. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Typhoon legends - taifū, taifuu 台風 伝説 Taifun Legenden
kainan 海難 shipwrecked
Today, August 25, 2015, typhoon 15, GONI(コーニー)is blowing over Kyushu and close to my home.
A good time to check about typhoon legends . . .
Today, September 20, 2016, typhoon 16, MALAKAS(マラカス)is blowing South of Shikoku and close to my home.
Today, October 22, 2017, typhoon 21, LAN(ラン)is blowing close to my home, heading for Tokyo
Since a typhoon does bring a lot of rain, it is also associated with the Dragon Deity, ryuu 龍 - 竜 Ryu.

In Japan, typhoon is a season word for mid-autumn, mostly September when most of them hit the islands.
. taifuu 台風 typhoon, Taifun .
- Introduction -

風神 Fujin and Raijin 雷神 God of Thunder
. The Wind God, Fuujin 風神 Fujin、Fuuten 風天 Futen .
- Introduction -
. Fûjin 風神伝説 Legends about the God of Wind .
Kamaitachi 鎌鼬(かまいたち) "sickle weasel" biting cold wind Yokai
風神としての天狗 Tengu as God of the Wind
Tengu Kaze, Tengukaze 天狗風 Tengu Wind, a sudden gust
. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder .
. funadama, funatama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat .
Isewan typhoon 伊勢湾台風 Typhoon in the Isewan Bay - 1959
Typhoon Vera was an exceptionally intense tropical cyclone that struck Japan in September 1959,
becoming the strongest and deadliest typhoon on record to make landfall on the country.
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............................................................................ Saitama 埼玉県
大滝村 Otaki
At the time of the Isewan Typhoon, a strange light (kitsunebi 狐火) could be seen like playing hide and seek.
............................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
水口町 Minakuchi
Behind Shrine 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja is the Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 Dragon Forest.

There stood a huge sugi 杉 cedar tree which 6 people could hardly cover with their arms around it. A dragon lived in this tree. The tree was hit twice by lighting, and at the second time, the Dragon went back to heaven.
This special tree broke down during the Isewan Typhoon.
Nearby is a Ryuu-ga-ido 竜ヶ井戸 "Dragon Well" which is used for amagoi 雨乞い rain prayers.
Mie 三重県 - 志摩市 Ise Shima 大王町 Daio
. yonaki matsu よなき松 / 夜泣き松 "Pine crying at night" .
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
北都留郡 Kitatsuru
The Juunitenjin no hokora 十二天神の祠 small Shrine for the 12 Protector Deities had been moved during the construction of a dam. During the Isewan Typhoon the Shrine has been blown away and the gable amulet (munafuda 棟札) was lost. The villagers held a meeting about what to do now. At that night, 青柳光平 Aoyaki Mitsuhei had a dream about a serpent with one head and 12 bodies was winding around a human skull. The next day all went out looking and found the gable amulet. Now they could erect a new Shrine.
. Jûni Ten, Juni Ten 十二天 Happoo Ten 八方天 12 protector deities .
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
.................................................................. Aichi 愛知県 ....................................................................
犬山市 Inuyama 寺内町 Jinai
. goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Ryujin, Dragon God of five colors .
and the 老松 Old Pine.
南知多町 Minamichita
. ha no kamisama 歯の神様 Deity of Teeth. .
.................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県 ....................................................................
松山市 Matsuyama
kainan yoke 海難よけ peventing accidents at sea
During a typhoon or any other situation of danger at sea, it is best to show the white flag of 播州池田の観音様の白旗 the Kannon from Harima Ikeda.
But this flag helps only once.
An amulet from 金刀比羅様 Konpira in Shikoku is also helpful.
- HP of the temple 白旗観音寺 Shirahata Kannon Temple
兵庫県加古川市尾上町池田399 / 399 Onoechō Ikeda, Kakogawa-shi, Hyōgo
- reference source : ikeikekannon.com... -

CLICK for more amulets !
.................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県 ...............................................................
苅田町 Kanda
Okage matsuri おかげ祭 O-Kage Festival of Greatfulness
In 1806 on the 12th day of the 2nd lunar month a strong typhoon hit the village. But the area around the shrine 白庭神社 Shiraniwa Jinja showed almost no damage. The villagers thought this must have been the benevolence of the Deity and arranged a festival to pray for prevention of further damage to the village.
.................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 ...............................................................
. Shipwrecked help from amulet of Fudo Myo-O .
.................................................................. Iwate 岩手県 ....................................................................
nihyaku tooka 二百十日の風祭り wind festival on the 210th day.
It is the 210th day after the beginning of spring, as a seasonal festival it is
nihyaku tooka 二百十日.
On this day farmers do not work to avoid a typhoon coming up, and instead enjoy a "wind festival".
. The lunar calendar festivals - August .
.................................................................. Kagawa 香川県 ...............................................................
直島町 Naoshima island
dondoro san ドンドロサン thunder (in the local dialect)
"一つドンドロ大風のもと" one Dondoro is the beginning of a great wind, Typhoon.
.................................................................. Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....................................................
yookai 妖怪 Yokai monsters
In 1952, during the time of ルース台風 Typhoon Nr. 15, Rusu, a young nurse in white robes and a young doctor in white robes, both without legs, where seen leaving the clinic.
Someone heard a knock at the door and a voice calling "Is the wife at home?" but when she looked outside, there was nobody to be seen. The door closed all by itself with a loud noise later there was a telephone call from the clinic.
大島郡 Oshima district
amuro アムロ(天女)Heavenly Maiden
A man had tilled his fields and sown a lot of millet 稷. When it had grown quite a bit the sea turned wild and a great wind begun to blow. He thought a typhoon was coming and wanted to harvest the green crop in the time left before the storm hit. Suddenly Amuro, a Heavenly Maiden, showed up and asked why he was going to cut the green millet.
When he told her about his worry about a coming typhoon, she answered "This is just a regular seasonal wind and not a typhoon!"
He wanted to see some proof of her words, so Amuro made him promise not to tell anyone and then gave him the evidence.
On his way home the man met a friend and told him everything. To punish him for breaking his promise, the gods made him blind from that day on.
曽於郡 Soo district
rokubu no motte ita awa 六部の持っていた粟 Rokubu pilgrim carrying foxtail millet
In the Edo period, a Rokubu pilgrim and his daughter tried to pass 上村の番所 the barrier at Uemura. But they were not allowed to pass and jumped from ダグリの岩 the boulder of Daguri into the see to kill themselves. To our day this spot is called 六部瀬 "Rokubu-Se", Rokubu Shallows. The Rokubu had carried some foxtail millet, which soon begun to grow near the boulder.
The villagers of 下村 Shimomura built a grave for the Rokubu. The place of the barrier is still to be seen.
During a typhoon, the sound of a pilgrim's bell can be heard at the grave of the Rokubu. People say this is 六部うらみの歌 the song of the grudge of the Rokubu.
. rokubu 六部 Rokubu pilgrims .
.................................................................. Kumamoto 熊本県 ..............................................................
玉名郡 Tamana district 南ノ関町 Nankan
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire
Once the old pine in the army graveyard broke down during a typhoon.
Since a few days before that event, the villagers saw a 赤い火の玉 strange red ball of fire above the tree. They thought it must have been the spirit (セー(精霊) -タマシ(霊)) of the tree.
.................................................................. Mie 三重県 ....................................................................
鈴鹿市 Suzuka
Once upon a time,
when many typhoons haunted the region, people decided to built a dam and bury a human being in it as offering (人柱 hitobashira ).
They stared the work and the first girl who brought food to the people should be offered. Thus the daughter of the village elder, お竜 O-Ryu, was buried alive. Since that time, the river bank never broke. And the pond was called 竜が池 "O-Ryu's pond".
If someone walks past below the dam and called "Hey, O-Ryu", there would be a strange voice answering: "Yes!".

source : bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp/minwa/hokusei/suzuka
. Hitobashira 人柱 human pillar .
.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 ....................................................................
- wind and harvest -
When the tookibi トウキビ, tomorokoshi トウモロコシ corn grows fast, there will be flooding.
When its roots grow long, there will be storm and flooding in this year.
When the 西瓜 watermelons grow well, there will be many typhoons in this year.
............................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 ....................................................................
tengu 天狗 Tengu
On a hill above 清武川 the river Kiyotake there was a huge pine tree, usually called the 天狗松 "Tengu Pine".
It often lost branches when a thunderbolt struck it, but finally it fell down during a typhoon.
. Tengumatsu 天狗松 Tengu Matsu pine tree .
椎葉村 Shiibamura
yamaonago, yama onago 山オナゴ "the mountain girl"
One day when a typhoon approached, a young schoolgirl had her umbrella blown away and begun to chase it. But she fell into the river and drowned. The old women of the villge say this was the malicious deed of the Mountain Girl.
.................................................................. Nagano 長野県 ....................................................................
上伊那郡 Kamiina district 南箕輪村 Minamiminowa
matsu no ki 松の木 pine tree
Once upon a time
there was a huge pine tree and from its trunk there grew two こぶ huge bumps.
The farmers tried to cut down one of them, but from the cut white mild begun to flow. Since then the villagers let the tree grow and venerated it as a shinboku 神木 sacred tree.
During the typhoon in 1934 it fell down.
.................................................................. Nara 奈良県 ...............................................................
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase
ume no ki 梅の木 plum tree
Once upon a time, a plum tree fell down during a typhoon.
The farmer tried to bind another tree to it to keep it up, but after that he caught a cold and high fever. That night a woman like a beautiful princess (named お香さん O-Ko san) gave him 薬の玉 a ball of medicine. When he drunk it, he felt healed next morning.
.................................................................. Niigata 新潟県 ...............................................................
佐渡郡 Sado district 赤伯村 Akadomari
kooshin 庚申 Koshin
Once during a typhoon, a ship was driven out to sea and eventually only one man of the crew, who believed in Koshin, was washed ashore at an unknown beach. He almost died of hunger but eventually was saved and came home to his family.
. Koshin Cult 庚申信仰 - Introduction .
.................................................................. Okinawa 沖縄県 ....................................................................
kame to sen 亀,鱣 (hamo 鱧 pike conger eel)
Once a man named 蔡譲 was on his way to China, when a typhoon came and he fell over board.
Suddenly one 亀 turtle and two 鱣 sea snakes came and helped him.
It became custom in his family never to eat the meat of a turtle or pike conger eel after that.
国頭郡 Kunigami district 今帰仁村 Nakijin
During a typhoon, fishermen were drifting, lost off the coast. Suddenly there was a shinka 神火 "divine light" and showed them the mountains and way to the harbour. So all came home safely to 仲宗根港 Nakasone Port.
八重山郡 Yaeyama district
A fishing boat got a hole in the bottom and was about to get shipwrecked, when suddenly some takasegai 高瀬貝 trocas shells clung to the bottom and closed the hole. The fishermen could reach the beach safely.

This trochus shell family: Trochidae is used for shell-button production.
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.................................................................. Osaka 大阪府 ....................................................................
. Tanuki no Kuro San 狸のクロサン Kuro-san, the Tanuki .
.................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県 ...............................................................
修善寺町 Shuzenji
yuurei 幽霊 Yurei ghosts
After the huge typhoon named 狩野川台風 Kanogawa Typhoon in September of 1958 along the Izu peninsula someone said he had seen a ghost at 熊坂 Kumasaka. He had seen an old woman carrying a furoshki packet on her back, leaning on a bamboo walking stick. He wanted to talk to her, but she only mumbled an answer in a very weak voice. After he walked past her and turned back to take another look, she was gone.
A taxi driver tells of a young woman who had hired his taxi for a drive to Kumasaka. When they arrived there, the woman was gone, but the seat was all wet. The taxi driver was so afraid, he fell ill for three days.
Another man was walking along Kanogawa in the evening, when he met his friend and they talked for a while. Later he learned that this friend had died in the flooding in the morning of that day.
Typhoon Ida, also known as the Kanogawa Typhoon (狩野川台風 Kanogawa Taifū), was the third deadliest typhoon in Japan
- source : wikipedia -
.................................................................. Tokyo 東京都 ...............................................................
新島村 Niijima island
hebi 蛇 snake
The fishermen had trown out a woman on the boat to stay on the island to prevent their shipwreck. But they never came back to get the woman home.
The woman died in anger and pain and her long hair turned into a serpent.
yokai database 妖怪データベース
台風 31 entries (ok)
海難 kainan - 22 entries (04)
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
雷神 48 entries (00) extra
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. tsunjikaze つんじかぜ wind calm at Edo castle .
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #typhoonlegends #typhoon #taifun -
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