
dokuro sharekobe skull

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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull
gashadokuro, gasha-dokuro がしゃどくろ "rattling skull
sharekoobe しゃれこうべ Sharekobe

. skull (dokuro, sharekoobe 髑髏) .
- Introduction and Haiku -

. Shigeru Mizuki (水木 しげる Mizuki Shigeru) .

- quote -
Gashadokuro, Gasha Dokuro がしゃどくろ
TRANSLATION: onomatopoeic; rattling skull
ALTERNATE NAMES: ōdokuro (giant skeleton)
HABITAT: any; usually found near mass-graves or battlegrounds
DIET: none, but enjoys eating humans anyway

Gashadokuro are skeletal giants which wander around the countryside in the darkest hours of the night. Their teeth chatter and bones rattle with a “gachi gachi” sound, which is this yokai’s namesake. If they should happen upon a human out late on the roads, the gashadokuro will silently creep up and catch their victims, crushing them in their hands or biting off their head.

Soldiers whose bodies rot in the fields and victims of famine who die unknown in the wilderness rarely receive proper funerary rites. Unable to pass on, their souls are reborn as hungry ghosts, longing eternally for that which they once had. These people die with anger and pain in their hearts, and that energy remains long after their flesh has rotted from their bones. As their bodies decay, their anger ferments into a powerful force – a grudge against the living – and this grudge is what twists them into a supernatural force. When the bones of hundreds of victims gather together into one mass, they can form the humongous skeletal monster known as the gashadokuro.
Too large and powerful to be killed, gashadokuro maintain their existence until the energy and malice stored up in their bodies has completely burnt out. However, because of the large amount of dead bodies required to form a single one, these abominations are much rarer today than they were in the earlier days, when wars and famine were a part of everyday life.

The earliest record of a gashadokuro goes back over 1000 years to a bloody rebellion against the central government by a samurai named Taira no Masakado. His daughter, Takiyasha-hime, was a famous sorceress. When Masako was eventually killed for his revolt, his daughter continued his cause. Using her black magic, she summoned a great skeleton to attack the city of Kyoto.
Her monster is depicted in a famous print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
- source : yokai.com/gashadokuro -

相馬の古内裏 Soma no Furu-Dairi - 歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi
- reference : wikipedia -


kitsune 狐 fox

A fox of 100 years will become an inpu 淫婦, a prostitute.
A fox of 100 years will become a 美女 beautiful woman.
A fox living on a kofun 古墳 Tumulus will become a beautiful woman.
Others say a fox has to become 800 years or 300 years, before shape-shifting into a human.

CLICK for more foxes with skulls 髑髏被り !

A fox might place a skull on his head and pray to the 北斗七星 big dipper. The skull is a 霊天蓋 ritual canopy for the fox. But he has to practise so the skull will not slip from his head. If he can manage to see the Big Dipper 100 times, he will gain the power to shape-shift into a human.


dokurozake 髑髏酒 drinking Sake from a skull

Once in autumn a man left the village on a horse. In the evening he met a woman who offered him a drink. Just then came a hunter with a dog. And the woman shape-shifted back into a fox. The cup in the man's hand suddenly turned into a skull cup.

dokuro hai 髑髏杯 / どくろ杯 scull cups
from the enemies of 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga,

. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................

yamanba 山姥 the old hag from the moutain

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................

On mount 金勝山 Konzeyama there is a rock cave with a skull placed on an altar. The skull is pierced by a sword behind the two ears. The skull is about three times as large as a human one. What might it be?

.......................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 ......................................

. sharekobe 髑髏 skull in the bamboo grove .
a story of the year 774 from Bingo no Kuni 寶龜9年備後國.

.......................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 ......................................
真壁郡 Makabe district 協和町 Kyowa

suika 西瓜 watermelon
Once a farmer found a watermelon in his field, but he did not remember having planted any. When he looked closer, there was a skull and the melon had grown from its eye.

source : アマゾネス

.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................
鎌倉市 Kamakura

深沢の大蛇 the huge serpent of Fukazawa
In the year 1676 there was enormous flooding in the area of Fukazawa and a lot of landslides happened.
Out of one of them came a large skull of about one meter with huge teeth.

source : okab.exblog.jp

In 江の島の縁起 the history of Enoshima it is called "the huge serpent of Fukazawa".

Oodate Jiroo 大舘次郎 Odate Jiro

Once the blind poet 高野蘭亭 Takano Rantei (1704 - 1757) wanted to get hold of a skull cup. When he begun looking for it at the 大館次郎の塚 Mound of Odate Jiro, suddenly the fine weather changed, it became cloudy and soon a huge storm and thunder filled the sky.

source : 4travel.jp/travelogue - 鎌倉十一人塚 -

Odate Jiro is related to the battle of 新田義貞 Nitta Yoshisada.

- quote -
Juichininzuka (十一人塚) Juichininzuka Mound of 11 people
The monument was erected in memory of Odate Jiro (大館次郎) and eleven of his followers. (The inscription incorrectly adds the character "又" to his name:又次郎.)
In 1333, when imperial troops headed by Nitta Yoshisada (新田義貞, 1301-38) attacked Kamakura, Odate, a general of the Nitta forces, rushed to Gokurakujizaka Pass with a large number of his soldiers. Evading a hail of logs and rocks from both sides of the pass, they broke through the Hojo (北条) defense and headed towards Yuigahama, where the enemy awaited.
Faced with a counterattack by the troops of Honma Yamashirozaemon (本間山城左衛門) of the Hojo side, Odate's army was forced to retreat to Gokurakuji (極楽寺), where Odate and most of his men were killed near the Inasegawa River (稲瀬川).
In the end, only eleven of Odate's men were left, but rather than give up and surrender they chose to take their own lives with their own swords.
The eleven are said to have been buried here, and a statue of Eleven-faced Kannon (十一面観音菩薩, Juichimen Kannon) was erected to their memory under the name Juichininzuka, "Mound of the Eleven." Generally, tsuka (塚, also pronounced zuka) refers to a tombstone, but this particular tsuka was erected later as a memorial.
- source : kcn-net.org/e_kama_history-

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................

oni no kubi 鬼の首 the neck of an Oni demon
At the temple 建仁寺 Kennin-Ji there is a skull of about 30 cm which is seen as the head and neck of a demon.

tooru no daijin no rei 融の大臣の霊 / Tôru daijin / The Minister Toru
Most of the stories of ghosts are about people becoming ghosts and appearing as a skull.
One of the oldest records is the Nihon Ryooiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki.
宇多院 Emperor Uda (867 - 931) made an official visit to 河原院 Kawara no In (the official residence of Minamoto no Tooru 源融 Toru (822 - 895).
The late owner of this Kawara residence, Toru, appeared clad in 衣冠 formal robes as a ghost to greet the visitor.

. Kawara no In 河原院 源融 Minamoto Toru . (822 – 895)

. Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki .
Ghostly Strange Records from Japan
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
by Kyookai 景戒 (きょうかい/けいかい) Kyokai - Keikai, priest of Yakushi-Ji in the Nara period


source : kimono-kyoto.jp

Decoration of the inside of a Haori Jacket.

- source and more photos : karapaia.livedoor.biz -

dokuro to tokage 髑髏と蜥蜴 Skull and Lizard
河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 1889)

. . . CLICK here for more spooky ukiyo-e about skulls !

歌川国芳 「相馬の古内裏」
歌川国芳 「於岩ぼうこん」
歌川国芳 「国芳もやう正札附現金男野晒悟助」
歌川国芳 「源頼光公館土蜘作妖怪図」
葛飾北斎 『百物語』より「こはだ小平次」
月岡芳年 「地獄太夫悟道の図」
月岡芳年 「清盛福原に数百の人頭を見るの図」
月岡芳年 「新撰東錦絵 一休地獄太夫」
月岡芳年 「和漢豪気揃 髑髏」
歌川広重 平清盛福原にて怪異を見る図」
小林清親 「地獄太夫」
河鍋暁斎 「美女の袖を引く骸骨たち」
河鍋暁斎 「一休地獄太夫」
河鍋 暁斎 「髑髏と蜥蜴」
小林清親 「清親放痴 東京谷中天王地」and more modern paintings


.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................

Hitotsume Kozoo 一ツ目小僧 (一つ目小僧) Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye
and his grave 一ツ目小僧の墓所
His grave is said to be here in the mountains. During the early Meiji period, an old grandpa wanted to clear the place and opened it. He dug out some human bones and re-arranged them anew, because there have been roots of 山芋 mountain yam (Dioscorea japonica) going through one eye of the skull.

There are other regions in Japan who claim his grave is there.

and some graves are dedicated to Jizo Bosatsu
- 一つ目小僧地蔵 Hitotsume Kozo Jizo -
where people found a skull with only one eye opening 眼窩が一つしかない頭蓋骨.

. Hitotsume Kozoo 一つ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye .

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

The emperor 花山院 Kazan-In (Kazan Tenno 花山天皇 (968 - 1008)) was suffering from a severe headache.
His "doctor", Abe no Seimei, said this was caused by a problem in his former life. The emperor had been a mountain pries and died near mount Omine 大峯の某の宿. Because of his good deeds he was then re-born as the 天子 Imperial Prince. But the skull of his former body had fallen between two rocks, so now he had to suffer headaches. They searched for the skull, took it out and buried it properly. And what do you say - the headache was healed, of course.

. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005) .

. Matsuo Basho at Natadera 那谷寺 .
The name was changed to Natadera by the emperor Kazan, who ruled during the Heian Period.

... the 65th emperor of Japan ...
Morosada-shinnō (師貞親王) - his priestly name was Nyūkaku.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

hikarimono 光物 the sparkling something

In the year 1672 at a place named 厨子 Zushi, something was sparkling and shining all night long. When the villagers dug at that place, they found something like a skull. They did not like it and feared its power, so after they disposed of it, the shining and sparkling stopped.

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................
石垣市 Ishigaki

. majin, mashin 魔神 - akujin, akushin 悪神 devil, Teufel .
Once the grandfather of the store ナーマ屋 Namaya when to the beach where he met majin 魔神 the devil. He had long dissheveled hair, a poisonous snake around his neck and a wig of dokuro 髑髏 skulls. Around his hip was a chain of skulls. He wore a red fundoshi 褌 loincloth. He begged grandfather for some water and gave him an amulet and advise to avoid bad influence.
Using shimenawa 七五三縄 a ritual rope and chanting ナーマヤーヌ・マリビキドー Naamayaanu marihikido was part of it.
Grandfather taught this to the other villagers and they never experienced bad things.

.......................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 ......................................
大原町千代ヶ丸 Ohara, Chiyogamaru

In the year 1702, on the 24th day of the 4th month, the 観音堂 Kannon Hall at Chiyogamaru was to be repaired. In the ground they found a large stone sarcophage 長さ9尺8寸、高さ2尺9寸、奥行き3尺. Inside were two skulls and two swords, spears and arrow heads. The skull was about 3尺7寸 in diameter, and 1尺4寸 in length.,
1尺 - 30 cm, 1寸 - 3 cm

- reference and photos : awa-otoko.hatenablog.com -

.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ......................................

tatari たたり a curse
At the 服部坂 Hatorizaka slope there was a Zen temple called しうりん院 Shorin-In.
Once they found a skull in the back mountain of the temple. So they made a grave marker and venerated it on the 位牌堂 Hall for Ancestral tablets (ihai).
But after seven days, the skull begun dancing out of the hall with its tablet. The head priest could not sleep and became ill. When another priest visited, he took the skull and stamped on it in the garden until it was broke. Then the curse was broken and the head priest healed.

Fukiage Goten 吹上御殿 / Fukiage Gosho 吹上御所
Fukiage section of the Imperial Palace
On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month in 1727 there was a strong thunderstorm and a skull fell into the park of the palace.
It was about 18 cm long and 24 cm wide. It had two holed for the eyes and a mouth like the beak of a bird. The teeth were only in the upper chin.
They never found out if it was from a bird or fish or other strange animal.

.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 ......................................

In a former life 後白河法皇 Emperor Goshirakawa had been a mountain priest named 蓮華坊 Renge-Bo, but he had fallen into a ravine and lost his life. A willow tree grew on the spot, piercing the skull and causing the Emperor a constant headache whenever the wind blew the branches of the tree.
On a pilgrimage to Kumano to get rid of the headache, the Emperor learned of his former life and made a search for the skull. He buried the skull properly and used the willow tree to make a beam of the Sanjusan Gendo hall 柳で三十三間堂の棟木. Other versions say he had a Statue of Kannon made and placed the skull inside to show this greatfulness for being relieves of the headache.
This story is similar to the one of Kazan from Nara, see above.

To our day the temple has an event in January known as the Rite of the Willow (柳枝のお加持), where worshippers are touched on the head with a sacred willow branch to cure and prevent headaches.

. Sanjusan Gendo Hall in Kyoto, .

. Emperor Goshirakawa 後白河天皇 Go-Shirakawa (1127 - 1192) .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
21 髑髏 collecting

勝川春章 Katsukawa Shunsho (1762 - 1793)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #dokuro #sharekobe #skull -




Yoka sama day eight

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Yooka sama. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight
O-Yooka sama お八日様

The eighth day of each month is called yooka, Yoka (not hachinichi).

- - - Many rituals are held to ward off the Deity of Disease:
. Yakubyogami 疫病神 Deity of Diseases .
eyami no kami えやみのかみ
gyooyakujin 行疫神 gyoyakujin
ekijin, yakujin 疫神

- - - In other regions rituals are held for the Deity of Bad Luck:
. yakujin 厄神 Deity of Bad Luck .
He can either bring bad luck or prevent it from happening.


There are some puns with the pronunciation:
なにかようか、ここのかとうか nanika yooka koko no ka too ka?
何か用か九日十日 (なにかようか ここのかとうか)


the ennichi 縁日 "Sacred Day" for Yakushi Nyorai is the eighth.
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


yookatoo, yooka too 八日塔 tower for Day Eight
Usually a stone memorial.

Yoka, Day Eight, is the Sacred Day of 湯殿山 Mount Yudono.
Kobo Daishi opened the Sacred Place of Yudono in the Year 807, on the 8th day of the fourth lunar month 大同二年四月八日.

There are also prayer groupd on Day Eight, 八日講, in Yamagata, Fukushima and Nagano, related to the rituals of Yudono.

These are Sacred Stones at Dewa Sansan, Yudono 出羽三山の湯殿山の供養塔
- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/wmoth155 -

. Mount Haguro, Gassan and Yudono 湯殿山 .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 ......................................
耶麻郡 Yama district 高郷村 Takasato

People prepare ankomochi あんこ餅 rice cakes with red Anko bean paste for the 厄神様 Deity of Bad Luck.
This deity is known for disliking these types of Mochi very much, so he will stay out of such a home.

.......................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 ......................................
芳賀郡 Haga district 茂木町 Motegi

Soba to ward off the akki 悪鬼 bad demon
The 8th day of the 2nd month is called Yooka sama 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight.
People prepare Soba in the evening, make a small 八日塔 Yoka-To tower of Kumasasa 熊笹 grass and place the Soba there. They also pierce leek and Tofu on Kumasasa grass and place it at the kitchen door. They make a small basket and hang it on the roof with a pole - all to ward off the Evil Demon.

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野 ......................................

Villagers make a long straw rope Dragon for a pulling contest, tug-of-war.

source : city.matsumoto.nagano.jp
The messenger of this deity is mukade 百足(むかで) the centipede.

.......................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 久賀町 Kuka

hooki no kami 箒の神 (ホウキノカミ) the Yokai Hokigami
This is a day to spent quietly and not use the word to make sure nothing evil will happen.
Yoka-Sama is also seen as 疫病神 Yakubyogami. He has either very big eyes or only just one like a Yokai.
Hitotsume Kozo 一つ目小僧 is said to be the messenger of this Yakubyogami.

. Hōkigami 箒神 Hokigami, Hahakigami - the Broom Deity .
hahakigami ははきがみ


okoto no kami, o-koto no kami オコトノカミ a deity taking notes
The Yoka Sama is celebrated on the 8th day in December and February.
He is a deity that goes around all year and writes the names of ill people. The records are then burned in the Dondoyaki fire and the people will heal.
He has very large eyes (some say he has only one eye). Yakubyogami 疫病神 the Deity of Diseases is afraid of deities with eyes larger than his own and will soon run away.
. dondon yaki どんどん焼き Dondoyaki New Year Fire Ritual .

.......................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 ......................................
南都留郡 Minamitsuru district 忍野村 Oshino village

On February 8, a mamono 魔物 demon with one eye comes around and counts the eyes of the family members, so people hang things with many eyes, like baskets, on the entrance of the home to make the demon go away.
But if the demon can count the exact number, people will begin to do strange things.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #yookasama #yokasama #dayeight -




goshiki five colors legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors

The concept GOSHIKI comes from Buddhist philosphy ...
. Goshiki 五色 means "Five Colors". .
- Introduction -
- with many haiku about things in five colors.


goshiki no hata 五色旗 prayer flags of five colors
goshikibata 五色旗 for Shinto rituals

Representing the five elements
wood 木 ・ fire 火 ・ earth 土 ・ metal 金 ・ water 水


goshiki no hana musubi 五色の花むすび rice balls in five "blossom" colors

● 赤かぶ aka-kabu - red turnips
● 青菜 - aona - "green leaves"
● 青じそ aoshiso - red Shiso
● にんじん ninjin - carrots
● しば漬け shibazuke - pickles


goshiki no niji 五色の虹 rainbow of five colors

source : CD Yasunobu Matsuo

tojukei 吐綬鶏 legendary Chinese turkey
If he puts out his tail feathers they shine like a rainbow in five colors.

goshiki no hikari 五色の光 rays of five colors


goshiki 五色鮮蔬 fresh vegetables in five colors


goshiki soomen 五色そうめん Somen noodles in five colors

source : iyokannet.jp/front/gourmet

Legend knows this:
In the early Edo period the daughter of 八代目市佐衛門 Ichizaemon visited 松山市の椿神社 the Tsubaki Shrine in Matsuyama, she had the strings of her geta in five beautiful colors.
When the founder of 長門屋 Nagatoya saw this, he got the idea for the Somen noodles.

Masaoka Shiki wrote the following:

fumizuki no mono yo goshiki no ito soomen

so good in the
seventh month - Somen noodles
in five colors

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
fumizuki 文月 the 7th month in the Asian lunar calendar

. soomen 索麺 thin Somen noodles .
a speciality in the hot summer months

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................

goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon God of five colors
In the 犬山市 Inuyama region
There are many legends about the 老松 old pine tree of 白山神社 Hakusan Jinja an the five dragons in its roots.
If someone touched this root, he himself or someone of his family would get ill.
Once after a typhoon it lost many branches, and people took them home secretely, but they all died soon after.

But the local fishermen got blessings from the five-colored Dragon Deities.

.......................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 ......................................

goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors
Once there was a real bad guy in 上総国福津 Kazusa no Kuni, called じゃじゃ庄右衛門 Jaja Shoemon. But one day he changed his ways and became a follower of Amida, reciting the Nenbutsu prayer. Then one day he got ill. said good bye to all his friends and slipped away to paradise.
Seven days later it rained flowers of five colors from the sky.

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................
今治市 Imabari関前岡村 Sekizen

goshiki no nami 五色の波 waves of five colors
When the waves shine in five colors, this is the doing of エンコ Enko, the Kappa.

今治市 Imabari 吉海町 Yoshiumi

goshiki no ito 五色の糸 string of five colors
ryuugonsan リュウゴンサン / 龍王神 the Dragon Deity

If people drop a sword or knife or anyhting with a blade in the water, they will be curved. If by bad luck they dropped something, they have to make an offering of a string in five colors to appease the deity.

.......................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 ......................................

Goshikidai 五色台 / Sanuki no Goshikidai 讃岐の五色台

- quote -
Goshikidai is a plateau which juts into the Seto Inland Sea, located to the West of Takamatsu City.
The name "goshiki" means "five colors" and it was so named for the five peaks which are respectively red, yellow, blue, black, and white in color.
From this location, visitors can look out over the Seto Inland Sea and the Seto Ohashi bridge, and the Goshikidai Skyline is a great road for a scenic drive. There are a number of facilities on Goshikidai designed to help visitors get the most out of their encounters with the abundant nature on the plateau.
Furthermore, it is said that a great fire that occurred here over one thousand years ago was the cause of the unusual stone, sanukite, to be produced. This stone makes a beautiful tone when struck, and for this reason it is also known as kankan stone. The stone has been made into musical instruments for its beautiful tone, and is loved by musicians and used in concerts worldwide.
- source : city.takamatsu.kagawa.jp -

多度津町 Tadotsu

goshiki no tanzaku 五色の短冊 Tanzaku poetry slips of five colors
For the rituals at the end of the New Year holidays (January 14) the young people make a long 注連縄 Shimenawa rope decoration and hang the Tanzaku in five colors on it.

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
竹野郡 Chikuno district, 網野町 Amino

goshikigahama 五色が浜 / 五色ケ浜 "Beach of five colors"
goshiki hama, goshikihama 五色浜
in Shioe
Once upon a time
they found a dead young woman, drowned, with the baby in her arms.
The baby cried, but when it took one of the small colorful pebbles from the beach in his hand, it stopped crying. But then the baby died too.
Now if people take the colorful pebbles from the beach, they will become strong stomach ache. But when they say this spell, the pain will go away:
kodomo ya, omae no ishi o moroote iku de

goshiki ishi 五色石 colorful pebbles


goshikifu, goshiki fu 色麩色 Fu gluten in five colors

hina no zen kyoo no goshiki fu irodori ni

food for the Hina dolls
the Fu of Kyoto
in five colors

岩田つねゑ Iwada Tsune

. fu ふ (麩) wheat gluten .

.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................
登米町 Toyomama

goshiki nashi 五色梨 Nashi pears of five colors
Once a big tree had fruit of five colors. In its trunk was a large hole. If people made a wish in this hole, the wish was granted.

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................
飯田市 Iida

goshiki no na 五色の菜 leaves of five colors
for the festival of Ebisu 恵比寿様 on the 20th day of the 10th month.
Served as offerings with red Azuki rice, and Sanma or Iwashi fish.

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

source : ameblo.jp/0-leporello
five-colored string from 長谷寺- Hasedera, Nara
五色の糸 で作られた腕輪 bracelet of five-colored string - 五色線 -

月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase

goshiki no kuruma 五色の車 car of five colors
Once upon a time
when people went out to watch fireflies, there came a demon flying over from the graves.
When someone had died, a car of five colors came from the graveyard to pick him up.
And colorful rays of yellow, green or blue could be seen, then it rained.

宇陀郡 Uda district 室生村 Muro

goshiki no tsume 五色の爪 nails of five colors of the 竜王 Dragon Deity
At the Temple Muro-Ji 室生寺の境内 along the river 室生川 the saint 慶円上人 Keien (1140 - 1223) once passed. At the riverside a female Dragon King 善女竜王 waited for him. He asked her to show her real features and after some discussion, she turned into a black cloud and showed her right hand. It had long nails of about 3 cm in five colors.
Since than the riverbank is called 爪出が淵 Tsumedegafuchi.

- reference : hakuhou/oniwa -

大和高田市 Yamato Takada

goshiki no kiri 五色の霧 fog of five colors
役行者 En no Gyoja and hitotsume-gaeru 一つ目蛙 a frog with one eye

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................

goshiki sen 五色鮮 five bright colors

.......................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 ......................................
阿波郡 Awa district

goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors

.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ......................................

goshiki no hana 五色の花 flowers of five colors
When the wive of Shogun Hidetada, 崇源院 Sogen-In (1573 - 1626) was ill in the year 寛永3年9月15日, prayers were said for her recovery. There were 紫雲が3筋 three strings of purple coluds in the sky and it rained flowers of five colors from the sky. All the people of the town prayed for her.

goshiki no hata 五色の機 prayer flags of five colors
and Hiimisama 日忌様
Once upon a time in Oshima Island 昔々、大島の泉津村の代官は租税の取り立てなど、すべてにおいて暴虐だったため、正月24日の夜、村の若者25人に切り殺された。若者たちはその夜のうちに波治加麻明神の大木を切り倒して造った丸木舟で村を逃れたが、暴風で舟が転覆して、皆死んでしまった。その後、毎年正月24日の夜中には25人の霊が丸木舟に乗り、五色の機を立てて村を訪れるという。

goshiki no hata 五色の旗 flags of five colors
In 神津島 Kozushima for nijuugonichi sama 二十五日様

goshiki no juzu 五色の数珠 rosary of five colors
At temple Zōjō-ji 三縁山増上寺 Zojo-Ji the priest 了学上人 Ryogaku (1549 - 1634) felt his death coming on the 15th day of the first month in 1632, so he chanted the Nenbutsu prayer till the end. After his body was burned, they found many shari 舎利 sacred bones. His hands holding the 水晶の数珠 crystal rosary were still visible, the rosary sparkled in five colors.

goshiki no kumo 五色の雲 clouds of five colors
In the year 1825 on the 15th day of the 8th month, the writer 外岡北海 Sotooka Hokkai passed along the Koishikawa Denzu-In, when clouds in five colors passed all over the sky. The white clouds above the village floated over the sky, shining ans sparkling in all colors. When people asked where these clouds came from, he said they had already been there when he reached the spot.

文京区小石川3-14-6 小石川伝通院 Kyoto, Koishikawa Denzu-In
- reference : denzuin.or.jp-


. 田無神社 Tanashi Jinja .
Tokyo, Nishitokyo, 田無町3−7−4 Tanashi
This shrine is known for beautiful wood carvings.

goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon Gods of five colors

source : yorokobii.exblog.jp

金龍神 Golden - 白龍神 - White - 黒龍神 Black - 赤龍神 Red - 青龍神 Green

.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山 ......................................

. Itsu iro kappa いついろかっぱ Kappa of five colors .
from Shirahama 白浜 "the White Beach"


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

. hyaku nezu 百鼠 the 100 subdued colors of Edo .


. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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soba buckwheat noodle legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

soba 蕎麦 と 伝説 Legends about buckwheat

Daruma eating buckwheat noodles

Soba is a type of thin Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour. It is served either chilled with a dipping sauce, or in hot broth as a noodle soup.
Soba grows in regions not suited for rice, so it is the "food of the poor" in mountain regions.

. soba 蕎麦 buckwheat - Buchweizen .
- Introduction -

When Isabella Bird (1831 - 1904)
was served Buckwheat noodles and Takuan for the first time (and a few times later), she compared the noodles to "earthworms" and the smell of Takuan to a skunk.

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan.
Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands.


CLICK for more photos !

sobachoko, soba choko 蕎麦猪口 small pot with sauce to dip the Soba in


akuboshi 悪星 "unauspicious star"
In the middle of May an unauspicious "bad star" appeared in the sky in the South. Everybody was afraid, because they were told whoever looked at this star will die.
But they also said that if you eat Soba right after that, you will not die.


soy beans 大豆 daizu - red beans 小豆 azuki - 蕎麦 Soba - barley 麦 mugi

Around the 25th day of the 1st month in the year 1733 (享保18年1月25日頃) it suddenly rained grains from the sky in the Ise and Kinki region. People picked them up, made flour from them and ate them as dumplings.
On the 24th day of the 2nd month the same happened in Kyoto, from 京都四条河原 Shijo toward 松原 Matsubara.
And again it rained barley 麦 mugi and 蕎麦 Soba from the sky, but someone picked the grains up and they only looked like such.
And in the text year, there was a great famine.
Whatever it was, also known from the history of China, when it rained from the sky, next year was a famine 飢饉.


If you peel of the husk of buckwheat seeds and place them near a swamp in winter, the next year there will be a lot of dojoo 泥鰌 Dojo loaches to eat.

In the legends below there are some with a fox.


yotaka soba 夜鷹蕎麦 Soba for "night hawker" prostitutes

source : 77422158.at.webry.info - 蘭鋳郎の日常

. Edo Yatai 江戸屋台 Food stalls in Edo .
The most famous three ones were for Sushi, Tenpura and Soba buckwheat noodles.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................

In many parts in the 北設楽郡 Kitashitara district, if people go to the mountains to work and take some soba mochi 蕎麦餅 filled buckwheat dumplings, they will turn into a wild animal (kemono 獣).

.......................................................................... Akita 秋田県 ......................................
由利郡 Yuri district, 大内村 Ouchi

. 藤原喜平 Fujiwara Kihei - 悪食喜平 Akujiki Kihei and Kappa .
and 蕎麦酒 Buckwheat liquor

蕎麦の酒 - Suehiro Sake Co. - Fukushima

.......................................................................... Aomori 青森県 ......................................
八戸市 Hachinohe

. yamabato 山鳩 mountain dove .
and a famine

. Hachinohe Festival and foxes bewitching people .

.......................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 ......................................
北九州市 Kitakyushu

. 河童 Kappa,海御前様 Amagozensama, Ama Gozen .
Shrine 天疫神社 Teneki Jinja

.......................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 ......................................
田村郡 Tamura district, 都路村 Miyakoji

kitsune 狐 fox
Once a fox had devastated the fields and grandpa got angry, He waited for the fox to kill him. When a person passed by, he saw grandpa with tucked hems, stepping on the buckwheat plants in the field. But he was in fact bewitched by the fox and thought he was stepping in the water. So just as well, he was lucky someone came by and woke him up.
In a version from 大沼郡 Onuma district, 金山町 Kaneyama, it was a man trying to harvest buckwheat who was bewitched by a fox thinking he was wading in a deep river.

大沼郡 Tanuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

kitsune 狐 fox

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................
飛騨地方 Hida region

mujina 狢 badger

荘川村 Shokawa

mujina 狢 badger
This badger shapeshifted into a woman and played tricks on people, letting them get lost in the mountains or hanging themselves.

Sometimes she made them eat soba dango 蕎麦団子 buckwheat dumplings , which were in fact 馬糞 horse apples.

.......................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 ......................................
吾妻郡 Agatsuma district 嬬恋村 Tsumagoi

to ward off 鬼 Oni demons
People offer dumplings made of rice, buckwheat or millet flour on January 31. They make these offerings to the 神仏 deities of Shinto and Buddhism at the entrance of their home or near a window. These dumplings are called "oni no medama 鬼の目玉 "eyeballs of a demon" and ward off all evil.
If a demon comes and sees these huge eyeballs, he becomes afraid and runs away.

.......................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 ......................................
稲敷郡 Inashiki

kitsune 狐 fox
Once a man took his horse to work in the forest. When he passed by a swamp, suddenly something white blew over his head, . The horse was afraid and run away fast. The horse reached home safely but the man did not come. So his family went out looking for him.
They would him walking rounds in the buckwheat field. Nobody knew what really happened, but they agreed that he must have been bewitched by a fox.

.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................

with prayers for a good harvest of the "five grains "五穀



kitsune 狐 fox and 大入道 Dainyudo


Sometimes people get bewitched by a fox and run around naked in what they think is the sea or a river, but in fact they are trampling in their 蕎麦畑 buckwheat fields.


source : youkaiwiki.com/entry/2013

akari nashi soba 燈無蕎麦(あかりなしそば)The Unlit Soba Shop

- quote -
Akarinashi Soba – The Unlit Soba Shop
Above the bridge that spanned the flowing canal, a soba shop stood whose paper lantern had the words “28” written on it in thick, bold characters. Even when all the fires were put out, and the street was in darkness, this lantern would continue to shine, without candle or oil.
Those who tried in vain to douse the lantern would meet with no success, and misfortune would fall upon their household.
- source : Zack Davisson -

. Honjo Nana Fushigi 本所七不思議 Seven Wonders of Honjo - Edo .


.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................

足柄上郡 Ashigara district 三保村 Miho

kitsune 狐 fox
Once a man had caught three ヤマメ Yamame trout-salmons. But a fox passed by, threw a net over him at the Soba field and stole all the fish.

川崎市 Kawasaki, 多摩区 Tama district

hitotsume no mekari baasan 一つ目のメカリバアサン

津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町 Shiroyama

kamikakushi 神隠し "being spirited away"
tengoosama テンゴウサマ Tengu

kamikakushi here means to be taken away by a Tengu. People begin to eat earthworms thinking they are buckwheat noodles and run round and round in the mountains.
When they are found by their fellow villagers, they are usually sitting in a tree.

横浜市 Yokohama, Minato district

mekari baasan メカリ婆さん Old Mekari Woman

. mekari shinji 和布刈神事 ritual cutting of kelp .
4 to explore

横浜市 Yokohama

kitsune 狐 fox
Once upon a time
a man went into the mountain forest to work, but got bewitched by a fox. Then e ate an earthworm, thinking it was buckwheat noodles. And then he walked in circles in the mountain for a long time.

.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................
Sendai 宮城野区

. Sobagomezaka 蕎麦米坂 and Sendai castle . *
伊達政宗 Date Masamune

角田市 Kakuda town

kitsune 狐 fox

.......................................................................... Miyazaki ......................................
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 西郷村 Nishigo

. kawa no ozoemono 川のオゾエモノ / 魔物 river monster .
nebai soba ねばいそば ritual sticky buckwheat dumplings
nebatoro soba ねばとろ蕎麦 sticky buckwheat noodles with Tororo sauce

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................
南安曇郡 Minami Azumino district

Izuna いづな the Izuna Deity t

. Izuna Gongen, Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 .

.......................................................................... Nagasaki長崎県 ......................................
南高來郡 愛野村 Aino

darashi ダラシ Darashi
If hunters walk alont the mountain pass, they might get bewitched by the Darashi. They can suddenly not walk any more and crawl around on all fours.
Once this happened to a hunter, but he could make it to a tea shop nearby where he ate two bowls of buckwheat and was soon healed.

Darashi だらし is a Yokai of Nagasaki.
(9 to explore)

. Hidarugami ヒダル神 The Hunger Gods.
In Kitakyushu, it is known as the Darashi (ダラシ).
(41 to explore)

.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 ......................................

kitsune 狐 fox
There are three old foxes 三老狐の女狐 who bewitch people to run around the buckwheat fields three times or let them see water puddles to jump in. They also change into humans and steal the lunch boxes of farmers. But they are afraid of dogs.

Sometimes a bewitched person walks around the buckwheat field with the robes all tucked up high, thinking he is walking in a river. The foxes also eat their aburaage 油揚げ Tofu lunch.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................
英田郡 Aida district 大原町 Ohara

furudanuki 古狸 the old badger
Once upon a time on a rainy evening, an old man came to the temple. The priest was just grilling black stones, and he asked the man where he lived. Then the old man asked to stay over night, since it was already dark. The old monk had already eaten, but he had some Soba dumplings left and offered to grill them on the blue stone. Then suddenly he threw one hot stone at the knee of the old man. The old man shouted and run away very fast.
Next morning the priest found a hole in the valley, where an old Badger was dead from burning wounds. And it was not burned at the knee, but in the genitals.
The name of this area is 玉落谷 "Valley were the Balls had fallen down".

.......................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 ......................................
芳賀郡 Haga district 茂木町 Motegi

Soba to ward off the akki 悪鬼 bad demon on the day
. Yooka sama 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .

.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ......................................
八王子市 Hachioji

If you drink tea after eating とろろ飯 Tororomeshi or Soba, you will get a cerebral stroke 脳卒中.

小石川諏訪町 Koishikawa Suwa District

. reiken 霊剣 the magic sword .
made by 小倉五郎源宗広 Kokura Goro Minamoto Munehiro


neko soba 猫そば -
all the fun


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
8 ソバ畑 (01)

Hokusai Manga - Eating Soba 葛飾北斎の北斎漫画


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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