. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
for Tengubashi 天狗橋 bridges see below, Miyagi.
Tengu to sumoo 天狗と相撲 Legends about Tengu and Sumo wrestling
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

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Tengu no Sumotoriba 天狗の相撲場
is often a place in the forest which is rather flat and has few or no trees, thus naturally fit for the Tengu to gather and do Sumo wrestling.
It is found in many forests of Japan.

. Sumoo 相撲 Sumo wrestling / rikishi 力士 wrestler .
How the Tengu lost his nose

- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/inehapo/e -
Tengu sumootori yama 天狗角力取山 Tengusumotoriyama
Two mountains where Tengu practise Sumo wrestling
Fukushima 猪苗代町 Inawashiro - 1360 m
Yamagata - 鶴岡市 Tsuruoka - 1376 m
Yamagata - In front is the flat area for Sumo.
- under construction
. shibaten シバテン / shiba tengu 柴天狗 Shiba Tengu, Shibatengu .
Like a Kappa, he hangs around rivers, asks people to have a wrestling bout and begins to confuse their minds.
But he never goes into the river himself, so he is not a real Kappa.
Legends from Ehime, Kochi and Tokushima in Shikoku.
............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
喜多方市 Kitakata town
Tengu no sumootori ba 天狗の相撲とり場 Tengu and Sumo wrestling
At the place where the Tengu used to practise sumo wrestling, a Tengu once had his long nose come off.
It turned into the flower of 水バショウ Mizubasho, skunk cabbage.

福島市土湯 「びっき沼の水芭蕉」-
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring : Mizubasho from Bikkurinuma swamp
............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
伊勢崎市 Isesaki 波志江町 Hashie
The strong man 五郎兵衛 Gorobei once had a wrestling bout with a Tengu, but he lost it.
勢多郡 Seta district 横野村 Yokono
The shrine Hachimangu is located in the north of the pond ミゾロガ池 Mizorogaike (Mizoro-ga-ike), 赤城山西麓 wwst of Mount Akagisan. There is a large matsu 松 pine tree in its compound where the Tengu lives.
Sometimes he comes to the home to the 南雲家 Nagumo family for a bout of Sumo. When his partner is the son, the Tengu always wins. But one day the father was his opponent and the Tengu lost!
Now the family was allowed to cut the huge pine tree and sell it for good money.
. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .
............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
日立市 Hitachi
Once upon a time
there was a Sumo wrestling place of the Tengu near the temple 大雄院 Daio-In. The ancestors of the 住吉氏 Sumiyoshi family went there every night, every night to learn sword fighting from the Tengu.

大雄院 / ダイオウイン Daio-In / (Taiyu-In) 茨城県日立市宮田町5-6-15
高萩市 Takahagi
Once a Tegu landed on a stone in the garden of the 大部氏宅 Obu family, put a blindfold over the eyes of one family member and took him to the mountain to have a bout of Sumo.
The Tengu told him: "If you come up here next time, bring some sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and we can have a party!"
The man came home and told his wive about it, but from that day on the Tengu never appeared again.
多賀郡 Taga district 高岡村 Takaoka
A tengu came every day to have a bout of Sumo with a 炭焼き charcoal maker.
One day the Tengu told him: "If you promise not to eat 4つ足と2足 "four legs and two legs", I will make you rich for the rest of your life. But you must never tell anyone about our meeting and this promise!"
The man had no idea what "four legs and two legs" meant and asked other villagers about it. But from that day on, the Tengu did not come any more.
. sumigama 炭竈 と伝説 Legends about charcoal kilns .
............................................................................... Kagawa
. Tengu of Mount Shiromine 白峯山 in Sanuki 讃岐 .
Saganbō Daigongen 相模坊大権現
- 白峯天狗伝説 Shiromine Tengu Densetsu
相模坊は相撲が好き Saganbo liked to practise Sumo.
- reference source : city.sakaide.lg.jp/soshiki/bunkashinkou -
............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
仙台市 Sendai
Tengu sumotoriba 天狗相撲取場
On the eastern side of the 大倉ダム Okura Dam there is a steep cliff, and below it the 大倉川渓谷 Okuragawa gorge, spanned by the Tengubashi 天狗橋 Tengu-bashi, Tengu Bridge.
A Tengu has built it in just one night. At the cliff is the Shinto shrine 小倉神社 Ogura Jinja. Close by is the Sumo place of the Tengu.
- quote -
Tengu Bashi Ichinoseki Sendai

Original 19th century hand colored albumen photograph. Dimensions are 26.5 cm x 20.5 cm (10.5 in x 8 in).
- source : worthpoint.com/worthopedia -
- - - - - Other bridges named 天狗橋 Tengubashi - often natural rock formations
Fukushima / 鮫川村 Samegawa
A natural stone bridge, almost 8 m long and 4 m wide.
Kagawa 香川県
On the way from 宇田津 Udatsu along 金比羅道 the road to Konpira san is a stone brigde, the Tengubashi. It is not known which stone mason built this bridge.

In Hiroshima is a bus stop named 天狗橋(広島県)on the way to Konpira san.
Miyagi 宮城県 / 桃生郡 Momou district 雄勝 Ogatsu
A dolmen stone formation which looks like a natural bridge. A Tengu built it in one night.

CLICK for more photos !
............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
When all the villagers were asleep, a Tengu came to the village. Soon another Tengu came flying down from the sky and the two begun a bout of Sumo wrestling. They made a large dohyoo 土俵 Sumo ring arena and wrestled for a while,
Then they practised with the sword, the whole night long.
............................................................................... Tokyo 東京
文京区 Bunkyo ward
. Temple 小石川伝通院 Koishikawa Denzu-In / Dentsu-In.
The pious 岱雄 Taio and Sumo wrestilng at 成田不動 Narita Fudo.
............................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
Tengu sumootori yama 天狗角力取山 Tengusumotoriyama
Mountain where Tengu practise Sumo wrestling
西村山郡 Nishi-Murayama district
. 鳥海山の筍,月山の筍 bamboo shoots from Mount Chokaisan and Mount Gassan .
at 竜が岳 Mount Ryugatake
南置賜郡 Minami-Okitama district 中津川村 Nakatsugawa
tsunegami sama ツネガミサマ / 常神 Tsunegami Deity
Sometimes the Tengu comes to the Sumo place all dressed up. He is the messenger of Tsunegami Sama.

source : wikimedia
Fukui, Tsunegami Peninsula
Ongami-jima is an uninhabited island which belongs to Wakasa Town of Fukui Prefecture. About 500 meters offshore from Tsunegami Peninsula, it is the biggest island in Fukui.
In 629, upon orders of the Japanese Emperor, a shrine was built on the island enshrining the god of Tsunegami.
source : jal.japantravel.com/fukui
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At 稲山 Mount Inesan (Inayama) there is a wrestling place of the Tengu.
Once an onlooker called out
"Inesan to Dai-Tengu, 川内戸 Kawanaido no Ko-Tengu - yokkoisho, have a bout!"
But at that moment he was thrown down the hill and landed in front of his home.
- by the way
At Inayama in Yamanashi, there are 稲山遺跡 Inayama remains from the Jomon period

- reference source : sitereports.nabunken.go.jp -
............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
西八代郡 Nishi-Yatsushiro 上九一色村 Kami-Kuishiki
yama no nushi 山の主 Lord of the Mountain
At 大和田山 Mount Owadasan a forest worker was about to engage in a Sumo bout with a young priest who happened to come along. Suddenly there was a voice from the sky:
"If you do Sumo with that person, you are sure to die!"
The forest worker was quite surprized by this warning and stopped and the young priest suddenly was gone.
The young priest had been the Tengu, the Lord of this Mountain.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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1 comment:
Onikobe Kaido 鬼首街道 Onikobe Highway - "Demon Head Highway"
Tengu sumotoriba 天狗相撲取場
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