
- - - MMM - - -

. - - - Legends - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. mabiki 間引きと伝説 Legends about "thinning out" - killing babies .

. maguro 鮪 (まぐろ) tuna fish .
25 to collect

. makuragaeshi 枕返し pillow turner, pillow flipper 枕小僧 makura kozō .
- - - - - makuragami 枕神 "god of the pillow" / yumemakura 夢枕 and more

mamako 継子 stepchild
16 to explore

. mamono 魔物 monster, ogre, devil, evil spirit, demon .
- - - - - madoo 魔道 - まどう / mamono no toorimichi 魔物の通り道 mado, road where monsters pass

. mamorigami 守り神 protector deities, tutelary deities legends .

. manjuu 饅頭と伝説 Legends about Manju steamed buns .
45 to collect

. Marishiten 摩利支天 .
19 to explore

. masu 升 / 桝 measuring cup .
桝 31 legends / 升 99 - collecting

. matagi 又鬼 - マタギ と伝説 Legends about bear hunters .
36 to explore

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .
akamatsu 赤松 Japanese red pine
- collecting

. Matsuyama town in Ehime 松山 愛媛県 .
26 to explore

. meido めいど【冥土 / 冥途】the Netherworld legends .
9 to translate

mekago 目籠 woven bamboo basket
. mekago tate 目籠立 putting up a bamboo basket .
85 to collect

. mi み【箕】 winnow for grain .
61 to explore

. migawari 身代わり the deities substitute for us - Legends .
50 to collect

. mikan 蜜柑 (みかん) mandarin orange, tangerine .
18 to collect

. miko 巫女 shrine maiden, female shrine attendant .
115 to explore

. mikogami 御子神 / ミコ神 "Honorable-child-kami", offspring kami . *
28 to explore

. mikoshi 神輿と伝説 Legends about the festival palanquin .
24 to explore

. mimizu ミミズ 蚯蚓 (みみず)  earthworm .
to explore

. Minamoto no Tametomo 源為朝 (1139 – 1170).
23 to explore

mino 蓑 straw raincoat - 89 to explore
kakure mino 隠れ蓑 straw raincoat to become invisible - 15 to explore (01)

. minomushi 蓑虫 / ミノムシ roundworm, bag worm .
11 ミノムシ to collect / 03 蓑虫

. Misaki and Kojin ミサキ 荒神 / 御先大明神 Misaki Daimyojin . *
212 to explore
- - - - - . shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ Misaki death of seven poeple .

. misojiru 味噌汁 miso soup .
13 to explore

. mitsubachi, hachi 蜜蜂 bee, bees, honeybee .
66 to explore

. Mitsumine sama 三峯様 Wolf Deity Legends . - Mitsumine Shrine, Chichibu

. Mizuchi 蛟 water Yokai legends / Medochi メドチ .
10 to explore

. Mizu no Kami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends .
42 to explore - 246 水神 Suijin

. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
botamochi ぼたもち
574 to explore (02) -

. mogura モグラ; モグラモチ / 土竜 / 土龍 mole, Maulwurf .
many to explore / sennen mogura 千年土竜 a white mole of 1000 years

momi no ki 樅の木 fir tree - Abies firma
. momi no ki 樅の木 and Yamanokami .
06 to explore

. moriki 杜樹 tree of a shrine - Legends .

. muenbotoke 無縁仏 graves of the unknown pilgrims .
at least 40 to explore
- from Ehime : https://japanshrinestemples.blogspot.jp/2017/08/yama-no-kami-06-regional.html

. mugimeshi 麦飯 cooked rice with barley .
5 to explore

. mukade 蜈蚣 - むかで centipede, millipede legends .
hyakusoku 百足虫 "one hundred legs"
- to translate

. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province / 武州 Bushu Legends .




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