. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Ise Kaido伊勢街道, see below
Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima
. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū .
- Introduction -
The G7 summit will be held on 26–27 May 2016
at the Shima Kanko Hotel in 賢島 Kashikojima Island, 英虞湾 Ago Bay, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
- Summit reference : -
.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................
- - - - - First let us look at 志摩市 Shima Town and 志摩郡 Shima district
hebi 蛇 Serpent
In 大王町 Daio Town
Once a family had a lot of bad luck, one after the other, and finally asked a priest fro the 日蓮宗 Nichiren sect for advise. He told them one of their ancestors had once felled a pine at 三島山 Mishimayama and killed a serpent. Now they suffer from the curse of this animal, but when they started to venerate the serpent, things got better.
While building a road and scratching away at a mountain slope with a bulldozer, the home of a serpent got destroyed. Soon after there were many ill people in the village, so they begun to venerate the
hebigami 蛇神 "Serpent Deity" and things got better.
Ikegami 池神 Snake "Deity of the Pond"
In 大王町 Daio Town
there was an old couple doing their farming work near 城山 Shiroyama. They were talking about weather a deity would live in the pond or not. While they were talking, the water of the pond begun to swirl in a furious whirl.
Since then they begun to venerate the "Deity of the Pond", which was in fact the Snake Deity.
Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu - Shian Jizo and Nakiri 波切
In 大王町 Daio Town
around 1825 in the villages of 船越村と波切村 Funakoshi and Nakiri there arose a fight about a whale who had washed ashore. The headman of Funakoshi insisted in his claim, even by cutting his guts and committing 切腹 Harakiri. Now there is a Jizo Statue to venerate in place of this headman. But the family which had placed the statue was struck by misfortune. When they asked a diviner about their problem, they were told that the statue faced toward Namikiri and Jizo was angry about that. So they turned the statue to face in the opposite direction.
If children behave bad or do mischief in the presence of this Jizo statue, there will be no good catch for the fishermen (fusagu フサグ(不漁).
- - - - - Shian Jizoo 思案地蔵 Shian Jizo, the reflecting Jizo

with a legend from 1830 - 天保元年(1830)9月23日 about the villagers around Nakiri pilfering a shipwrecked boat.
- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hinoshonin -
- - - - - . Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine .
and the kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"
ishibotoke (sekibutsu) 石仏 Stone Buddha
In 志摩町 Shima Town
there is a stone Buddha, also called
shiobotoke 潮ボトケ "Tidal Buddha" or nurebotoke ぬれボトケ "Wet Buddha".
In the early Meiji period, the 弥吉老人 Old Man Yakichi had a special dream:
"I am the Jizo Bosatsu of this place. By a turn of fate I arrived here at this place. If someone prays to me with all their heart, I will heal any illness they have from the hips down to the feet.
I will sleep in the sea water and thus help to cleanse the sins of the people, so do not replace my stone to a higher place."
The head priest 児玉芳山 Kodama Yoshiyama of the temple 潮音寺 Choon-Ji in Shima decided to have a hospital here.
There is a temple of the same name, 潮音寺 Choon-Ji, in Toba 鳥羽市答志町.
It has three Kannon Statues of three different periods, Heian, Kamakura and Muromachi.
- reference : kankomie.or.jp -
- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -
Konjin, Konjin Sama 金神, 金神様 deity of metal
If a woman gives birth facing the Konjin deity 金神 the baby will be blind or eaven be born dead.
. Konjin, Konjin Sama 金神, 金神様 deity of metal .
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"
In 大王町 Daio Town
Once a family was hit by the curse of a serpent and begun to venerate
Nagagami to appease it. Every month on the 14th day they have a special purifying ritual.
oni 鬼 demon and zoori ゾウリ sandals
In 大王町 Daio Town
fishermen make huge straw sandals of the size of one Tatami mat every year and float it on sea, together with sekihan 赤飯や酒 ritual red rice and Sake. There is a Demon living on a reef close by and when he sees the big Tatami, he thinks that there must be a huge Demon living on land. This stops him from coming to the shore and do harm to the village.
ooika 大烏賊 huge squid
In 志摩市 Shima Town
The 鰹船 bonito fishermen once found a floating dead body near Oki but did not bother to haul it up with their nets. A few days later they saw a huge octopus (7、8尺四方) and more strange things begun to happen. Eventually all of the crew drowned, only the one man who had seen the dead body first survived.
oozame 大鮫 huge shark
In Shima town
Tengu 天狗
In 大王町 Daio Town
on the last night of the year, a Tengu comes and hangs a light on a tree.
yonaki matsu よなき松 / 夜泣き松 "Pine crying at night"
In 大王町 Daio Town
During the 伊勢湾台風 Isewan Taifun an old pine tree of more than 1000 years broke down.
When they cut it clean the tree begun to cry.
. Isewan typhoon 伊勢湾台風 1959 - Typhoon in the Isewan Bay - Legends .

Kashikojima Island, the venue of Summit
- quote -
The Ise-Shima areas are located in the eastern tip of Mie Prefecture, which is on the eastern side in Kii Peninsula, the largest peninsula in Japan. -
Meotoiwa Rocks of Futamiura
Mikimoto Pearl Island and woman divers
Ago Bay
Amano-iwato Shrine - where the legend has it that the Sun goddess hid herself
Izawanomiya Shrine
- source : japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/en -
鳥羽市 Toba
In 石鏡町 Ijikacho
shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
At the Shrine 加布良湖明神社 in 加布良崎 a white serpent is the Deity in residence.
She is the couple together with the 山の池 white serpent from the pond in the mountain.
On the last day of every month 毎月晦日 the two can meet late at night.
Izawa Jinja 伊射波神社 - 志摩國一宮 Shima no Kuni Ichi no Miya
- source : genbu.net/data/sima/isawa -
Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 / 伊勢参宮街道 Ise Sangu Kaido / 伊勢路 Ise ji
A very popular pilgrims road to the Ise Shrine.
Leaving the Tokaido at 日永の追分 Hinaga no Oiwake, leading to Ise.
Now mostly Highway 428.
伊勢本街道 Ise Hon Kaido, Honkaido
From Osaka, Shrine 玉造稲荷神社 Tamatsukuri Inari Jinja, passing 奥津(津市)Tsu city leading to Ise.
伊勢参宮街道 Ise Sangu Kaido
Leaving the 初瀬街道 Hase Kaido at 桜井 Sakurai (Nara), past 宇陀市 Uda city to Ise.
伊勢路 Iseji, Ise ji
From the Shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu to Kumano Sanzan 熊野三山 the three shrines of Kumano.
- - - - - There are many shido 支道 branch roads leading to the main Ise Kaido.
伊勢別街道 Ise Betsu Kaido
- turning off the Tokaido at Seki 関宿, via 椋本宿 Mukumoto (Tsu city), back to the Ise Kaido at 江戸橋 Edobashi in Tsu city.
初瀬街道 Hase Kaido
伊賀街道 Iga Kaido
上街道 (上ツ道) Kamitsumichi
清滝街道 Kiyotaki Kaido
暗越奈良街道 Kuragarigoe Nara Kaido (Kuragoshi, Kurayami)
奈良街道 Nara Kaido
竹内街道 Takenouchi Kaido
和歌山街道 Wakayama Kaido
横大路 Yoko-Ooji

安永餅 Yasunaga mochi
- Mochi Kaido 餅街道 Road of the rice cakes -
From 桑名 Kuwana until the Ise Shrine.
There are many tea stalls on the roadside serving tea and rice cakes. They all have a special taste to offer and are very popular to our day.
There are also many tea stalls along the nearby road to Kumano 熊野街道.
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
下伊那郡 Shimoina district 阿南町 Anan town
okuwa sama, o-kuwa sama オクワ様 / 鍬 venerable hoe
The reason why O-Kuwa sama is venerated:
Around 1860 a group of politicians wanting change started from the Shrine 皇太神宮 Kotai Jingu in Ise. They walked along all the villages of the 伊勢街道 Ise Kaido, carrying the hoe in a palanquin, singing local songs, performing shishimai 獅子舞 lion dances and tried to involve the villagers.
They were not allowed to pass the sekisho 関所 barrier station at 帯川 Obikawa, so they left all their tools there and went back home.
Now they venerate O-Kuwa Sama only in years with a good harvest.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
108 to explore (03) / / 志摩市 OK
66 志摩郡 (09)

日本の伝説 (32) 伊勢・志摩の伝説
駒敏郎 (著), 花岡大学 (著)
- quote -
- - - - - Legends about Ise-Shima
『浜島の久須ひめものがたり』 - 『大王の堂の山の夜泣き松』- 『初音姫のものがたり』
『磯部の手力男命の手形石、阿児の横山の八大竜王』 -
『大倉島の竜宮』- 『志摩の豊玉姫ものがたり』- 『ガンガン井戸と馬乗り石』など . . .
- source : city.shima.mie.jp/shisei -
. Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity, Snake God .
Ikegami 池神 Srepent "Deity of the Pond"
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #iseshimalegends #ise-shima #summitg72016 #hebigami -
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Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise
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