. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
kaburaya 鏑矢 Legends, see below
shiraha no ya 白羽の矢と伝説 Legends about arrows with white feathers
shiraha no ya ga tatsu 白羽の矢が立つ One who is specially selected from a crowd.
(Literally: An arrow with white feathers sticks out.)
. hamaya 破魔矢 talisman arrow for the New Year .
. kaburaya 鏑矢 whistling arrow and Yabusame .
. kaburaya used at Iwashimizu Hachimangu 岩清水八幡宮 .
The kaburaya 鏑矢 whistling arrow is expecially powerful at driving out malice and vice.
......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
kuzu no daija 九頭の大蛇 a huge snake with nine heads
Minamoto no Mitsunaka 源満仲 (912 - 997) had a dream vision to shoot an arrow toward the sky.
When he did so the sky lit up like a flash of lightning and the arrow disappeared in the sky.
The next morning, on advise of an old man, he went to a nearby pond.
The year before, 俵藤太秀郷 Tawara no Tota Hidesato had shot a mukade 百足 centipede with nine heads,
but the spirit of the cenitpede had turned into a huge serpent with nine heads.
The kaburaya 鏑矢 a whistling arrow had hit the serpent in the head and the animal died.
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
......................................................................................... Aomori 青森県
八戸市 Hachinohe city 七戸町 Shichinohe town
Hachimandake 八幡岳 (1020 m) Mount Hachiman
In the spring of 1338 there was a strong light at night coming from 八幡岳 Mount Hachimandake.
When 西野孫左衛門 Nishino Magozaemon climped up the next day,
he found kaburaya 鏑矢 a whistling arrow and took it home.
His son 孫四郎 Magoshiro later had an oracle telling him to venerate 八幡大明神 Hachiman Daimyojin
and call the mountain 八幡岳 Mount Hachimandake.
......................................................................................... Saga 佐賀県
神埼町 Kanzaki town
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
In 1333, a horse was passing 櫛田宮 Shrine Kushida Gu and suddenly stopped.
When they shot kaburaya 鏑矢 a whistling arrow at the Shrine door, the horse moved on.
When they cheked the road, they found orochi 蠎 a huge serpent on the road.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
shiraha no ya 白羽の矢と伝説 Legends about arrows with white feathers
. Sarutahiko deity 猿田彦, 猿田彦神 - Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity .
Once upon a time 白羽の矢 an arrow with white feathers hit the door of a family
and they had to offer their daughter for a ritual.
But a Yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest came to help.
At the night hour for curses, ushimitsu 牛三, someone came to the home
and begun to dance around the cupboard where the daughter was hiding.
The mountain priest let loose a dog which bit and killed the monster.
When they looked next morning, it was an old monkey.
. yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest .
. ushimitsu 牛三 night time for curses .
......................................................................................... Aomori 青森県
七戸小川町 Shichinohe Ogawa town
fushussan 不出産
奥州七戸小川町の弥右衛門 Yauemon の娘・さなは17年前に懐妊し、未だに出産していない。そもそも20年前に結婚した時に、夫婦ともに襟に白羽の矢が立ったという夢を見て懐妊したが、産月になっても出産しなかった。ただ胎児はさなにだけ聞こえるように、不浄の地では生まれたくないといっており、皇城の地を踏まないと生まれないと神夢を見た。
さらに北野天満宮 Kitano Tenmanguに参詣したら程なく生まれるだろうとの神夢を得たという。
......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
福島市 Fukushima city 飯坂町 Iizaka town
daija 大蛇
平家の落人が白羽の矢で大蛇退治をした。その大蛇が苦しんで3日3晩のたうちまわった場所を、ミカズリ Mikazuri という。
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......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
郡上市 Gujo city 和良村 Wara village
oni 鬼 a demon
天暦年間の事。鬼が瓢岳に棲み付き、村人を苦しめたので勅命で藤原高光が退治にきた。鬼は姿を巧みに隠したので高光は瓢岳と高賀山に6つの社を祀り、虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu からお告げと白羽の矢を受けて鬼を射止めた。鬼の首をはねた刀を洗ったら鰻に変じたので、虚空蔵菩薩のお使いとして、この村では鰻を食べない。この鬼の首が念興寺にあり、持ち出すと天が荒れるといわれている。
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
. bonsho 梵鐘 a temple bell .
Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu city
hakuryuu 白龍 a white dragon
. white dragon at 国分寺 the temple Kokubun-Ji . **
Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu city / 牟礼 Mure
yume 夢 a dream
Around 1480, the Lord of Mure had a dream:
白羽の矢 an arrow with white feathers came flying from the East
and fell down in a forest in the North.
He believed this was a revelation from the Deities.
When he searched for the arrow, he found it at the mountain behind 阿弥陀寺 the Temple Amida-Ji.
The ordered a Shinto Shrine to be built there, 白羽神社 the Shrine Shiraha Jinja.
. Amidaji 阿弥陀寺 Temple Amida-Ji .
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
亀岡市 Kameoka city
ogon no tori 黄金の鶏
. niwatori 鶏と伝説 / ニワトリ Legends about the rooster, cock, chicken .
Kyoto 上京区 Kamigyo ward
仙洞御所 Sento Imperial Palace Residence of a retired Emperor
In 1715 on day 20 of the 8th lunar month, at the 仙洞御所 Sento Imperial Palace
白羽の矢 an arrow with white feathers rell in the garden.
This was seen as an auspicious omen and the emperor wrote a poem about it.
The waka 和歌 Waka poem was dedicated to 石清水八幡宮 the Shrine Iwashimizu Hachimangu.
. Shrine Iwashimizu Hachimangu 石清水八幡宮 .
......................................................................................... Mie 三重県
志摩市 Shima city 阿児町 Ago town
dondoro ishi ,どんどろ石
......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
上伊那郡 Kami-Ina district 中川村 Nakagawa village
. Koozenji 光前寺 Temple Kozen-Ji .
霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro.
"A Heroic Dog of the Kozenji Temple" and the old monkey monster (老ヒヒ).
諏訪市 Suwa city
nana fushigi 七不思議
......................................................................................... Shimane 島根県
安来市 Yasugi city 広瀬町 Hirose town
平家の勇士がやって来て、御社を今ある所に移したいといった。景清の築いた城跡が山の上に残っているが、もとは八幡宮 Shrine Hachimangu があった。城郭を構えようとして神に祈祷すると、遷座の許しが出たので、喜んで白羽の矢を射た。矢は今の社の池の中に刺さった。そこに社を造り白羽の矢を神宝の第一とした。
......................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
磐田市 Iwata city 見付 Mitsuke
. Hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 The Hihi Baboon Monster .
At 矢奈比売神社 the Shrine Yanahime Jinja there was a festival on the 10th day of the 8th lunar month.
白羽の矢 an arrow with white feathers was shot toward the village and where it landed,
the daughter had to become a human sacrifice.
In 1308, on day 9 of the 8th lunar month, an itinerant monk heard the story
and said "This must not be known to シッペイ太郎 / しっぺい太郎 Shippeitaro!".
The villagers went to borrow Shippeitaro and finally got rid of the baboon monster.
Mitsuke Tenjin 見付天神 矢奈比売神社 Shrine Yanahime Jinja
- quote -
This shrine enshrines Yanahime-no-Mikoto, the Kami(deity) of safe delivery.
And it enshrines Sugawara-no-Michizane, the Kami of study.
The Shrine is well known for the Hadaka-Matsuri (festival) and
the folklore of a holy dog named Shippei-Taro. - source : mitsuke-tenjin.com ... -
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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