. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Kaido 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways
. Kaido: The Ancient Highways of Japan 日本の街道 .
- Introduction -
Japan developed a nationwide network of roads and highways already in the 7th century to carry things on foot, horseback, and wheeled traffic and to transport goods between towns and villages, the sea and the mountain communities.
The major roads, called Kaido, started from the old capital in Kyoto.

. shukuba 宿場 post station, postal station along the highways .
. Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Gokaidō - five highways starting from Edo .
. Yokai and Yurei Kaido 街道の妖怪 - 幽霊 monsters and ghosts .

. Miyagi Prefecture 宮城県 and Kaido Highway Legends .
Aramakiyama Kaido 荒巻山街道
Azuma Kaido 東街道 - Sendai
Hippo Kaido 筆甫街道
Iwadeyama Kaido 岩出山街道
Kakuda Kaido 角田街道
Kawasaki Kaido 川崎街道
Kiso Kaido 木曾街道 - Sendai
Oshu Kaido 奥州街道
Sasaya Kaido 笹谷街道
Sekiyama Kaido 関山街道
Shiogama Kaido 塩釜街道
Shizugawa Kaido 志津川街道
Toho Kaido 東方街道
......................................................................................... Abe Kaido 安倍街道
. Abekawa 安倍川 / 阿部川 River Abekawa, Abegawa - Shizuoka .
......................................................................................... Awa Kaido 阿波街道
. byoonin batake 病人畑 field of ill people .
......................................................................................... Chichibu Kaido 秩父街道
. 秩父街道の伝説と昔話 Tales from the Chichibu Highway .
笛吹川 River Fuefukigawa - Kobo Daishi and the spotted Yamame trouts
kyojin 巨人 a giant making mountains in Saitama
......................................................................................... 中馬街道 Chuma Kaido
chuuma no michi 中馬のみち Chuma "road for transport horses"
. amaoto, ama-oto 雨音 the sound of rain .
and a zatoo 座頭 blind minstrel
......................................................................................... Futakuchi Kaido 二口街道
. The brothers Banji and Banzaburo 万二万三郎 .
......................................................................................... Gosaisho Kaido 御斎所街道
福島県 Fukushima 郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan machi town
Also called Ishikawa Kaido 石川街道
From いわき市 Iwaki city in Fukushima to 石川町 Ishikawa town.
It connected 白河 Shirakawa, 棚倉 Tanagura and 須賀川 Sukawata from the 中通り inland Road with 平 Taira and 小名浜 Onahama on the 浜通り Hamadori coastal road.
御斎所峠(ごさいしょとうげ) Gosaisho Toge Pass, more than 1770 m high.
located in Fukushima 福島県いわき市遠野町根岸-いわき市田人町(たびとまち)才鉢(さいばち)

. bakeneko 化け猫, 化猫 a monster cat .
The Ishikawa Kaido was crossing the pass ごさんしょ峠 / 御斎所峠 Gosansho Toge. On its top was a small hut to use in emergencies, where an old couple lived.
They made their cat kill people and took their money.
One day a medicine merchant from 須賀川 Sukagawa came to stay. He was saved by a kamo 鴨 duck from the malicious cat.
When the old couple found out that the cat could not kill the merchant, they took it and banged its head with a metal pipe stick. The cat bit the two in their throats and killed them.
Then the cat gave all the money to the merchant and left. He soon became the richest merchant in Sukagawa and venerated the cat as his protector deity.
......................................................................................... Hachinohe Kaido 八戸街道
. A fox getting fish . . . or not .
Iwate, Kunohe 九戸郡
. A 六部 Rokubu pilgrim on the Hama Kaido 浜街道 .
and the monster cat 大天婆 Daiten Baba in Kesennuma
......................................................................................... Hijiyama Kaido 比治山街道
. Jizoden 地蔵田 The Jizo Field .
......................................................................................... Hyakuri Kaido 百里街道
茨城県 Ibaraki 行方市 Namegata city 百里 Hyakuri hamlet
via 百里ヶ岳 Mount Hyakurigatake, 931 m in Fukui ?
furudanuki 古狸 old Tanuki badger
In 常陸国の麻生の里 the area of Asao in the old Hitachi domaine there are seven roads.
Once a samurai walked on the Hyakuri Kaido in the evening, when he saw a noble woman with long hair walk in front of him. The two walked together for a while, but then he took out his sword and killed her.
When the farmers went to the place next morning, they found an old Tanuki with long hair dead on the road.
. tanuki 狸 racoon dog, badger legends .
......................................................................................... Iiyama Kaido 飯山街道
. itachi いたち weasel legend .
and ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - a dragon legend
......................................................................................... Ise Kaido 伊勢街道
. o-kuwa sama オクワ様 / 鍬 venerable hoe .
......................................................................................... Kamakura Kaido 鎌倉街道
. magarimatsu 曲がり松 the bent pine tree .
......................................................................................... Kasagi Kaido 笠置街道
. Kasagidera 笠置寺 Kasagi-Dera - Kyoto .
and a white deer and a Tengu
......................................................................................... Kawagoe Kaido 川越街道
. enoki 榎 nettle tree in 上板橋 Kami-Itabashi .
......................................................................................... Kijo Kaido 木城街道
. kitsune 狐 a fox legend .
......................................................................................... Koshu Kaido 甲州街道
. The old demon hag from Adachigahara in Nihonmatsu 二本松の安達が原の鬼ババア .
......................................................................................... Kotaki Kaido 小滝街道
. Legends from 南陽市 Nanyo City - Inari fox and more .
......................................................................................... Kumano Kaido 熊野街道
Kumano Kodo 熊野古道
. hidarigami ヒダリ神 Hidarigami deity and nanji ナンジ an evil spirit .
......................................................................................... Matsumoto Kaido 松本街道
. kitsune 狐 a fox showing the way.
......................................................................................... Mikuni Kaido 三国街道
. katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye .
......................................................................................... Mitsu Kaido 三津街道
. O-Mitsu tanuki おみつ狸 from Matsuyama, Ehime .
......................................................................................... Nara Kaido 奈良街道
. tanuki 狸 a badger stealing fish .
a legend about oonyuudoo 大入道 Onyudo, O-Nyudo, a monster
......................................................................................... Noneyama Kaido 野根山街道
. Tanuki, fox, wolf and other legends .
......................................................................................... Ome Kaido 青梅街道 Aome Kaido
. kootsuu jikoo 交通事故 traffic accident .
......................................................................................... Oyama Kaido 大山街道 (Ooyama)
. Kappa カッパ the Water Goblin .
at the bridge the bridge 間門橋 / 馬門橋 Makadobashi
......................................................................................... Sanin Kaido San-In, San'in 山陰街道
. . tsuchinoko hebi 槌の子蛇 hammerspawn in Kyoto . .
......................................................................................... Sanshu Kaido 三州街道
shio no Michi 塩の道 Salt road / 長野県 Nagano
. kuda-kitsune, kudagitsune クダ狐 or Kanko 管狐, "pipe fox" .
......................................................................................... Senboji Kaido 千坊寺街道
富山県 Toyama 婦負郡 Nei district
Kannon Sama 観音様
At 森田 Morita there is a statue of Kannon Bosatsu.
In former times it had been at 山田宿坊沢連 Yamada Shukubo Sore.
One night the statue appeared in the dream of the priest and told him she would like to go to 森田 Morita, a little bit further along the 千坊寺街道 Senboji Kaido at 富崎 Tomisaki.
Next morning he took the statue and was on his way when he met some villagers of Morita of the Kaido and handed thme the statue.
The statue is now a 国宝 National Treasure, placed in 森田の観音堂 the Kannon Hall of Morita.
- maybe - Senkoji Kaido ? a mix-up with
Senko-Ji 千光寺(せんこうじ)は、富山県魚津市小川寺
... 現在は、観音堂などと心蓮坊、光学坊、蓮蔵坊があり、三坊はそれぞれ別の寺院となっている。観音堂と3つの坊を合わせた敷地は広大であり、大規模な寺院であったことが偲ばれる。 ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
......................................................................................... Shibata Kaido 新発田街道
. kitsune 狐 fox legend .
......................................................................................... Shinshu Kaido 信州街道
Shinano Kaido 信濃街道
. otooka no yome-iri オトウカの嫁取り Otoka the fox gets a bride .
......................................................................................... Sumiyoshi Kaido 住吉街道
. shironezumi 白鼠 a white mouse .
......................................................................................... Takeuchi Kaido 竹内街道
-横大路 Yoko-Oji(大道)/ 横大路村街道
. The 石塔 stone pagoda at the Shrine 飛鳥田神社 Asukata Jinja .
......................................................................................... Tokuyama Kaido 徳山街道
. yasha hebi 夜叉蛇 demon serpent .
......................................................................................... Tonosama Kaido 殿様街道
. okuri ookami 送り狼 "Okami wolf following someone" .
Jokoji Kaido 定光寺街道 Jokoji Highway / 御成道 Onarido
......................................................................................... Wada Kaido 和田街道
from 東京都八王子市 Hachioji in Tokyo to 神奈川県相模原市 Sagamihara in Kanagawa
via the pass 和田峠 Wada Toge (690 m)

oni 鬼 demon
源頼光 Minamoto no Yorimitsu (948 - 1021) wanted to kill demons fro Oeyama and was on his way, clad as a yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest, walking along the Wada Kaido.
At the village of 上川口村 Kamikawaguchi he asked a farmer named 孫八 Magohachi to show him the way. He was looking for the home of the local demon. On the way he met the deity 三貴神 Sankishi / Sankishin, who let him to the Shrine 鬼獄稲荷神社 Ontake Inari Jinja in 大江山 Oeyama. There he made a vow to fight the demon with 鬼毒酒 poisonous Sake and finally could kill the Demon.
. 源頼光と坂田金時 Minamoto Yorimitsu and Sakata Kintoki .
Wadajuku 和田宿 is the the name of the 28th postal station in Nagano, along the 中山道 Nakasendo Highway.
......................................................................................... Yuurei Kaido 幽霊街道
"Highway of the Ghosts"
岐阜県 Gifu 吉城郡 Yoshiki district 国府町 Kokufu cho town
Form 平湯峠 the pass Hirayu Toge to Hirose three is a 尾根 ridge, where since olden times something strange is passing at night.
Once a farmer wanted to find out and went there with some friends and stayed the night over there.
Suddenly there were about 12 people passing their pillow, saying
"Today we ate some rice offerings for the Buddha, so we will not harm you."
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
街道 - OK
1 古街道
7 古道 (01)
日本の街道 歴史を巡る!
source : amazon com
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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