. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity
. Ryu 竜 /龍 - Japanese Dragons .
- Introduction -

Kamogawa Ryuujin 加茂川龍神 Kamogawa Dragon Deity
Kyoto, 檀王法林寺 Danno Horin-Ji
. ryuu, ryū 龍 / 竜 と伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
- Introduction to Dragon Legends -
. okami 龗 オカミ Okami. Water God, Dragon God .
A deity that reigns over rain, snow and water. Maybe identical with ryuujin 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon Deity.
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Imamiya Jinja 今宮神社 Imamiya Shrine, Chichibu
A Shinto shrine located in Naka-machi, Chichibu City.
One of Japan's oldest shrines, since ancient times it has been dedicated to a water god embodied by a miraculous spring welling up from under Mt. Buko.
Until the distant Nara period, the shrine was also dedicated to other deities such as the Eight Dragon Kings.
In 1535, a portion of the spirit of Susanoo-no-Okami from Imamiya-jinja Shrine in Kyoto was ritually transferred to this shrine when an epidemic raged in the region.
The grounds encompass 龍神池 Ryujin Pond, the oldest spring in Chichibu,
as well as a huge tree called the 龍神木 Ryujinboku which is over 1,000 years old.
- source : japantravel.navitime.com/en... -
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
. Kawanokami 川の神 is seen as the Ryujin Dragon Deity. .
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
. goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon God of five colors .
. Iruka-ike 入鹿池 Iruka Pond .
and the Dragon Deity
. kechimyaku 血脈と伝説 Legends about blood lineage charts .
......................................................................................... Chiba 千葉県
船橋 Funabashi
. Ryujinja 龍神社 Dragon Shrine .
- and Kobo Daishi 弘法大師
Chiba 鴨川市 Kamogawa city
. three 三匹獅子 lion dancers at 竜光山 Mount Ryukosan .
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
. rain rituals at 法泉寺 the Temple Hosen-Ji .
. Yashima 屋島寺 血の池 Chinoike, Blood Pond .
- and Kobo Daishi 弘法大師
......................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
飫肥 Obi city
. Benzaiten 弁財天 and 虚空蔵 Kokuzo protecting fishing .
......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
飯田市 Iida city
. food for a funeral service 法事の膳 .
......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
. Ryujin and akaneko 赤猫 a red cat .
Niigata 高田市 Takata city 寺町 Teramachi // 竜神 / 幡随意院上人
aoyagi no mokuta 青柳の杢太
. teramachi 寺町 temple town, temple district .
......................................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
秩父郡 Chichibu district
. Ryujin from 竜泉寺 the temple Ryusen-Ji .
春日部市 Kasuga city
. shinshi 神使 messenger of god, divine messenger .
Suddenly there was a great storm and three masks of 竜神 the Dragon Deity fell on the ground.
This is the beginning of the shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance of the village. From upriver of the 江戸川 Edogawa there came the masks of the Dragon Deity and when the villagers performed the dance with them, there would be rain.
After dancing for seven days and nights the masks were seen as kami no tsukai 神の使い the messengers of the Deity and the villagers performed their ritual dance.
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Ryujin 龍神
Ryūjin are powerful dragons who rule over bodies of water and serve as tutelary deities of those places.
Ryūjin can refer to any dragon that is worshiped as a local kami, including major dragons such as the hachidai ryūō, Zennyō Ryūō, Kuzuryū, Seiryū, and so on.
But when it is used as a proper title (i.e. Ryūjin) it most commonly refers to the dragon god of the sea — Watatsumi in Shintō tradition or Shagara Ryūō in Buddhist tradition.
- source and more text : yokai.com/ryuujin .. -
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
96 龍神 to collect
126 竜神 to collect
. ryuu, ryū 龍 / 竜 と伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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Legend from Hyogo 兵庫県 Takarazuka 宝塚
. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .
To perform amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals, the head of ushi 牛 a bull is offered on the side where the waterfall comes down at the ryuujin-iwa 龍神岩 Dragon-God Boulder.
The fresh blood of the animal falls down along the boulder.
If the Dragon God feels the blood, he gets angry and makes rain to fall and storm to blow.
ryuume 竜馬 "dragon horse"
Minamoto no Mitsunaka 源満仲 (912 - 997) had been asked by 竜女 Ryujo, a Dragon Lady, to kill a daija 大蛇 huge serpent.
As a reward he got a ryuuma 竜馬 "dragon horse" with horns.
Its skull is buried at the temple 普明寺 Fumyo-Ji. The bones are useful for amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals.
Legend from Miyagi 宮城県
Shiogama city
O-Kama Jinja 御釜神社 "Shrine of the Divine Kettle"
宮城県塩竈市本町6-1 // O-Kama sha 御釜社
Okama Jinja enshrines Shiotsuchi Oji no Kami,
the god who taught humans how to make salt.
Shiotsuchi no Oji had originally seven iron kettles, four remain - of two sizes
一口は径四尺 1,2 m diameter
三口は四尺八寸の鉄釜 a bit larger
dedicated to ryuujin 竜神 the Dragon Deity.
Legend from Gifu 岐阜県
高山市 Takayama city 荘川村 Shokawa village /
Hirugano Kogen 蛭ヶ野高原 / ひるがの高原 Hirugano Highlands Ski resort
The 蛭ヶ野の竜神 Dragon Deity from Hirugano sometimes shapeshifts into a white horse.
This Dragon Deity is also the a Suijin 水神 Water Deity.
Legend from Gunma 群馬県 太田市 Ota city
Choorakuji rei 長楽寺鈴 the bell of temple Choraku-Ji
At the temple Choraku-JI there is a treasure bell. If it starts to ring, there will be flooding.
During repair work of the hall, a construction worker rang it by accident. And suddenly the sky became dark, it rained heavily and flooding was everywhere.
The sound of the bell awakens the Dragon God .
Legend from Shiga 犬上郡 Inukami District 甲良町 Kora town
Once a woman could not forgive the sins of her man and committed suicide by drowning in the pond and became a Dragon Deity. If people throw shards of pottery into this pond, she gets angry and brings great rain over the area.
If other women commit suicide in the pond, they will be transformed into snakes and serpents 蛇身.
yakimono 焼物と伝説 Legends about pottery
Legend from Yamagata 山形県村山市 Murayama city 河島山 Kawashimayama
ryuujin 竜神 dragon deity
In the compound of the local 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there is a pond called 白山池 Hakusan Pond.
If rain rituals are performed during a drought and people walk around the pond three days, there will be two dragons coming out of the pond going toward heaven - soon it rains. The dragons are a loving couple.
Legend from Yamaguchi, 美祢市 Mine city 秋芳町 / しゅうほうちょう Shuho town
Once there was amagoi 雨乞い a rain ritual in a cave of 秋吉台 Akiyoshidai.
The priest held a special ritual and gave a kechimyaku lineage chart to the Dragon Deity.
If the paper sinks down to the bottom of the pond, there will soon be rain.
. Akiyoshido 秋芳洞 Akiyoshidai Quasi-National Park, .
Legend from Fukuoka
宮若市 Miyawaka city 乙野 Otono // 竜女成仏譚
ryuu no uroko 竜の鱗 scales of a dragon
At Ryuo ga taki 竜王ヶ滝 the Dragon King Watefall.
in a small sanctuary for Ryujin 竜神 The Dragon Deity one scale of a dragon is venerated.
The scale belonged to 幡随意 Saint Banzuii (1542 - 1615).
Now powerful rain rituals are performed at this place.
Legend from Gunma, Tatebayashi city
When 幡隨意上人 Saint Hataka Yoshi held a sermon at the Temple Zendo-Ji,
a young womna of about 18 years came to him and said:
"I am the wife of ryuujin 龍神 the dragon Deity which lives in 城沼 the marsh of Shironuma.
Please safe me through your high virtue talk.
When the Saint looked at her, she soon became a dragon.
When the Saint touched her forehead with his staff,
she turned back into a woman.
The woman said she would protect the temple and then jumped into the well.
The villagers closed the well for ever.
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