. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
amazake densetsu 甘酒と伝説 legends about Amazake "sweet rice wine"
amazake, ama zake 甘酒 (あまざけ, 醴 ) amai sake
sweet alcoholic drink made from fermented rice
sake 酒 is usually an alcoholic drink, but Amazake is without alcohol and therefore loved by women and children. On cold days it is warmed up and thus a special treat.

"over night drink", hitoyazake 一夜酒(ひとよざけ)
vendor of sweet ama zake, amazake uri 甘酒売(あまざけうり)
shop selling sweet ama zake, amazakeya 甘酒屋(あまざけや)
The basic recipe for amazake has been used for hundreds of years. Kōji is added to cooled whole grain rice causing enzymes to break down the carbohydrates into simpler unrefined sugars. As the mixture incubates, sweetness develops naturally.
- snip -
amazake uri 甘酒売り vendor of Amazake in Edo
. Japanese Drinks for all seasons .
- Introduction -
Various regions have legends about an old mountain woman (hag) who likes Amazake or comes to sell Amazake.
山姥 Yamanba,鬼婆 Onibaba
amazake babaa 甘酒婆 Amazake hag
She comes in various versions.
amazake babaa yokai 妖怪 甘酒婆 as a Yokai monster

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tengoqu
Amazake-babaa 甘酒婆 "Amazake hag" is an old woman yokai from the folklore of Miyagi and Aomori.
She comes to the doors of houses at late night asking for amazake in a child like voice, but if anyone answers they fall ill. It was said that to keep her away, a cedar leaf is placed in the doorway.
甘酒婆地蔵尊 Amazake Baba Jizo

source : fank10jasu/archives
甘酒婆地蔵尊 Amazake Baba Jizo
東京都文京区小日向 - Nichirin-Ji Tokyo 日輪寺
The Jizo statue of this temple is modelled like the old woman who sold Amazake at the access road to the temple.
She was suffering from a severe cough and made a wish:
"After my death I wand to become a Deity to cure Cough 咳の神 and help healing all the other people with this ailment."
So a statue was made of the woman but seen as a Jizo statue.
There is also a statue of Fudo Myo-O at her side:

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
.................................................................. Aomori 青森県 ....................................................................
. hoosoogami 疱瘡の神 deity of smallpox .
and amazake babaa 甘酒婆 Amazake hag
.................................................................. Chiba 千葉県 ....................................................................
成田市 Narita
January 24 is the festival of Atago Gongen. Therefore every month on the 24 people abstain from using Sake, vinegar or Amazake, because this deity does not like them.
. Atago Gongen 愛宕権現 - Legends .
avatar (Gongen) of Buddhist bodhisattva Jizo Bosatsu
.................................................................. Fukui 福井県 ....................................................................
. Amazake for the deity Sarutahiko 猿田彦 .
.................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県 ....................................................................
久留米市 Kurume
gama, kuudo 蟇,クワド
.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 ....................................................................
大和町 Taiwa
. amazake Jizoo 甘酒地蔵 Jizo and sweet rice wine .
amazake baba 甘酒婆 Amazake Hag
She knocks at the door of houses at midnight, asking for Amazake in the voice of a child, but if anyone answers, they become ill. To keep her away, a cedar leaf is hung in the doorway.
.................................................................. Niigata 新潟県 ....................................................................
Sado, 相川町 Aikawa
Chinju Kitano Jinja no Saijin Tenjin 鎮守北野神社の祭神天神
The festival for the Protector Deity at the Kitano Jinja is on September 25. Tenjin Sama leaves early for Izumo to meet with the Deities of Japan and to help making Sake. So people offer Amazake and 赤飯 Red Ritual Rice on this day.
. Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 天神 Tenjin Legends .
onibaba 鬼婆 Onibaba, the Demon Hag
Once upon a time
grandfather went to town to sell some things. In the mountains he met Onibaba, who took away all his luggage.
The next day he went there again and brought her rice cakes and Amazake. After she had eaten them, she fell into hot water and he killed her. So he could take revenge on this enemy.
.................................................................. Okayama 岡山県 ....................................................................
真庭郡 Maniwa
mikogami ミコ神 / 御子神 Honorable Child Deity
The Mikogami of Okayama like Amazake, therefore people bring offerings to their shrines every time they prepare some.
If she is of bad temper for some reason, she can cause wounds and other diseases for the children. To appease her, people bring Amazake to the shrine.
川上村 Kawakami
mikogami ミコ神さん
美甘村 Mikamo
ooyama mikogami オオヤマミコ神
in Mikamo village, Kuroda Jinja 黒田神社 Shrine.
. mikogami 御子神 / ミコ神 Honorable Child Deity .
.................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県 ....................................................................
Hamamatsu 龍山町 Tatsuyama
- Some local customs, some refere to the Asian zodiac:
It is not allowed to grow nuts or grapes in the garden.
Miso should not be made on u no hi 卯の日, the day of the rabbit (hare).
Amazake should not be made on tatsu no hi 辰の日, the day of the dragon.
.................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県 ....................................................................
amazake banbaa アマザケバンバァ Amazake hag
She comes to the village late every night, knocks at the doors and wants to sell Amazake or real Sake.
Therefore many people put a poster at their kitchen door, saying they do not like these drinks.
Then she will stop visiting.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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- #amazake #sweetricewine #amazakebaa #mikogami -
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