. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors

The concept GOSHIKI comes from Buddhist philosphy ...
. Goshiki 五色 means "Five Colors". .
- Introduction -
- with many haiku about things in five colors.
goshiki no hata 五色旗 prayer flags of five colors
goshikibata 五色旗 for Shinto rituals

Representing the five elements
wood 木 ・ fire 火 ・ earth 土 ・ metal 金 ・ water 水
goshiki no hana musubi 五色の花むすび rice balls in five "blossom" colors

● 赤かぶ aka-kabu - red turnips
● 青菜 - aona - "green leaves"
● 青じそ aoshiso - red Shiso
● にんじん ninjin - carrots
● しば漬け shibazuke - pickles
goshiki no niji 五色の虹 rainbow of five colors
source : CD Yasunobu Matsuo
tojukei 吐綬鶏 legendary Chinese turkey
If he puts out his tail feathers they shine like a rainbow in five colors.
goshiki no hikari 五色の光 rays of five colors
goshiki 五色鮮蔬 fresh vegetables in five colors

goshiki soomen 五色そうめん Somen noodles in five colors

source : iyokannet.jp/front/gourmet
Legend knows this:
In the early Edo period the daughter of 八代目市佐衛門 Ichizaemon visited 松山市の椿神社 the Tsubaki Shrine in Matsuyama, she had the strings of her geta in five beautiful colors.
When the founder of 長門屋 Nagatoya saw this, he got the idea for the Somen noodles.
Masaoka Shiki wrote the following:
fumizuki no mono yo goshiki no ito soomen
so good in the
seventh month - Somen noodles
in five colors
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
fumizuki 文月 the 7th month in the Asian lunar calendar
. soomen 索麺 thin Somen noodles .
a speciality in the hot summer months
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon God of five colors
In the 犬山市 Inuyama region
There are many legends about the 老松 old pine tree of 白山神社 Hakusan Jinja an the five dragons in its roots.
If someone touched this root, he himself or someone of his family would get ill.
Once after a typhoon it lost many branches, and people took them home secretely, but they all died soon after.

But the local fishermen got blessings from the five-colored Dragon Deities.
.......................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 ......................................
goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors
Once there was a real bad guy in 上総国福津 Kazusa no Kuni, called じゃじゃ庄右衛門 Jaja Shoemon. But one day he changed his ways and became a follower of Amida, reciting the Nenbutsu prayer. Then one day he got ill. said good bye to all his friends and slipped away to paradise.
Seven days later it rained flowers of five colors from the sky.
.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................
今治市 Imabari関前岡村 Sekizen
goshiki no nami 五色の波 waves of five colors
When the waves shine in five colors, this is the doing of エンコ Enko, the Kappa.
今治市 Imabari 吉海町 Yoshiumi
goshiki no ito 五色の糸 string of five colors
ryuugonsan リュウゴンサン / 龍王神 the Dragon Deity
If people drop a sword or knife or anyhting with a blade in the water, they will be curved. If by bad luck they dropped something, they have to make an offering of a string in five colors to appease the deity.
.......................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 ......................................
Goshikidai 五色台 / Sanuki no Goshikidai 讃岐の五色台

- quote -
Goshikidai is a plateau which juts into the Seto Inland Sea, located to the West of Takamatsu City.
The name "goshiki" means "five colors" and it was so named for the five peaks which are respectively red, yellow, blue, black, and white in color.
From this location, visitors can look out over the Seto Inland Sea and the Seto Ohashi bridge, and the Goshikidai Skyline is a great road for a scenic drive. There are a number of facilities on Goshikidai designed to help visitors get the most out of their encounters with the abundant nature on the plateau.
Furthermore, it is said that a great fire that occurred here over one thousand years ago was the cause of the unusual stone, sanukite, to be produced. This stone makes a beautiful tone when struck, and for this reason it is also known as kankan stone. The stone has been made into musical instruments for its beautiful tone, and is loved by musicians and used in concerts worldwide.
- source : city.takamatsu.kagawa.jp -
多度津町 Tadotsu
goshiki no tanzaku 五色の短冊 Tanzaku poetry slips of five colors
For the rituals at the end of the New Year holidays (January 14) the young people make a long 注連縄 Shimenawa rope decoration and hang the Tanzaku in five colors on it.
.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
竹野郡 Chikuno district, 網野町 Amino
goshikigahama 五色が浜 / 五色ケ浜 "Beach of five colors"
goshiki hama, goshikihama 五色浜in Shioe
Once upon a time
they found a dead young woman, drowned, with the baby in her arms.
The baby cried, but when it took one of the small colorful pebbles from the beach in his hand, it stopped crying. But then the baby died too.
Now if people take the colorful pebbles from the beach, they will become strong stomach ache. But when they say this spell, the pain will go away:
kodomo ya, omae no ishi o moroote iku de

goshiki ishi 五色石 colorful pebbles
goshikifu, goshiki fu 色麩色 Fu gluten in five colors

hina no zen kyoo no goshiki fu irodori ni
food for the Hina dolls
the Fu of Kyoto
in five colors
岩田つねゑ Iwada Tsune
. fu ふ (麩) wheat gluten .
.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................
登米町 Toyomama
goshiki nashi 五色梨 Nashi pears of five colors
Once a big tree had fruit of five colors. In its trunk was a large hole. If people made a wish in this hole, the wish was granted.
.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................
飯田市 Iida
goshiki no na 五色の菜 leaves of five colors
for the festival of Ebisu 恵比寿様 on the 20th day of the 10th month.
Served as offerings with red Azuki rice, and Sanma or Iwashi fish.
.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

source : ameblo.jp/0-leporello
five-colored string from 長谷寺- Hasedera, Nara
五色の糸 で作られた腕輪 bracelet of five-colored string - 五色線 -
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase
goshiki no kuruma 五色の車 car of five colors
Once upon a time
when people went out to watch fireflies, there came a demon flying over from the graves.
When someone had died, a car of five colors came from the graveyard to pick him up.
And colorful rays of yellow, green or blue could be seen, then it rained.
宇陀郡 Uda district 室生村 Muro
goshiki no tsume 五色の爪 nails of five colors of the 竜王 Dragon Deity
At the Temple Muro-Ji 室生寺の境内 along the river 室生川 the saint 慶円上人 Keien (1140 - 1223) once passed. At the riverside a female Dragon King 善女竜王 waited for him. He asked her to show her real features and after some discussion, she turned into a black cloud and showed her right hand. It had long nails of about 3 cm in five colors.
Since than the riverbank is called 爪出が淵 Tsumedegafuchi.

- reference : hakuhou/oniwa -
大和高田市 Yamato Takada
goshiki no kiri 五色の霧 fog of five colors
役行者 En no Gyoja and hitotsume-gaeru 一つ目蛙 a frog with one eye
.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................
goshiki sen 五色鮮 five bright colors
.......................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 ......................................
阿波郡 Awa district
goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors
.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ......................................
goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors
When the wive of Shogun Hidetada, 崇源院 Sogen-In (1573 - 1626) was ill in the year 寛永3年9月15日, prayers were said for her recovery. There were 紫雲が3筋 three strings of purple coluds in the sky and it rained flowers of five colors from the sky. All the people of the town prayed for her.
goshiki no hata 五色の機 prayer flags of five colors
and Hiimisama 日忌様
Once upon a time in Oshima Island 昔々、大島の泉津村の代官は租税の取り立てなど、すべてにおいて暴虐だったため、正月24日の夜、村の若者25人に切り殺された。若者たちはその夜のうちに波治加麻明神の大木を切り倒して造った丸木舟で村を逃れたが、暴風で舟が転覆して、皆死んでしまった。その後、毎年正月24日の夜中には25人の霊が丸木舟に乗り、五色の機を立てて村を訪れるという。
goshiki no hata 五色の旗 flags of five colors
In 神津島 Kozushima for nijuugonichi sama 二十五日様

goshiki no juzu 五色の数珠 rosary of five colors
At temple Zōjō-ji 三縁山増上寺 Zojo-Ji the priest 了学上人 Ryogaku (1549 - 1634) felt his death coming on the 15th day of the first month in 1632, so he chanted the Nenbutsu prayer till the end. After his body was burned, they found many shari 舎利 sacred bones. His hands holding the 水晶の数珠 crystal rosary were still visible, the rosary sparkled in five colors.

goshiki no kumo 五色の雲 clouds of five colors
In the year 1825 on the 15th day of the 8th month, the writer 外岡北海 Sotooka Hokkai passed along the Koishikawa Denzu-In, when clouds in five colors passed all over the sky. The white clouds above the village floated over the sky, shining ans sparkling in all colors. When people asked where these clouds came from, he said they had already been there when he reached the spot.

文京区小石川3-14-6 小石川伝通院 Kyoto, Koishikawa Denzu-In
- reference : denzuin.or.jp-
. 田無神社 Tanashi Jinja .
Tokyo, Nishitokyo, 田無町3−7−4 Tanashi
This shrine is known for beautiful wood carvings.
goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon Gods of five colors

source : yorokobii.exblog.jp
金龍神 Golden - 白龍神 - White - 黒龍神 Black - 赤龍神 Red - 青龍神 Green
.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山 ......................................
. Itsu iro kappa いついろかっぱ Kappa of five colors .
from Shirahama 白浜 "the White Beach"
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

. hyaku nezu 百鼠 the 100 subdued colors of Edo .
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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