. ABC List of Contents - Heian .
ABC List of Contents - Nara Period (710 to 794) 奈良時代
. Books about the Nara Period .
five-volume translation of Shoku Nihongi 続日本紀, 749-770
by Ross Bender
The Shoku Nihongi is an imperially commissioned Japanese history text. Completed in 797.
Volume 1 - The Edicts of the Last Empress, 749-770
Volume 2 - Nara Japan, 749-757:
A Study and Translation of Shoku Nihongi, Tenpyō Shōhō 1 – Tenpyō Hōji 1
... translation iof this segment of Shoku Nihongi, the official court chronicle of Japan’s eighth century. It includes Emperor Shōmu’s declaration before Rushana Buddha at Tōdaiji, Shōmu’s abdication and the accession of Empress Kōken, Hachiman’s entry into Nara, the death of Emperor Shōmu, and the suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro conspiracy.
at amazon com
Nara Japan, 764-766:
A Study and Translation of Shoku Nihongi, Tenpyō Hōji 8 -- Tenpyō Jingo 2
. Persons of the Nara Period .
奈良時代の人物一覧 - List of the Emperors and Empresses
. 元明天皇……第43代天皇。Empress Genmei (661 - 721) .
元正天皇……第44代天皇。Empress Gensho (680 - 748)
聖武天皇……第45代天皇。Emperor Shomu (701 - 756)
- - - Moat Discovered in Japan Could Be Ancient Burial Mound (with portrait of Shomu)
- - - - source : www.newhistorian.com -
孝謙天皇……第46代天皇。Empress Koken (718 - 770) - first time
淳仁天皇……第47代天皇。Emperor Junnin (773 - 765)
称徳天皇……第48代天皇。Empress Koken (718 - 770) - second time
光仁天皇……第49代天皇。Emperor Konin (709 - 782)
桓武天皇……第50代天皇。Emperor Kanmu (737 - 806)
- source : wikipedia -
. Shrines of the Nara Period 神社 .
. Kasuga Taisha 春日大社 .
. Temples of the Nara Period 寺 .
. Toodaiji 東大寺 Todai-Ji and the Daibutsu 大仏 . *
- - - - - Keywords, terms, specialities - - - - -
. janjanbi じゃんじゃん火 / ジャンジャン火 Janjan fire legends .
. koma 独楽 spinning tops .
introduced in the Nara period via Goguryeo 高句麗 Goryeo (called Koma in Japanese).
. mingei 民芸 Nara Folk Art - 奈良県 .
. Persia and Nara 奈良時代 / ペルシャ人役人存在 .
New findings in October 2016
. Shoosooin, Shōsōin 正倉院 Shoso-In treasure house .
belongs to Tōdai-ji, Nara.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #naraabclist #narajidai #narabooks #narareference #naralinks -
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