. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Nikko 日光 と伝説 Legends about Nikko
二荒山 Mount Futarasan
男体山 Mount Nantaisan

jatai no kami 蛇体の神 The Snake Deity
mukade no kami ムカデの神 The Centipede Deity
These two animal deities fought at Senjōgahara 戦場ヶ原 Senjogahara, the "Battlefield" marshland in Nikko.
They were the vassals of the deity of 男体山 Nantaisan in Chuzenji and the deity from 赤城山 Akagisan.
Now there is an Akanuma 赤沼 "Red swamp" of the blood from the Mukade.
There are other place names relating to these mythological events in Nikko.
. mukade 蜈蚣 と伝説 Legends about the centipede .
赤城と日光の戦い The fight of Akagi and Nikko
昔々のずっと昔、Once upon a very very VERY long time . . .

赤城の神さまと日光の神さまは絶えず争っていた。戦(いくさ)の原因は、日光の中禅寺湖が満々と水をたたえているのに対し、赤城の山は岩だらけで、水が無かったからであった。 ...
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com/modules/stories -
. Nikkoo Kaidoo 日光街道 Nikko Kaido Road .
From Edo to the Toshogu Shrine and the grave of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
. Nikko Toshogu Shrine Festivals 日光東照宮 .

. 日光山 Nikkosan - Temple 輪王寺 Rinno-Ji .
- and the common name for the three 日光山 Nikko mountains:
男体山 Nantaisan(2,486m), 女峰山 Nyohosan(2,464m) and 太郎山 Tarosan(2,368m)
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
田人村 Tabitomura village
Once Sarumaru Daiyu was hunting a white deer and came down all the way to Nikko. The Huge Mukade 大ムカデ from Nikko eats the children of the white deer, this deer mother had called the famous arrow shooter Sarumaru to help.
He put some spittle on his arrow and shot the centipede dead.
Even now if people want to kill a centipede, they use spittle.
. Sarumaru Daiyu 猿丸大夫 a waka poet .
Sarumaru 猿丸
............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
. Akagisan, Akagiyama 赤城山と伝説 Legends about Mount Akagi .
勢多郡 Seta district 富士見 Fujimi
At Akagiyama there is the valley 九十九谷 Kujukudani (99 valleys). If there would be one more valley, it would be like the 100 valleys of 高野山 Koyasan in Wakayama. Then the fight between Akagi the Mukade and Nikko the Snake started.
The Mukade from Akagi was bound with オカボの藁 the leaves of okabo, Kabocha pumpkin.
Since that time the believers in 赤城様 the Akagi deity do not grow pumpkin.
............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. 二荒山の神 Futarasan no Kami .
- and 万二万三郎 Banjibanzaburo, Banji Banzaburo
The brothers Banji and Banzaburo and the matagi マタギ hunters of Nikko.
In a dispute between the goddess of Mount Nikko and the god of Mount Akagi, Banzaburo helped the goddess by shooting out the eye of the Akagi god, who was incarnated as a huge snake (or a huge centipede in some versions of the story).
............................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県

中禅寺湖 Lake Chuzenji
The temple 中禅寺 Chuzen-Ji is at the eastern side of the lake.
Its main statue, Kannon Bosatsu, is carved out of a tree which is still rooted into the ground today.
日光市 Nikko city
. hashiri Daikoku 走り大黒 / 波之利大黒天
running Daikoku Ten / walking Daikoku .
and the story of the founder of Nikko 日光開山, Saint Shodo Shonin 勝道上人.
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hebi 蛇
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Konsei Ssama / Kinsei Sama 金精様
Konseisama in Okayama 岡山県
Kanamaro sama カナマロ様 性病や寝小便に霊験のある金精様 Konsei Sama やカナマロ様には、桐の木や瓦でできた男根を奉納する。
Konseisama in Aomori 青森県
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reihai ishi 礼拝石
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. reikoku 霊告 a revelation .
and 八木主税之介信之 Yagi Mondonosuke Nobuyuki
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ringyo 鱗魚 fish with scales
On the top of 日光山 Mound Nikkosan there are 48 lakes.
All the fish that live in the lakes of 下野 Shimotsuke have no scales.
All the fish that live in the two lakes toward 越後 Echigo have scales.
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. そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo .
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yanone ishi 矢ノ根石,yajirii ishi 鏃石,hirekijin 霹靂碪
日光市 Nikko city 山内
hagutsuru 白鶴 white crane
Toshogu 日光東照宮 Nikko Toshogu Shrine
nemuri neko 眠り猫
............................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
uma 馬 horse
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
66 to explore (20)
日光 nikkoo : sunshine . . . not included
新潟県 東蒲原郡 阿賀町 - 津川の日光寺
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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