. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
Kisen Hooshi 窺詮法師 Kisen Hoshi
He is Nr. 12 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Kisen 喜撰 / 喜撰法師 Kisen Hoshi
One of the Rokkasen 六歌仙 Six Immortal Waka Poets.

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Kisen (喜撰) also known as Kisen Hōshi (喜撰法師)
was an early Heian period Buddhist monk (僧 sō) and poet.
Little is known about his life other than that he lived in Ujiyama.
When Ki no Tsurayuki wrote the Japanese preface (仮名序 kanajo) of the Kokinshū, he selected Kisen as one of the six poetic sages (六歌仙 rokkasen) whose work was to be considered as superior. Tsurayuki says the following to comment on Kisen's work.
ことばかすかにして 始め終り たしかならず
kotoba kasuka ni shite hajime wohari tashikanarazu.
The use of words is a delicate thing—from start to end it does not express the thing that actually is.
いはば、 秋の月を見るに、 暁の雲に あへるが ごとし
ihaba, aki no tsuki wo miruni, akatsuki no kumo ni aheru ga gotoshi.
That is to say, to speak of the autumn moon, one compares it to the clouds at dawn.
is sometimes said to be the author of the poetry collection waka sakushiki (倭歌作式) (also known as the kisen-shiki (喜撰式)), but it is probably apocryphal and created well after the end of the Heian period.
The following two eika (詠歌) of Kisen are the only poems that can be confidently traced back to him.
waga iho ha miyako no tatsumi shika zo sumu yo wo ujiyama to hito ha ifu nari
People say that I am a secluded hermit living in Ujiyama, but my hermitage is just to the southeast of the capital!
(Kokinshū 18:983; also in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu)
ki no ma yori miyuru ha tani no hotaru kamo isari ni ama no umi he yuku kamo
What I see through the trees seems to be the fireflies (蛍 hotaru) from the valley—or is that the luring fires (漁火 isaribi) of the fishermen as they head to the sea?
(Gyokuyōshū 400)
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source : gregorius.jp/presentation...
Kisenyama 喜撰山 Mount Kisen - 91 m high
in Kyoto, UJi 京都府宇治市池尾南組
喜撰山ダム Kisenyama dam
a rockfill hydroelectric dam finished in 1970.

Kōmei Bijin Rokkasen (高名美人六家撰, "Renowned Beauties from the Six Best Houses")
is a series of ukiyo-e prints designed by the Japanese artist Utamaro and published in c. 1795–96. The subjects were well-known courtesans, geisha, and others associated with the Yoshiwara pleasure districts of Edo (modern Tokyo).
Fūryū Rokkasen (風流六歌撰, "Elegant Six Immortal Poets"),
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歌舞伎「六歌仙容彩」 Kabuki
Narihira 業平(梅玉・魁春)
Kisen 喜撰 (菊五郎・芝雀)
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Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori 六歌仙容彩
The five-role hengemono "Rokkasen Sugata no Irodori" was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1831 at the Nakamuraza. It starred Nakamura Shikan II in the five roles of Sôjô Henjô, Ariwara no Narihira, Bun'ya no Yasuhide, Kisen and Ôtomo no Kuronushi. His stage partner in the role of Ono no Komachi was Iwai Kumesaburô II. The dance was divided into 5 sections :
"Henjô" (Gidayû), "Bun'ya" (Kiyomoto), "Narihira" (Nagauta), "Kisen" (Kiyomoto/Nagauta) and "Kuronushi" (Nagauta).
- - - - - Kisen
The scene changes to the Gion district of Kyôto, the only section of the dance performed in an outdoor setting. Kisen enters on the hanamichi. He is the chief priest of a local temple and he has escaped from his religious duties to come and admire the cherry blossoms. The gourd he carries, which contains sake, can be floated along a stream [2]. As Kisen admires the scenery, a serving girl named Okaji brings him tea. Kisen, who is enamoured of Komachi, is astonished when he realizes who she really is and, in his confusion, he spills the tea. Kisen then proceeds to flirt clumsily with her and she performs a short dance, alone, describing the uties of a teahouse waitress. Kisen then dances a well-known chobokure based upon the antics of wandering beggar-priests who, waving a short staff with metal rings, would beg for alms outside people's homes by reciting Buddhist scriptures, performing comic dances and telling funny stories. Monks from Kisen's temple then come in search of Kisen and they perform a sumiyoshi odori. Kisen then dances again, a cloth on his head in imitation of a maid at a roadside inn trying to attract customers. The dance ends with Kisen posing under a large parasol, the chorus warning of the divine retribution in store for priests who break their vow of chastity.

source : yahoo.co.jp/image...
The actor Sawamura Chôjûrô V (top/right, top/left, bottom/right, bottom/center, bottom/left) playing the roles of Sôjô Henjô, Ariwara no Narihira, Bun'ya no Yasuhide, Kisen and Ôtomo no Kuronushi, with Onoe Baikô IV (top/center) playing the role of Ono no Komachi, in the dance "Rokkasen Koko-ni Kanagaki", which was staged in the 8th lunar month of 1851 at the Kawarazakiza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)
- source : kabuki21.com... -
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- Rokkasen 六歌仙 6 Immortal Waka poets

source : yahoo.co.jp/image...
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The Rokkasen (六歌仙, "six poetry immortals") are six Japanese poets of the mid-ninth century who were named by Ki no Tsurayuki in the kana and mana prefaces to the poetry anthology Kokin wakashū (c. 905–14) as notable poets of the generation before its compilers.
... There are numerous phrases that show the conceptualization of these six as a cohesive group, but the term "Rokkasen" first appeared in an early Kamakura-period commentary on Kokin wakashū,
titled Sanryūshō 三流抄.
僧正遍昭 Sōjō Henjō, 17 poems
在原業平 Ariwara no Narihira, 30 poems
文屋康秀 Funya no Yasuhide, 1 poem
喜撰法師 Kisen Hōshi, 1 poem
小野小町 Ono no Komachi, 18 poems
大友黒主 Ōtomo no Kuronushi, 3 poems
The concept of the rokkasen had a lasting legacy on poetic scholarship both in the pre-modern and modern periods....
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- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
Kisen Hoshi hotaru no uta mo yomarekeri
Kisen Hoshi
has also written a poem
about fireflies . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
山口素堂 Yamaguchi Sodo
. kigo - hotaru 蛍 firefly .
喜撰山入道雲の頭出て Kisenyama
. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
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