. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Legends of the Heian Period (794 to 1185) 平安時代の伝説
yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monster Legends and more supernatural things

神代・奈良・平安時代 「怨霊信仰」が伝説を生んだ
The belief in vengeful spirits
井沢元彦 Izawa Motohiko
. goryoo, onryoo 御霊、怨霊 vengeful spirits .
. Goryoo Matsuri 御霊祭 Goryo Festival
- - - - - for the eight vengeful souls, at shrine Goryo Jinja in Kyoto:
Sudo Tenno 崇道天皇 and his son,
Iyo Shinno 伊予親王.
his mother, Fujiwara Fujin, 藤原婦人
Fujiwara Hirotsugu, 藤原広嗣
Tachibana Hayanari, 橘逸勢
Bunya no Miyata Maro 文室宮田麻呂
Kibi no Makibi 吉備真備
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
Hyakkaisai 百怪祭 Festival of 100 Monsters
One of the festivals of the Onmyodo practise.
Celebrated since the late Heian period, going on in the Kamakura and Muromachi period.
Dedicated to the supernatural phenomenon in general.
Now also as a Manga.
. Abe no Seimei 安倍晴明 (921 – 1005) .
onmyoodoo 陰陽道 Onmyo-Do, The Way of Yin and Yang
. awabi densetsu あわび アワビ 鰒 鮑伝説 abalone legends .
. Bamboo shoots - takenoko bamboo shoot legends - 筍 / 竹の子 伝説 .
. Daibosatsu legends 大菩薩 伝説 Dai-Bosatsu . *
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Legends about Wayside Gods .
. Gozu Tennō Densetsu 牛頭天王 伝説 Gozu Tenno Legends .
. Heike densetsu 平家伝説 legends about the Heike clan . *
Heike legends, 平家蟹 crabs, 平家蛍 fireflies and more
. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .
. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .
the famous monsters of Oeyama 大江山. Minamoto "Raiko" Yorimitsu 源頼光
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – 940) .
More legends in the list of personal names.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
.................................................................. Aichi 愛知県 ....................................................................
Once upon a time in the Heian period . . .
. yao bikuni 八百比丘尼 a nun for 800 years .
.................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県 ..................................................................
Tengu 天狗 from 相模大山 Sagami Oyama
Mount Oyama in Tanzawa is famous for the Tengu mountain goblins. The boss of all Tengu is Hoki-Bo. He came to Tazawa from Mount Oyama ( 伯耆大山 Daisen) in Hoki / Tottori.
But at Sagami Oyama there lived another Tengu already, 相模坊 Sagami Bo.
Sagami Bo once wanted to console retired emperor 崇徳院 Sutoku-In in his exile in Sanuki (at the end of the Heian period) and had been exiled himself to Kanagawa.
. Tengu Hookiboo 伯耆坊 Hokibo, Hoki-Bo .
- - - - - Seikooboo 清光坊 Seikobo, Seiko-Bo, from Daisen Tottori
. Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142) .
.................................................................. Kyoto 京都市 ..................................................................
ji 璽,shinji, Shinshi 神璽 stamp or stamp of the Gods
During the early Heian period, 陽成天皇 Emperor Yozei opened a box with a seal of the Gods. At that time a white cloud escaped from the box.
- quote -
Emperor Yōzei 陽成天皇 Yōzei-tennō (2 January 869–23 October 949)
was the 57th emperor of Japan.
Yōzei's reign spanned the years from 876 through 884
- 877 (Gangyō 1, 6th month): There was a great drought; and sacrifices were made at the temples of Hachiman, Kamo and other temples in Ise province. Eventually, it rained.
- 884 (Gangyō 8, 1st month): The extravagant and dangerous habits of the emperor continued unabated.
- 4 March 884: Mototsune confronted the emperor, explaining that his demented behavior made him incapable of reigning, and that he was being dethroned. At this news, Yōzei cried sincerely,
- 889 (Kanpyō 1, 10th month): The former emperor Yōzei was newly attacked by the mental illness.
Eras of Yōzei's reign
- - - Jōgan (859–877)
- - - Gangyō (877–885)
- source : more in the Wikipedia -
御馬石 /
- 10 legends about Yozei to explore -
. Joozoo, Jōzō 浄蔵 Jozo (891 - 964) .
Legends about monk, priest of the Tendai sect, Mid-Heian Period.
seirei, ikiryoo, shooryoo, ikisudama 生霊 "living spirits"
haunting other people
They have been especially feared at the court in Kyoto.
. Ikiryō, ikiryoo 生霊 . 生き霊 Ikiryo“living spirit” .
shiryoo 死霊 spirit of dead person
.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 ..................................................................
名取市 Natori town 高館熊野堂 Takadate Kumano-Do
. Natori Rojo 名取老女 The Old Woman from Natori .
.................................................................. Nagasaki 長崎県 ..................................................................
壱岐市 Iki town
Agonashi Jizoo あごなし地蔵 Jizo without a jaw
In the Heian period, 小野篁 Ono no Takamura was exiled to Iki Island.
There he fell in love with the beautiful 阿古那 Akona. When he was allowed to go back to Kyoto, he left her wooden two statues featuring the both of them.
They seemed to help with toothace and were later seen as Jizo Bosatsu.
They also helped with other pain, for example during pregnancy.
Even today, there are many letters of gratitude.
This is a pun with her name, Akona (Agona) and agonashi (no jaw)
. Agonashi Jizo 腮無地蔵 Jizo without a jaw or chin .
Jizo curing a toothace 歯痛平癒 - Legends from Japan
. 小野篁 Ono no Takamura - (802 - 853) .
Sangi no Takamura 参議篁 - politician and poet
- 6 legends to explore -
.................................................................. Tottori 鳥取県 ..................................................................
龍泉寺の平安仏 Ryosen-Ji no Heian Butsu
Once a robber stole the Heian Butsu Buddha from the Heian period. He carried it out of the temple hall, but kept walking in circles around the temple garden, never being able to exit it.
Thus the statue was not lost after all.
- - - - - reference - - - - -
yokai database (14)
- Reference - www.nichibun.ac.jp -
- Reference - English -
- Reference - Japanese -
Japanese Tales - Royall Tyler

Here are two hundred and twenty dazzling tales from medieval Japan, tales that welcome us into a fabulous, faraway world populated by saints and scoundrels, ghosts and magical healers, and a vast assortment of deities and demons.
Stories of miracles, visions of hell, jokes, fables, and legends, these tales reflect the Japanese worldview during a classic period in Japanese civilization.
- reference -
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