
Natural Disasters LIST

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Natural Disasters and Legends 自然災害 伝説 shizen saigai
- Naturkatastrophe - desaster

There are many forms of natural disasters ever since human beings settled on the Islands of Japan.

source : roof-partner.com/natural-disaster
自然災害とは . . .

This is a growing list of legends and tales related to them.
- drought, earthquake, flooding, landslides, tsunami, typhoon, volcanic eruption -


drought often followed by famine
. hideri 旱 kanbatsu 旱魃 drought .
旱 10 to explore
旱魃 93 to explore

. kikin 飢饉 great famine .

source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016/03/10


. earthquake, jishin 地震 Legends about Earthquakes .
Earthquakes in Kumamoto, April, 2016

source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016/03/10


floods, flooding
. koozui 洪水(こうずい)flood, flooding .

source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016/03/10

111 to explore
demizu 出水 17 to explore


landslides, mudslides
. doshakuzure 土砂崩れ landslide legends .
gakekuzure 崖崩れ / jisuberi 地滑り
masago 土砂 (マサゴ) / dosha 土砂 earth and sand - for construction work

. dosha-kaji 土砂加持 ritual to prevent landslides .


. tsunami 津波 Tsunami .
and the
Tohoku Region Pacific Ocean Offshore Earthquake March 11, 2011
1771 - Great Yaeyama Tsunami 八重山大津波 (also called 明和の大津波, the Great Tsunami of Meiwa)
yamatsunami 山津波 "mountain Tsunami", landslide


. taifuu 台風 typhoon, Taifun .

31 to explore

source : en.rocketnews24.com/2016/03/10


volcanic eruption
. kazan 火山 volcano .
funka 噴火 10 to explore
kazan 火山 2 to explore
焼火山権現 2 to explore
火山弾 1 to explore


Main volcanos in Kyushu . . . all in one line . . .
in extension of the
the Japanese Median Tectonic Line (MTL) (中央構造線 Chūō Kōzō Sen),
with respect to the strong quakes in Kumamoto in April 2016.

source : qbiz.jp/article


- Reference - nichibun yokai database -

天下大変 -資料に見る江戸時代の災害 Tenka Taihen !
- reference : archives.go.jp/exhibition -


. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .


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