. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
chagama 茶釜と伝説 Legends about tea kettles, water kettles
tetsubin 鉄瓶 iron pot
. chagama 茶釜 "tea kettle", water kettle .
teakettle, iron tea ceremony pot, to heat water for the tea ceremony
- Introduction -

source : tempsera.at.webry...
Gunma, 茂林寺 Morin-Ji
. Bunbuku Chagama 文福茶釜・分福茶釜, Lucky Tea Kettle Story .
The tanuki 狸 badger is taking a nap and has forgotten its disguise as a priest.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama
. kinkei 金鶏と伝説 Legends about the golden rooster .
......................................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
富郷町 Tomisatocho town
. mukade 蜈蚣 と伝説 Legends about the centipede .
......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
カンスコロバシ Kansu korobashi / kansu-korogashi
korobashi is a Yokai in the form of an iron kettle, known in Fukushima,
It lives on the mountain and if someone passes here at night, it rolls itself over him.
kansu カンス(鑵子 - 鉄瓶)

source : warriorsofmyth.fandom.com/wiki...
......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県県
. Priest 正通和尚 Masamichi and a mendicant monk named 朱鶴 Azuru .
ぶんぶく茶釜 bunbuku tea kettle - clay bell

......................................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町
binboogami 貧之神 Binbogami
......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
東蒲原郡 阿賀町
mujina ムジナ,tanuki 狸 badger
......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
川上村 Kawakami village
At night people should not clap their hands on the iron tea kettle.
......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
Kappa 河童
......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
周防大島町 Hofu-Oshima
. A poor man named 八 Hachi. .
smelling lost things like a tea kettle.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
鉄瓶 ok
35 茶釜 to collect
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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1 comment:
Hikari-chagama 光茶銚 the shining tea kettle
At a teahouse in Senju, Edo, called "Jiji-ga-chaya", a little distance away from Senju-shuku.
It is said that there was a famous tea kettle in this teahouse that was bright and shiny.
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