigami snake deity

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Snake legends - hebi, kuchinawa daija, orochi .

Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity

Ikegami 池神 Snake "Deity of the Pond"
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"

source : plala.or.jp/sinsi/07sinsi

Hebigami 蛇神 Snake Deity at a dragon Shrine in Osaka
- with two heads in the 阿吽 A-Un formation, one mouth open, one closed.
大阪市東成区中本4丁目2-48 / Nakamoto, Higashinari-ku,


- quote -
Hebigami (蛇神; snake god), Tobyo or Tonbogami.
As you can see by the name, these snakes were not typical snakes, but where thought to be snake gods with the ability to possess humans.

In many descriptions they do not even resemble snakes, but are more like great earthworms.
to be bewitched by a snake - hebi-tsuki
- source : hyakumonogatari.com -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town

. 明神 the Myojin Deity living in Utsumi .

.......................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 ......................................
多野郡 Tano district 上野村 Ueno village

. Mangyoo 満行 / 万行和尚 Priest Mangyo .
and jashin 蛇神 the Serpent Deity

.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................
花巻市 Hanamaki city

. kechimyaku 血脈 lineage chart .
r />

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 Legends .
and shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
49 to collect (04)
17 ヘビガミ 志摩市 OK


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #hebigami #snakegod #serpentgod #jashin -



1 comment:

  1. Kagawa 香川県
    shiro mamushi 白蝮 white viper
    This animal is also called オハッスン Ohassun.
    It is the messenger of the deity and thus never hunted.


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