. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Shōnai 山形 - 庄内 - 伝説 Shonai Yamagata Legends
map of the Shōnai 庄内 Shonai region, Shonai district
Yamagata consists of four regions: Murayama, Oitama, Shonai, and Mogami.
Main towns in Shonai are Tsuruoka, 酒田市 Sakata, 三川町 Mikawa and 庄内町 Shonai town.
. Tsuruoka mingei 鶴岡民芸 folk art from Tsuruoka .
Matsuo Basho, Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道
. Station 31 - Sakata 酒田 - Tsurugaoka, Tsuru-ga-oka 鶴が岡 .
庄内 伝説の池めぐり - 庄司秀春
nana fushigi 七不思議 the seven wonders of Shonai
庄内町 Shonai town
hiyakusan ヒヤクサン Hiyaku San
At the temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji in Karigawa 東田川郡狩川村 there is a stone statue of Hiyaku San.
If you rub his cheeks, your toothache will be healed.
- Yakushi Nyorai and Jizo Bosatsu for your Toothache 歯痛止 -
baku バク / 獏 legendary tapir
This legendary animal lives in the ceiling and watches over dreams.
If you have a bad dream, you should not tell anybody about it, but go out and pray to the sun (tentosama テントサマ(太陽)with the following words, three times to make the bad dreams stop.
I pass on the bad dream from last night to the Baku in the ceiling.
. baku makura 獏枕 tapir pillow and dreams - Introduction .
buna 鮒
katame no buna 片目の鮒 crucian carp with one eye
In the village of 大広 Daiko, if there is 旱魃 a long drought and people need rain, they go to the pond at the 薬師社 Yakushi Shrine and clean it. During that time others perform rain rituals. Since the crucian carp, which lives in this pond, does not like it to be cleaned, he lets rain fall soon.
. buna 鮒 crucian carp .
. katame buna 片目鮒 crucian carp with one eye - Legends .
. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .
hebi 蛇, daija 大蛇 all kinds of serpents
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
- Introduction -
hakuja 白蛇 white serpent
daija 大蛇 large serpent
akataki no Fudo sama 赤滝の不動様 Fudo from the Akataki waterfall
The Fudo statue at the "Red Waterfall" has special power to heal diseases of the eye.
He sometimes transforms into a huge serpent, but people who have seen the animal are cursed and do not dare to talk about it.
. Legends about Fudo Myo-O お不動さま .
立川町 Tachikawa
Once upon a time there lived a senkan chooja 千貫長者 rich millionaire at river 狩川 Karigawa.
. 千貫長者 Senkan Choja, the rich millionaire .
鶴岡市 鶴ヶ岡城 Tsurugaoka Castle
hakuja 白蛇 white serpent
After the defeat of the war, many ladies from the castle threw themselves into the pond and died. Until our day the water of the pond is muddy. The ladies turned into white serpents and continued to protect the treasures of the castle.
If someone sees a white serpent and talks about it, he/she is sure to die.
- quote -
Tsuruoka-kouen-no-sakura 鶴岡公園の桜 Cherry Trees in Tsuruoka Park
Tsuruoka Park lies within the grounds of the old Tsurugaoka Castle, in Tsuruoka, Yamagata prefecture. It is famous for its cherry trees.
The Sakai clan lived in this castle for about 250 years as the Shonai domain head. The park is dotted with the remains of the old stone walls along the moat. An old cedar tree, thousands of years old, reminds you of the castle and its past.
- - - Syounai-Hanko Chidokan 庄内藩校 致道館 The Chidokan Shonai Clan School
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
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At the home of 五十嵐与七 Igarashi Yoshichi in Tsuruoka there is a huge tree with a hollow where a white serpent with ears lives 耳のある白蛇. If anyone sees the animal, he/she will turn blind or die. If you come near or try to cut a tree, you will be punished in a less lif-threatening way.
耳のある白蛇 mimi no aru hakuja
- miminoarusirohebi.html / reference -
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ryootoo no hakuja 両頭の白蛇 white serpent with two heads
kitsune 狐 fox
鶴岡市 Tsuruoka
Once upon a time
a fox transformed into the wife of a man and tried to steal his purse, but in reverse got his duck stolen by the man. The fox got very angry and knocked at the door of the man for two or three nights, calling
kame yokose 鴨よこせ "Give me back my duck!"
. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends - Introduction .
ryuu 龍 dragon
ryuu no hone 龍の骨 bones of a dragon
In Shonai town, in the Meiji period there was a 巨杉 huge cedar tree between the waterfall and the 不動堂 Fudo Hall, but during a strike of lightning it burned down. In its ashes there where almost two buckets full of white bones. The local gossip says these were the bones of a dragon who had lived below the tree.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
. sugi 杉 伝説 Cryptomeria legends .
sake 鮭 salmon
sake no oosuke 鮭の大助 the salmon called Osuke, the BIG ONE, the Salmon King

On the 15th day of the 11th lunar month people prepare mochi 餅をつく rice cakes, because Sake no Osuke descended the Mamurogawa river.
"If a human happened to hear the cry of the salmon masters, he would die on the spot. Therefore the people pounded rice, making much noise, and kept to the house, in order not to hear it".
Now it was a widespread custom in Japan for somebody to close his ears with two rice cakes when he heard of the death of a friend of a same age. Thus he pretended not to hear the bad news, and wanted to ward off possible ominous effects on himself."
Women had to stay in their homes and men were also forbidden to see the salmon.
source : North_Western_Pacific.htm
. Oosuke, ōsuke, Daisuke 鮭の大助 / 鮭の大介 legends about the salmon king .
- Introduction about this special fish -
Daikoku sama 大黒様
In the village of 大広 Daiko on the 9th day of the 12th lunar month, the deity Daikoku gets one year older, it is his birthday.
. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 - 大国 Okuninushi - Mahakala .
- Introduction -
Gooki san ゴウキさん
gooki 豪鬼 The Yokai monster Goki
Sometimes when walking at night on a dark road, people have the feeling someone is following them, but beware - never turn round to see if there is anyone.
In 高知 Kochi (Shikoku island) this Yokai monster is called betobeto san ベトベトさん
and people stop and ask it to overtake them.
In the Shonai region people say
ゴウリキさん、先さこう - Goki San, please go ahead.
Then the moster stops following them from behind.
Hachiman sama 八幡さま
. Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .
- Introduction -
Ise sama 伊勢様
In the village of 大広 Daiko
noomen 能面 Noh mask
utau noomen うたう能面 the singing Noh-Mask
o shooryoo sama お精霊様
In the village of 大広
shinin no tamashi 死人の魂
In the village of 大広 Daiko
酒田市 Sakata town
神軍 shingun,矢の根石 ya no ne ishi
tengu 天狗 Tengu
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
Zenpooji 善宝寺 Temple Zenpo-Ji
reference - yokai database 妖怪データベース
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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- #shonailegends #shonaiyamagata -
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