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ABC List Contents

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


ABC List of Contents - Heian Period (794 to 1185) 平安時代
- - - - - and the periods up to Heian

. Books about the Heian Period .

. Reference online .

. kojiki 古事記 Furukotofumi, the oldest chronicle in Japan .


source :

. Persons of the Heian Period .

. Shrines of the Heian Period 神社 .

. Temples of the Heian Period 寺 .

. Legends and tales 伝説 .


- - - - - Keywords, terms, specialities - - - - -

Anna 安和 era (968 - 970)
- source : wikipedia -
- - - - - . Anna Incident - Heian History .

. aoba no fue 青葉の笛 flute with green leaves .
flute of the monsters 鬼笛 onibue

Architecture in the Heian Period
James T. Ulak
In 784 the emperor Kammu (737–806) relocated the seat of government to Nagaoka. Nagaoka was marred by contention and assassination, however, rendering it an inauspicious location for the capital. Thus, in 794 a site to the east of Nagaoka on a plain sheltered on the west, north, and east by mountains and intersected by ample north-south rivers was judged appropriate by geomancers. Named Heian-kyō (“Capital of Peace and Tranquility”) and later known as Kyōto, this city was modeled on the grid pattern of the Tang Chinese capital at Chang’an. Heian-kyō remained the site of the imperial residence . . . (100 of 10,500 words)
- source : -

. Aristocrats in the Heian Period .

. Ashikaga Gakkoo 足利学校 Ashikaga Gakkō, The Ashikaga School,
The Ashikaga Academy and Ono no Takamura 小野篁 .

. Asuka Kiyomihara Palace 飛鳥 清見原 .

auspicious symbols
- matsukuware tsuru 松くわえ鶴 crane holding a pine branch

. awabi densetsu あわび アワビ 鰒 鮑伝説 abalone legends .

. Ban Dainagon Ekotoba 伴大納言絵詞 picture scroll about the fire of Otemon 大手門 .

. Bandits, Pirates, Robbers - Heian History .

. Binbogami 貧乏神, Kyuuki 窮鬼 Kyuki - God of Poverty .

. Buddhism in Heian Japan .
- - - - - . Developments in Buddhism .

Buddhist sculptors 仏師 busshi - Heian Era
定朝 Jōchō Busshi (Jocho), 円派 Enpa and 院派 Inpa School
Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 cliff carvings
Artwork of the new sects, Tendai 天台 and Shingon 真言.
- source : Mark Schumacher -

. bussokusekika 仏足石歌, "Buddha footprint poems" .

Cleveland Museum pieces
Art of Japan: Masterpieces from the Cleveland Museum of Art / Heian (14 results)
- source : -

Colors of the Heian period
. . . A glimpse of many shades of color at the neck, sleeve and hemline . . .
check : Fujiwara no Teika "Meigetsu-Ki" Bright Moon Diary
. Japanese Colors - Introduction .
- - - - - . The Traditional Colors of Japan / by Sarah W . *

. daidokoro, daibandokoro 台盤所 kitchen .

Daijō-kan, Dajō-kan, Daijookan 太政官 Great Council of State
three ministers— : Daijō-daijin (Chancellor), Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) and Udaijin (Minister of the Right)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Dazaifu 大宰府 regional government in Kyushu, "the distant capital"
from the 8th to the 12th centuries.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. dengaku mai 田楽舞 Dengaku dance .

. Echizen shikki 越前漆器 Echizen laquer ware .
In 527A.D., when the 26th emperor of Japan was young, he ordered a lacquerware craftsman in Echizen to repair his crown . . .

emaki 絵巻 picture scrolls - tba
Ban Dainagon ekotoba (The Tale of the Courtier Ban Dainagon)
Chōjū giga (Scroll of Frolicking Animals)
Genji Monogatari emaki (The Illustrated Tale of Genji)
Shigisan engi emaki (Legends of Mt. Shigi)
- - Emaki, narrative scrolls from Japan – Miyeko Murase
- - Critical Terms for Art History - Nelson, Shiff
- - The Practices of Painting in Japan - Quitman Phillips

. Food and Drink in the Heian Period .

. Fujiwara regency - Heian History .

. gangu 玩具, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys .
In the Heian period, it was called “mote (or mochi)- asobimono (mote or mochi means to hold in a hand, and asobimono means something to play with),” or it was referred to as simply “asobimono” in the Tale of Genji.

. Genji Monogatari 源氏物語 The Tale of Genji .
. . . . . Murasaki Shikibu

. Genpei War 源平戦争 - Heian History .
the Minamoto (源) and the Taira (平). The Heian Period ends with the Genpei War.

. gold and silver mines - kinzan 金山 ginzan 銀山 .

. Gold and Silver, Zipangu .

. goryoo, onryoo 御霊、怨霊 vengeful spirits .
Sudo Tenno 崇道天皇 and his son,
Iyo Shinno 伊予親王.
his mother, Fujiwara Fujin, 藤原婦人
Fujiwara Hirotsugu, 藤原広嗣
Tachibana Hayanari, 橘逸勢
Bunya no Miyata Maro 文室宮田麻呂
Kibi no Makibi 吉備真備
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真

. Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno Deity .

haiku about Heian 俳句と平安


. hamaya 破魔矢 and busha matsuri 歩射祭 or 奉射祭 .
- - - - - New Year ritual archery

. Hanami 花見 "Blossom viewing party" .

. haniwa はにわ【埴輪】“clay cylinder”clay figures .
- and the Hajibe 土師部 clan / mogari funeral rites もがり【殯】

. Hashihime, Hashi Hime 橋姫 / はし姫 "Princess of the Bridge" .
turning into a vengeful Oni demon


. Heian bijin 平安美人 a beauty of the Heian Period, Heian Beauty . *
- - - - - . Aristocrats in the Heian Period - beauty .
- - - - - . The Fair Face of Japanese Beauty
Cosmetics for Japanese Women from the Heian Period to Today.


Heianjo, Heian Jo 平安城 "The Castle of Heian"
平安城首 / 平安城尾 / 左 青竜 / 右 白虎 / 前 朱雀 / 後 玄武
『都名所図会』で京を巡る Kyo Meisho Zue - Illustrations of the famous places
. 都名所図会 Kyo Meisho Zue . *

Heian Kyoo 平安京 (literally "tranquility and peace capital") HeianKyo, Heian Kyo
was one of several former names for the city now known as Kyoto. It was the capital of Japan for over one thousand years, from 794 to 1868 with an interruption in 1180.
- Including Kadono District (Kadono-gun, Atago 愛宕郡) and Otagi District (Otagi-gun, 愛宕郡) of Yamashiro Province (Yamashiro no kuni, then 山背国)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - .The Ancient Capital Heian Kyo - by Parker .

. Heian matsuri 平安祭 Heian festival - Kyoto .
Jidai matsuri 時代祭 "Festival of the Ages" - October
- - - - - Heian Jinguu 平安神宮 Heian Jingu Shrine

. Heike densetsu 平家伝説 legends about the Heike clan .
The Tale of the Heike 平家物語 Heike Monogatari - 平 Taira - and more

. Heike tanuki 源平狸 papermache doll of a badger .
at Temple Yashima-Ji 屋島寺, Kagawa. The Tanuki believed that his former master was a prince of the Taira clan.

. hinomaru, hi no maru 日の丸 the Japanese Flag .
- - - - - Emperor Monmu used a flag representing the sun in his court in 701.

. hiragana 平仮名 ひらがな writing system .

. Hiraizumi 平泉 in Iwate, the Golden Hall .
Fujiwara no Kiyohira 藤原清衡 and the Hiraizumi Fujiwara clan

. History of the Heian Period .
. . . . . Heian History by dates
- source : #heianhistory -

. Hoogen no ran, Hôgen no ran  保元の乱 Hogen Disturbace - 1156 .

. ikiryō, shōryō, seirei, ikisudama 生霊 Ikiryo, "living ghost" .

Ima Kagami - Fujiwara no Tametsune

. imayoo, imayō 今様 Imayo, popular song, imayoo uta 今様歌 .
Imayo Awase: Song contest in the Heian period

. inbi no gohan 忌火の御飯 "rice on the memorial day" .

. Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 Tales of Ise .
. . . . . and Yatsuhashi 八橋

. ishinago 石子 / イシナゴ / いしなご / 石なご / 石投 / 擲石 toy stone pebbles .
いしなどり / 石な取り ishinadori / いしなごとり ishinagotori / 石投げ ishinage
saigi 賽木、伊勢の賽木(いせのさいぎ)wooden dice from Ise

. Jishin no Ran 壬申の乱 Jishin war - 672 .
Ōama no ōji 大海人皇子 Prince Oama - 天武天皇 Tenmu Tenno

. Kagerō Nikki 陽炎日記 / 蜻蛉日記 Kagero Nikki, The Kagero Diary .
- - - - - The Mayfly Diary, The Gossamer Years, by Michitsuna no Haha (ca. 935-95)

. kaiawase, kai-awase,kai awase 貝合; 貝合わせ shell-matching game .

. kanbun (kambun) 漢文 written Chinese, the official language *

. Kaneuri Kichiji 金売吉次 / 金売り吉次 / 吉次信高 / 橘次末春
Kichiji Nobutaka, Kitsuji Sueharu, Kane-uri Kichiji .

- legendary gold trader of the Heian Period

. kanju manju 干珠満珠 the tide jewels .

kanpaku 関白 Kampaku, regent
first secretary and regent who assists an adult emperor
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. kaoo, kaō 花押 Kao official signature .

. Kappa 河童 Water Goblin Legends of the Heian period .

. karuta, uta karuta 歌留多 Poetry card game .

. Kawara no In 河原院 Kawara-no-in - Kyoto .
official residence of 源融 Minamoto no Toru (822 - 895)

. kemari 蹴鞠 kick ball .

. Kimigayo 君が代 the Japanese Anthem .

kimono and fashion
- source : History-of-Kimono -
. juuni hitoe 十二単衣 12 layered court robe .

. Kinoshitagoma, 木ノ下駒 horse toy from Sendai .

kinri 禁裏 / 禁中 / 御所 living quarters of the emperor
- kinri sama 禁裏様 Emperor

Kin'yō Wakashū 金葉和歌集 Collection of Golden Leaves
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. kofun jidai 古墳時代 burial mound period - 250 to 538 .
- Introduction and legends -

Kokin Wakashū 古今和歌集 Waka poetry anthology
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kokushi 国司 Kuni no tsukasa, regional governor .
and the legal system, Ritsuryō 律令 Ritsuryo

Konjaku Monogatari 今昔物語, Konjaku Monogatarishū 今昔物語集 Anthology of Tales from the Past
collection of over one thousand tales written during the late Heian period (794-1185)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Korean heritage 韓国 Kankoku  朝鮮 Chosen - Korea .

. koyomi 暦 Japanese calendars .
introduced in the Joogan 貞観 Jogan period (859 - 877).

. Legends of the Heian Period .

. Literature of the Heian Period 平安時代の文学 .

Makimuku Kofun and Himiko 纒向古墳群 卑弥呼

Makura no Sōshi 枕草子 Makura no Soshi, The Pillow Book
. by Sei Shōnagon 清少納言 Sei Shonagon .

. Manyooshuu, Man'yōshū 万葉集 Manyoshu, Manyo-Shu
Poetry "Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves" .

. Map 平安京オーバレイマップ .

. Masakado's Rebellion - Heian History .
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – 940) .

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 in the footsteps of the Heian period .

. Medicine - Honzo Wamyo 本草和名 . *

. Modori-bashi, modoribashi 戻橋 / 戻り橋 'Returning Bridge' . - Kyoto

. mokkoogata, mokko no katachi 木瓜形 four-lobed pattern .
..... "quince pattern", originated in Tang dynasty as a motif on courtiers' clothes and was very popular in the Heian period

. Motives and Symbols in Art .

Narumi Gold Mine in Echigo since the Heian period

nengoo, nengō 年号 Nengo, "year name", era name
- reference source : wikipedia -

. Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki .
Ghostly Strange Records from Japan
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
by Kyookai 景戒 (きょうかい/けいかい) Kyokai - Keikai, priest of Yakushi-Ji in the Nara period

. norito 神詞 のりと Shinto chants, incantations and prayers .

. Nue - Yorimasa and the Nue monster (鵺, 鵼, 恠鳥, or 奴延鳥) .

. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu 小倉百人一首 Poetry Collection of 100 Poets .

. onmyoodoo 陰陽道 Onmyo-Do, The Way of Yin and Yang .
Abe no Seimei 安倍晴明 (921 – 1005)

. Onsen - Eight famous old Hot Springs 八古湯 and their legends .
- and other hot springs dating back to the Heian period

Ookagami, Ōkagami 大鏡 Okagami, The Great Mirror - historical tale
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. plum blossoms 梅花 loved in the Heian period.

. red and white 紅白 kohaku (koohaku) .
and the Battle of Dan-no-Ura 壇ノ浦の合戦

Romance - Forced Affection - Rape as the First Act of Romance in Heian Japan
- source : Stuart Iles -

Ryoounshuu, Ryōunshū 凌雲集 Ryounshu - kanshi poetry anthology
- source : wikipedia -

. samurai 侍 Samurai - servant .
In the early Heian period the word samurai meant servant and it had no military connotation and did not refer to a person of elite status.
. 4 The beginnings of the warrior (bushi) class - Heian History .
- - - - - . Rise of the military class .

. Sarutahiko densetsu 猿田彦伝説 Sarutahiko Legends .

. seko, haishi 背子 light robe or lover-friend .

Senzai Wakashū 千載和歌集 "Collection of a Thousand Years"
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

sesshoo, sesshō 摂政 regent
a title given to a regent who was named to assist either a child emperor before his coming of age, or an empress.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shika Wakashū 詞花和歌集 "Collection of Verbal Flowers"
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Shinsen Shōjiroku 新撰姓氏録 "New Selection and Record of Hereditary Titles and Family Names")
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

shooen, shōen 荘園 or 庄園 shoen system
. 2 The development of the shoen system - Heian History .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

sonsho darani, Sonshō darani - Holy and Virtuous Spell
Crown of the Victor Dharani / Bucho Sonsho Darani
darani 陀羅尼 spell against the monsters and demons that haunted the capital in the Heian period.

. soohei, sōhei 僧兵 Sohei, monk-warrior, monk-soldier .

. Sumitomo's Rebellion - Heian History .
Fujiwara no Sumitomo 藤原純友 (? - 941)
. . . . . provincial official and pirate, most famous for his efforts to establish a sort of pirate kingdom for himself in the Inland Sea region between 936 and 941.

. Suzakumon 朱雀門 Suzakumon (Shujakumon) Gate .

. Symbols and Art Motives .

. Taika Reform 大化の改新 Taika no Kaishin - 645 .
Emperor Kōtoku 孝徳天皇 Kotoku Tenno

. Takenouchi Monjo 竹内文書 Takenouchi Documents .
- Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 / 竹内宿禰 / 建内宿禰 - legendary statesman and Kami
Takeshiuchi no Sukune - Takeshi-Uchi // Takenouchi Skune, Takeuchi Sukune

. Taketori Monogatari 竹取物語 Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Kaguyahime かぐや姫) .

. temari 鞠(まり)- 手毬(てまり)hand ball, rag ball .

. “Time in Medieval Japan” - symposium 2018 .

. tomoe 巴(ともえ)Tomoe pattern .
This pattern first appeared in the Heian period . . .

. Tosa Nikki 土佐日記 Tosa Diary .
-. . . . . Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 (872-945)

. Tsunami 津波 History since 684 .

. Waka poetry and Buddhism  和歌と仏教 .

. Yamashiro 山城 .
“Yamashiro” was formerly written with the characters meaning “mountain” (山) and “area” (代); in the 7th century, there were things built listing the name of the province with the characters for “mountain” and “ridge”/“back” (山背国). On 4 December 794 (8 Shimotsuki, 13th year of Enryaku), at the time of the christening of Heian-kyō, because of the resultant scenic beauty when Emperor Kammu made his castle utilizing the natural surroundings, the shiro was finally changed to “castle” (山城国).

. yami - Heian no Yami 平安の闇 The Dark Side of the Heian Period .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters, ghosts, spooks .

. Yuge no Miya 弓削の宮 / 弓削宮 - Osaka .
and - Yugi no Miya 由義宮 and the temple 弓削寺 Yugedera


. Newsletter - Latest Additions .


- - - - - Nara 奈良 - - - - -

The Nara Period 奈良時代 Nara Jidai from 710 - 794

. ABC List of Contents - Nara Period 奈良時代 .


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Kurama Kyoto Legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Kurama 鞍馬と伝説 Legends about Mount Kurama

. Kurama Yama 鞍馬山 Mount Kurama in Kyoto .
- Introduction -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
西磐井郡 Nishi-Iwai district 平泉町 Hiraizumi town // 鞍馬東光坊
. Oni Santa Sennin 鬼三太仙人, 清悦 Seietsu .
Oni Santa, a name given to him by Kurama Tookooboo 鞍馬東光坊 Priest Toko-Bo from Mount Kurama, Kyoto.

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都

. Kurama soojoo 鞍馬僧正 a priest from Kurama .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
35 鞍馬 to explore
山城鞍馬の伝説 by 佐々木肅虎


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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sotoba grave marker legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

sotooba 卒塔婆 と伝説 Legends about Sotoba grave markers
sotoba ... Stupa / gorintoo, Gorintō 五輪塔 Gorinto stupa

. sotooba 卒塔婆 wooden grave marker, grave tablet .
- Introduction -
Sotoba 卒塔婆, ソトバ Japanese pronounciation for STUPA.
They are provided by the Buddhist temples who run the funerals.
Usually, the posthumous name is written on a sotoba, a separate wooden board on a stand behind or next to the grave.

On a traditional Japanese grave stone, these five elements are represented as
- - - - - gorin, the five layers, in the following order:
the earth layer (chirin 地輪), a square
the water layer (suirin 水輪), a spherical shape
the fire layer (karin 水輪), a triangular shape
the wind layer (fuurin 風輪, a half-moon shape
the space layer (fuurin 風輪), gem-shaped


. sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ と伝説 Legends about Sekito stone towers .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
平鹿郡 Hiraka district

At the entrance to the 平柳 Hirayanagi hamlet there was a huge tree.
They say it was a 卒塔婆 Sotoba they had planted there many years ago during a ritual for Ekijin 疫神 Yakubyogami, the deity of diseases.

. 疫病神 / 厄病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .

Akita 羽後町 Ugo town

shishida 獅子田 field for the lion head dancer
A traveling artist of the 獅子舞 lion dance had been killed in a fight.
The villagers made a grave for him and prayed, they also erected a grave marker. When the fields were re-arranged, the grave marker fell into a field, which became cursed by the killed lion dancer.

. shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance .

- - - - - - - - - - Ugo Kaido 羽後街道 Ugo Highway - - - - - - - - - -
broke off from Yoshioka 吉岡 leading to Iwadeyama 岩出山.
Uga town is on the on the Ogachi Plain 雄勝平野 Ogachi heiya, bordered by the Dewa mountain range 出羽山脈 Dewa sanmyaku to the West, and the Ōu Mountain range 奥羽山脈 Ou sanmyaku to the East.
The area of present-day Ugo town was part of ancient Ugo Province, dominated by the Satake clan during the Edo period, who ruled the Kubota Domain under the Tokugawa shogunate.

. Matsuo Basho travelling in the region. .

. Dewa Sendai Kaido 出羽仙台街道 .

. Onikobe Kaido 鬼首街道 Onikobe Highway - "Demon Head Highway" .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu city 河東町 Kawahigashi town

. mokusei gorintoo 木製五輪塔 Gorinto made from wood .
阿弥陀堂 at the Amida Do Hall.

Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town

yakata ni kunda sotoba 家形に組んだ塔婆 / ヤカタニクンダトウバ
In the year 1949, there was a place in the mountain forest where people had collected many Sotoba and put them up to look like a house.
This was a curse and one would get ill for a long time when doing this.

Fukushima 南相馬市 Minami-Soma city

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Around 1881, there was suddenly a large number of serpents at the temple 阿弥陀寺 Amida-Ji in 八沢村 Yasawa village. one was even as long as 3 meters, and it did not get out of the way when children came. The young priest told the main priest about it but was told that he should not chase the serpent away, the animal would always eat as it pleases. The young acolyte asked: "Bus what is it that it pleases?" "The raisin of tobacco", he was told as a joke by the priest.
The young acolyte offeres some tobacco raisin to the serpent, but it did not like it and hid in the shadow. The acolyte went back home to his temple and begun to clean the floor. Suddenly he felt a great pain in his stomach, as if a serpent had been rolled round him. The priest prayed to Amida for help and the pain stopped.
Then they built 八沢の蛇塚 a stone mound for the serpent in Yasawa.

Fukushima 二本松市 Nihonmatsu city - Motomiya

kamoishi, kamo-ishi 鴨石 "duck stone"
Once upon a time, a Samurai passed the swamp 伊佐沼 Isanuma and saw a male duck. He hit its head with an arrow. On his way back he saw a female duck and shot it too. When it fell down the Samurai saw that it was carrying the head of the male duck. The Samurai felt great pity and built a mound with a Sotoba on it, to pray for the appeasement of their souls.
There is now a memorial stone called the "Duck Stone" near the road to 貴船神社 the Shrine Kifune Jinja.

. oshidori オシドリ 鴛鴦と伝説 Legends about mandarin ducks .

......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県

sotoba ishi 卒塔婆石 Sotoba stone
Near the water at 大宮鐘楼 the bell tower of Omiya Shrine. There is also an ishidooroo 石灯篭 Ishidoro stone lantern.

. 石灯篭、石燈籠、石燈篭 Ishidoro, stone lantern .

......................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
A man who had been runin 流人 in exile took his three dogs and went hunting.
On the way the dogs suddenly bit the hunter in the legs to prevent him from going on, so he killed all three of them. There came a large serpent and ate the three heads of the dogs.
The man had been saved by his dogs after all, so he buried them and put three Sotoba markers on their grave.

......................................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
東村 Higashi village

toobada, tooba-da とうば田 field in the form of a Sotoba
There were five fields in the form of a Sotoba.
The family which had made these fields was cursed, some became ill, others went crazy.
Nobody dared to use these fields any more and they turned wild nature again.

......................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
金沢市 Kanazawa city

. ame 飴 sweets .
Once a woman died shortly before giving birth and her grave was made in the temple 道入寺 Donyu-Ji. From that day on every evening there came a woman to 飴屋 the sweet shop to buy sweets. The shop owner thought this strange and followed her. She disappeared near the Sotoba of a grave. When they dug open the next morning they found a baby licking sweets.
The priest of the temple took the baby, called it Doogen 道玄 Dogen and brought the boy up to become a merciful priest.
To always remember the good deed of his ghost mother, he went to the painter 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo and asked him to paint a hanging scroll of her ghost.

. Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo (1733 – 1795) .

A similar story is told at
. Temple Koogenji 光源寺 Kogen-Ji, Nagasaki .

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto city

yomigaeri 甦 / ヨミガエリ coming back to life
Around 940 priest 日蔵 Nichizo from 東寺 the temple To-Ji died, but he came back to life.
He had been to hell and seen a man in an iron cave sitting on red-hot ashes. The man said
"I am the son of 宇多 Emperor Uda, who had burned down Buddhist temples, and now I must suffer for his bad deeds.
To help me Uda should give me a proper burial and grave with a Sotoba marker."

Nichizoo 日蔵 Priest Nichizo (905 - 967)
A mountain ascet of the Shingen sect. He founded the temple 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji.
At the temple 鳳閣寺 Hokaku-Ji in Nara is a statue of the seated Nichizo.

......................................................................................... Mie 三重県
熊野市 Kumano city

sakatooba saka tooba 逆塔婆 upside-down Sotoba
When placing the Sotoba upside-down on the grave of a woman, a man who had an illegal relationship with her will die.
- - - - -
When placing a Sotoba upside-down on a grave and writes
shibari o kakeru シバリヲカケル(縄で縛る)"you are now bound"
there will be no ghost coming out of the grave any more.

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
Miyagi 香具郡 Kagu district 金山町 Kaneyama town

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a child was crying by the roadside. It had bought a saltes salmon with one eye, but the parents scolded it about this and had send it off to buy a fish with both eyes.
When it came back, the house was just a hole for a Sotoba.
The fox living nearby was afraid of the fish with one eye and had sent the child of.

Miyagi 白井市 Shiroi city 白川 Shirakawa

. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .
A farmer had a verb beautiful daughter.
When she was a baby, her mother had made her poop in the garden and as a joke told the dog of the house:
"If you eat this, I will give my daughter as a bride!"
When the daughter had grown up and men came to ask for her hand, the dog bit them all to death.
Now the mother remembered her joke of so many years ago and told her daughter about it.
The daughter begun to live with the dog in a nearby cave.
When the dog finally died, they put a 犬卒塔婆石 Sotoba memorial stone on the grave and prayed for its soul.

inu sotoba ishi 犬卒塔婆石 Sotoba memorial stone for a dog, in Shiroishi
These memorial stones for a pet have Y字の枝 forked branches stuck on them with the name and a prayer.
- reference and more photos : -

- - - - -

. inu sotoba ishi 犬卒塔婆石 the grave marker of a dog .
who helped Ono no Takamura 小野篁 (802 - 852) to chase away 大猪 a huge wild boar

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
西海市 Saikai city 西彼町 Seihi town

. Nichiren Shonin 日蓮上人 Saint Nichiren .
Saint ひでん上人 / 日伝上人 / 日傳上人 Hiden Shonin and Saint Nichiren had a match about praying for rain.
To make sure he would win, Hiden Shonin gave some poisoned rice cakes to Nichiren, but Nichiren did not eat them and gave them to a dog instead. The dog ran three and a half time around 銀杏 a gingko tree and then died.
Nichiren buried the dog near the tree and made a 卒塔婆 Sotoba marker like 杖 a pilgrim walking staff from the Gingko wood. He wrote the 法華経 Hokekyo Sutra on the marker.
He said in three and a-half years there would be a new sprout from the staff.
Since the staff had been planted upside down, the leaves also grew upside down.
The leaves are used to our day to prevent food poisoning.

. Hokekyo 法華経 / ホケキョウ Lotus Sutra Legends .

......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡市 Sado city

If a 塔婆 Sotoba falls down, there will be an accident on the sea in the direction where it fell.

......................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
久米郡 Kume district

If a person has been dead for 50 years, people erect a special mata soba 股塔婆 marker to celebrate that the person has become a Misaki deity.
They also place small stones around the grave.

. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
高島市 Takashima city

saka tooba 逆塔婆 upside-down Sotoba
(- there is also one in Mie, see above)
If a child is difficult to bring up, the family can place o Sotoba upside-down in the garden.

......................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
田方郡 Tagata district 函南町 Kannami town

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
furudanuki 古狸 old Tanuki
A wandering monk was giving a Buddhist lecture an the 毘沙門堂 Bishamondo hall.
There was a man listening, clutching a 卒塔婆 grave marker in his hand, but he did not understand it. On his way home when he passed 富士川 the river Fujikawa, a dog came and bit him. Now he revealed his real identity, he was an old Tanuki!>

. yugyoo shoonin 遊行上人 Yugyo Shonin, wandering monk .

......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県
徳島市 Tokushima city 佐古町 Sako town

Shinpachi Tanuki 新八狸 Tanuki Shinpachi / 庚申新八狸 Koshin Shinpachi
At the temple 天正寺 Tensho-Ji, the kamikuji 神籤 fortune slips were often lucky.
This was due to the power of the tanuki Shinpachi, who lived nearby.
Shinpachi had lived in the Koshin Valley. Nearby lived 北島藤蔵 Kitajima Fujikura, a retainer of the 峰須賀藩 Hachisuka domain, who was handling fire weapons.
One of the bullets had hit the home of Shinpachi and many of his friends had been killed. Since then Shinpachi had turned very angry.
He asked his Tanuki retainers to shape-shift into an old woman and women of about 20 years and go to the home of Kitajima and play tricks on his men.
Shinpachi himself made the road look like a river when the Lord Kitajima passed by. Shinpachi shape-shifted into a beautiful woman and walked under the same umbrella than Kitajima, but the umbrella was in fact 卒塔婆 a grave marker.
But in the end he killed Kitajima killed the Tanuki, who came back to life after three days.
Many people came to the temple Tensho-Ji to pay respect to the Tanuki.
But very few people came to the temple where Kitajima was buried.

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
西多摩郡 Nishi-Tama district

. Mount ミタマ山 Mitamayama, Ihaiyama 位牌山 .
This mountain is a
tatariyama, tatari yama 崇り山 cursed mountain .
Once a Hoin sama 法印様 was killed in a fire in 炭焼き小屋 a hut for making charcoal. Since then the mountain was cursed, its owner was cursed and all people who went there were cursed.
On the side of the mountain facing 峰畑 Minehata village there is now a place called
Tobayama 塔婆山 "Mountain with grave markers".
If people try to work on the fields around there, they will get ill and die.

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯郡 Saihaku district 中濱村 Nakahama village

. haibyoo 肺病と伝説 Haibyo, Legends about lung diseases .
If one burns the 塔婆 grave marker of a person who has died on the first of January and swallows the ashes, haibyo 肺病 diseases of the lung will be cured.

......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
米沢市 Yonezawa city

korori no yuurei コロリの幽霊 the ghost of cholera
In 1876, there was a cholera epidemic and many people died.
Near the place where they were buried, there lived an old man in a hut who kept koi 鯉 carp near the embankment.
One day coming back from feeding the carp, there stood an old woman near his hut. He had never seen the grandma and asked her where she came from.
From 米沢 Yonezawa, she answered. He walked a few steps and turned around, but the old woman was nowhere to be seen.
He thought she must have been the ghost of someone who had died from the choera, so he put a 塔婆 grave marker to appease her soul.

......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
光市 Hikari city 熊毛郡島田村 Kumage district, Shimada village

In Shimada village there was the grave of a certain person where people put up shikimi 樒 ritual branches and a Sotoba 卒塔婆 grave marker, but both were thrown away the next morning.
The daughter had a dream about this: Her mother told her not the put these things on the grave because they made too much noise.
Next morning the daughter went to the grave again and said to endure the noise for the usual 49 days after a death.
Since then, all kept quiet around the grave.

. The History of Cremation in Japan / J. M. W. Silver .
The period of mourning began at cremation and lasted 49 days, after which the spirit of the deceased was said to be with ancestral spirits.

. shikimi 樒 Skimmia, Illicium religiosum .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
卒塔婆 - 塔婆


. sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ と伝説 Legends about Sekito stone towers .

. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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- #sotoba #tobe #stupa #gravemarker #gorinto #tooroo #燈篭 #stonelantern #灯篭 -


Kokuzo Bosatsu legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Kokuzo 虚空蔵と伝説 Legends about Kokuzo Bosatsu
Akashagarbha Bodhisattva
Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Memory / "Mutterschoß des leeren Raums"

. Temple 虚空蔵寺 Kokuzo-Ji in Hamamatsu .
- Introduction of the Bosatsu -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県

. Chiyoko to kizamareta iwa チヨコと刻まれた岩 rock with the inscription "Chiyoko" .
Tengudani 天狗谷 the Tengu valley

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
伊達市 Date city / 虚空蔵堂

. 虚空蔵求聞持法 Kokuzo Gumonji Ho ritual .
Temple 求聞寺 Gumon-Ji / 虚空蔵山大満寺 Daiman-Ji /
Once a priest wanted to perform the Gumonji Ho ritual at 虚空蔵堂 the Kokuzo-Do hall and went into a retreat for 100 days.
In May when the stars come out in the Eastern Sky, he scooped ritual water from the river.
He saw a special star reflected in the hall, seeming to come to greet the statue of Kokuzo.

......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
郡上市の美並地区の粥川地区 Gujo, Minamimura, Kayugawa

. 藤原高光 Fujiwara no Takamitsu (c. 939 - 994) .
driving out the oni 鬼 demon at Mount 瓢ヶ岳 Fukubegatake (1,162m)

......................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
飫肥 Obi city

. 弁財天 Benzaiten, Benten and 虚空蔵 Kokuzo .

......................................................................................... Nara 奈良県
奈良市 Nara city

. Kumano Gongen and legends about mochi 餅 rice cakes .

......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
南蒲原郡 Minami-Kanbara district 下田村 Shitada village

. mamori honzon 守本尊 protector deity .
The mamori honzon 守本尊 protector deity of people born in the year of the bull is Kokuzo Bosatsu.

......................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
浅口郡 Asakuchi district, 里庄町 Satosho

Once there was a thunderbolt at 虚空蔵山 Mount Kokuzo-Yama. But Kokuzo Bosatsu caught the Raiju Yokai and told him "If you do that once again at this place, I will not let you go!"
Since that time, there has not been a thunderbolt any more.
The villagers were very pleased about it and now have a festival every year on January 13.
In other parts they also know that if you venerate Kokuzo Bosatsu, there will be no thunderbolt.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
27 虚空蔵 to explore (03)


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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Gero Onsen

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa
岐阜県下呂市森 Gifu

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
- Introduction -

The town has a history of over 1000 years,
and is regarded as being one of the “Top Three Hot Springs” in Japan along with Arima and Kusatsu Onsen.

From ancient days Gero Hot Springs were familiar to people for its bountifulness. One day the springs had been stopped because of a big earthquake. People were so sad. One day one egret swooped down on the Masuda River and stood for awhile. And the very next day he came the same place and stood there. Day after day he did the same thing! They wondered why, but look! There is a spring! They were so glad. The egret left the place and never came back again. They noticed that there was a statue of Yakushi-Nyorai. So they appreciate that the egret was the embodiment of Yakushi-Nyorai, who was pity for them and tell them the source of the Hot Springs.
- source : -


kaeru Jinja かえる神社 Frog Shrine

gero gero is the sound of a frog.
Therefore there are many items related to frogs in Gero town.

. kaeru カエル 蛙 お守り Frog Amulet - Frosch .


Onsenji 温泉寺 Onsen-ji
City, Yunoshima 680

Yakushi Nyorai

- quote -
A well-known Japanese legend originated from the Gero Hot Springs District.
In the Onsen-ji Temple, Bhaisajyaguru Yakushi Nyorai is enshrined, the Buddha of healing who is mentioned in legend. At the top of 173 stone steps, there is the main building of the temple. From the temple gate, you can enjoy sweeping views of the hot springs town and the Hida River.
- source : -

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : -

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing .


Zenshooji 禅昌寺 Zensho-ji

main statues
釈迦如来 / 観世音菩薩 / 薬師如来

photo : wikipedia - CLICK for more photos !

- quote -
This Zen temple was founded to enshrine Kuan-shih Yin, in the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) on the site where a high priest named Soto Keishin had built a hermitage during the Heian Period (794-1185).
Emperor Gonara designated this temple as one of the top ten temples of the nation, and ordered the temple to be a place of prayer. The garden created by Sowa Kanamori and “a large image of Bodhidharm” painted by Sesshu are worth seeing.
- source : -


- - - - Legends from Gero - - - - -

Hachiman Jinja 八幡神社  Hachimn Shrine

Once 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen painted an ema votive tablet of a horse. But the horse left the plate every night and devastated the fields. So eventually he painted some golden braidle to keep it in place.

. Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .

. Kano Eitoku 狩野 永徳 .
. Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu .
Artist name : Kohoogen, Kohōgen こほうげん (古法眼)
with more legends about his ema animal paintings.


. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro carpenter .


hihi ヒヒ baboon

In a cave lived a Hihi and asked for a village girl as an offering every year.
Once 悪源太義平 Akugenta Yoshihira (Minamoto no Yoshihira 源義平 (1141 - 1160) disguised himself as a girl and fought the monster with his sword 祖師野丸 Soshino Maru.
Later an officer from the a village nearby tried to steal this sword, but there was a flash of light from the house and everything began to move violently.

- quote -
Yoshihira was a Minamoto clan warrior who fought alongside his father, Minamoto no Yoshitomo, in the Heiji Rebellion.
His brothers were Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Noriyori and Yoritomo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Hihi (狒々, 狒狒. 比々) Baboon Monkey Monster .
Legend of Jutaro Iwami (Kanesuke Susukita) and Shippeitaro (Hayataro)

Soshino Hachimangu 祖師野八幡宮
This shrine is related to the legend.
Gero-shi 223, Kanayamacho soshino / 下呂市金山町祖師野字茅野223

- Homepage of the Shrine
- source : -

- - - - - Another legend about Akugenta (Akugenda Yoshihira) :

Once 難波三郎經房 Naniwa Saburo Tsunefusa had a dream where Akutgenta became a thunder.
On the next day, when Tsunefusa was with Kiyomori Nyudo it suddenly became cloudy and thunder rolled along. When he saw this he drew his sword and tried to hit a thunder cloud. Soon it was fine weather again. His sword had a mark of burning.

source : reference

悪源太義平 Akugenta Yoshihira no rei Namba Jirô o utsu
The vengeful spirit of Akugenda Yoshihira striking down his killer, Namba Jirô, at the Nunobiki waterfall

Kiyomori nyûdô Nunobiki no taki yûran 清盛入道布引滝遊覧


. gaaranbe ガーランベ Kappa .
金山下呂町 Kanayama Gero, three legends


kitsune 狐 fox

There was a family of doctors in Gero in the third generation. The first generation doctor once went to the forest, where he helped a fox that had hurt his leg when falling on a stone. He carried the fox home and treated the would carefully. Then he let the fox go back to the forest. To show his gratitude, the fox taught the doctor how to heal a broken bone. Therefore the family of this doctor is prosperous to our day.

. Legends about kitsune 狐 The fox .


Kooshin 庚申さん the Koshin Deity, Wild Deity

Once the Koshin Deity came down to earth. But with its three eyes and wild face, nobody dared to come out and greet him. Only a turtle 亀 came out to meet him.

. The Koshin Cult (kooshin 庚申, ka no e saru) .


nozuchi 野槌 snake, serpent / daija 大蛇 huge serpent

tsuchihebi, tsuchi hebi ツチヘビ is another name for nozuchi 野槌, a huge snake with almost no head or tail, looking like a huge hammer. This snake lives in the high mountain and sometimes comes rolling down noisily to the village to catch a human for food.

Once there was a fire near the forest office on mount 七宗山 Hichisozan. A huge serpent was fleeting along the road hastily and the weeds on the roadside were moving like waves. The remains of this descent are to bee seen still.

. tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 "hammerspawn" snake .

. - daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends - .


okuri ookami 送り狼 the wolf sending off workers

Once upon a time
when people were on their way home from working in the mountain forest, a wolf would follow them. The wolf had smelled the salty miso paste of their lunch and wanted some salt.
This is the "wolf sending off workers".


yamainu no ongaeshi 山犬の恩返し the gratitude of a wolf ("mountain dog")

Once upon a time

an old woman helped a wolf, who had a bone of a wild boar stuck in his mouth. Next morning she found a chain of gold 金の鎖 on her doorstep.

- and from Shirakawa 白川町
Once upon a time
a man helped a wolf, who had a bone stuck in his mouth. A few days later (next morning in other versions) he found a scroll on his doorstep, explaining the techniques of bone medicine. This was an act of gratitude by the wolf. (Similar to the kitsune fox above).
The man became a doctor and specialised in healing bones.

. ookami 狼 yama-inu 山犬 wolf legends .


clay bell from Gero Onsen 下呂温泉
like a princess Daruma

. Clay Bells どれい【土鈴】 dorei .


shoofuku boo 招福棒 stick to bring good luck
iwaibo 祝い棒 festival stick / bondeko ぼんでこ fertility stick

. Gifu Folk Art - 岐阜県  .


- Reference in Japanese -

- Reference in English -

- yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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