. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants - Ameisen
. ari 蟻 (あり) ant, Ameise .
- Introduction - kigo for haiku -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
ariana, ari-ana 蟻穴 anthill
If someone destroys an anthill, it will soon rain.
- - - - -
Once someone was drying medical plants in the middle of a hot summer, when extremely many ants came too. So he took some boiling water and wanted to pour it over the anthill to kill them all.
He was stopped by the thought of killing so many and put up a sign in front of the anthill:
"If you leave here within three days, I will not put hot water over this hill!"
And indeed, the ants left in due time.
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
幡豆郡 Hazu district
If ants or hyakusoku 百足 millipedes come into a home, it will rain soon.
南設楽郡 Minami-Shitara district 長篠村 Nagashino village
aodaishoo, ao daishoo 青大将 Japanese rat snake
Elaphe climacophora
Once a man killed a Japanese rat snake, because it was trying to climb into the nest of a tsubame 燕 swallow. But after that the babies of the swallow did not grow any more.
When he examined the nest, he found many ants trying to eat the baby swallows. The snake had been frigtening the ants away.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
Ise mairi 伊勢詣 pilgrimage to Izu
This pilgrimage was very popular in the Edo period.
If someone had killed ants, his boat would capsize on his Izu pilgrimage.
. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Great Shrine at Ise .
......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
加茂郡 Kamo district 太田町 Ota town
If someone had killed ants, his boat would capsize on his Izu pilgrimage.
高山市 Takayama city
Arikura no baba 蟻鞍の婆 Old Hag from Arikura

She was an old woman with supernatural powers who lived in Takayama.
She used prayer to stop the eruption of a mountain after it had been rumbling for seven days, and turned the hot water of an onsen cold by throwing a horse's hoof into it.
- - wikipedia/pinterest -
......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
吾妻郡 Agatsuma district 中之条町 Nakanojo town
shaberi ishi しゃべり石 / 囀石 a stone which talked

At 大道囀石 there is a huge triangular boulder called "Shaberi Ishi".
They say this stone can talk.
Once a man from the Chugoku region of Japan spent a night at the foot of this boulder. The boulder begun to talk and told the man the place where he could fight with the enemy of his parents.
Other people had similar experiences.
Later a huge man from 北越 Hokuetsu took his sword and put a deep cut into the stone, which then stopped talking.
Part of the boulder flew far away and can now be seen at the river 蟻川 Arikawa.
Arikawadake 蟻川岳 Mount Arikawadake. 853 m

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
A frostbite can be healed by grounding 蟻の子 young ants and place the pulp on the frostbite.
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
In April of the year 887 there was a strong earthquake, the 仁和地震 Ninna jishin.
From the Tatchimon gate of the 平安京大内裏 Imperial Inner Court there was a cloud like smoke rising up to heaven, even sparkling like a rainbow.
But in fact it was a huge group of haari 羽蟻 flying ants.

北区 Kita ward
kohebi 小蛇 a small snake
In 1722, a person from 西陣 Nishijin and two from 中京 Nakagyo went fishing to the pond 上賀茂蟻が池 / 蟻ケ池 Kamigamo Arigaike, "the Ant Pond".

- Arigachi Park -
They caught a small serpent and tried to kill her by hitting it. but they begun to hallucinate and run away in fear.
The man from Nishijin died soon after.
The two from Nakagyo developed high fever and died a while later.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Arigaike is also written 阿禮ケ池.
阿礼神社 / 阿禮神社 Shrine Arei Jinja in Nagano.
- googeling for 蟻が池 / 蟻ケ池
......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
泉佐野市 Izumisano City
aridooshi no kami 蟻通神 / アリドオシノカミ The Aridoshi Deity
Arimichi Jinja, Aritoshi Jinja 蟻通神社 Shrine
814 Nagataki, Izumisano, Osaka

- reference source : aritooshi.org... -

- quote -
Aritoshi Shrine in Osaka – Historic Shrine with an Ancient Legend
The origin of the shrine dates so far back to ancient times that the details are not clear. Here I would like to introduce to you about the shrine along with its legend related to Ki no Tsurayuki.
The shrine is known to have a legend related to Tsurayuki Kino. Tsurayuki Kino is a nobility who lived in the Heian Period, from around the 9th to 10th century and became famous as a great poet.
According to the legend, he was on a trip and kept on horseback as he was passing by Aritoshi Shrine. Then the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and it began to pour and making his horse collapse and go ill, to his great perplexity.
- - - - - Noh Play “Aridoshi” Based on the Legend
*The shrine is named “Aritoshi” but the noh play is titled “Aridoshi.”
Based on the legend, Zeami, the grandmaster of noh (a form of Japanese traditional play), wrote a drama around the 15th century, or Muromachi Period, which was about 400 years after the time when Tsurayuki lived.
In the drama, an old shrine guard with an umbrella and a torch in his hands appear in front of Tsurauki, whose horse had collapsed and was at a loss. The old man told him that the god had probably punished him for his impious behavior to pass by the shrine without dismounting from a horse.
Not having realized that he was trespassing within the shrine site, Tsurayuki was deeply awed and recited a poem of apology to the god in accordance with the old man’s advice. As soon as he finished, the horse rose up quickly and recovered its health.
Tsurayuki was very pleased by the god’s forgiveness and the old man recited a congratulatory verse and dedicated his ritual dance to the god. Then the old man told Tsurayuki that he was actually the incarnation of the god of Aritoshi Shrine and disappeared into the darkness.
The story of the noh drama comes to a close as Tsurayuki, excited by his blessed audience with the god, gets back on his journey again. ...
- source : goinjapanesque.com...-
. Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 (872 - 945) .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- - - - - Place Names with ARI 蟻 - - - - -

Arizukajo 蟻塚城 Arizuka castle (anthill castle)
長野県伊那市 Nagano Ina town
It belonged to the 笠原氏 Kasahara clan, who were a branch family of the Kasahara Shinto priests from 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine.
The castle is also called Naka no Jo 中の城 "castle in the middle", because it is positioned in the middle between
守屋山城 Moriyasan castle and 天神山城 Tenjinyama castle.
There is also a place called Arishiro 蟻城 "ant castle" nearby.
青森県八戸市 鮫町 蟻子(ありこ)- Ariko
青森県三戸郡 南部町鳥舌内 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
岩手県和賀郡 西和賀町 蟻巣山(ありすやま)- Airsuyama
岩手県胆沢郡 金ケ崎町西根 北蟻ケ沢(きたありがさわ)- Kitaarigasawa
宮城県大崎市 蟻ヶ袋(ありがふくろ)Arigafukuro
- - - - - 三本木蟻ヶ袋(さんぼんぎありがふくろ)Sangibon Arigafukuro
秋田県能代市 中沢 蟻ノ台(ありのだい)- Arinodai
秋田県男鹿市 北浦真山 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
秋田県由利本荘市 蟻山(ありやま)
秋田県大仙市 刈和野 田中蟻塚(たなかありづか)- Tanaka Arizuka
秋田県北秋田郡 上小阿仁村小沢田 蟻沢(ありさわ)- Arisawa
秋田県雄勝郡 羽後町飯沢 蟻坂(ありざか)- Aruzaja
山形県鶴岡市 田麦俣 蟻腰(ありごし)- Arigoshi
山形県最上郡 真室川町大沢 蟻喰(ありばみ)- Aribomi
山形県飽海郡 遊佐町 蟻ノ戸渡(ありのとわたし)- Arinoto watashi
山形県飽海郡 遊佐町北目 蟻塚(ありづか)- Aruzyja
福島県郡山市 片平町 蟻塚(ありつか)新蟻塚(しんありつか)- Arizuka
福島県喜多方市 蟻塚山(ありづかやま)- Arizukayama
福島県南会津郡 南会津町田島 赤蟻甲(あかありこう - Akaariko
福島県南会津郡 南会津町永田 赤蟻(あかあり)- Akaari
群馬県吾妻郡 中之条町 蟻川(ありがわ)Arigawa 蟻川岳(ありがわだけ)- Arigawadake
蟻川川(ありがわがわ)- Airgawagawa
石川県鹿島郡 中能登町 蟻ケ原(ありがはら)- Arigahara
山梨県北杜市 長坂町長坂上条 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
長野県長野市 蟻ヶ崎(ありがさき)- Arigazaki
長野県長野市 信州新町山穂刈 蟻之尾(ありのお)- Arinoo
長野県松本市 蟻ヶ崎(ありがさき)蟻ヶ崎台(ありがさきだい)- Arigasakidai
長野県上水内郡 信州新町山穂刈 蟻之尾(ありのお)- Arinoo
愛知県名古屋市 守山区上志段味 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
愛知県安城市 桜井町 蟻路(ぎろ)- Giro
愛知県安城市 藤井町 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
愛知県知多郡 阿久比町植大 蟻塚根(ありづかね)- Arizukane
愛知県北設楽郡 設楽町津具 蟻越(ありこし)- Arikoshi
京都府京都市 北区 蟻が池(ありがいけ)- Arigaike
大阪府泉佐野市 蟻通神社(ありとおしじんじゃ)- Aritoshi Jinja
和歌山県田辺市 蟻合谷(ありごうだに)蟻ノ越(ありのこし)- Arinotoshi
和歌山県日高郡 日高町 蟻島(ありしま)- Arishima
岡山県岡山市 蟻峰山(ぎほうざん)- Gihozan
岡山県総社市 蟻ヶ峠(ありがとうげ)- Arigatoge
広島県竹原市 蟻ヶ平山(ありがひらやま)- Arigahirayama
香川県三豊市 詫間町詫間 蟻ノ首(ありのくび)- Arinokubi
高知県土佐清水市 蟻崎(ありさき)- Arisaki
高知県幡多郡 大月町 蟻峡口(ありさこぐち)- Arisakoguchi
佐賀県鹿島市 蟻尾山(ぎびざん)Gibizan 蟻尾山大橋(ありおやまおおはし)
蟻尾山公園(ありおやまこうえん)- Arioyama Koen
- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kmr_tds... -
- - - - - 蟻ヶ崎の由来 - the meaning of Arigasaki
This name is known since the Middle ages, but it used to be written
阿礼崎 Arisaki, Aresaki
ARE in this case means a place where the Shinto deities descend.
It refers to Arigasaki mura 蟻ヶ崎村, a village in a high position with a great view below.
- reference source : matsusen.jp... -
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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