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Showing posts with label - - - Legends - - -. Show all posts


Tengu legends 08 Fukuoka

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 福岡県 Legends about Tengu in Fukuoka
- - - see below for
Tengu-daoshi 天狗倒し "Tengu knocking down trees"

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


英彦山 Mount Hikosan is often called
Tengu masho 天狗魔所 "Monster Place of the Tengu"

. Buzenboo, Buzenbō 豊前坊 Buzenbo Tengu .
彦山豊前坊 - Hikozan Buzenbo

source :


Kichigo 吉吾 sat under a tree and asked the Tengu what he feared most.
The answer was いけが(茨 ibara)wild roses .
When the Tengu asked Kichigo what he feared most, Kichigo said
botamochi 牡丹餅 "Peony Cakes".
A few days later when the Tengu was asleep, Kichigo placed a lot of wild roses around his bed. As a revenge, the Tengu now threw many peony cakes down the roof of Kichigo's house. Kichigo picked them up and ate them all.

. botamochi 牡丹餅 "Peony Cakes" .
round rice cakes covered with sweet bean paste

............................................................................... Yame district 八女郡
星野村 Hoshino  

Tengu-daoshi 天狗倒し "Tengu knocking down trees"
Once a hunter spent the night deep in the mountains and heared the sound of falling trees all night.
Next morning when he went to check the place, there was nothing at all.


Tengu-daoshi, Tengu daoshi 天狗倒し / テングダオシ "Tengu knocking down trees"

The sound of cutting down trees with a saw or ax is heard at night, but next morning nothing is to be seen.
This refers to strange noises in a lonely forest.

This phenomenon of a strange sound is especially known in 岐阜県 Gifu, 福井県 Fukui, 福島県 Fukushima, 茨城県 Ibaragi、石川県 Ishikawa and 埼玉県 Saitama.

天狗なめし / テングナメシ Tengu nameshi (Iwate)
空木返し / ソラキダオシ sora kikaeshi(Fukushima - Kagoshima )
空木倒し sora kidaoshi (Kagoshima)
カラキガエシ kara kigaeshi (Fukushima)
天クヅシ ten kuzushi( Miyazaki)
杖突(つえつき) tsuetsuki, tsue tsuki (Tosa)

- quote -
Tengu-daoshi and other strange events in the mountains is often considered to be the deeds of mountain gods or tengu in the eastern half of Japan, but in the western half they are considered to be the deeds of the Kappa yamawaro.
Phenomena such as the tengu-daoshi (sounds such as that of a large tree falling) are considered to be done by the yamawaro themselves, and in the Kumamoto Prefecture, other than stories where they would make falling tree or falling rock noises, there are also stories where they would imitate human songs and where they make sounds imitating mokko (a tool made of bamboo or woven grass for carrying heavy loads) dropping dirt or even the explosion sounds of dynamite.
However, the tengu does not play no role at all in those regions, because in some parts, such as the Oguni in Kuamoto Prefecture, there are no yamawaro legends and they are instead considered to be the deeds of tengu.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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空木返し(そらきがえし)sora kigaeshi
空木倒し(からきだおし)kara kigaeshi
furusoma 古杣 Yokai "old forest worker"
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県

kara kigaeshi カラキガエシ / 狐,狸 Fox and Badger
A forest worker stayed at a hut in the mountains. He heared the sound of foxes and badgers kicking down trees and even Tengu doing this.
He went out with a light in hand and on the spot all the spook stopped.

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
郡上郡 Kujo

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and Tengu 天狗 .

............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
久慈郡 Kuji district 中里村 Nakasato mura / 小里村 Osato mura

A forest worker stayed at a hut in the mountains. He heard the sound of a saw cutting trees, コンツ、コンツ kontsu kontsu kontsu, like an echo in the valley.
It was really a strange experience.
On rainy and cloudy nights at the foot of 三鈷室山 Mount Sankomuro san (863 m), the sound of felling a tree can be heard three times: バカン、バカン、バカン bakan bakan bakan.

久慈郡 Kuji district 賀美村 Kami mura

At night, at the foot of a swamp of 立割山 Mount Tatewariyama (767 m), a hunter's dog suddenly sat down. From the far end of the swamp the sound of パカーン bakaaan was heard, like soomwan using an ax to fell a tree a few times. Then a very strong wind begun to blow.

............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
上閉伊郡 Kami-Hei district

tengu nameshi テングナメシ
The sound of cutting trees and trees falling down could be heard all night. But next morning they were all standing as before.

............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県

kikariboo 木伐り坊 Kikari-Bo Tengu
If forest workers spent a night in a hut or a cave, they hear the sound of falling trees reveberating in the forest. Next morning nothing is to be seen.
This is called Tengu daoshi, 空木倒し sora kidaoshi or Kikair-Bo.

sora kigaeshi 空木倒し
Related to the tales about 海姫 Umihime and 磯女 Iso-Onna, the female Yokai from the beaches.
Around the 5th lunar month, if fishermen go out on a night with strong fog, they hear the sound of a boulder falling in the sea. They also hear the sound of trees falling or Tengu throwing stones.

. Tengu tsubute 天狗つぶて / 天狗礫 "Tengu throwing stones" .


iso onna 磯女,海姫様 umihime sama
These tales are told by fishermen, who have to go out in the fifth lunar month, when there is fog on the sea.

長崎県 Nagasaki 小値賀町 Ojika
Iso-Onna is another name for Umi-Hime, princess of the sea. She is a Yokai of the souls of drowned people.
They come to the beach on windless nights and ask the captain of a boat to bring back the soul of a drowned person.
They are especially known in Kyushu.

磯女 10 to explore磯女 - 妖怪 - Iso Onna

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 北相木村 Kita-Aiki

Especially in winter, villagers hear the sound of trees being cut down and boulders falling from the slopes.

............................................................................... Oita 大分県

tanuki 狸 badger
The sound of trees being felled is called Tengu daoshi, but on the 国東半島 Kunisaki Peninsula people say it is a badger with his long tail, banging on trees trying to fool people.

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県

. Tengu no tooorimichi 天狗の通り道 / テングノトオリミチ road where Tengu pass .
北房町 Hokubo // 真庭郡 Maniwa district

- - - - -

When 山崎助四郎 Yamasaki Sukeshiro was still a young man, he used to be a seko 勢子 helper of the local hunters. Once they passed cave in the mountain, there was a sudden sound all over the place. The surroundings became dark and they experienced a "Tengu knocking down trees". They all huddled down and covered the heads with their arms until the noise had stopped.
Another hunter went out in the early morning when the kiji 雉 pheasants come out. While he was waiting in the mountain forest, there was a noise of "Tengu knocking down trees". He huddled down and fired his gun in great fear. There was a sudden silence. When it became light enough he went around seraching and found a kamo 鴨 duck shot dead. Now he knew that it was not the Tengu, but a flock of ducks that had made the noise.

苫田郡 Tomata district 富村 Tomison

. Tenguiwa, Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Iwa boulder .

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and Tengu 天狗 .
芦川村 Ashigawa mura


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

Osaragi Jirō 大佛次郎 (おさらぎ じろう) Osaragi Jiro (1897 - 1973 Daibutsu Jiro)


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


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Tengu legends 07 Fukui

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 福井県 Legends about Tengu in Fukui

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


. 王の舞 O no Mai (Onomai) dance of the king .

若狭 Wakasa, 宇波西神社 Shrine Uwase Jinja, on April 8th.


. kamikakushi 神かくし / カミカクシ mysterious disappearance .
kidnapped by a Tengu
今立郡 Imadate district 池田町 Ikeda //

. Karasutengu, Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 Crow Tengu .
三方郡 Mikata district

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and Tengu .
武生市 Takefu 坂口村 Sakaguchi


Tengu matsuri 天狗祭 Tengu festival
During a local Tengu festival, someone put a glass of Sake 酒 rice wine on a branch of the tree. And a few days later, the Sake had all gone . . . Tengu like to drink!

Another person often went to 酒倉 the storehouse for Sake. There lived also a Tengu, and since the Tengu does not like to drink alone, this man kept him company.

If someone denies the wish of a Tengu to play with him, his home will be cursed. The roof might be blown away and stones are thrown at the walls.


tsurube otoshi つるべおとし a bucket thrown down in the well
Sometimes there is the sound of something coming from above, that is the Tengu. He sits on an old tree and if a child has done something bad, he pulls it up (in a bucket).
Tengu also like fire. If someone walks alone at night and sees a flame, he is surely fooled by the Tengu.

- - 水木しげる 原画より -

. tsurube otoshi 釣瓶落し fast sunset in autumn .
lit. "the sun goes down like a bucket trown in the well"


In one valley there lived a Tengu.
Although there is nobody to be seen, there is the sound of someone felling a tree. This must be the Tengu.


彦作 Hikosaku was on his way home at night, when a Tengu came along. The tengu asked him for fire to have a puff of tobacco. Hikosaku tried to make fire with カドイシ his flint stone and the Tengu took a leisurely, pleasing puff. Then the Tengu asked him go give him his flint stone and so he gave it to the Tengu.
Hikosaku was blessed by the Tengu and achieved 神通自在 supernatural power for himself.


Once 屋根葺き the straw roof of a home needed to be done anew and the group who helped each other with this work got together to discuss the proceedings. A Tengu came along and said he would do it all by himself in one night, but nobody was allowed to see it. That night there was quite a noise on the roof, but next morning - indeed - the straw roof was all new. Even the ground before the house was swept clean with no trace of the old straw left.

古峯神社 straw roof at Furumine Jinja, Tochigi


There was a man named 久左衛門 Kyuzaemon who had good hand lines. Once a Tengu came and borrowed them. As a reward he gave Kyuzaemon one Soy bean to keep as a treasure.
A few years later, there was a great fire in the neighbourhood and many homes burned down. But the house of Kyuzaemon was safe.


dendeko taiko デンデコ太鼓 dendeko big drum
Dendeko is the big drum of a Tengu. He comes to the village and hits his drum to make people laugh.

- CLICK for more photos -

dendeko drums are also known in other parts of Japan. This photo is from Sado Island festival.


福井市 Fukui city

. loosing a hatchet or sickle in the mountains .
and the saba 鯖 mackerel

- - - - -

maa san マーサン "Mister Maa"
In the evening there is a Tengu with a long nose sitting on the roof, and people are not allowed to walk under the eaves of this house. This is Maa san.
If the Tengu has kidnapped a child, people search for it under a sugi 杉 cedar tree in the mountain.

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tenjikubana テンジクバナ / 天竺花 flowers from Tenjiku (India)

tenjiku botan 天竺牡丹 "Peony from India"

On the 8th day of the 5th lunar month, people prepare a round flower arrangement with seven different flowers and people have to walk through it. The ring must be put up in the East of the home and be as high as possible.
The seven flowers are:
fuji フジ // tsutsuji ツツジ // yamabuki ヤマブキ // gibooshi ギボウシ // suzume no chabukoro スズメノチャブクロ // kogome コゴメ(クサソテツ) // botan ボタン
If someone has been kidnapped by a Tengu, it is best to take a bunch of these seven flowers and go looking for him. If the person his found, the flowers are burned and the person purified with the smoke.

今立郡 Imadate district 池田町 Ikeda

Once a man went looking for firewood in the woods and did not come back for a few days. His family begged the Tengu to let him go. The man went to the mountain a few times a year to have drinks with the Tengu.


Once a family made 酒 Sake at their home. From the nearby hill there came a Tengu with a lantern and sat on a keyaki 欅 zelkova tree. He sneaked into the Sake storage room and drank the rice wine, making a loud noise. The head of the family heard the noise and said:
"We made a good rice wine this year. Even the Tengu has come to taste it!" and all were happy.


When they were digging a canal for 月ヶ瀬用水 the Tsukigase Waterway, a Tengu came and disturbed them, throwing stones.
One of the workers went to Shikoku to pray at Konpira san and after that, the Tengu did not show up any more.
One of the rocks along the Waterway is called Tengu Iwa 天狗岩 "Tengu Rock".


In the East of 段の岳 Mount Dannodake (734 m) there lives a Tengu.
If anyone cuts the trees of this forest, his home will suffer a fire.

美浜町新庄 Mihama

. Hassaku no Abare Tengu festival .
at Hassaku Festival of the Hiyoshi Shrine - the Riot Tengu 暴れ天狗

三方郡 Mikata district 三方村 Mikata

Tengu no nage-fude 天狗の投げ筆 the brushwork thrown by a Tengu
There is a treasure named Tengu no nage-fude, a calligraphy by a Tengu.
About 300 years ago there was a doctor who was very skillful at writing calligraphy.
One day he met an old man with white hair in the mountain who said: "Please lend me a paper with your calligraphy for two or three days!" The old man was of course a Tengu.
He gave the paper back and the doctor kept it as a hanging scroll, said to protect his home from fire. Later the doctor went broke and gave the scroll away, but the home where the scroll was hung up now burned down.
Only the scroll had jumped from the wall and was safe.

南條郡 Nanjo district 今庄町 Imajo

Once a man had been fooled by a Tengu and spent the whole night looking for a way out of the mountain. He kept walking until early morning light to find the right way.

大野市 Ono city

There is a place named bikunin korobashi ビクニン転ばし.
Once upon a time, a nun (bikuni 比丘尼) had tried to climb the mountain, but she got kicked over by a Tengu,
fell down, rolled down all the way and died deep in the valley.

遠敷郡 Onyu district

A Tengu sitting on a low branch had been visible as a reflection on the water.
A hunter tried to shoot at it, but the Tengu run away just in time. That night the Tengu appeared in the dream of the hunter:
"Why would you try to shoot at some reflection in the water? Don't be stupid when hunting."

鯖江市 Sabae

Once a samurai walked alone at night and was stopped by a Tengu. The Tengu wanted to have a sword fight with him. The Samurai won the fight and took away the sword of the Tengu.
The sword is still a family treasure.

坂井郡 Sakai district

During 日清戦争 the Sino-Japanese War, the Tengu had helped and worked at the battlefield.
To show their gratitude, the villagers offered sekihan 赤飯 red ritual rice and Sake at the Torii gate of the Shrine near the sugi 杉 cedar tree where the Tengu lived.
When they tried later to cut the tree, blood came sprouting out of the cut.

武生市 Takefushi 坂口村 Sakaguchi mura

Around 1910, an old woman went to the mountain to get some hana shikibu はなしきぶ (花式部) Caryopteris xclandonensis flowers.
But she did not come home. They all looked for her for three days and did not find her. Later they found her trapped in the branches of a tree.
She must have opposed a Tengu and he had taken her away as punishment.

敦賀市 Tsuruga

There are some large rocks where a Tengu lives and all are afraid. Once a man named 三左衛門 Sanzaemon begun making charcoal nearby. The Tengu appeared and said:
"This here is my garden, go home at once. Blow the flute, hit the drum and go down the mountain!"
But the man did not do as told and a few days later the Tengu appeared again.
"I give you one more warning, go home at once!"
Suddenly there was a strong rain and wind and the man climbed down the mountain. But the storm was very strong and the home of Sanzaemon was blown to pieces.


- - - - - Tengu no su 天狗の巣 nest of a Tengu

. Ehime 愛媛県 .
in Ehime 周桑郡 Shuso district 丹原 Tanbara // Mount Ishizuchiyama 石槌山

Fukui 丹生郡 Nyuu district 越廼村 Koshino mura

Tengu no su 天狗の巣といわれる木 a tree like the nest of a Tengu
Before cutting down a tree with a "nest of a Tengu2 in the branches, the wood cutters have to make an offering of 酒 Sake and cut the root of the tree with one cut, leaving the masakari マサカリ ax on the spot.
If they come back next morning and the Sake and the ax are gone, this is a sighn that it is all right now to cut the tree.

Ishikawa 石川県

Tengu no ishikoro 天狗の砂礫 gravel of a Tengu / Tengu no su 天狗の巣
Around 1920, suddenly a lot of gravel came flying over from the other side of the valley. The villagers thought this was the mischief of some young folk, but next came a loud noise from the ground, almost an earthquake. Then came more gravel, バラバラゴー barabaragooooooo.


Yamanokami no hooki 山の神の箒 broom of Yamanokami
In Iwate, a 吉野桜 Yoshinozakura cherry blossom tree which is befallen of the
tengusubyoo 天狗巣病 "nest of a Tegnu", witch's broom disease
is called "Broom of Yamanokami".

A witch's broom or witches' broom is a deformity in a woody plant, typically a tree, where the natural structure of the plant is changed. A dense mass of shoots grows from a single point, with the resulting structure resembling a broom or a bird's nest.
- quote wikipedia-

. Tengu and Yama no Kami 山の神 .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengunosu #tengufukui #fukuitengu #hassaku -


Tengu Legends 06 Ehime

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 愛媛県 Legends about Tengu in Ehime

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

Tengu mask from Dogo Onsen Hot Spring, Matsuyama

source :


. Tengu no matsu 天狗の松 "Tengu Pine" - Legends Introduction .

If someone tries to cut a tree town, he will be flipped in the air or falls under the tree.
At night such a tree sometimes makes a loud, painful sound, or falls down all by itself
天狗の倒し木 tree cut down by a Tengu.
If villagers check in the morning, sometimes there is nothing special to be seen.


. ashi nashi tengu 足なし天狗 Tengu without feet .
Tengu 天狗 at Mount Ishizuchisan 石槌山
Tengu as kaze no kamisama 風の神様 God of the Wind.

. shinka 神火と伝説 Legends about "divine fire" .
and the Tengu from 篠山 Mount Sasayama.

............................................................................... Imabara 今治市
大三島町 Omishima

Once upon a time, all the fields were shared for use and every 25 years re-distributed (narashi ナラシ). A man who did not like his field being shared asked for a new NARASHI distribution.
The local Tengu did not like this, took this man and threw him on a boulder, the Yokomakura no Iwa 横枕の岩.

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Tengu-iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Iwa Rock
Once a man who was hunting for mushrooms in the mountain forest, saw a woman sitting on a boulder cooling off. Suddenly a Tengu appeared and threw her down into the valley. She lost all her hair and became a nun. The rock is since called Tengu Iwa.
The Tengu seems to sit on a special pine tree to observe this rock. This pine tree was not very high and grew almost only vertically.

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At the border between 宮浦 Miyaura and 里浦 Satoura there is a Tengu no matsu 天狗の松 Tengu Pine.
In former times a Tengu used to live there and deceived people. Sometimes a golden Sake cup was seen rolling at the roots of the tree.
The village elder was once deceived and made to walk around all night along the river.

. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .

............................................................................... Iyo 予市
中山町 Nakayama

A retainer of 松山城主蒲生家 the Gamo clan of the lord of Matsuyama castle named 松本忠四郎 Matsumoto Chushiro went up to mount 久万山 Mount Kumayama and blew his flute for the Tengu to enjoy. As a reward he got a letter box which he should never open.
But the curious lord opened it anyway. He found a sheet of paper with the note
"The Gamo clan will be extinguished!"
And thus it happened.

砥部町 Tobe

Tengu no asobiba 天狗の遊び場 place where the Tengu plays
Usually a pine tree which does not grow any more.
Once a man cut down such an old tree, but the Tengu got very angry and the whole family of the man suffered great misfortune.
Sometimes people can plant another pine tree (お断りの杉) to appease the anger of a Tengu.

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Chiyoko to kizamareta iwa チヨコと刻まれた岩 rock with the inscription "Chiyoko"
Tengudani 天狗谷 the Tengu valley

The other side of the Tengudany 天狗谷 Tengu Valley has a steep cliff and a rock where 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu is venerated. It has the inscription CHIYOKO.
Legend tells of the woman who made a wish to the this Bosatsu and carved her name into the cliff. She climbed up the steep cliff, with a baby strapped to her back. When the child called Chiyoko begun to cry, the two of them fell down to their death into the Tengu valley, while the mother kept shouting the name of her baby
Chiyoko, Chiyoko, Chiyoko.

- - - - - - there is also
- - - - - 天狗谷遺跡 Tengudani iseki ruins

Tengudani Sue, Kakamigahara, Gifu 岐阜県各務原市須衛町
- - - With remains of Sue pottery 須恵器の窯跡
1 kiln from the Heian period 平安時代後期の灰釉陶器窯跡
7 kilns from the Nara period 奈良時代にかけての須恵器窯跡
There are also two Kofun mounds 古墳時代終末の古墳

- - - - - Ruins of the 天狗谷窯跡 Tengudani Kiln in Saga
The Tengudani Kiln is said to be one of Japan's first kilns where porcelain was fired.

This kiln was used during the early stage of Arita’s porcelain production.
There is a close connection between this kiln and the father of Arita porcelain 李参平 Ri Sanpei. According to the chronicles of his descendants, the Kanagae family, “after having discovered a kaolin deposit at 泉山 Mt. Izumiyama, he constructed the first kiln at 白川天狗谷 Shirakawa Tengudani, for it was easy to access both water and fire wood, and as he taught painting and workmanship techniques to his disciples, the art of porcelain making gradually became a thriving business”. The kiln is a climbing kiln constructed on a mountain slope. It is said to be between 3m and 8m in width and more than 50m in length.

Shirakawa, Arita-cho, Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga
- reference source : -

Ehime 宇和町 Uwa cho

At 大判山 Mount Obanzan there lives a Tengu.
People are not allowed to go to the mountain on the first, 15th and 28 of each month.
Mount Obanzan is 795 m high.

............................................................................... Kami-Ukena district 上浮穴郡
久万高原町 Kuma Kogen, Kumakogen, Kuma Highland

. shibatengu, shiba tengu 柴天狗 / シバテン Shiba Tengu. Shibaten .
Almost like a Kappa 河童 Yokai monster.
- - - - -
There is a rock named nusutto ishi 盗っ人石 (盗人石 / 盗人岩) "thief's rock".
Once a thief stole the money offerings from the shrine at 石鎚山 Mount Ishizuchisan. But he was caught by the Tengu from the mountain, who threw him high in the sky. The stone is where the thief landed.
- - - - -
Once a saotome 早乙女 rice-planting maiden was singing a song, bending toward the direction of 久保田の天狗嶽 Mount Tengudake at Kubota.
The Tengu came close and wanted to imitate the song, but could not sing as beautiful as the maiden.
The Tengu got angry and since then during the rice-planting season it always rains.

. Tengu 石槌山法起坊 - Ishizuchizan Hoki-Bo .
and Tengu-dake 天狗岳 Mount Tengudake 1982m

. saotome 早乙女と伝説 Legends about women planting rice .

............................................................................... Kita district 喜多郡
内子町 Uchiko

The Tengu who live in the deep mountains are almost like sennin 仙人 immortals.
If a wicked or defiled person comes to the mountain, they swing him around and throw him out.

............................................................................... Matsuyama 松山市

hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire
At 三津浜 Mitsuhama on the Inland Sea there is a lonely place where many subtropical trees and plants grow below a steep cliff.
In this thicket there lived a Tengu who sometimes came out to do some mischief. Once on a spring night the fishermen had a great catch, but then suddenly there came hi no tama 火の玉 a ball of fire and all the fish in their baskets suddenly disappeared. When they realized their loss, they looked up and saw the ball of fire swirling around the top of the cliff.

- - - - -
onryoo 怨霊 vengeful spirit
from the temple
. Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji .
A temple where the Tengu live !

- - - - -

tokobashira 床柱 alcove post
Once a man went 奥道後 deep in the forest of Dogo and cut a tree to make an alcove post for his home.
But the man developed a high fever and died shortly after.
A diviner told the family that this was a divine tree and the man had been thrown around by a Tengu as punishment.

............................................................................... Minami-Uwa district 南宇和郡
愛南町 Ainan

At the 老樟 old camphor tree of the 蕨岡 Warabioka family there was a divine light for seven days and seven nights. They called it 熊の権現の神火 the divine light of Kumano Gongen and venerated it at
Mount 篠山 Sasayama (1065 m ).
Years later the Tengu who lived at Sasayama came to live in this tree and played his tricks on the members of the family. So one day the head of the home shot at him and the Tengu lost one of his wings. To get it back he had to promise never to play tricks around here any more and to protect the family from theft and misfortune. And to this day, the Tengu protects the Warabioka family.
The home was later even called 戸たてず庄屋 "Home with no doors", because no thief would dare to come here.

............................................................................... Ochi district 越智郡
伯方町 Hakata village

There are various places where Tengu have been seen:
Tengu matsu 天狗松 Tengu pine
Tengu zashiki 天狗座敷 Tengu living room,
. Tengu no miya 天狗の宮 Palace of the Tengu .

小田町 Oda

The Tengu who live in the deep mountains are almost like sennin 仙人 immortals.
If a wicked or defiled person comes to the mountain, they swing him around and throw him out.

............................................................................... Onsen district 温泉郡
重信町 Shigenobu

There is a Tengu-iwa 天狗岩 Tengu boulder in the village.

- - - - -

To built a hut in the mountains, a villager added some stones for a base. He spent the night there.
That night the roof begun to shake, and also the next night.
Well, one stone he had taken was by the Tengu to take a rest, so probably the Tengu had come to scare him and sit on the roof.

............................................................................... Shuso district 周桑郡 Shūsō
丹原 Tanbara  

. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 at Ishizuchisan 石槌山 .
and Tengu no su 天狗の巣 nest of a Tengu

- - - - -

. Kooryuuji 興隆寺 Koryu-Ji .

- - - - -

Once a priest who liked the ladies very much went missing.
He was eventually found, almost bones only, hanging is a large cherry tree down in the river valley.
Since that event a light could be seen above the cherry tree, said to be the Tengu who had taken care and punished the sensual priest.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tenguehime #ehimetengu #tengudani #tengukiln #shirakawatengudani #tengudanikofun -


Tengu kamikakushi legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu no kamikakushi, kami-kakushi 天狗と神かくし / カミカクシ abduction
Legends about Tengu and mysterious disappearances
"being spirited away" // kamigakushi かみがくし
テングの神隠し Tengu no Kamikakusi // tengu sarai 天狗攫い

Kamikakushi is used to refer to the mysterious disappearance or death of a person that happens when an angered god takes a person away.

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

- collecting

Tengu kakushi 天狗隠し kidnapped by a Tengu, hidden by a Tengu
a form of kamikakushi, kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the Gods
Young boys and girls were lost in the forest (abducted and captured by a Tengu) and sometimes appeared later, either forgetting everything or full of knowledge (since the Tengu Mountain Priests) were learned persons and educated their young captives.
- also called
Tengu sarai 天狗攫い

from 西京新聞

- reference : wikipedia - *


............................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 
北設楽郡 Kitashitara - 本郷町 Hongo

. kamikakushi 神かくし mysterious disappearance .

............................................................................... Fukui 福井県 
今立郡 Imadate district 池田町 Ikeda

While mother was working in the fields, her young daughter, age 3, disappeared. When she found it, the girl had crossed a small dangerous wooden bridge - a feat quite impossible of such a young one.
She must have been taken away by a Tengu.

In another family, a baby would not stop crying, so the mother told him "I will give you away to the Tengu!" and held him outside the window.
There she heard a voice: "All right, let me have him!" and the baby was taken out of her arms and became invisible. It was never found.

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district

. kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods .
some legends

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県  

. 神岡町 Kamioka cho - kami kakushi .

............................................................................... Kagawa 香川県  
小豆郡 Shozu district

If villagers go cutting weeds or herding the cattle, they are sometimes abducted. Even praying does not help to get them back.
Villagers formed groups of five to go out looking for them. But they did not dare to come close to the 天狗岩 Tenguiwa boulder or the 天狗松 Tengumatsu pine.

............................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 
津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町 Yamashiro

If a person is spirited away, all the villagers are looking for him in the mountain forest. Usually such a person is found hanging on a branch high in a tree.
Sometimes he is found munching wheat straw, thinking they were earthworms.

............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 

If a child gets lost and does not come home any more, people of old thought it was taken away by a Tengu or Yamanokami.
So they took bells and gongs and went to the mountain forest to search.
Once a child got lost while playing "hide and seek" till late in the evening and thought it was taken away by Yamanokami !

. Yamanokami and Tengu legends from Miyagi .

............................................................................... Saitama  

Once a young man suddenly disappeared and the villagers, thinking he was abducted by a Tengu, went looking to him for no avail. After more than 15 days he came back, with torn robes and almost out of his wits. He had walked around the mountains with a Tengu, slept with the Tengu during the daytime and the Tengu had given him food during this time

............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 

A boy was taken away by a Tengu. They looked for him everywhere but he came back after 10 days.
After that he disappeared for a few days quite often, but never remembered a thing.

庵原郡 Ibara district 両河内村 Ryogochi mura

A child had been abducted by a Tengu and been to Kyoto and other places with him.
When it came back, there were parts of wood and moss in his feces.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
25 カミカクシ 天狗 to explore (05)
113 カミカクシ (00)


source :


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengukamikakushi #kamikakushi -

Tengu Legends 03 Akita

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
- Tengumochi 天狗餅 - see below !

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 秋田県 Legends about Tengu in Akita

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


gongen 権現 - Tengu 天狗

In the year 1826, farmers were looking for edible mountain plants at 大股沢 Omatazawa along the 奥羽山脈 Ou mountain range.
One of them had the feeling of being lifted up into the sky and indeed went up. The others searched for her and found her about 8 km further on the peak of 真昼岳 Mount Mahiru, where she was asleep. She did not remember a thing of her Tengu ride.

............................................................................... 平鹿郡 Hiraka district
Hiraka - 山内村 Sannai

numa no nushi 沼の主 Lord of the Swamp
The Lord of 仙台の赤沼 the Red Swamp from Sendai had asked 天狗の玉 the King of the Tengu to take her beautiful elder sister and throw her over her back into 福万の黒沼 the Black Swamp of Fukuman.
Other versions talk about a letter to be transferred by the Tengu, or by a traveller who became quite rich after that. Or he found a gold mine nearby?!
The Lord of the Black Swamp was 女神 a female deity.

This "Black Swamp" appeared after a large earthquake in 827. It is 12 m deep. It never dries out, not even in a drought. At the Shrine 黒沼神社 Kuronuma Jinja a dragon deity is venerated.
During the construction of the 大松川ダム Daimatsukawa Dam there was a small hamlet deep in the valley called 福万 Fukuman, an auspicious name for good luck.
There are many stones which the Tengu use to play. If humans move these stones, there will be rain.

............................................................................... 北秋田郡 Kitaakita district, Kita-Akita

阿仁町 Ani, village of bear hunters - 天狗岳 Mount Tengudake
When the hunters enter Mount Tengudake, they can hear the Tengu play drums.

Tengu-dake (985 m), in the Shirakami-sanchi 白神山地 Shirakami mountain range.

............................................................................... 大館町 Odate

At 長嶺村 Nagamine village there is a famous Bugaku dance, uhenmai 烏遍舞 Uhen-mai .
It refers to the venarable Danburi Chōja ダンブリ長者 Danburi Elder, who opened the road between
小豆沢 Azusawa and 湯瀬 Yuze.
To build the bridge, he invited a Tengu to help.

- CLICK for more photos of the Bugaku dance performance !
- reference source : Dainichi-Do Bugaku Kagura -

- quote -
Dainichido Bugaku (Japanese: 大日堂舞楽, literally: Important Day Dance)
is a yearly set of nine sacred ritual dances and music, named for the imperial palace ensemble performances, "bugaku", and from the palace's ensemble's visit to Hachimantai, Kazuno District, Akita Prefecture, during the reconstruction of the local shrine pavilion, "Dainichido", in the early eighth century, and their teaching of dances to the locals.
Instruments include the flute and taiko drums. The order and number of dances has changed over time, with the current order of seven dances being the Gongen-mai, Koma-mai, Uhen-mai, Tori-mai, Godaison-mai, Kōshō-mai, and Dengaku-mai dances. Masks include representations of shishi lions and Vairocana.
The dances have a 1300-year history (Nara period),
and though interrupted for nearly sixty years in the late eighteenth century, the dances, some of which may include children or masks, are still practiced on January second from sunrise to noon in shrines throughout communities in Osato, Azukisawa, Nagamine, and Taniuchi, including Hachimantai.

Yamaji Kōzō dates Dainichido Bugaku as arising during and after the Nara (CE 710 to 794) and mid-Heian periods (CE 794 to 1185), after state support of Shinto temple complexes (originally ordered by Emperor Shōmu (CE 701 – 756)) began to decline and court and temple performers took residence in local communities, which then preserved genres such as Dainichido Bugaku as folk arts.
- source : wikipedia -

............................................................................... 仙北市 Senboku (Semboku) district

Senboku - 角館町 Kakunodate

tobi shinchiko 飛びシンチコ the "Flying Shinchiko" penis
A lazy sloth had deceived a Tengu and got a kakure-mino 隠れ蓑 the magic cloak from him, which makes him invisible.
He used his invisible status to perform all kinds of bad deeds. So his mother (other versions say his wife) burned the cloak. But even the ashes had the same effect.

He spread the ashes all over his body, but forgot to put it on his shinchiko シンチコ (local dialect for penis). That is why he was called 飛びシンチコ the "Flying Shinchiko".
This story is told at 角館總鎭守 神明社 the Shrine Shinmei-Sha.


akatendori, aka tendori 赤テンドリ red Tendori Yokai monster
If a child cries, villagers at the foot of 愛宕山 Mount Atagoyama try to make it stop by saying:
赤テンドリが飛んで来る The red Tendori is coming to fly here!
天狗の太鼓が聞える Tengu will beat his drum !
akatendori o tobasu 赤テンドリを飛す To make the Aka Tendori fly away,
is said when farmers make a fire in their irori 囲炉裏 open hearth in the home to boil water or cook.

Senboku - 西仙北町 Nishisenboku

juuroku tengu 十六天狗 Tengu on day 16
tengumochi 天狗餅 Tengu mochi rice cakes

On the 16th day of the third, ninth and 10th lunar month people make special mochi rice cakes and offer them to Tengu Sama.
(This is the day after the full moon night.)
The Mochi are fixed to the pole outside the house before anybody has left in the morning. They will protect the people from getting ill.
These Mochi may not be carried over a bridge.
These Mochi are also called fukidori mochi フキドリ餅.

............................................................................... 横手市 Yokote

A man got a kakure-mino 隠れ蓑 the magic invisible cloak and performed all kinds of bad deeds. But when his cload burned down, he was soon found out.

. Tengu no Kakuremino 天狗の隠れみの The Tengu's Magic Cloak - Tales .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
天狗 秋田県


tengumochi 天狗餅 Tengu mochi rice cakes

Fukumochi Tengumochi 福餅 天狗餅 Mochi for Good Luck, Mochi for Tengu

. mochi 餅 rice cakes .
Making special MOCHI is an important ritual for many festivals.

Sometimes the Tengu himself has to pound the rice for Mochi.

source :

天狗の福もちつき Tengu pounding Fukumochi
at the Autumn shrine festival of
. Fukuo Jinja 福王神社 Fukuo Shrine, Mie .

tengu no chikaramochi 天狗の力餅 Tengu Mochi to become strong

from 錦花堂 Kinkado - Wakayama, 紀伊由良駅, Kii Yura station


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tenguakita #akitatengu -


Tengu Legends 02 Aichi

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu 天狗と伝説 - 愛知県 Legends about Tengu in Aichi

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .


Folk Legends of Japan - By Richard M. Dorson
- source : -

1 The Stone of the Tengu's Heel
Near the top of Mt. Shira at Inaba, Asahi-mura, Higashi Kasugai-gun, three is an old stone about three feet in diameter. It is called "Tengu no Kakato Iwa", the Stone of the Tengu's Heel.
On the surface of the stone there is a hollow in the shape of a heel of a big foot facing east. It is said that the Tengu who lived in this mountain in ancient days, intending to go one night to Mount Sarunage on an errand, stepped on this stone and jumped a big jump eastward, leaving his footprint on the stone. People say there is a Tengu still living on Mount Shira and that the Tengu's Fire is sometimes seen on dark, rainy nights.

2 The Tengu's Fire
There is a big pine tree at the Kita Kakai in Yamatomura, Nakajima-gun. It is said that Yamato Tekeru no Mikoto once put his sedge hat on this tree. The villagers often see a strange fire moving between this tree and the old cedar tree at Kumano Shrine in Kita Takai. This is said to be caused by the Tengu who has his residence on the tops of these two trees and comes and goes between them.

3 The Tengu's Pine
There was a big pine tree in the precincts of Shinmei Shrine at Kanesato, Tomita-mura. A Tengu lived there since ancient times. When he was in good humor, his laughter was heard throughout the village and the village was left in peace. But when he was offended, he did violence and frightened the villagers.
This tree fell down in a severe storm in 1921.

Tengu no Kakato Iwa 天狗のかかと岩

本地ヶ原の「今と昔」 Honjigahara
- reference source : -


sugi 杉 cedar tree
On the mountain pass there is a huge 杉 cedar tree. From its prances once dangled the cut-off arm of a human.
Two travelers passing by saw this and run away in great fear.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.

dani ダニ tick
If the Tengu takes a pee on old 草履 Zori straw sandals, ticks will come out of it.
Once a mountain forest worker sat down on a pair of old straw sandals. All of a sudden he fell asleep. When he woke up, his body was covered with ticks.

. waraji - zoori 草鞋- 履 と伝説 Legends about straw sandals .


- - iso tengu, isotengu 磯天狗 Isotengu, Iso-Tengu, "Seashore Tengu", a Sea Yokai monster - -
Known in Aichi, 佐久島Sakushima, Wakayama 和歌山県須賀利 and Mie 三重県北牟婁郡.

source :

It carries the name of TENGU, but is not a Tengu, rather a kind of 河童 Kappa.
It likes to make fire and if it finds a living creature, it burns it down. It does not like creatures living in water, since it can not set fire on them. Still it lights a fire at the seashore (iso) to try at least.

In the town of 半田市 Handa in former times fishermen saw a strange 白煙 white smoke whirling up on the sea and becoming bigger and bigger. It looked like a tornado and came with strong wind gusts. People who saw it called it the deed of Iso-Tengu.
Once a courages wild man ventured out to get rid of this Iso-Tengu. He climbed up to a mountain where the was Iso-Tengu residing and indeed, saw a white smoke like a tornado fly around. In no time the man was wrapped up in the smoke and drawn far out on the sea.

知多郡 Chita district
知多郡 - 美浜町Mihama

tengu sama no isami 天狗様のいさみ
On a quiet night without wind Tengu no Isami can be heard.
It comes from the topo of the Pine of 氏神の松 Ujigami no matsu and 山の神の松 Yamanokami no matsu and sounds like the nice melody of a flute.
It has been heard by a lot of people, but they all have run back to there home very fast.

and related
龍宮様の太鼓 The Drum from the Dragon Palace
Sometimes on a summer day, the sound of a drum is heard at the beach, like coming from the bottom of the sea and moving from North to South.
This is the "Drum from the Dragon Palace".

知多郡 - 南知多町 Minami-Chita

If fishermen leave some fish below a tree on the seashore, 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu comes to burn them.
Once a fishermen went fishing at 鳶ヶ崎 Tobigasaki on a night when it looked like rain would come soon. He caught amazingly many fish and the boat became quite heavy. Suddenly all became quite light and he looked up at the sky in amazement. From the sea there came some hi no tama 火の玉 white balls of fire flying toward him.
This must be 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu, he thought, put his straw sandals on his head and began to recite the Amida prayer. The balls of fire flew away the South. But all the fish had disappeared from the boat.

幡豆郡 Hazu district 一色町 Isshiki

iso tengu 磯天狗 Iso-Tengu
If the fishermen find their catch gone, they say it was the bad deed of Iso-Tengu.

Once a person was abducted by a Tengu and taken to 金毘羅様 Mount Kompirasan in Shikoku and even to 江戸 Edo in no time.

宝飯郡 Hoi district 音羽町 Otowa

hana tengu 鼻天狗 "Nose-Tengu"
Once Hana-Tengu played with the children and changed his size as they asked him to do.
First he became the size of 子供 a child, then of ねずみ a mouse, than of とり a bird, then of 米粒 a rice corn, then of けし粒 a poppy seed . . .
and you guess, finally the children stepped on the seed and crushed it.

東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山町 Shimoyama

The local Tengu likes to make merry. Sometimes he sits on the high 松の木 pine tree and plays the drum.

Once a lumberjack was walking in the mountains and stopped by a Tengu.
He was asked to put his Zori straw sandals on his head and then someone peed on the sandals.

Kitashitara 北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district

This is a district full of Tengu legends. Even plants are influenced by him.

Tengu nasu eggplants 天狗茄子

Sometimes people are assaulted by a Tengu. They are then usually told to put their Zori sandals on their head.

- quote -
Kosaku and the Tengu
In Aichi Prefecture there lived a man in the Kitashitara district called Kousaku. Kousaku loved dancing and in particular the festival of Hana-matsuri. This festival is held at the end of December and the beginning of January each year. People preyed for good crops in the coming year and spent the nights dancing round bonfires.
On day, after the festival was over,
Kousaku was cutting grass on a hillside when he heard the sound of wooden flutes. He realized that these must be the instruments of the mountain Tengu. He tried his best not to dance, fearfull of becoming enchanted. But finally the music took hold of him and he began to dance.
He didn’t know how long he had danced for when a Tengu appeared behind him.
“Come dance with us”
said the birdman and flun what looked like a rope up the mountainside. A passageway appeared in the mountain and the Tengu led Kousaku through it. Inside the hill were many more Tengu and Kousaku danced with them to the sound of their flutes. The Tengu were delighted with his performance and rewarded him with rice cakes and tobacco.
One tengu tested Kousaku’s bravery by taking him to a cliff and threatening to throw him down. When Kousaku showed no fear the birdman was impressed.
On their way back to the village,
at a place called Imadate Kousaku found a tall cedar tree and cut its branch. He handed over it talking, " Please give this branch to your Greatest Tengu in the Mt. Akiba”.
The tengu replied that he was a good man and they wished to repay him by giving him some form of great power. Kousaku requested to have great strength. The Tengu cast their spells and then Kousaku was empowered with a giant’s strength. He uprooted the tree and carried it back to the village.
- source : Richard Freeman

Another version of this legend
A Story of Being Deceived by Tengu
- source : -


hana takaki otoko 鼻高き男 man with a long nose
A very strong man named 又平 Matahei once passed below the 天狗松 Tengu Matsu pine tree. A man with a long nose suddenly appeared and asked him to compare their strength.
Matahei climbed on the tree and grappled with the man, but was thrown down and died soon after.

. Tengu no matsu 天狗の松, Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松 .

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Once a man rested on the mountain when a large man suddenly appeared before him. The man asked him all kinds of personal questions and he could not help but answer. This made him realize his own personal situation very clearly.
At the end the large Tengu-Man gave him 黄金の玉 a golden ball and promised he would not tell anybody else about his secrets. Then the Tengu disappeared just as fast as he had come.

北設楽郡 - 本郷町 Hongo

kamikakushi 神かくし mysterious disappearance
Once a young naive boy of about 15 or 16 years did not come home at night.
When the parents asked him the next morning when he came back, he sadt he had been in the mountain, led by a Tengu and played with 薬師 Yakushi Nyorai.

北設楽郡 - 御殿村 Midono

A father went to get some medicine for his daughter after giving birth.
At the pass he met some men with red faces and long noses. They led him back home and taught him how to make the medicine. He saw them off, making a deep bow at the door, but the rest of the family could see nobody.

北設楽郡 - 名倉村 Nagura

Once a man on his way home from cutting weeds in the mountain forest, but the rope of the luggage on the horseback kept unravelling. So it took him a long time to get home.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.

北設楽郡 - 設楽町 Shitara city

Some forest workers were were trying to pull a large tree. Suddenly they saw a Tengu moving the heavy tree trunk easily and without any problem down the slope.
They got quite afraid and left the forest.
The blood of a bird shot down by an arrow kept flowing out of the wound. The hunters felt scared and uneasy and left the spot. But after a while they went back and found neither the bird nor any blood.
This must have been the mischief of a Tengu, for sure.

北設楽郡 - 東栄町 Toei

One evening a man took a rest at the pass. A man with a long nose, white hair and beard and 羽の団扇 a feather fan came closer and closer. He thought that must be a Tengu and was struck with fear. But he did not show his emotions and the man gave him a fish with no eyes.
The local Tengu like 神楽 Kagura music. During the 花祭り Hanamatsuri Festival they show up at 高嶺 Takane and are welcomed with lanterns.
. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 and a miracle medicine .

北設楽郡 - 豊根村 Toyone

toori tengu 通り天狗 a Tengu passing
Once a man had to walk over the mountain pass, when he saw some pitch-black men standing hi his way with a strange something. He could not even move any more. Eventually he turned back and went home. The forest workers said it was probably a Tengu passing, and the man died shortly after.

- - - - - and one legend about a Tengu passing
from 和歌山県 Wakayama, 有田郡 Arida district 清水村 Shimizu
A man stayed over night at the Shrine 日光神社 Nikko Jinja, when he heard the sound of someone cutting wood and then of a tree falling down.
Later he learned that this was a place where the Tengu are passing.

北設楽郡 - 作手村 Tsukute

In the next room there was a strange loud noise, ガラガラ garagara.
Next morning taking a look, nothing had changed.
People say a Tengu had been here over night.

北設楽郡 - 津具 Tsugu

This district is known as Home of the Tengu Legends, Tsugu village 天狗伝説の郷 津具

Gobanishiyama 碁盤石山 A Mountain with a Tengu Legend
Mt. Goban-ishiyama. The mountain is 1189 m high.

Once upon a time
There lived a Tengu on this mountain who liked to play a game of 囲碁 Igo.
Once he had a match with a man known for his skill at the game, who lived in a village at the foot of the mountain. They played for seven days and seven nights, but in the end the Tengu lost. In his anger the Tengu took the last stone and threw it upside down. There it turned to a stone, to be seen to our day.

A similar legend of a Tengu playing Igo is told in Saitama 埼玉県.
. igo 囲碁 the game of Go .

岡崎市 Okazaki city

tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If people happen to see a "Tengu fire", they throw their geta 下駄 wooden sandals or zoori 草履 straw sandals to make it go away.

. Tengubi 天狗火 / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire .

奥三河 Okumikawa

- quote -
There was a man named Taichi TENGU. This man, some day, went to the mountain. The surroundings became darker and darker, and then a Tengu appeared and said, “I take you as a disciple, so come with me.” Even though the man said, “No,” he was taken away forcibly, and the Tengu said, “Fly.” “I will die if I fly. I can‟t stand it,” he said, and the Tengu said, “That‟s impossible. Since I am a Tengu, you can fly, too, so fly.” Then, the Tengu showed him fly before him. “Fly, fly,” being pushed at the back, the man flied and could fly. Then, with the Tengu, the man was being trained on how to fly that way and this way, he did not go home for a while.
Then, some time,
everyone went to the mountain, and the man was standing blue. “Where did you go?” “I, taken by the Tengu, was being trained everywhere. I can fly that way, fly this way, I can fly over anything.” After hearing that, everyone said “That‟s ridiculous. Show us how you fly.” He couldn't fly but was able to do something an ordinary person cannot do.
- source : -

豊橋市 Toyohashi City

. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festival .

The climax of the festival is part entitled “The Teasing of the 'Aka-Oni' Red Ogre and 'Tengu' Goblin”,
in which a long-nosed Tengu drives away a raging red Aka-Oni ...

豊川市 Toyokawa 小坂井町 Kozakai

. Shrine Utari Jinja 莵足神社 .
豊川市小坂井町字宮脇2番地の1 / Miyawaki-2-1 Kozakaicho, Toyokawa, Aichi

During the main festival of this shrine, masks of Shoki, Tengu, Uzume and others are sold.

. Shooki 鍾馗 Shoki, The Demon Queller .


. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
- and Tengu legends from Aichi


Tengudana 天狗棚 Mount Tengudana - 1,240 m
Near Toyota City and Shitara city

The mountain has a legend that the long-nosed goblin (Tengu) lives there.
There is also a restaurant called Restaurant Tengudana,
Takazasa, Tsugu-mura, Kitashitara Gun, Aichi, Kitashitara Gun , Aichi

Chausuyama highlands
is located on the border between Aichi Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture.

Tengu-dana shelf seen from the Mennoki Pass located on the south of Chausu.
You would see the nose of Tengu stick out of the right side slope.
You can watch Mt. Fuji from Tengu-dana shelf in a good weather condition.
- source : -


Tengu, Yamanonakadachichō, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken 愛知県豊田市山ノ中立町天狗

A place name found googeling.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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