. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Okayama no Misaki Densetsu 岡山県のミサキ伝説 Misaki Legends from Okayama
Okayama prefecture has quite a lot of Misaki legends.
. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 The Misaki deity .
- - - - - Introduction - - - - -
Misakigami ミサキ神 Misaki Kami Deity
Misaki Daimyoojin 御先大明神 / ミサキ大明神 Misaki Daimyojin
Misaki sama ミサキ様 / ミサキサマ, Osaki オサキ
A deity that can bring misfortune or curses (tatari-gami 祟り神).
This can be the vengeful spirit of a person who died with many regrets in this world
and can not leave yet to go to the Paradies in heaven.
henshi 変死 / へんし unnatural death
Misaki are often appeased and venerated at
. hokora, hokura, shi 祠 (叢祠 神庫)Hokora small Shinto Shrine .
The name MISAKI is also used for the messenger of a deity,
for example the Inari キツネ Kitsune fox or the カラス Karasu raven from Kumano.
misaki daimyojin 御崎大明神 at Inari fox shrines 稲荷社 as a messenger.
- - - - - The most dreadful is the group of
. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ / 7人ミサキ / 七人みさき
"Misaki of seven people" .
who died in an accident or in unnatural circumstances
henshi 変死 / へんし unnatural death.
They have a page of their own!
In Okayama there are legends from 勝山町 Katsuyama, 大石 Oishi, 有漢町 Ukan and other towns.
- - - - - 岡山県 Okayama general
misakigiri performed by Kanbara Daiyu ミサキギリはカンバラ(上原大夫)
misaki koojin ミサキ荒神 / misaki no koojin ミサキの荒神
A special deity of the Southern parts of Okayama. It is no always the vengeful soul of a person dead through unnatural circumstances, but also a protector deity, if venerated properly.
鎮守 - 守護神
御先大明神 Misaki Daimyojin is the Misaki Deity of 吉備津神社 Kibutsu Jinja.
岩山大明神 Iwayama Daimyojin is the Jinushigami 地主神 the land god of Kibitsu Jinja.
. Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 - Introduction .
furo フロ (森) "sacred forest"
is a part of the forest that had become the target of faith. If a tree was cut or branches broken, that could bring great misfortune.
tooboo トウビョウ Tobyo
Tobyo is a little snake with yellowish white ring-like mark around the neck. It brings good fortunes to its believers. There are some shrines dedicated to Tobyo.
It also posesses people.
- - - - - 28 to explore
BTW - I live in a town in Okayama called Misaki 美咲 "Beautiful Flowering"
Misaki (美咲町 Misaki-chō) is a town located in Kume District, Okayama Prefecture, Japan.
- source : town.misaki.okayama.jp -
There are some special Misaki in Okayama
tsurugi misaki ツルギミサキ Sword Misaki and tsuna misaki ツナミサキ Rope Misaki
Let us look at the Tsurugi Sword Misaki first.
北房町 Hokubo
In front of the 観音堂 Kannon-Do hall of this village there is a Misaki Hokora Shrine.
Once a Rokubu pilgrim had been killed here. He had 金の刀 a golden sword of 摩利支天 Marishiten and prayed to it before dying.
Since then the villagers fear his curse and built the Kannon Hall.
. rokubu 六部 Rokubu Pilgrim, itinerant Buddhist priest .
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久米町 Kume
At the 城山 castle mountain there is a family venerating Tsurugi Misaki.
Once a priest came down the mountain toward the home of the family. He told the people that they must venerate 摩利支天 Marishiten or otherwise will be cursed.
西方 Nishigata - Niimi
On the place where someone found an unnatural death, a Misaki ritual is performed. A tree is planted, called ミサキ様 Misaki Sama.
A person who killed himself by Harakiri cutting his own stomach with a sword (tsurugi) is called
tsurugi misaki ツルギミサキ.
A person who killed himself by hanging with a rope (tsuna) is called tsuna misaki ツナミサキ
and rituals are performed for them.
真庭郡 Maniwa district
The ancient ancestors of 津山藩主森家 the Lord of the Tsuyama domain, the Mori clan, are venerated at places where their swords have been found.
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In 勝山町 Katsuyama
At the hamlet 美甘村延風 Nobukaze in Mikamo there is a grotto, where a sword is kept and venerated as Tsurugi Misaki.
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In 湯原町 Yubara : tsurugi misaki Marishiten 摩利支天
. Yubara 見明戸 Miakedo, 粟田城 Awata castle .
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苫田郡 Tomita district 富村 Tomison
Once there lived a high-ranking King in this area, who's grave is in an old 古墳 Kofun burial mound, where they found a sword and venerate it as Tsurugi Misaki.
tsuna misaki ツナミサキ Rope Misaki
北房町 Hokubo - Jobo
In the beginning of the Mejiji period, there livend an old man who became quite infirm and finally committed suicide by hanging himself. For more than 6 months after that many strange things happened in the village, so the villgers planted a cherry tree in his honor and venerated it as his Misaki soul.
In 岡山県 Okayama Prefecture
吉備高原 Kibitsu Kogen highlands
備中町 Bitchu - Kawakami district
Since olden times, old trees are venerated as Misaki. The 山の神 Deity of the Mountain - Yama no Kami, is also seen as Misaki.
If a person is posessed by a Misaki, exorcist rituals have to be performed.
If someone has killed himself by hanging, or has died from starvation, he becomes a Misaki and to prevent him from becoming a bad ghost, people prepare a funeral and grave for him with great care.
gakibutsu ガキ仏
Marishiten as hifubyoo no kami 皮膚病の神
日生町 Hinase - Wake district
misaki oroshi ミサキオロシ
北房町 Hokubo - Jobo district
kawa misaki 川ミサキ
sannin misaki 三人ミサキ Misaki of three people
井原市 Ibara city 美星町 Bisei
hinomisaki ヒノミサキ
石蟹 Ishigae - Niimi
ミサキ様 Misaki Sama
笠岡市 Kasaoka town
In 高島 Takashima
In 北木島 Kitagi shima Island
勝山町 Katsuyama town - Maniwa district
川上郡 Kawakami district
juunijin sama 十二神様 and kitsune 狐 the fox / oyatei オヤテイ
倉敷市 Kurashiki town
In 下津井 Shimotsui
in 六口島 (one of the Mizushima Islands)
栗原 Kurihara - Maniwa district
. 栗原不動寺 Kurihara Fudo-Ji and the Misaki .
岡山県真庭市栗原不動寺和田山 Maniwa, Kurihara, Fudo-Ji, Wadayama
misaki marishiten ミサキ摩利支天 / ushirogami ウシロ神 / 後神
gedoo ゲドウ
落合町栗原余河内では、本家の屋敷の北西隅にある榊の古木のところに小祠を設けてミサキを祀っている。先祖のようにも言われているが、ミサキ摩利支天 とも呼ばれている。これはウシロ神(守護神)であり、祀ればその威光によって他人はこの人物に立ち向かえなくなり、またゲドウ(悪霊)も近づけなくなるのだという。
gedoo ゲドウ Gedo is a Yokai of Western Japan and Shikoku. It looks like a weasel (itachi).
itachi 鼬 Yokai weasel - ten 貂 the Japanese marten
..... Itachi are tricksters and pranksters, .....
- source : yokai.com/itachi/ -
tsurugi misaki Marishiten ツルギ ミサキ 摩利支天 - - - - - see above
久世町 Kuse - Maniwa
guhin sama グヒン様 Guhin Tengu
In the compound of the Kawabata family is a special Misaki for daily venerations.
Once year there is also a ritual for the Guhin Tengu, who is living in the 天狗岩 Tengu boulder.
美作 Mimasaka town
Jizoo Gongen 地蔵権現 Jizo Gongen
50 years after an unnatural death the wandering soul will finally come to rest as a Misaki.
It might also become a Jizo Gongen, a deity venerated at Mount Atago.
. Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu - Kshitigarbha .
新見市 Niimi town
In 草間 Kusama
In 豊永 Toyonaga
落合町 Ochiai - Maniwa district
senzo no misaki 先祖のミサキ Misaki for the ancestors
In the hamlet of 落合町吉 Yoshi there is a Furo sacred forest right close to the fields. A small Shinto sanctuary for Misaki in the forest, for the ancestors.
The forest is made of sasaki 榊.
People are not allowed to break any branches of the trees in this forest.
If they venerate it properly, the deity will protect the hamlet. If they forget to venerate it, they will be scolded.
. 榊 - the ritual Sasaki tree .
Cleyera japonica, the sacred tree of Japanese Shinto.
Many people in Ochiai have a small Hokora for Misaki, who is venerated as a 屋敷神 Yashikigami Protector deity of the Estate, near the North-Western side entrance.
. yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deities" .
Near the main entrance of an estate in the field a natural stone is burried in the ground, and a small Hokora erected as Misaki Sama.
Tengu misaki 天狗ミサキ Tengu Misaki
A man from an old family once shot at an 大鷲 eagle who was resting on the Tengumatsu 狗松 Tengu Pine.
He thought he had hit the animal, but it spread its wings and flew away.
This hunter developed a high fever in the same night. An exorcist told him that the animal was in fact the Tengu from the nearby Misaki.
The man eventually became crazy and died and his family line came to an end.
tengu 天狗 Tengu and Yatei ヤテイ
At the Misaki Shrine in the village of 落合町栗原余河内 Ochiai there is a Tengu mask as protector deity.
If an evil person or someone with bad intentions or a woman approaches the mask, the Tengu will throw that person down the hill.
On the other hand this Tengu protects the village and begins to "sing" to alert the people when a danger or problem is headed for the village.

. Tengu no men 天狗の面 mask of a Tengu .
小田郡 Oda district (former part of Kasaoka and Ibara)
juunijin sama 十二神様 and kitsune 狐 the fox / oyatei オヤテイ
邑久郡 Oku district
Oosa 大佐町 Osa - Niimi
Marishiten Misaki 摩利支天ミサキ
勝北町 Shooboku - Katsuta district
総社市 Soja town

source and more photos : hardcandy.exblog.jp
Along the embankment of the river near the bridge 水内橋 Mizuuchibashi is a Misaki Hokora to protect the waterways from accidents.
高梁郡 Takahashi district
kinoyamasama 木野山様 and Ookami 狼 wolf
高倉町 Takakura - Takahashi
Shrine Misaki Jinja 御鋒神社, also known as
みほこ神社 Mihoko Jinja
at Takahashi-shi, Iibe / 高梁市高倉町飯部3493

The shrine is located along the river 高梁川 Takahashigawa.
Fishermen come here to pray before they go to sea. Here the 水神 Deity of Water is united with the Misaki Deity.
This shrine is famous for its old cedar tree, 御鋒神社の古杉 furusugi.
This tree is more than 1000 years old.

source : hitozato-kyoboku.com/misakijinja-sugi
The tree may also be called Kosan 「古杉」「こさん」- Old Cedar.
reference : okayama-jinjacho.or.jp
玉野市 Tamano town
In 石島 Ishijima a lost soul with no one to appease is called Misaki. If it bewitches and posesses someone, his is "pulled along by the Misaki" (ミサキがひっぱるmisaki ga hipparu ).
Once an old man suddenly disappeared one evening. Although he was blind, he climbed up a steep cliff. When people saw this, they knew he was pulled along by Misaki.
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For a lost soul rituals to "cut them off" (ミサキギリ misakigiri, misaki-giri) are performed about three months after an unnatural death, caused by being posessed by a Misaki.
哲西町 Tessei town - Niimi
misaki no ki no sawari ミサキの木のさわり
富村 Tomison village - Tomita district
The 蛇は水神のミサキ White Serpent is the Misaki Messenger of the Water Deity. It is also called
nushi ヌシ "the Master".
misaki furo ミサキブロ(森) sacred forest
有漢町 Ukan - Jobo district
misakibanashi ミサキバナシ
矢掛町 Yakake town
misaki no michi kiri ミサキのミチキリ "Cutting off the road for a Misaki"
Priests from a temple in Yakake are sometimes called to 真備町 Mabicho to perform rituals of Michikiri.
- - - - - a similar custom is
misaki osame ミサキオサメ "ending a Misaki curse"
At 矢掛町西川面 Nishikawamo there are ofteh accidents of all sorts, especially drownings. To get rid of the curse of a Misaki, people from families of diseased persons come together to have an exorcist perform rituals of Misaki Osame.
湯原町 Yubara town
misakigurui, misaki gurui ミサキ狂い "Misaki Insanity", Misaki madness
People belonging to a Misaki worship group (ミサキの氏子 misaki no ujiko) are prone to become insane.
Marishiten 摩利支天,山伏 and a wolf
Tokuemon Misaki 徳右衛門御崎
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
121 to explore ミサキ 岡山県 (80)
- reference : yokai database - ミサキ信仰 -
94 - not all include the word "ミサキ misaki" in the text.
. Okayama Dialect and Deiteis .

荒神とミサキ ― 岡山県の民間信仰
Kōjin to misaki : Okayama-ken no minkan shinkō
book by 三浦秀宥 Miura Shūyū
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
102 to explore
. Koojin sama, Aragamisama 荒神様 Kojin Hearth Deity .
- Introduction -
. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 The Misaki deity .
- Introduction -
Ushirogami ウシロ神 / 後神 / 後ろ髪 / うしろがみ
The Deity coming from Behind - Yokai

by 鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien (1712 - 1788)
A female Yokai with a long neck and only one eye. She appears suddenly behind a person and pulls the hair, hence the spelling with the Kanji for hair, 後髪. So maybe the spelling with "deity" 後神 is just a pun.
Other later images show a lady with the hair or an umbrella blown back, but not a Yokai.
井原西鶴 Ibara Saikaku ( 1642 - 1693) describes her as a deity venerated at the Grand Shrine of Ise 伊勢神宮 in Mie. If a parent wanted to dis-inherit his child, she would come and stand behind him and make him change his mind.
水木しげる Mizuki Shigeru thinks the two are not related. The stories told about the deity 後神 Ushirogami in the Tsuyama region of Okayama are about a timid lady who had to walk on a dark road at night, when Ushirogami appeared and disshevelled her hair, blowing her breath like fire on her neck.
Sometimes she blows so hard that an umbrella blows away, or she touches the neck with ice-cold hands or very hot things.

Painting by 竜斎閑 Ryu Kansai
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : kagoshimalife/diary
By Mizuki Shigeru 水木しげる
Nerigami no Chinchin iwa 八神のちんちん石
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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1 comment:
APPEARANCE: Ushirogami looks like a ghost with long black hair, and a large single eyeball located on the top of its head. It doesn’t have feet, but instead has a long, twisting body which allows it to leap high into the air.
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