Showing posts with label - - - Legends - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Legends - - -. Show all posts


sennin immortals hermits legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals

The recluse from the political scene has always been an ideal of the Chinese and later Japanese intellectuals.
Some mountain recluses were seen as Tengu, others as Sennin.
shinsen 神仙 Sennin of the Daoist tradition
bosatsu 菩薩 is an honorable title given to Buddhist Immortals

. sennin 仙人 immortals, mountain hermits.
- Introduction -

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin - - - - - .

. China - The Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien .

. shinsen 神仙 / 神僊 Chinese Daoist Immortals and Hermits  .
- - - - - 蘇呂里 Sorori Sugimoto Shinzaemon

. Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits .

. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

Chōkarō Sennin 張果老仙人 Chokaro Sennin releasing the horse from the gourd

Sennin are immortals living in the mountains - some kind of hermits.
They are capable of a lot of magic tricks like flying on an animal in the air.
Sennin may appear mortals in their dreams. There are about 500 of them.
Like in life, only a few of the sennin are frequently mentioned and depicted.
The rest belongs to the "silent majority".
By the way, the Japanese mythology knows not only male but female sennin as well.
source :


. Glossary about the Sennin .

. Sennin no tabemono 仙人の食べ物 Food of the Sennin
The Elixir of Life and Immortality .

. Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-Do "Hall of the Great Poets" . - Kyoto


. senninike, sennin-ike 仙人池 Sennin-Ike, "Pond of the Immortal" .

. senningatake 仙人岳 Mount Senningatake . - Yamagata
- 仙人ヶ岳 Tochigi. ... *
. Daisen 大仙 / 大山 Mount Daisen . - Tottori

Sennin Toge 仙人峠 - Sennin Pass, Iwate

. sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 "Rock of the Immortal" . - Kanagawa
- 仙人岩 Sennin-Iwa. Kagoshima ... *

Senninzawa 仙人沢 - see below *

Sennin roten iwaburo bath 仙人露天岩風呂 | 信州高山温泉郷 *

. Rokkasen 六歌仙 Six Immortal Waka Poets .

- Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry 三十六歌仙 Sanjūrokkasen -
- wikipedia -

. minogame 蓑亀 minokame, "turtle with a raincoat" .
It is a symbol of longevity and felicity, and a friend for the immortals.


- - - - - Art motives with Sennin - - - - -

. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .

sennin byoobu 仙人 屏風 Byobu folding screens with Sennin
. . . CLICK here for Photos  !

sennin kawara  仙人 瓦 roof tiles with Sennnin
. . . CLICK here for more Photos  !

- - - - - kokeshi, ukiyo-e and more to come

- - - - - porcelain figures
Li Tieguai, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe, Zhang Guolao, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lü Dongbin and Zhongli Quan (Zhongli Han)
- reference source : -

sennin sake 仙人 酒 rice wine *
. . . CLICK here for Photos  !


Basuu, Basū 婆薮仙 Basu the Immortal Basu
Also read Basuusen. Basu, the Immortal, sennin 仙人.

An Indian sage, whose Sanskrit name, Vasu, may be an alternative name for one of the Seven Rishi or seers. Basusen appears as an Indian ascetic who, with *Kichijoten 吉祥天, flanks *Senju Kannon 千手観音 in the *Taizoukai mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅. Thus he often appears, along with Kichijouten (although sometimes replaced by Kudokuten 功徳天, a form of Kichijouten), in paintings of Senju Kannon. Basusen is also one of the *nijuuhachi bushuu 二十八部衆 (the twenty-eight attendants) of Senju Kannon. He usually appears either as an ascetic or as a fully dressed old man, and carries a text, usually a palm-leaf book. The later is a symbol of the Prajnaparamita texts, HANNYAKYOU 般若経 (the sutra of The Perfection of Wisdom), which is central to the attainment of enlightenment and therefore to all forms of Buddhism. Basusen is a protector of these texts and, as such, appears in paintings such as the images of *juuroku zenshin 十六善神, along with other protectors.
- source : JAANUS -

- - - - -

sennin : immortal; transcendent; genie; mage; djinn; sage; hermit", mountain saint
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


日本の仙人 ― 仙人の研究 (2)

仙人の研究 (1)



. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals
Honcho shinsen den - Lives of Japanese Spirit Immortals / Biography of Japanese immortals
By 大江匡房 Oe no Masafusa

- collecting -

Kinoko Sennin (きのこ仙人), meaning Mushroom Hermit or Mushroom Mystic,
from Super Mario
. He tells Mario that the only way to save the Mushroom Kingdom and Princess Peach is to find the three legendary items:
a mushroom, a flower, and a star.

- reference source : -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

O-Daishi sama お大師様
弘法大師空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai got a priest's fly whisk (hossu 払子) from a Sennnin who told him:
"With this whisk you can get rid of any disturbing monster and will be protected from anything!"
Once a young woman and her brother were trying to hang out with him and pestered him, eventually trying to shoot him to death. But they could not hit him at all.

飛騨の昔話から - from the Tales of Hida

. Kobo Daishi and 仙人岳 Mount Senningatake .
Yamagata 山形県


iruisha 異類者 different beings
They are not Sennin, but strange people who have come to live deep in the mountains. They lost in a battle during wars many hundred years ago and fled to the mountain forests, became hunters or lumberjacks. They are some kind of somabito 杣人 forest workers.


yamabito no tsutaeshi kusuri 仙びとの伝えし薬

亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal"
Kokeshi by Usaburo 卯三郎こけし

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
大沼郡 Onuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

shiragamizu 白髪水 "white hair water" flood

During the great flooding in 1785 (天明5年の大洪水) most of the region of Aizu was under water.
People saw a Sennin with shiragami 白髪 white hair riding on a big tree in the flood downriver.
Hence the name of this flood.

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

沼田市 Numata 戸鹿野町 Togano machi

roosoku to sennin 蝋燭と仙人 the Sennin and the candles
Once a family put a pole in the garden to hang a lantern with a candle. The smoke of the candle welled up all the way to ハッカイサン Mount Hakkaisan, where a Sennin lived.
The Sennin breathed all the smoke and used it to prolong his live.

蝋燭能「一角仙人」Noh performance in candle light - Ikkaku Sennin

Ikkaku Sennin 一角仙人 "One-horned Immortal"
a Noh play by Konparu Zenchiku (金春禅竹, 1405-1471).
Ikkaku was born in 波羅奈(はらな)国 Harana, India. His mother was a 鹿 deer, so he had one horn on his head.

............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ "White Deity" .
legends of 飛行というと天狗 a flying Tengu or the sennin 仙人 helping humans


Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo
A Sennin lived as a recluse in a temple, he liked to tell stories of the mountains in the region.
But statue of Jizo betrayed the Sennin and told the others about his real identity, making the nose of the Sennin all red.
So the Sennin turned the nose of the Jizo statue around.

西磐井郡 Nishi-Iwai district 平泉町 Hiraizumi

鬼三太仙人 / オニサンタセンニン Oni Santa Sennin ,清悦 Seietsu
At the river 衣川 Koromogawa there lived a strange person. He had a shaven head and sharp looking eyes. He never said his name, but he was strong and very learned and could heal all kinds of illnesses. He never took any thank-you money.
He drank 枸杞茶 a special health tea made from kuko 枸杞 Lycium chinense.
He only had one laquered box to carry his belongings.
Once Lord 伊達政宗 Date Masamune ordered him to open the box.
Inside were 三軸三翰三張 three scrolls, three scriptures and three papers - and 観音像 one statue of Kannon Bosatsu. On the statue was an inscription that his name was Oni Santa, a name given to him by the priest Kurama Tookooboo 鞍馬東光坊 Toko-Bo from Mount Kurama, Kyoto.

鬼三太 Kisanta
A warrior at the end of the Heian period, beginning of Kamakura period.
Kisanta was a retainer of 源義経 Minamoto Yoshitsune. He was also called 御馬屋の鬼三太 Go-Umaya no Kisanta.
In 1185, on orders of 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo the priest 土佐房昌俊 Tosabo Shoshun (1141 - 1185) came to Kyoto to attack the living quarters of Yoshitsune, but Kisanto prevented it.
Sometimes his name is spelled 喜三太.
Kisanta died at the battle of Kinugawa.

Later he became a character in Kabuki plays about Yoshitsune.

鬼三太 尾上菊五郎 Kisanta played by Onoe Kikugoro
豊原国周 Toyohara Kunichika

大船渡市 Ofunato 猪川町 Ikawa

奥州の仙人伝説 Legends about the Sennin from Oshu
At the temple 龍福山長谷寺 Hasedera there lived an old priest, 阿光坊澄水法印 Akobo Sunzu Hoin.
In 1597 on the 21st day of the 9th lunar month, he suddenly asked his disciples to put water in a tub and place it in the garden. The then sprinkled the water with his fingers.
When they asked him why he did this, he said there was a fire at Mount Koyasan and he wanted to help extinguish the fire.
At that hour, there had indeed been a fire at Mount Koyasan.

. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .

............................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県

. Japanese Immortals On Satsuma Pottery .
- 薩摩焼 Satsumayaki

............................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県

senkyoo 仙境 Senkyo, fairyland
Once upon a time, the フウマ一族 Fuma clan liven in a place called Senkyo, just above 舟原 Funahara.
This was the place where the Sennin lived.

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
南丹市 Nantan

konzoo 金像 golden Buddha statue
Around 808, the hunter 小野胤世 Ono went to see a Sennin who was talking about 法華経 the Hokekyo sutra, but he could not see anybody. There was something shining and when he shot an arrow at it, there was a golden Buddha statue of about 10 cm. The statue was so heavy he could not move it.
Reporting it to the lord 藤原定房 Fujiware no Sadafusa, they built a temple for the statue.
When there was a fire, it would take off and fly into the sky.

瑞光山玉泉寺 Zuikozan Gyokusen-Ji
- reference source : -

............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
石巻市 Ishinomaki 鮎川浜 Ayukawahama

Senninzawa no hebi 仙人沢の蛇 the serpent from Sennin Swamp
At the 金華山祭 Kinkasan Festival in May the 姉神 Elder Sister Deity from 網地島 Ajishima island turns into a huge serpent 大蛇 (竜蛇 "dragon serpent") and spits out the tide all night, swimming over to the Kinkasan island to help the 妹神 Younger Sister Deity from Kinkasan. Some villagers have even seen her swim. But those who see her will die.
She is also called the serpent from Sennin swamp.

. Kinkasan 金華山 (Kinkazan) .
a small mountainous island at the tip of the Oshika Peninsula, not far from Sendai.

仙人沢・仙人大滝 The Great Sennin Waterfall

刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku

Iwagamiyama 磐神山 イワガミヤマ / ?磐山 - ?仙磐山)
They say there lived a Sennin. It is South of 二井宿峠 Niijuku toge pass. Down the valley is 仙人沢 Senninzawa.
The Sennin used to walk there with his dog, but rarely showed himself to the villagers. The dog eventually turned into a rock called
inu-ishi 犬石 "Dog Stone".


Anpanman finger doll - baikin sennin "Germ Sennin"
アンパンマン 指人形 バイキン仙人

Baikin-Sennin is a Germ from the Anime TV Series Anpanman.
An old germ hermit who lives in a house in the mountains, he acts like a mentor to Baikinman and friends. He is very tough on Baikinman, punishing him with work, or hitting him on the head if he fails. He is also tough on Horrorman, but gets along better with him than Baikinman. He has a soft spot for Dokinchan, and spoils her. He can fly on a magic cloud, or with a UFO that looks like a convertable car. He keeps an array of mystical and magical relics at his home.
- Baikinman
A germ from Baikin Planet (Germ Planet), and Anpanman's sworn enemy and rival. Baikinman was born from an egg that fell to Earth the same day Anpanman was born. ...
- source :

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
佐久市 Saku

Mount Senningatake 仙人ヶ嶽 - 637 m
The chi no ike 血の池 "blood pond" of Senningatake is about 150 m to the North of 閼伽流山 Mount Akarusan.
The pond got its name from a Hotogogisu, who sang at the pond and spit out blood so the water got all red.
If a priest performs rain rituals there, it will definitely rain soon. They even did it in the Showa period.

. hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 little cuckoo .
Cuculus poliocephalis.
The inside of the mouth of this cuckoo is so red that it looks like blood when the bird is singing.

. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .

There are other mountains named Senningatake 仙人ヶ嶽 in other regions.

下条村 Shimojo

ushigatsume no ushi-ishi 牛ヶ爪の牛石 stone with bull hoof imprints
Once a wicked villager did not tell the proper road to a blind Sennin. He wandered around and finally died with his bull beside him.
His resentment against the wicked villager turned into the imprints of the bull in the stone and now people in this area learned the lesson and never deceive people.

............................................................................... Nara 奈良県
吉野町 Yoshino

shiragami no sennin 白髪の仙人 Sennin with white hair.
Mother had been ill and to pray for her recovery the son went to the center of the 黒住教 Kurosumi-Kyo religion. On the way an old man with a white beard, like a Sennin, stopped him saying "Don't go, don't go. Nobody can help you. "
On that night mother had died.
Maybe the Sennin wanted to remind him that some things are impossible to ask for.

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県

akaushi ni notta sennin 赤牛に乗った仙人 the Sennin who rode on a red bull

The farmer 作蔵 Sakuzo had a lot of cows and went to his field every day to cut fodder for them. In his village was a waterfall and people said:
At the Narutaki 鳴滝 waterfall there lives an Immortal riding a red bull and his bull comes to eat the grass around the waterfall. So farmers are not allowed to cut it, otherwise they will be cursed by the Immortal.
One day as Sakuzo was out cutting grass, he realized that one bundle was missing. When he looked up he found himself standing near the waterfall. "Oh well, just one bundle will not do much harm" he thought and begun cutting the grass. Suddenly above the waterfall the Immortal on his red bull appeared:
"Don't ever tell anybody you saw me here!" the Immortal shouted at him.
Sakuzo begun to tremble with fear and run home. He had almost lost his mind. His wife asked: "What happened to you?"
He wanted to tell her he had seen the Immortal but he was too scared and just kept repeating "It's nothing, nothing happened..."
Within a short while he and his wife disappeared from the village and the house was left there to rot.

............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県

. The Immortal from 菊川村 Kikugawa .
and Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell", "the Bell of Muken"

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

. 新左衛門 Shinzaemon from Mount Kayagatake .
The sennin 仙人 Immortal from 金が岳 Mount Kanagatake (1,764 m) named 新左衛門 Shinzaemon
and the Tengu from 茅ヶ岳 Mount Kayagatake (1,703 m) named 江草孫右衛門 Magoemon from Egusa ...


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

not to mix sennin 仙人 with somabito 杣人 forest workers.

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .


仙人と呼ばれた男 ― 画家 - 熊谷守一の生涯 The life of Kumagai Morikazu (1880 - 1977)
田村祥蔵 Tamura Shozo


仙人入門 - Introducing Sennin



葛城仙人 Katsuragi Sennin
まんが日本昔ばなし 1465

- reference source : -

Sennindoo 仙人堂 Sennin Do Hall
- click here for photos


. Shugendo and Yamabushi 修験道 - 山伏 .
Yamabushi are Japanese mountain ascetic hermits.

. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the Sennin friends on Facebook ! .

. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #sennin #immortals -


hinotama fireball legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls
hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉 "ball of fire",

. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉 spirit of a dead person, "soul flame" .

. kitsunebi 狐火 will-o'-the-wisp .
420 to explore ( and the souls of dead people)

. kaika 怪火 fireball, atmospheric ghost lights yokai from Shiga and Kyoto. .
and Abura-bo 油坊 Oil Priest
. kaika 怪火 ghost fire at Nerima 練馬区 Tokyo .

. kaki 火気 と伝説 Legends about fire .

. janjanbi じゃんじゃん火 fire balls from Nara .
”a mysterious light associated with spirits, found in various folklore tales”

. onibi, kika 鬼火 demon fire .
- kechibi 鬼火 / けち火

. soogenbi 宗源火 Sogenbi / ubagabi 姥ケ火 / 姥ヶ火 in Kyoto .

. hinotama 天狗と火の玉伝説 Legends about Tengu and fire balls .

. tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven" / 落雷 rakurai - lightning .

- collecting
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
Matsuyama 松山市

. Tengu at 三津浜 Mitsuhama .

............................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
呉市 Kure 蒲刈町 Kamagari

. hinotama and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .

............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 

. rokubu 六部 Rokubu pilgrims .
稲敷郡 Inashiki district 江戸崎町 Edosaki // 鹿島郡 Kashima district 神栖町 Kamisu

............................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
飫肥 Obi city

. Hinotama at the death of a person .

............................................................................... Tokyo 東京 
Chiyoda ward

. at Minamihōgen-zaka 南法眼坂 Hogenzaka, Hogen slope .

Ota ward

. hinotama and kanetama カネ玉 "money ball" .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
420 to collect (04)
04 カネ玉 kanetama (01)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #hinotama #fireball #balloffire -


usagi rabbit hare legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

usagi 兎 / 兔 / うさぎ / ウサギ と伝説 Legends about the rabbit / hare

. The Year of the Rabbit .


. gyokuto 玉兎 "treasure hare" rabbit in the moon .
tsuki no usagi 月の兎 - - - pounding rice in the moon

- and related kigo, like
hatsu u,  hatsu-u 初卯 first day of the rabbit/hare
yukiusagi, yuki usagi 雪兎 snow hare

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Chiba 千葉県
佐倉市 Sakura

If people eat the meat of a rabbit, they become mitsukuchi ミツクチ "harelip", cheiloschisis.

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県

小川諏訪神社 Iwaki, Ogawa Suwa Jinja - rabbit in waves

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県

揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa

The messenger of Yamanokami is a shiro usagi 白ウサギ white rabbit.
If someone happens to see it, he will be cursed.

usagi at 熊野神社 Kumano Jinja

In 熊本県 Kumamoto 球磨郡 Kuma district
If hunters hit a rabbit, they have to cut its nose immediately and make it an offering to Yamanokami.

In 京都市 Kyoto
At haru no yama no kuchi 春のヤマノクチ the beginning of Spring Yamanokami comes riding a 白兎 white rabbit and sows the seeds of trees and plants.
In autumn on this day 秋のヤマノクチ he comes again riding a white rabbit to pick up the seeds of trees and plants.
Yamanokami has large wings.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府

. Yamanokami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
He rides on 白兎 a white rabbit.


yamauba 山うば mountain hag
On the New Year 山神 Yamanokami rides on a 白兎 white rabbit and brings seeds to the fields in the morning.
Sometimes later in the day a mountain hag comes and brings seeds of roses or does other mischief.

亀岡市 Kameoka

. kengeki no hibiki 剣戟の響 sound of sword fighting .

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県

南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi

mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbit with three eyes
In the forest 高嶺さんの森 Takanesan no mori in the North of the Shrine 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja there are mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbits with three eyes.
They are rarely seen, but if someone sees them, there will be misfortune in the village. People try to avoid even mentioning this rabbit.

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県

If a pregnant woman its the meat of a rabbit, she will give birth to a child with a mitsukuchi ミツクチ / 3つ口 "harelip", cheiloschisis.

............................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県

daija 大蛇 large serpent

............................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県

. The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 .
at Hakuto Beach 白兎 - and the Kami Okuninushi no Mikoto 大国主命

. Daikoku and rabbits 兎大黒 usagi Daikoku at Inaba .

............................................................................... Yamagata 山形県

. Gassan tamausagi 月山玉兎 Treasure Rabbit from Mount Gassan.

gyokuto 玉兎


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
うさぎ ok // 兎 山の神 ok // 白兎 ok
28 ウサギ
171 兎


. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #usagi #rabbitlegends #usagilegends #hareinthemoon #tamausagi #hakuto -


Tengu matsu pine legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

source :
Tengu-Matsu at 牛伏山 Ushibuseyama, Gunma

Tengumatsu, Tengu matsu 天狗松
Tengu no matsu 天狗の松
Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松
Tengu no yasumiki 天狗の休み木 a tree where the Tengu take a rest
Tengu no tomarigi テングノトマリギ(天狗のとまり木)a tree where Tengu take a rest

. matsu 松 pine tree - introduction .
There are various types of PINE in Japan.

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

- collecting -

. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree

There are a few legends about sacred trees where the Tengu sits and takes a rest -
Tengu no matsu 天狗の松, Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松 .
People protect these trees and dear not cut them down for fear of bad luck and misfortune.
For example in Chichibu town, Higashi-Chichibu, Ogano, ...

Tengu no tomarigi テングノトマリギ(天狗のとまり木)a tree where Tengu take a rest
Their legends are handed down in the villages. If someone tries to cut a tree town, he will be flipped in the air or falls under the tree.
At night such a tree sometimes makes a loud, painful sound, or falls down all by itself
天狗の倒し木 - tree cut down by a Tengu,
If villagers check in the morning, sometimes there is nothing special to be seen.

In Yamanashi sacred trees are used by the Yamanokami 山の神 Deity of the Mountain or a Tengu.


............................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 

. Tengu matsu 天狗松 Pine from Aichi .

............................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 

. 天狗の腰かけ松 Pine of the Tengu .

............................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 

. Tengu no matsu from Imabara 今治市 .

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 

. Gujo town 郡上市 和良村 Wara mura .
- and a man named 根の松 Ne no Matsu

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 

. Tengu and Sumo wrestling, at 横野村 Yokono village .

............................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 
鹿島郡 Kashima district 能登町 Noto

. Tengu and shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope .

............................................................................... Kagawa 香川県  

. Tenguiwa 天狗岩 Tenguiwa boulder and 天狗松 Tengumatsu pine .
小豆郡 Shozu district

............................................................................... Kochi 高知県 

source :

. Kasamatsu 傘松 "umbrella pine .
吾川村 Agawa village

............................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 

. Tengu matsu 天狗松 Pine from Miyazaki .

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県  

. Tengu giving kinsen 金銭 money .
新見市 Niimi 哲西町 Tessei cho

............................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県  
秩父 Chichibu

. Tengu no matsu 天狗の松 Tengu pine .

Tengu no yasumi no ki 天狗の休み木 A tree where the Tengu takes a rest
Along the pass 烏首峠 Torikubi Toge, which connects 名栗 Naguri with 浦山 Urayama in Chichibu there is 大楓 a huge maple tree where the Tengu takes a rest.
When the forest workers cut it down, there begun a lot of accidents to happen, a wood cutter fell ill and eventually even the man who bought the lumber was hit with bad luck.

............................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県  

. 天狗岩 Tengu-Iwa boulders and Tengu-Matsu .
伊香郡 Ina district 余呉町 Yogo

............................................................................... Toyama 富山県 

富山市 Toyama city
. Tengu and shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope .

............................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 

. Tengu Matsu テング松 or Guhin matsu グヒン松 Guhin Pine .

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 

. o-tengo matsu オテンゴマツ pine of the Tengu. .
- and Yamanokami 山の神


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
天狗の腰掛松 - 2 legends
天狗の松 - 9 legends
天狗松 - 33 legends
天狗 松 - 100 legends


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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toigiki shamanism legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

toigiki 問い聞き / 問聞 / トイギキ と伝説 Legends about Shamanism
hotokeoroshi, hotoke oroshi ホトケオロシ / 仏オロシ "calling a Buddha to earth"
kamioroshi, kami oroshi カミオロシ / 神おろし / 神降ろし "calling a Kami to earth"

Rituals for seeking spiritual, religious help through a medium.

hotoke "Buddha" in this context means a dead person.
In former times people often felt cursed by the gods or by ancestors or enemies.
To help solve their problems, they asked a medium for help.

The Itako shamans of 恐山 Mount Osorezan, Aomori can get in contact with dead family members.
. itako いたこ / イタコ Itako medium, female shaman .
- Read an encounter of myself, using a Japanese Itako medium to get to my dead German father.
シャマニズム shamanism


The 沖縄のユタ Yuta from Okinawa
also have these medial powers.

- quote -
The Yuta, The Noro, And The “Okinawan Witch Trials”
What does one do when beset by illness, bad luck, or a case of lost keys? If you’re in Okinawa one possibility is to consult a yuta. The yuta are female spirit mediums who have been around for centuries, though it was not always easy for them.
..... prior to 1879 Okinawa was a separate country from Japan, called the Ryukyu Kingdom, with its own culture and language .....
..... The noro were the official priestesses of Ryukyu.
..... Compared to the yuta, the noro are an interesting contrast. At the most basic level, noro were priestesses, while the yuta were spirit mediums.
They were both women involved in rites, rituals, and spiritual work.
..... Being a yuta was a self-proclaimed vocation, with no requirements needed or qualifications to be shown. If someone had a problem they could pay a yuta to consult with the spirits and find a solution, and there were always people with problems.
- source : -


kamioroshi, kami oroshi カミオロシ / 神おろし / 神降ろし "calling a Kami to earth"
kamikuchi 神口

-- Kamioroshi: The Descent of the Gods
-- In both Kagura and Noh the descent of the deity is called kamioroshi.
-- The kami-oroshi abolishes the categories which uphold ordinary reality, so that man and deity are basically equal and most participate in the festival as equals.
-- The kami-oroshi sequence of the matsuri brings deities and people together and emphasizes through its controlled confusion the equality among members
-- kamioroshi (かみおろし) include 'invoking a deity during a festival held in that deity's honor'.
-- During a kuchiyose ritual, the spirit medium calls the spirit of a deceased person (hotoke-oroshi) or deity (kami-oroshi)
-- Kagura - Kami'oroshi / Kanjo'no'mai (“Descent of the Gods”)
- more - googeling for kamioroshi -


神おろし・ 神送り - Kagura dance - Kami oroshi and Kami okuri
welcoming the Kami and seeing them off again
Iwate Waga Daijo Kagura 和賀大乗神楽

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

Toigiki was quite popular in Niigata.

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki city

kamioroshi 神おろし
In the village of 下川 Shimokawa, the unmarried girls came together every month on the third day to do needlework, went to the shrine in the fields and offered prayers.
In 三崎 Misaki, the day was not fixed. But about 50 years ago, all these customs came to an end. Sometimes people who believe in 淡島様 Awashima Sama meet at an open space and dance around the unmarried girls. Sometimes the Deity comes to possess a girl as a kind of Kamioroshi.

. 淡島様 Awashima Sama .
The shrine Awashima jinja in Wakayama is well visited by women praying for childbirth.
There are many Awashima Halls 淡島堂 Awashima Do, in Japan, dating back to Awashima Gannin 淡島願人 and his followers, who walked all along Japan and dispersed the belief in this healing shrine.

............................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
横浜市 Yokohama

. toigiki - 不動明王 Asking Fudo Myo-O for help .

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県

In Niigata, toigiki トイギキ is also called ホトケダシ hotoke dashi or ホトケの呼び出し hotoke no yobidashi.

. shiratsuke シラツケ / shiramono tsuke シラモノツケ oracle .

岩船郡 Iwafune district 朝日村 Asahi

kamioroshi 神下ろし
Every year on the 12th day of the 12th lunar month, there was a festival for Yamanokami.
At 当屋の家 the home of the festival leader Kamioroshi occurred, which was called shiramono tsuke シラモノツケ. A Yamabushi mountain priest and the villagers offered prayers to have the Kami come down to 男のミコ the male Shrine disciple. The Kami would jump around in the room of the Miko and then give takusen 託宣 an oracle.
The jumping and dancing in the room was called okagura オカグラ O-Kagura.
This custom has been abolished in the early Taisho period (1912).

北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara 京ヶ瀬村 Kyogasemura

hotoke no kuchikiki 仏の口聞き
The blind ミコサマ Miko Sama (Itako) from 駒林 Komabayashi village was 20 years when she started her career as a student with another Miko Sama. She became quite skilled in calling the spirits of dead people into her body. A grown-up had to be dead for 49 days, a child for at least 35 days.
An old woman who had lost her husband came for a meeting. The Miko Sama put on 白衣 white robes (of the dead), performed o-harai オハライ cleansing rituals and then begun kamioroshi 神オロシ to call for a Kami. The protector deity of the village, 鎮守様 Chinju Sama came to her, but after that she did not remember a thing.

北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara 津川町 Tsugawa

Yamanokami oroshi 山の神おろし
In the back of the mountain is a shrine of 十二山神社 Juunisan Jinja. Its festival for Yamanokami, the Mountain Deity, is on the 12th day of the second and 12th lunar month.
The menfolk of the village gather at a certain home, make ablutions, have a special dinner and after that perform ablutions with cold water. A ten-year old boy is placed on 祭壇 the festival altar, his eyes blindfold. He has to hold 幣束 a ritual wand and all say ritual prayers. Then the men stump on the wooden floor and the Tatami floor mats. When the body of the child begins to sway, the Deity has come into him and people can ask questions about the future:
Should they go to work in the mountain forest? Should they care for the fields? How will the harvest turn out? Who is going to win this or that law suit?
and any kind of personal question.

. 山の神 God of the Mountain and 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" deities.

. Yamanokami Matsuri 山の神祭り Festivals for Yama no Kami .


- Niigata - 佐渡郡 Sado Island -

. toigiki - 不動明王 Asking Fudo Myo-O for help .

. Sado Densetsu 佐渡伝説 legends about Sado Island .
Tonchibo トンチボ, Tonchiboo トンチボウ Tanuki from Sado
Tonchibo is also a local name for the Deity of the Mountain, Yamanokami 山の神, and thus a taboo word for the local fisherman.
Kamioroshi カミオロシ is held in his honor.


hotokedashi ホトケダシ
After the sudden death of a parent, the son went to 八海山 Mount Hakkaisan to have Hotokedashi performed.
The medium told them:
"I was cursed by someone! I can not tell you who that was, but do not fall into the trap of someone who curses people. Don't give up, don't give in.
Stay strong and I will be able to go to the Buddhist paradise (joobutsu 成仏)."

Sado 羽茂町 Hamochimachi

chigami チガミ - toigiki トイギキ 問聞
On the way to the mountain the luggage of the cow's back always begun to slide, even if he put some stones on the other side.
The oracle told him that he should venerate the Jigami ヂガミ Kami of the Land. When he did, the luggage was straight from that day on.
Next time he went to the mountain, he took the stones and threw them away. But now again he was cursed by the Jigami.
The Toigiki medium told him he should venerate the stones as the Jigami himself to find peace.

. jigami, jishin, chigami, chijin 地神 Kami of the Earth / the Land
Jiten, Chiten 地天 "Earth Deva" .

Sado 真野町 Manomachi

hotokeoroshi 仏オロシ
There are various places where people go for this in need of advise.
For example 真光寺の山伏 the Yamabushi of temple Shinko-Ji - 吉岡のアリマサン Arima San of Yoshioka -
畑野のドンドコヤ Dondokoya of Hatano - 中興のハッカイサン Hakkaisan of Chuko -
相川の二ツ岩サン Futatsu-Iwa San of Aikawa and others.
Many go there during the O-Bon rituals for the ancestors. But if you call a dead spirit back too often, it will decrease its status in Paradise, so there should be a good reason for doing it.

Sado 新穂村 Niibomura

jigami no tatari 地神の祟り curse of the local deity
"There is a local saying "If you do not venerte Jigami, the area will be cursed".
Not only the one family that forgets to venerate, but also the next 7 neighbours will come under the curse.
Many families feeling under a curse visit a Shaman (like Arima san or Dondokoya) to get relief and instructions on how to venerate the Jigami.

Sado 佐和田町 Sawatamachi

People from Sawata often went all the way to Mount Osorezan in Aomori to get help from an Itako medium.

toigiki トイギキ
A child very much beloved by his mother died, but she had forgotten to put his favorite toy in the coffin and he could not cross Sanzu no Kawa, 三途の川. the river to the other world. He had called his mother but she did not hear him and so he got stuck in limbo, as the Toigiki told the mother.
"If you want to help me get over, please make some garments and give them to the Buddhist priest and let him perform rituals for me!" -

. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .


kamioroshi カミオロシ
. doshakuzure 土砂崩れ landslide legends .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
OK - トイギキ // カミオロシ // ホトケノクチキキ // 山の神おろし
11 神おろし (00) / including 03 田の神おろし (00)
14 ホトケオロシ (00)
03 神降ろし kami oroshi (00)
06 八卦 hakke, hakka (00)
33 拝み屋 ogamiya shaman
o-ukagai オウカガイ oracle advise
. Fudo legend from Yamanashi .


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- - - - - #toigiki #divination #religioushelp #hotokeoroshi #ogamiya -