. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. chinshoo 沈鐘 Chinsho, sunken bell legends .
kane 鐘と伝説 Legends about the temple bell
. kane 鐘 temple bell .
- Introduction -
hanging temple bell, tsurigane 釣鐘
"crocodile's mouth", waniguchi 鰐口
bronze bell, dootaku 銅鐸
small bell, suzu 鈴
. bonshoo 梵鐘 Bonsho temple bell legends .

庄田耕峰 Shoda Koho (1871-1946)

. Anchin and Kiyohime 安珍・清姫伝説 .
at the temple 道成寺 Temple Dojo-Ji
............................ waniguchi 鰐口 temple gong ............................

A Waniguchi gong hangs in front of the entrance to the temple hall and visitors may strike it before throwing their money into the box for offerings and then making their prayer/wish.
. wani わに(鰐) shark, (this means also "crocodile") .
There are no crocodiles in Japan.
Aomori 青森県 上北郡 Kamikita district 六ヶ所村 Rokkasho
Wanigudhi Jinja 鰐口神社 Waniguchi Shrine
内沼鰐口大明神神社 Uchinuma, Waniguchi Daimyojin Jinja

Once upon a time, two pious sisters wanted to visit their father and had to cross a dangerous swamp. There appeared a lage wani 鰐 shark and lay down so they could walk over its back. This is the origin of Waniguchi Jinja.
Waniguchi Jinja 鰐口神社 Waniguchi Shrine
新潟県長岡市寺泊鰐口30 Niigata, Nagaoka city, Teradomari, Waniguchi 30

Located on a small hill surrounded by trees in the middle of the fields.
Its former name was 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja.
The deity in residence is 健御名方命 Takeminakata no Mikoto = Suwa Myōjin 諏訪明神.
The date of construction is not known.
In 1908 the Shrine was united with the 道祖神社 Dosojinja of 鰐口村 Waniguchi village and the name changed to Waniguchi Jinja.
- - - - - Link with more photos :
- reference source : niigata-u.com/files ... -
Nagano 長野県 飯田市 Iida city.
There is a Waniguchi gong at 迦楼塔 the tower of Garuda. When it gets lost it is soon found again.
One of the seven wonders of Iida city.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
土浦市 Tsuchiura city
. Musashibo 弁慶 Benkei throws the bell into the lake .
............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
中京区 Nakagyo ward
. kemuri o dasu kane 煙を出す鐘 a temple bell making smoke .
at temple 妙満寺 Myoman-Ji
............................................................................... Nara
Nara 山辺郡 Yamabe district都祁村 Tsuge village
. Ryuzu 竜頭 hook of the temple bell .
............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
柏崎市 Kashiwazaki city
. The bell from Temple 西光寺 Saiko-Ji .
ryuuzu 龍頭 (りゅうず) Ryuzu hook of a temple bell, "Dragon Head"
............................................................................... Saitama
Chichibu 小鹿野町 Ogano
Once upon a time
the village temple went out of business and the 釣り鐘 temple bell was given to the pawn shop. It was sold to another village, where soon a fire started. The local fortune teller said it was the temple bell bringing bad luck, so it was given back. This legend is called
Tengu-sama no tsurigane 天狗様の釣り鐘 the Temple bell of the Tengu.
. Tengu legends from Chichibu .
Once the priest of a temple was in need of money and brought its temple bell 釣り鐘 to the pawn shop. At the town where it was re-sold there was a fire and nobody new why. A fortune-teller found the reason:
The temple bell wanted to go back to its temple and hat caused fire to bring attention to itself.
............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
. The Immortal from 菊川村 Kikugawa .
and Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell", "the Bell of Muken"
............................................................................... Tokyo 東京
町田市 Machida
. chinshoo 沈鐘 the fallen temple bell .
three legends !
............................................................................... 山形県 Yamagata
鶴岡市 Tsuruoka
tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell
In the beginning of the Meiji period they wanted to build a school. To pay for it the hanging bell and the Hokyointo of the temple were sold.
Now if there is a strong wind the school building is swaying. Once during a celebration at the school the wind blew off the roof . . .
The elders of the town only laugh at this . . . after all, the hanging temple bell had been sold . .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
227 鐘 to collect
10 梵鐘 bonshoo
hanging temple bell, tsurigane 釣鐘
- source : 4 legends : tsurigane 釣鐘 -
ryuuzu 09 龍頭 (01)
small bell, suzu 鈴
- source : 206 legends : suzu 鈴 -
. chinshoo 沈鐘 Chinsho, sunken bell legends .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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Legend from Kyoto, 宮津市 Miyazu city
shikazu no kane 撞かずの鐘 the bell which could not be made
The villagers were collecting money to have a bell, but one family had not yet made any contribution.
At the house there was an old man who said he was so poor, he could only give the baby of the family. So they took the baby and threw it into the ritual fire.
When they rang the bell for the first time there appeared the figure of a baby and the crying of the child was heard all over the village.
Legend from Nagano
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district
chinshoo 沈鐘 the sunken temple bell
At the riverpool 七曲りの渕 Nanamagari no fuchi there was a sunken bell and the villagers could not pull it out. One villager mumbled: "If we ever get it out, we should give ti to 松原の諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine at Matsubara." Now all of a sudden they could pull it out and even now it is at the Suwa shrine at Matsubara.
Matsubarasuwa Shrine 松原諏訪神社
4316 Toyosato, Koumi, Minamisaku District, Nagano
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