
okami wolf legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

ookami 狼 / オオカミ Okami, wolf legends
yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺 "mountain dog"

- - - - - hakuroo, shiroi ookami 白狼 white wolf, messenger of 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu

. Oinusama 御犬様 O-Inusama, "Honorable Wolf Deity" .

. yamazumisama 山住様 /ヤマズミサマ "Deity living in the mountains" .

. ookami 狼 Okami, wolf .
- Introduction -
- - - - - JAPANESE WOLF FOLKLORE - by U.A. Casal

. Matsuo Basho 鹿島紀行 - A Visit to the Kashima Shrine .
As a messenger of the Mountain Deity, the wolves protect the fields by chasing deer and wild boars, which often harm the fields.
They also protect travelers, by walking behind them in a good distance - 送り狼 okuri-ookami. If the traveler comes to a human settlement after walking in the woods, he would place one of his straw sandals on the ground with an offering of rice.
Other lonely travelers might be attacked by a pack of wolves and spent a night hanging high in the branches of a tree.

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :

. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .

. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .

. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .


. inoshishi 猪 wild boar and wolf legends .

. sanbi 産火 / 産忌 - - shinibi 死火 / 死忌 fire taboos for birth and death .
- - - - - including a wolf

. okuri ookami 送り狼 "a wolf following someone" .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 ....................................................................

. The Shrine 雷神宮 Raijin no Miya in Narahara .
- and a white wolf

飯舘村 Iitate

white wolf 白狼
源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo wanted to defeat a family called Sumitora 墨虎 "Black Tiger".
He brought a Mountain Deity 山神 and an Inari Deity 稲荷神 all the way from Kyoto and prayed for seven days and nights, with out food or sleep.
On the 15th day of the 10th lunar month, a white wolf and a white fox appeared and their footprints lead to a small sanctuary for Sanno 山王祠 high up in the forest.
He thought that was a hint from the Deities, started the battle and won it.

. Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝 (1147 - 1199).
first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate

石城郡 Iwaki district 田人村 Tabitomura

Yamanokami 山の神 / yamainu 山犬 wolf

南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village

. yuutatsu りゅうたつ a wooden pole with a dragon head .

相馬郡 Soma district


田村郡 Tamura district 小野町 Ono

Yamanokami 山の神 / yamainu 山犬 wolf

. Yamanokmai legends from Fukushima .

.................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 ....................................................................
Gifu, Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa

. yamainu no ongaeshi 山犬の恩返し the gratitude of a wolf ("mountain dog") .

Gifu 大野郡 Ono district 白川村 Shirakawa village

. koma-inu 狛犬 lion dog statue for a wolf .

.................................................................. Kagawa 香川県 ....................................................................

三豊郡 Mitoyo district 託間町 Takuma cho town
. Messenger of Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
Shrine 三崎神社 Misaki Jinja

.................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 ....................................................................

. A wolf liked salt, vinegar and sour things .

.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 ....................................................................

丸森町 Marumori Karoosan 鹿狼山 Mount Karo-San "Dear Wolf"

white wolf 白狼
. Tenaga Ashinaga 手長足長 "long arms, long legs" .
On the border to Fukushima in Soma 相馬郡 there is mount 手長山 Tenagayama, where the deity 手長明神 Tenaga Myojin (The kami with long arms) roams.

.................................................................. Nagano 長野県 ....................................................................

. Yamanokami 山の神 and Yamainu legends .

. O-Inusama and the 太子堂 Taishido Hall .

.................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県 ....................................................................

沼津市 Numazu
. yamainu 山犬 Mountain Dog, Wolf .

. 静岡市 Shizuoka city 葵区 Aoi ward - wolf legend .

.................................................................. Tokyo 東京都 ....................................................................

. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 and the Wolf Cult .

And a story from Aome, Mitake-San 青梅市御岳山の武蔵御嶽神社

white wolf 白狼 and 白鹿 white deer
Yamato Takeru on his way to Eastern Japan 日本武尊東征 passed the road near 御嶽山 Mitakesan. A local mountain demon shape-shifted into a hakuroku 白鹿 white deer and obstructed the road, so Takeru got lost.
Now a white wolf appeared and showed him the way to the North-West.

So Takeru prayed at the mountain top for protection from all kinds of misfortune 火災盗難 and proclaimed the wolf a deity 守護神.

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 legendary prince .

. sanki, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 mountain demons .

.................................................................. Tottori ....................................................................

. 三朝町 Misasa hot spring .
white wolf legend 白狼

岩美町 Iwami town

. okuri ookami 送り狼 escorting wolf .
and Senbiki Okami センビキオオカミ / 千匹狼 1000 wolves

- quote -
Senbiki ookami 千疋狼 1000 wolves











photo of 竹原春泉画『絵本百物語』より「鍛冶が嬶」
- reference source : wikipedia -


yokai database 妖怪データベース -- 狼 274 legends to collect
yokai database 妖怪データベース -- 山犬 201 legends to collect
252 犬神

- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -


. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #okamiwolflegends #wolflegends #yamainulegends #ookami #oinusama #オイヌサマ-




janjanbi legends Nara

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends - Nara Period - Introduction .

janjanbi じゃんじゃん火 / ジャンジャン火 Janjan fire legends from Nara
a kind of

. onibi 鬼火 "demon fire" .
. kitsunebi 狐火 "fox fire" .

. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉 spirit of a dead person, "soul flame" .

- will-o'-the-wisp :
"a mysterious light associated with spirits, found in various folklore tales”

kaika 怪火 atmospheric ghost lights
They are often seen in humid climates.

Gongorōbi (権五郎火, lit. "Gongorō fire")
Jōsenbi (地黄煎火, lit. "Jōsen fire")
Kane no Kami no Hi (金の神の火, lit. "fire of the metal god")
Kinka (金火, lit. "gold fire")
Kumobi (蜘蛛火, lit. "spider fire")
Nobi (野火, lit. "field fire")
Osabi (筬火, lit. "guide for yarn on loom fire") / Obora
Susuke Chōchin (煤け提灯, lit. "stained paper lantern")
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven" . .
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire, and
油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga


- quote -
Janjanbi (じゃんじゃん火 or ジャンジャン火) is a kaika told about the legends of various places in the Nara Prefecture. They are considered a type of onibi.
In the Miyazaki Prefecture they are also called musabi (むさ火) and
in the Kōchi Prefecture, they are also called kechibi.

Their name comes from the "janjan" sound that they make. There are many legends where they are people who have committed double suicides or military commanders among other deceased ones who have had their souls turned into balls of fire.

Also in Nara,
there are different legends depending on the area, and different alternate names depending on the area.

Byakugō-ji town, Nara city 白毫寺町
It indicates two balls of fire that appear in the graveyard of 白毫寺 Byakugō-ji and 大安寺 Daian-ji. In the 夫婦川 / 女夫川 Fūfu River (Miyotogawa ミヨート川), the two balls of fire would meet together, intertwine themselves, and then finally return to their graves.
When a person sees this fire, it would come closer to that person, and even when those who are chased by the janjanbi flee into the middle of a pond, the fire would still follow them above the pond.
They are said in the legends to be a man and a woman who committed double suicide, and since they were buried in separate temples after death, they became balls of fire that meet together.
Similar legends are told at 打合い橋 Uchiaibashi bridge.

Yamatokōriyama - Yamato Koriyama 大和郡山市
It indicates two hitodama 人玉 (human fireballs) that would visit every year in June 7th on the bridge above the 佐保川 Saho River.
Just like the ones from Byakugō-ji town, they are also the spirits of a man and a woman.
It was said that there was previously a custom when it was June 7th for 20 men and women to be selected from each of the surrounding villages and dance above the bridge where they appear frequently, in order to console the spirit of the hitodama.

Fujichō, Tenri 天理市藤井町
It indicates a ball of fire that would appear from the remains of a castle and fly westwards. For those who encounter this, it would be necessary for them to hide under a bridge and wait for it to pass. It is also called Zannenbi (残念火, lit. "disappointment fire").

Yanagimotochō and Tainoshōchō, Tenri, and Kashihara 天理市柳本町、田井庄町、橿原市
On a summer night when rain is near, by turning towards the 十市城 Tōichi castle and saying, "hoi hoi, hoihoi" two times, it would come flying, make the sound "jan jan" and then disappear. It is also called the hoihoibi (ホイホイ火).
It is considered to be the vengeful spirit 怨霊 onryō of the military commander 十市遠忠 Tōichi Tōtada who was slain by 松永弾正 Matsunaga Danjō in the Azuchi–Momoyama period, and those who see it would, by the onryō's curse, become sick with fever for three days and nights. When Tōtada was slain, the killed soldiers all said "zannen, zannen (disappointment, disappointment)" as a crowd of voices, which is why it was heard as "jan jan."

The Kubikiri Jizō in Tainoshōchō, Tenri

Also, in 田井庄町 Tainoshōchō, Tenri, there is a Jizō with its head separated called the "kubikiri Jizō (decapitated Jizō)," but it is said that a soldier who was being attacked by the janjanbi in the past swung his sword around and mistakenly cut off the head of a Jizō by the roadside.
It was said that in the end, that soldier died completely burning.
- source : wikipedia -


source : kazxxxjp/archives

janjanbi ジャンジャン火

Once a villager saw two fires come down from Mikasayama 三笠山 on the evening of the event "burning the mountain 山焼き. It was a yellow fire which slowly turned blue-green.
Other seasons to see them there are from Winter toward Spring.
Sometimes they appear suddenly very bright and are gone in no time again.

In the North of Nara, at the village of Hoorenji 法連寺町 Horen-Ji there are legends at the temple トモ寺 Tomo-ji and 岩淵寺 Iwabuchi-Ji about double-suicide.
It is said that the lovers had committed double-suicide and the woman was buried at Tomo-Ji, while the man was buried at Iwabuchi-Ji.


hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉 a ball of fire

one ball of fire is called タマヒ tamahi. Two or more are called janjanbi.

The Janjan Fire at temple 大安寺 Daian-Ji is related to the revenge killing of an enemy (adauchi 仇討ち).
The older brother was tending to the fields when a bit of earth hit the passing 生田伝八郎 Ikuta Denpachi, who willed the farmer in his rage. Both brothers became "demon fires" after that.
(This story is better known as 崇禅寺馬場の仇討 Sozen-Ji baba no adauchi), happening in 1715, and now also a famous Kabuki play.

At the 高橋堤 riverbank of Takahashi
three lived tow brothers. One was killed by a samurai from Koriyama 郡山藩. His brother, who wanted to revenge him, was also killed when he tried to. Now both appear as Hinotama.

法華寺町 Hokkeiji town

At the beginning of the road 一条通り Ichijo Dori near the riverbank of Takahashi, there is a long ball of fire, emerging from an old tree. It usually appears on a rainy night and flies with a blue-green light. In the middle of the fire there is the face of an old man.
This is the vengeful spirit of a high official from the Nara period, who had been killed there.

下田 Shimoda

Once upon a time there was a water shortage and the farmers fought with their hoes (kuwa 鍬) until in the Summer heat the sparks of the metal begun to fly around.

大和郡山市 Yamato Koriyama

A young samurai named 亀井式部 Kamei Shikibu fell in love with the poor farmer girl 深雪 Miyuki and they often met at the bridge 打合橋 Uchiaibashi.
The authorities found out about it and he was beheaded right on the bridge.
This was the 7th day of the 6th month. The head begun to fly away, drawing a red line of blood in the sky. Later Miyuki killed herself below the bridge, holding his head in her lap. Since that day the Janjanbi is seen on this night in the 6th lunar month, coming from the Northwest, and dancing above the bridge.
To appease their souls, the villagers now dance on the bridge on that night.


妖怪じゃんじゃん火あめ sweets called Janjanbi

From Tenri Janjan Market 天理じゃんじゃん市
- source : ameblo.jp/fudeasobi -

The legend about 十市遠忠 in Japanese, zyanzyanbi :
- source : kanko-tenri.jp -


- Reference in Japanese -
- Reference in English -

yokai database 妖怪データベース - ジャンジャン火
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
- 19 entries to explore


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #janjanbinara #janjanbifire #narajanjanbi-




kitsune fox legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .

kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends

. kitsune no yome-iri, kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride" .
- Introduction -

damasareta 騙された to be deceived by a fox
tsuki 憑き... bewitched, possessed by a fox

. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Inari Fox Deity .

. Inari 稲荷 "Fox Deity" Festivals .

. Inarigami 稲荷神 fox legends about silk, cocoons and the mulberry tree .

. Hikyakugitsune 飛脚狐 伝説 legends about fast fox messengers .
Akita, Kochi, Shimane, Tokyo, Tottori, Yamagata.
- - - Kyoozooboo 経蔵坊 The Fox Kyozobo / TKeizooboo 桂蔵坊 The Fox Keizobo
Hikyakugitsune, hikyaku kitsune 飛脚狐 the Fox messenger "with flying legs" - Tottori
- - - Yojiroo 與治郎狐 / 与次郎狐 The Fox Yojiro
- - - Gengoroogitsune 源五郎狐 The Fox Gengoro
- - - The White Fox Genkuro 白狐源九郎 and Minamoto Yoshitsune
- - - Kumagaya Yasuzaemon 熊谷弥惣左ヱ門 Edo
- - - Kitarogitsune きたろう狐 / キタロウギツネ Kitaro the Fox
- - - - -

. Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 Kurokitsune, black fox .
and the 松前 Matsumae clan of Hokkaido

. dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull and fox .

. daimyō gyōretsu 大名行列 Daimyo procession - fox and badger legends .

. hanabi 花火 fox and firework legends .

. Hannya Shingyoo 般若心経 Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra .
This Sutra is often recited if someone is bewitched or possessed by a fox or Tanuki.

. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩と狐と伝説 and kitsune Fox legends .

. Kitsune no Atai 狐の直 / 狐直 from Mino .

. kudagitsune クダ狐, クダギツネ/ Kanko 管狐 the "pipe fox" .

. kuyoo 狐供養と伝説 Kuyo - Legends about Fox memorial service .

. Mino no Kitsune 美濃の狐 / 三野狐 The Fox of Mino. .

. nakōdo 仲人 Nakodo, legends about fox matchmakers for marriage .
Umahashisaka no Mansukegitsune 馬橋坂の万助狐 Mansuke Kitsune the Fox
Umahashisaka no Manjuuroo 馬橋坂の万寿郎狐 Manjuro the Fox

. oni 鬼と狐 demons and foxes .

Osakigitsune, Osaki Kitsune 尾先狐 / をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox Yokai with a split tail
- see comments

. Osan-gitsune 於三狐 Osangitsune, a fox with three tails . - Hiroshima

. otoka オトカ(キツネ)/ オトカサマ Otoka Sama .

. sentakugitsune, sentaku kitsune 洗濯狐 the Fox doing laundry .

. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop and fox legend .

. soba 蕎麦 Legends about buckwheat and foxes .

. tenpura 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tempura and fox legends .
..... サンクロウギツネ Sankurogitsune

. Toogoro kitsune 藤五郎狐 a fox named Togoro .

. tooshi 凍死 freezing to death bewitched by a fox .

. Tsurigitsune 釣狐 ‘Fox Trapping’ - 狐釣り狂言 Kitsune tsuri .

. yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China .
probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and fox legends .

source : Tokyo Smart facebook


Sankichi きつね三吉 Kitsune Sankichi
by 佐藤さとる Sato Satoru

. Sankichigitsune 三吉狐 The fox Sankichi .
in Ibaraki 茨城県
- and
a fox along the Mito Kaido 水戸海道 Sea road to Mito


yako 野狐 nogitsune, "fox in the field"
- quote -
Yako (野狐) is a spirit possession of foxes (kitsune), as told in Kyushu. To be possessed by it is called "yako-tsuki" (野狐憑き).
The yako, literally meaning field foxes, are also called nogitsune.

The appearance of a yako is almost completely consistent among all legends, and unlike real foxes, they are black or white, are slightly larger than a mouse, and smaller than a cat. The original yako is said to be invisible to the eye. In Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture, they normally bring along a great crowd that walks with them, and thus there is the phrase "yako's thousand-fox company (ヤコの千匹連れ yako no senbiki zure)."
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Yamagata, temple 三蔵院 Sanzo-In Yako legend .


source : dostoev.exblog.jp

遠野物語拾遺200 (野狐の情) The story of a grateful fox
Tono Monogatari

. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari - Legends of Tono .

Shinozakigitsune, Shinozaki-gitsune 篠崎狐 the fox from Shinozaki
A shapeshifting fox was once freaked out by a traveling business man. It transformed into dead person and freaked out the man to take revenge.


Come and Sleep: The Folklore of the Japanese Fox
Christopher Kincaid
Ideal wife and sexual vampire. Prankster and saint. Tree and train.
The Japanese fox left her paw-print on Japanese culture. She challenges traditional, negative views of women. She brings harmony and division. She possesses and protects. She is the shape of Japan's soul. Discover why the fox is Japan's most storied animal.
- at amazon com

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.................................................................. Aichi 愛知県 ....................................................................

. komugi 小麦 wheat and foxes .

. The Lord and takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks .

. Otoragitsune, O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 the Fox named Tora (Tiger) .
オトラギツネ - オトラサン "O-Tora San"

.................................................................. Akita 秋田県 ....................................................................
Aniai machi 阿仁合村

. gingitsune, Gin gitsune 銀狐 the Silver Fox .
and 阿仁銅山 the Ani Dozan copper mine

.................................................................. Aomori 青森県  ....................................................................

. The fox オバフトコロ Obafutokoro. .

.................................................................. Fukui 福井県  ....................................................................

. Osaisangitsune おさいざん狐 a fox named O-Saizan .
a White Fox, Protector of Taizan Fukun 泰山府君 / 太山府君 King of Hell

.................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town

. Throwing 鰹 tuna fish to 乙姫 Princess Otohime .

郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town

. Bewitched by a fox at 山王坂 the Sannozaka slope .

.................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 ....................................................................

. Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa fox legends .

. kitsune kooyaku 狐膏薬 fox medicine .
Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師

.................................................................. Gunma 群馬県 ....................................................................

. 朱鶴 Azuru and the temple 茂林寺 Morin-Ji .
and - Bunbuku Chagama 文福茶釜 / 分福茶釜 Lucky Tea Kettle Story

.................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県   ....................................................................

. Fox and Amida Raigo 阿弥陀 来迎 .
飯沼郷 Iinuma at the temple 弘経寺 Gugyo-Ji

. Bewitched Grandmother combing hair .
- at 取手市 Toride city

.................................................................. Iwate 岩手県  ....................................................................

. A fox stealing iwashi 鰯 sardines .

. komugi 小麦 wheat and foxes .

.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県  ....................................................................

. Charcoal legends, 炭俵 sack for charcoal .

. The fox hunter 勝又弥左衛門 Katsumata Yazaemon .
along the Azuma Kaido 東街道 Highway

. Fox, 卒塔婆 Sotoba and fish with one eye .

.................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県  ....................................................................

. A fox at the Kijo Kaido 木城街道 Kijō Highway .

.................................................................. Nara 奈良県   ....................................................................

. Fox using ohaguro お歯黒 blackening its teeth .

大柳生町 Oyagyuson

村内山口神社の北隣に「柳の森」と呼ばれる小さな森があり、昔天をつくばかりに大きな柳の木があり、大柳生の地名もここから生まれた。 この柳は弘法大師が杖にしていたのをこの地に挿したのが大きくなったと伝わっていたが、京都の三十三間堂が建立される際、棟木に柳を用いることとなり、この柳も求められた。 大勢の人を集め運ぼうとしたが全く動かなかったところ、どこからともなく現れた小人が音頭をとると、するすると動き始めたという。

....................................... fox legends

akuta 悪田 fox from Akuta
... 戦前には12月10日の亥の子の日に小学校で農作物の品評会が開かれていたが、キツネがその出品物を狙って提燈行列を作ってやってくるといわれていた。
... 1956年ごろのこと。親戚の家から棟上式のご馳走を自転車に積んで帰る途中、どんどんペダルが重くなって漕げなくなったので、中学校の近くで止めて一服した。すると畑の中に灯が点った。それからは自転車は軽く漕げた。翌日、畑の持主に聞いても「そんな時間に火は焚いていない」というので、自転車も灯もキツネの悪戯だとわかった。
... 1986年ごろのこと。バイクで山を通ったら春先なのに雪が積もったところに木がたくさん倒れていた。そのまま知らぬ山奥に迷い込んでしまい、大平尾集落に出てしまった。キツネの仕業。
... 悪田のゲンスケギツネが兵隊に化けて小学校に検閲に来た。みな騙されて敬礼をした。ゲンスケギツネは軍事演習の鉄砲に驚いて井戸にはまり、小学校に展示されたという。
... 猟師が悪田のゲンスケギツネを狩ろうとしておとりを仕掛けたが、なかなかかからない。やがて女が来て「奥さんが死んだ」と言ったり、野辺送りの行列が来たりしたけれども、ゲンスケギツネの仕業だと思って気にしなかった。ゲンスケギツネの姿を見て猟銃を撃ったら、当たりはしなかったが野辺送りの行列も消えた。
... キツネは朝、山できれいな娘に化けてスーッと通っていく。

gingitsune 銀ギツネ silver fox


.................................................................. Nagano 長野県   ....................................................................

. a fox from river 千曲川 Chikumagawa .

. Matsumoto city 松本市, bewitched by a fox .

. a fox at the Matsumoto Kaido 松本街道 Matsumoto Highway .

. shokunin 職人 The youngest child of a craftsman .

上水内郡 Kami-Minochi district 信濃町 Shinano town

. a fox takes possession of a human .
and イナリオドリ inari odori rituals

.................................................................. Niigata 新潟県  ....................................................................

- quote -
Otohime gitsune, Otohimegitsune 乙姫狐 the fox princess Otohime
Otohime gitsune is the name of a kitsune—and a goddess—who lived in what is now the village of Kyūhirota in Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture.
Long ago, there was a goddess named Otohime. She lived in a mountain called Hatahikiyama. She was a clairvoyant, and was only known to the villagers by her disembodied voice which could be heard in the woods—nobody had ever seen her true form. Whenever the villagers would call out to her from the base of her mountain, she would answer their questions. ... more
- source : yokai.com/otohimegitsune...-

- - - - -
. Grandma goes to sell soy sauce 醤油 .
- - - - -
. A fox gets carrots and sato 砂糖 sugar .
- - - - -
. A fox and his children get 赤飯 red auspicious rice .
..... along the 新発田街道 Shibata Kaido Highway

.................................................................. Tochigi 栃木県 ....................................................................

. 山の神 kills babies .

.................................................................. Tokyo 東京  ....................................................................

. Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo and foxes .
Minato ward 港区

Chuo ward

. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 and Sugiyama Daimyojin 杉山大明神 .

. Kakigaracho 蛎殻町 and kujaku 孔雀 a dead peacock .

Arakawa ward 中央区
. Oide Kitsune, Oidegitsune 御出狐 the Fox Oide and the shrine おいで稲荷 Oide Inari .

Edogawa ward 江戸川区
. The Ghost of a Dead Woman .

Machida city 町田市
. three fox legends .

Nakano ward 中野区
. kitsune-tsuki 狐つき bewitched by a fox .
and kitsune otoshi 狐落とし getting rid of the bewitching from a fox.
(2 more otoshi to explore)

Nerima ward 練馬区
. hikeshi Inari 火消稲荷 Firefighter Inari Fox .

Sumida ward 墨田区
. Fox and Inari legends .

.................................................................. Tottori 鳥取県  ....................................................................

. Legends about foxes from Tottori 狐と伝説 kitsune densetsu . *
Inaba gogitsune 因幡五狐 / / 因幡の五狐 five foxes from Inaba
Kyoozooboo 経蔵坊 The Fox Kyozobo
Keizooboo 桂蔵坊 The Fox Keizobo . . ..and more

.................................................................. Yamagata 山形県 ....................................................................

. bewitched - 南陽市 Nanyo City .

. fox and 不動院 the temple Fudo-In .

. Fox and Duck 狐 鴨 - Tsurugaoka 鶴岡市 .

. Monogusa Taro 物ぐさ太郎 "Do-Nothing-Taro" and his kitsune nyooboo 狐女房 fox wive .

.................................................................. Yamaguchi 山口県 ....................................................................

. tanuki to kitsune 狸,狐 the badger and the fox .

- under construction -

. tofu 豆腐伝説 Legends with fox and Tofu  .

The fox has a special relationship to tofu, especially fried tofu, abura age 油揚げ.
They will be collected in a separate entry.
. abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu and Inari .


yokai database 妖怪データベース - 3216 entries (collecting)
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

- - - - - 白狐 shirogitsune - white fox - 68 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

. The White Fox from Nara .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List . - Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


“Prince Hanzoku terrorized by a nine-tailed fox”
Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

- quote -
The Enchanting Vixens of Japanese Folklore
- Corrupting kings and destroying dynasties, the nine-tailed femme fatale
- The succubi-type fox bringing illness versus the loving mother-type kitsune
- - - - - “Tamamo-no-Mae”
- The tale of Kuzunoha - mother of Abe no Seimei
- The mysterious kitsune continues to fascinate us today
- source : intojapanwaraku.com/en... -

. kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails .
and Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前, 玉藻の前, 玉藻御前 Princess Tamamo Gozen)
Sesshooseki Hot Spring 殺生石 "the Murder Stone" and Matsuo Basho


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #kitsunefoxlegends #foxlegends #kitsunetsuki #kitsuneotoshi ##kitsune -

. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .


- #kitsune #fox #fuchs -


kinzan ginzan mines

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

kinzan 金山 ginzan 銀山 - gold and silver mines and their legends

Roben prayed to the statue to help him find a gold mine for the emperor, who wanted to use gold to coat the Great Buddha under construction at the Todaiji temple in current Nara.
A gold mine was then found in the Mutsu region, in current Miyagi Prefecture.

. Genji Monogatari  源氏物語 .
- Introduction -


The most famous gold mine is in Sado Island.

Sado bugyō 佐渡奉行
– Overseers of the island and gold mines of Sado Island.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. The Legend of “Zipangu,” the Land of Gold .


Hiraizumi Gold Mine 平泉
Hiraizumi's past wealth was based on its local gold mines as the Fujiwara clan attempted to build a "paradise on earth" at the beginning of the 12th century building large temples, palaces and monasteries.
Read more:

Narumi kinzan 鳴海金山 Narumi Gold Mine
in Echigo since the Heian period


Iwami ginzan 石見銀山

- - - - - Legends - ABC List of the prefectures :

.................................................................. Toyama Aichi 富山県 ....................................................................



- Reference in Japanese -

- Reference in English -

yokai database 妖怪データベース -金山 48 entries (00)
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

yokai database 妖怪データベース - 銀山
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #kinzangoldmine #ginzansilvermine #goldmine -



Kofun period

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

kofun jidai 古墳時代 burial mound period - 250 to 538
kofun 古墳 burial mound, tumulus

- quote -
The Kofun period (古墳時代 Kofun jidai)
is an era in the history of Japan from around 250 to 538. It follows the Yayoi period. The word kofun is Japanese for the type of burial mounds dating from this era. The Kofun and the subsequent Asuka periods are sometimes referred to collectively as the Yamato period. The Kofun period is the oldest era of recorded history in Japan; as the chronology of its historical sources tends to be very distorted, studies of this period require deliberate criticism and the aid of archaeology.

The Kofun period is divided from the Asuka period by its cultural differences. The Kofun period is characterized by a Shinto culture which existed[citation needed] prior to the introduction of Buddhism. Politically, the leader of a powerful clan won control over much of west Honshū and the northern half of Kyūshū and eventually established the Imperial House of Japan. Kofun burial mounds on Tanegashima and two very old Shinto shrines on Yakushima suggest that these islands were the southern boundaries of the Yamato state, while its northernmost extent was as far north as Tainai in the modern Niigata Prefecture, where mounds have been excavated associated with a person with close links to the Yamato kingdom.
- More
- source : wikipedia -

2019 - May 15
UNESCO panel recommends adding Japan’s Mozu-Furuichi tombs to World Heritage List


Daisen Kofun 大仙古墳 - Introduction
The Imerial Lineage / The Emperor / Mozu Kofungun
in Sakai, Osaka
- source : ...daisenkofun/home... -


The Kitora Tomb キトラ古墳 Kitora Kofun
an ancient tumulus (kofun in Japanese) located in the village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The tomb is believed to have been constructed some time between the 7th and early 8th centuries, but was only discovered in 1983.
- source : wikipedia -


. Anafudoo Kofun 穴不動古墳 Anafudo Kofun Mound . - Tokushima

. Anayakushi Kofun 穴薬師古墳 (Yakushi Nyorai) . - Ibaraki

. Bontenyama Kofun Gun 梵天山古墳群 . - 常陸太田市 Ibaraki, Hitachi-Ota

. Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼の岩屋 "Cave of the Gishiki Demon" . - Nagano

. Hashihaka Kofun 箸墓古墳 . - Nara
Princess Himiko or Pimiko (卑弥呼, 卑彌呼 d. ca. 248)

. Nekozuka Kofun 猫塚古墳 for a cat . - Miyagi

. Osaka Kofun Group 大阪古墳群 .
Mozu kofungun (百舌鳥古墳群) // Furuichi kofungun (古市古墳群)

. Otome Kanzawa Kofun 乙女寒沢古墳 .
Ibaraki, Oyama 栃木県小山市乙女947

. Tamagawadai kofun 玉川台古墳群 / 多摩川台 . - Ota, Tokyo

. Tengudani Kofun 天狗谷古墳 . - Ehime

. Tokyo - kofun 古墳 burial mounds in Tokyo .
- Musashi Fuchu Kumano Jinja Kofun 武蔵府中熊野神社古墳
- Ootsuka 大塚 Otsuka "big mound"
- Shiba Maruyama Kofun 芝丸山古墳

. Ushiishi Kofun 牛石古墳 Ushiishi burial mound, Osaka .

. Yakushido Hall Kofun mound 薬師堂古墳 Sabae, Fukui .

. Yamanokami kofun 山の神古墳 in Japan .

- - - - - Some legends relate to the
. kinkei 金鶏と伝説 Legends about the golden rooster .

- - - - - Kofun Legends - ABC List of the prefectures :

.................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県 ....................................................................
加東郡 Kato district

. kinkei 金鶏と伝説 Legends about the golden rooster .
Harima no Kinkei Legends - 播磨の金鶏埋宝伝説

.................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 ....................................................................
亀岡市 Kameoka 千歳町 Chitose

oogon no niwatori 黄金の鶏 the golden rooster
At the Kofun called 車塚 Kurumazuka there was a golden rooster burried among other things. Some people hear his call on the New Year's morning and they are said to be successfull later in life.

.................................................................. Nara 奈良県 ....................................................................
大柳生町 Oyagyucho

ケチ山 Kechiyama
The Kinkei Kofun 金鶏古墳 is said to be on Kechiyama. If people cut trees there, they will be cursed and doomed.

(Other sources place this Kofun in Hiroshima, Mie ...)

金鶏塚古墳(岡山) Kinkeizuka Kofun Okayama

.................................................................. Okayama 岡山県 ....................................................................

- 鼻ぐり塚 Hanagurizuka, Hanaguri tsuka -

.................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県 ....................................................................
韮崎市 Nirasaki

赤染衛門の古墳 Kofun of Akazome Emon


Akazome Emon 赤染衛門 (956–1041) was a Japanese waka poet and early historian who lived in the mid-Heian period. She is a member both of the Thirty Six Elder Poetic Sages (中古三十六歌仙 Chūko Sanjūrokkasen) and the Thirty Six Female Poetic Sages (女房三十六歌仙 Nyōbō Sanjūrokkasen).
Emon is thought to be the daughter of Akazome Tokimochi, but her biological father was likely her mother's first husband, Taira Kanemori. Emon was born before her mother's marriage to Tokimochi in the Akazome family. Her husband Ōe no Masahira was a famous literary scholar, and the couple were considered to be "lovebirds" (おしどり夫婦 oshidori fūfu).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


平景清の古墳 . . .
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- 28 entries (02)
- Akazome Emon / Kinkei

- Reference in Japanese -
- Reference in English -

. Japan Mystery com -- long list .
"古墳" の検索結果


. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #kofun #kofunlegends #mound #zuka #tsuka -




Gero Onsen

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa
岐阜県下呂市森 Gifu

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
- Introduction -

The town has a history of over 1000 years,
and is regarded as being one of the “Top Three Hot Springs” in Japan along with Arima and Kusatsu Onsen.

From ancient days Gero Hot Springs were familiar to people for its bountifulness. One day the springs had been stopped because of a big earthquake. People were so sad. One day one egret swooped down on the Masuda River and stood for awhile. And the very next day he came the same place and stood there. Day after day he did the same thing! They wondered why, but look! There is a spring! They were so glad. The egret left the place and never came back again. They noticed that there was a statue of Yakushi-Nyorai. So they appreciate that the egret was the embodiment of Yakushi-Nyorai, who was pity for them and tell them the source of the Hot Springs.
- source : gero-spa.or.jp -


kaeru Jinja かえる神社 Frog Shrine

gero gero is the sound of a frog.
Therefore there are many items related to frogs in Gero town.

. kaeru カエル 蛙 お守り Frog Amulet - Frosch .


Onsenji 温泉寺 Onsen-ji
City, Yunoshima 680

Yakushi Nyorai

- quote -
A well-known Japanese legend originated from the Gero Hot Springs District.
In the Onsen-ji Temple, Bhaisajyaguru Yakushi Nyorai is enshrined, the Buddha of healing who is mentioned in legend. At the top of 173 stone steps, there is the main building of the temple. From the temple gate, you can enjoy sweeping views of the hot springs town and the Hida River.
- source : city.gero.lg.jp -

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.onsenji.jp/ -

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing .


Zenshooji 禅昌寺 Zensho-ji

main statues
釈迦如来 / 観世音菩薩 / 薬師如来

photo : wikipedia - CLICK for more photos !

- quote -
This Zen temple was founded to enshrine Kuan-shih Yin, in the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) on the site where a high priest named Soto Keishin had built a hermitage during the Heian Period (794-1185).
Emperor Gonara designated this temple as one of the top ten temples of the nation, and ordered the temple to be a place of prayer. The garden created by Sowa Kanamori and “a large image of Bodhidharm” painted by Sesshu are worth seeing.
- source : city.gero.lg.jp -


- - - - Legends from Gero - - - - -

Hachiman Jinja 八幡神社  Hachimn Shrine

Once 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen painted an ema votive tablet of a horse. But the horse left the plate every night and devastated the fields. So eventually he painted some golden braidle to keep it in place.

. Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .

. Kano Eitoku 狩野 永徳 .
. Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu .
Artist name : Kohoogen, Kohōgen こほうげん (古法眼)
with more legends about his ema animal paintings.


. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro carpenter .


hihi ヒヒ baboon

In a cave lived a Hihi and asked for a village girl as an offering every year.
Once 悪源太義平 Akugenta Yoshihira (Minamoto no Yoshihira 源義平 (1141 - 1160) disguised himself as a girl and fought the monster with his sword 祖師野丸 Soshino Maru.
Later an officer from the a village nearby tried to steal this sword, but there was a flash of light from the house and everything began to move violently.

- quote -
Yoshihira was a Minamoto clan warrior who fought alongside his father, Minamoto no Yoshitomo, in the Heiji Rebellion.
His brothers were Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Noriyori and Yoritomo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Hihi (狒々, 狒狒. 比々) Baboon Monkey Monster .
Legend of Jutaro Iwami (Kanesuke Susukita) and Shippeitaro (Hayataro)

Soshino Hachimangu 祖師野八幡宮
This shrine is related to the legend.
Gero-shi 223, Kanayamacho soshino / 下呂市金山町祖師野字茅野223

- Homepage of the Shrine
- source : kamado.net/soshino -

- - - - - Another legend about Akugenta (Akugenda Yoshihira) :

Once 難波三郎經房 Naniwa Saburo Tsunefusa had a dream where Akutgenta became a thunder.
On the next day, when Tsunefusa was with Kiyomori Nyudo it suddenly became cloudy and thunder rolled along. When he saw this he drew his sword and tried to hit a thunder cloud. Soon it was fine weather again. His sword had a mark of burning.

source : reference

悪源太義平 Akugenta Yoshihira no rei Namba Jirô o utsu
The vengeful spirit of Akugenda Yoshihira striking down his killer, Namba Jirô, at the Nunobiki waterfall

Kiyomori nyûdô Nunobiki no taki yûran 清盛入道布引滝遊覧


. gaaranbe ガーランベ Kappa .
金山下呂町 Kanayama Gero, three legends


kitsune 狐 fox

There was a family of doctors in Gero in the third generation. The first generation doctor once went to the forest, where he helped a fox that had hurt his leg when falling on a stone. He carried the fox home and treated the would carefully. Then he let the fox go back to the forest. To show his gratitude, the fox taught the doctor how to heal a broken bone. Therefore the family of this doctor is prosperous to our day.

. Legends about kitsune 狐 The fox .


Kooshin 庚申さん the Koshin Deity, Wild Deity

Once the Koshin Deity came down to earth. But with its three eyes and wild face, nobody dared to come out and greet him. Only a turtle 亀 came out to meet him.

. The Koshin Cult (kooshin 庚申, ka no e saru) .


nozuchi 野槌 snake, serpent / daija 大蛇 huge serpent

tsuchihebi, tsuchi hebi ツチヘビ is another name for nozuchi 野槌, a huge snake with almost no head or tail, looking like a huge hammer. This snake lives in the high mountain and sometimes comes rolling down noisily to the village to catch a human for food.

Once there was a fire near the forest office on mount 七宗山 Hichisozan. A huge serpent was fleeting along the road hastily and the weeds on the roadside were moving like waves. The remains of this descent are to bee seen still.

. tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 "hammerspawn" snake .

. - daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends - .


okuri ookami 送り狼 the wolf sending off workers

Once upon a time
when people were on their way home from working in the mountain forest, a wolf would follow them. The wolf had smelled the salty miso paste of their lunch and wanted some salt.
This is the "wolf sending off workers".


yamainu no ongaeshi 山犬の恩返し the gratitude of a wolf ("mountain dog")

Once upon a time

an old woman helped a wolf, who had a bone of a wild boar stuck in his mouth. Next morning she found a chain of gold 金の鎖 on her doorstep.

- and from Shirakawa 白川町
Once upon a time
a man helped a wolf, who had a bone stuck in his mouth. A few days later (next morning in other versions) he found a scroll on his doorstep, explaining the techniques of bone medicine. This was an act of gratitude by the wolf. (Similar to the kitsune fox above).
The man became a doctor and specialised in healing bones.

. ookami 狼 yama-inu 山犬 wolf legends .


clay bell from Gero Onsen 下呂温泉
like a princess Daruma

. Clay Bells どれい【土鈴】 dorei .


shoofuku boo 招福棒 stick to bring good luck
iwaibo 祝い棒 festival stick / bondeko ぼんでこ fertility stick

. Gifu Folk Art - 岐阜県  .


- Reference in Japanese -

- Reference in English -

- yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #geroonsen #gerohotspring #hotspringgero -

