
sakaki Shinto tree

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

sakaki 榊 と伝説 Legends about the Sakaki tree

Cleyera japonica, the sacred tree of Japanese Shinto.

The Japanese word sakaki is written 榊 with the Kanji character that combines
ki 木 "tree, wood" and kami 神 "spirit, god",
depicting a "sacred tree; divine tree".

Branches of the Sakaki tree are decorated with paper streamers (紙垂 shide) to make ritual purifying wands (玉串 tamagushi).

. sakaki さかき【榊】 sakaki tree, Cleyera japonica .
- Introduction -

The tree is
imiki, imi ki 忌み木 "taboo tree"
. imi 忌み / 斎み imi - taboo .
in the context of Shintoism. There are other trees of this kind, where deities come to reside during their travels in this world and the other.

source : sun-ray.co.jp/sougi

The proper way to make an offering of a Tamagushi at a funeral.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
and the sacred 榊 Sakaki Tree - Legends


There are also various shrines with the name Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Sakaki Shrine in Japan.

Niigata - 榊神社

新潟県上越市大手町4-12 - Joetsu town

To venerate one of the four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Sakakibara Yasumasa 榊原康政 (1548 - 1606)


第六天榊神社 DairokuTen Sakaki Jinja
1 Chome-4-3 Kuramae, Taito, Tokyo

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................
揖斐郡 Ibi district

In 揖斐郡 the Ibi district someone threw a Sakaki branch from the Shrine 上花長神社 /花長上神社 Hananagakami Jinja and it flew all the way to Ichinomiya town to the Shrine 阿豆良神社 Azura Jinja, where it took hold and begun to produce blossoms.

.......................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 ......................................
神石郡 Jinseki district (Divine Rok District)

A pilgrim to the Ise Shrine had forgotten a parcel on a rock where he had rested. A villager found it and threw it away. But on the next morning it was back on the rock. This continued for a few days. When he finally opened the parcel there was a Tamagushi inside. Now the family of this villager made the rock their ritual prayer place and venerated the Deity.
Later a member of the family split the rock with a chisel, and red blood begun to flow from the rock. This rock begun to grow little by little every year and soon was as high as the house. It was the Ishigamisan, Ishigami San 石神さん Divine Rock Deity.

.......................................................................... Kagoshim 鹿児島県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 竜郷村 Tatsugo

yamawaro ヤマワロ Mountain Kappa

.......................................................................... Kochi 高知県 ......................................

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
南丹市 Nantan town

At the temple 安養寺 Anyo-Ji when someone tries to cut the Sakaki tree, he will become a terrible stomach ache. During the time of the 明治維新 Meiji Restoration a man with a wild temper tried to cut the tree with a sickle, but from the cut red blood begun to flow. The man cried out loudly and held his body in a strong stomach ache.

.......................................................................... Miagi 宮城県 ......................................

sanboo 三宝 three treasures

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

Once there was a fire at 伊勢神宮 the Grand Ise Shrine around 1825. Suddenly the door of the shrine 荒祭宮 Aramatsuri no Miya opened all by itself. At the 外宮 Geku a Tamagushi begun to bear fruit.

zuitoo 瑞稲 abundant rice plant at 玉串御門 Tamagushi Go-Mon gate
Once out of the Tatami mats of the gate there grew a special rice plant with an abundant crop in autumn. It was seen as an auspicious sign for the realm.

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................
北佐久郡 Kitasaku district

Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Sakaki Shrine.
During the Sakaki Matsuri 榊祭 Festival, 榊様 Sakaki Sama make a line and walk through the village. When they reach the home of a villager who is thought to be bad by others, they stop and try to enter the home by force. A home where Sakaki Sama has entered will have a death in the family soon after.
- - - Nagano-ken, Hanishina-gun, Sakaki-machi, Sakaki

.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 ......................................


加茂市 Kamo

During the rituals for the New Yeara Sakaki Tamagushi is used and then placed at the entrance to the village to protect the place and hinder the deities of disease and misfortune to come inside.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................
落合町 Ochiai

. senzo no misaki 先祖のミサキ Misaki for the ancestors .

.......................................................................... Shimane 島根県  ......................................
飯石郡 Iishi district

. Offerings to 荒神さん the Kojin Deity .

.......................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 ......................................



- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
73 榊 (10)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #sakaki #sakakitree #Cleyerajaponica -




waraji and zori sandals

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

waraji - zoori 草鞋- 履 と伝説 Legends about straw sandals

one of the many necessities for a traveler in the Edo period.
waraji 草鞋 / わらじ straw sandals (for travellers)
warazoori 藁草履 straw sandals
take no kawa zoori 竹の皮草履 sandals from bamboo skin
gonzoo ごんぞう / 権蔵 gonzo straw sandals
zunbe ずんべ straw sandals

. zoori, zôri 草履 straw sandals .
- Introduction -

. waraji no omamori わらじお守り straw sandal amulets .
for strong legs

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県

. Zori, Tengu and dani ダニ ticks .

............................................................................................... Mie 三重県
大王町 Daio Town

. Demon and Huge Sandals 大ゾウリ  .

............................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
浜松市 Hamamatsu 三ケ日町 Mikkabi

. Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Rock .
If you see the Tengu, put your zoori 草履 straw sandals on your head to hide!

............................................................................................... Tokyo 東京

Haraikatacho 払方町 Haraikata district, Ushigome, Shinjuku
. nakanuki 中抜き草履 / 中貫(なかぬき)草履 / 中貫草履 nakanuki zori sandals .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
わらじ 5 to explore
ワラジ 16
足半 4 to explore
ゾウリ 5
waraji 草鞋 45 to explore
zoori 草履 125 to explore

source : adachi-hanga.com/ukiyo-e

Traveler on the Tokaido, fixing his Waraji before leaving the rest station.
東海道吉田 Tokaido Yoshida
葛飾北斎 富嶽三十六景 Hokusai


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #waraji #zoori #zori #sandals -




Hebigami snake deity

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Snake legends - hebi, kuchinawa daija, orochi .

Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity

Ikegami 池神 Snake "Deity of the Pond"
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"

source : plala.or.jp/sinsi/07sinsi

Hebigami 蛇神 Snake Deity at a dragon Shrine in Osaka
- with two heads in the 阿吽 A-Un formation, one mouth open, one closed.
大阪市東成区中本4丁目2-48 / Nakamoto, Higashinari-ku,


- quote -
Hebigami (蛇神; snake god), Tobyo or Tonbogami.
As you can see by the name, these snakes were not typical snakes, but where thought to be snake gods with the ability to possess humans.

In many descriptions they do not even resemble snakes, but are more like great earthworms.
to be bewitched by a snake - hebi-tsuki
- source : hyakumonogatari.com -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town

. 明神 the Myojin Deity living in Utsumi .

.......................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 ......................................
多野郡 Tano district 上野村 Ueno village

. Mangyoo 満行 / 万行和尚 Priest Mangyo .
and jashin 蛇神 the Serpent Deity

.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................
花巻市 Hanamaki city

. kechimyaku 血脈 lineage chart .
r />

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 Legends .
and shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
49 to collect (04)
17 ヘビガミ 志摩市 OK


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #hebigami #snakegod #serpentgod #jashin -



Ise Shima legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Ise Kaido伊勢街道, see below

Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima

. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū .
- Introduction -

The G7 summit will be held on 26–27 May 2016
at the Shima Kanko Hotel in 賢島 Kashikojima Island, 英虞湾 Ago Bay, Shima, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
- Summit reference : -


.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

- - - - - First let us look at 志摩市 Shima Town and 志摩郡 Shima district

hebi 蛇 Serpent

In 大王町 Daio Town
Once a family had a lot of bad luck, one after the other, and finally asked a priest fro the 日蓮宗 Nichiren sect for advise. He told them one of their ancestors had once felled a pine at 三島山 Mishimayama and killed a serpent. Now they suffer from the curse of this animal, but when they started to venerate the serpent, things got better.

While building a road and scratching away at a mountain slope with a bulldozer, the home of a serpent got destroyed. Soon after there were many ill people in the village, so they begun to venerate the
hebigami 蛇神 "Serpent Deity" and things got better.

Ikegami 池神 Snake "Deity of the Pond"

In 大王町 Daio Town
there was an old couple doing their farming work near 城山 Shiroyama. They were talking about weather a deity would live in the pond or not. While they were talking, the water of the pond begun to swirl in a furious whirl.
Since then they begun to venerate the "Deity of the Pond", which was in fact the Snake Deity.

Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu - Shian Jizo and Nakiri 波切

In 大王町 Daio Town
around 1825 in the villages of 船越村と波切村 Funakoshi and Nakiri there arose a fight about a whale who had washed ashore. The headman of Funakoshi insisted in his claim, even by cutting his guts and committing 切腹 Harakiri. Now there is a Jizo Statue to venerate in place of this headman. But the family which had placed the statue was struck by misfortune. When they asked a diviner about their problem, they were told that the statue faced toward Namikiri and Jizo was angry about that. So they turned the statue to face in the opposite direction.
If children behave bad or do mischief in the presence of this Jizo statue, there will be no good catch for the fishermen (fusagu フサグ(不漁).

- - - - - Shian Jizoo 思案地蔵 Shian Jizo, the reflecting Jizo

with a legend from 1830 - 天保元年(1830)9月23日 about the villagers around Nakiri pilfering a shipwrecked boat.

- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/hinoshonin -

- - - - - . Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine .
and the kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"

ishibotoke (sekibutsu) 石仏 Stone Buddha

In 志摩町 Shima Town
there is a stone Buddha, also called
shiobotoke 潮ボトケ "Tidal Buddha" or nurebotoke ぬれボトケ "Wet Buddha".
In the early Meiji period, the 弥吉老人 Old Man Yakichi had a special dream:
"I am the Jizo Bosatsu of this place. By a turn of fate I arrived here at this place. If someone prays to me with all their heart, I will heal any illness they have from the hips down to the feet.
I will sleep in the sea water and thus help to cleanse the sins of the people, so do not replace my stone to a higher place."
The head priest 児玉芳山 Kodama Yoshiyama of the temple 潮音寺 Choon-Ji in Shima decided to have a hospital here.

There is a temple of the same name, 潮音寺 Choon-Ji, in Toba 鳥羽市答志町.
It has three Kannon Statues of three different periods, Heian, Kamakura and Muromachi.
- reference : kankomie.or.jp -

- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

Konjin, Konjin Sama 金神, 金神様 deity of metal

If a woman gives birth facing the Konjin deity 金神 the baby will be blind or eaven be born dead.

. Konjin, Konjin Sama  金神, 金神様 deity of metal .

Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"

In 大王町 Daio Town
Once a family was hit by the curse of a serpent and begun to venerate
Nagagami to appease it. Every month on the 14th day they have a special purifying ritual.

oni 鬼 demon and zoori ゾウリ sandals

In 大王町 Daio Town
fishermen make huge straw sandals of the size of one Tatami mat every year and float it on sea, together with sekihan 赤飯や酒 ritual red rice and Sake. There is a Demon living on a reef close by and when he sees the big Tatami, he thinks that there must be a huge Demon living on land. This stops him from coming to the shore and do harm to the village.

ooika 大烏賊 huge squid

In 志摩市 Shima Town
The 鰹船 bonito fishermen once found a floating dead body near Oki but did not bother to haul it up with their nets. A few days later they saw a huge octopus (7、8尺四方) and more strange things begun to happen. Eventually all of the crew drowned, only the one man who had seen the dead body first survived.

oozame 大鮫 huge shark

In Shima town

Tengu 天狗

In 大王町 Daio Town
on the last night of the year, a Tengu comes and hangs a light on a tree.

yonaki matsu よなき松 / 夜泣き松 "Pine crying at night"

In 大王町 Daio Town
During the 伊勢湾台風 Isewan Taifun an old pine tree of more than 1000 years broke down.
When they cut it clean the tree begun to cry.

. Isewan typhoon 伊勢湾台風 1959 - Typhoon in the Isewan Bay - Legends .


Kashikojima Island, the venue of Summit

- quote -
The Ise-Shima areas are located in the eastern tip of Mie Prefecture, which is on the eastern side in Kii Peninsula, the largest peninsula in Japan. -
Meotoiwa Rocks of Futamiura
Mikimoto Pearl Island and woman divers
Ago Bay
Amano-iwato Shrine - where the legend has it that the Sun goddess hid herself
Izawanomiya Shrine
- source : japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/en -


鳥羽市 Toba

In 石鏡町 Ijikacho

shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent

At the Shrine 加布良湖明神社 in 加布良崎 a white serpent is the Deity in residence.
She is the couple together with the 山の池 white serpent from the pond in the mountain.
On the last day of every month 毎月晦日 the two can meet late at night.

Izawa Jinja 伊射波神社 - 志摩國一宮 Shima no Kuni Ichi no Miya
- source : genbu.net/data/sima/isawa -


Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 / 伊勢参宮街道 Ise Sangu Kaido / 伊勢路 Ise ji
A very popular pilgrims road to the Ise Shrine.

Leaving the Tokaido at 日永の追分 Hinaga no Oiwake, leading to Ise.
Now mostly Highway 428.

伊勢本街道 Ise Hon Kaido, Honkaido
From Osaka, Shrine 玉造稲荷神社 Tamatsukuri Inari Jinja, passing 奥津(津市)Tsu city leading to Ise.

伊勢参宮街道 Ise Sangu Kaido
Leaving the 初瀬街道 Hase Kaido at 桜井 Sakurai (Nara), past 宇陀市 Uda city to Ise.

伊勢路 Iseji, Ise ji
From the Shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu to Kumano Sanzan 熊野三山 the three shrines of Kumano.

- - - - - There are many shido 支道 branch roads leading to the main Ise Kaido.

伊勢別街道 Ise Betsu Kaido
- turning off the Tokaido at Seki 関宿, via 椋本宿 Mukumoto (Tsu city), back to the Ise Kaido at 江戸橋 Edobashi in Tsu city.

初瀬街道 Hase Kaido
伊賀街道 Iga Kaido
上街道 (上ツ道) Kamitsumichi
清滝街道 Kiyotaki Kaido
暗越奈良街道 Kuragarigoe Nara Kaido (Kuragoshi, Kurayami)
奈良街道 Nara Kaido
竹内街道 Takenouchi Kaido
和歌山街道 Wakayama Kaido
横大路 Yoko-Ooji

安永餅 Yasunaga mochi
- Mochi Kaido 餅街道 Road of the rice cakes -
From 桑名 Kuwana until the Ise Shrine.
There are many tea stalls on the roadside serving tea and rice cakes. They all have a special taste to offer and are very popular to our day.
There are also many tea stalls along the nearby road to Kumano 熊野街道.

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
下伊那郡 Shimoina district 阿南町 Anan town

okuwa sama, o-kuwa sama オクワ様 / 鍬 venerable hoe
The reason why O-Kuwa sama is venerated:
Around 1860 a group of politicians wanting change started from the Shrine 皇太神宮 Kotai Jingu in Ise. They walked along all the villages of the 伊勢街道 Ise Kaido, carrying the hoe in a palanquin, singing local songs, performing shishimai 獅子舞 lion dances and tried to involve the villagers.
They were not allowed to pass the sekisho 関所 barrier station at 帯川 Obikawa, so they left all their tools there and went back home.
Now they venerate O-Kuwa Sama only in years with a good harvest.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
108 to explore (03) / / 志摩市 OK
66 志摩郡 (09)

日本の伝説 (32) 伊勢・志摩の伝説
駒敏郎 (著), 花岡大学 (著)

- quote -
- - - - - Legends about Ise-Shima
『浜島の久須ひめものがたり』 - 『大王の堂の山の夜泣き松』- 『初音姫のものがたり』
『磯部の手力男命の手形石、阿児の横山の八大竜王』 -
『大倉島の竜宮』- 『志摩の豊玉姫ものがたり』- 『ガンガン井戸と馬乗り石』など . . .
- source : city.shima.mie.jp/shisei -


. Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity, Snake God .
Ikegami 池神 Srepent "Deity of the Pond"
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #iseshimalegends #ise-shima #summitg72016 #hebigami -




koi carp legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen

koi, the carp  鯉 - - koi, the love 恋 - - koi, come here 来い

. The Carp in Japanese Culture - Introduction .

. Koi 鯉 carp and fish as folk toys .

. higoi 緋鯉 / ヒゴイ Legends about the Red Carp .


Oniwakamaru driving out a Koi fish monster - 鬼若丸の鯉退治

岩窪初五 Iwakubo Hatsugoro

igyoojin oniwakamaru 異形人おに若丸 The Monstrous Oniwakamaru
- reference : Igyoujin Oniwakamaru - Manga 漫画作品 -

Musashibo Benkei was called Oniwakamaru - "demon child, ogre child" in his youth.
His mother was pregnant for 18 months with him and when the baby was born, it has already hair and teeth.
He was so strong he could fight against 200 men and win.
Since he was such a problem, he was given to Western Part of the mountain monestary at Hieizan 比叡山西塔. At that time he was called 西塔鬼若丸 "Saito Oniwakamaru".

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .
and more clay dolls of Oniwakamaru with the carp

CLICK for more photos !
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi


- quote -
Koi are a legendary fish. Graceful, vibrant, and one of the most recognizable fish in the world, koi are well-loved and respected. Often associated with Japan, koi actually originated from Central Asia in China. They were introduced to Japan by Chinese invaders.

- - - Waterfall Legend
- - - Symbolism and Meaning
Koi fish are also symbolized according to their coloration.. . .
- source : koi-fish-meaning-and-myth-

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................

. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro - master carver .
The carp at the main hall of the shrine 久津八幡宮 Kuzu Hachimangu ....

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
亀岡市 Kameoka city 大井町 Oi town

. shinshi 神使 messenger of god, divine messenger .
At 丹波国並河村 the village Namikawa in the old Tanba province the messenger of the deity Koi Daimyojin 鯉大明神 is koi 鯉 the carp. Every month he comes downriver of the 大堰川 Oigawa to be the messenger of 松尾明神 Matsuo Myojin. The parishioners of this Shinto shrine never eat carp. If they try, they get painful swellings in the mouth.

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................
久居市 Hisai town 榊原村 Sakakibara

hazekoi はぜ鯉 sanshouo 山椒魚 Salamander
A villager caught a huge carp, but the animal had legs and fas in fact a salamander. It is called "hazekoi". After he caught this animal, suddenly the water supply of the village became less and less. It was the curse of the Salamander.
Now people never catch any salamander and pray at the local shrine for its well-being.
And the greatful salamander now shape-shifts into real carp every year to grant them a good fishing harvest.

. sanshoouo, sanshoo uo 山椒魚 salamander .

.......................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 ......................................
小山市 Oyama

In the year 1028 a person named 角田将監 Kakuda Shogen was hit by a huge typhoon. The big 大榎 huckberry tree in his garden had fallen down, so be begun to dig a well in this place. After a short while, clear water welled up from the ground and a huge higoi 緋鯉 golden red carp showed up. This was an auspicious sign. When the village headman 持田 Mochida went to Tokyo to report the event.

.......................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 ......................................
米沢市 Yonezawa city

. korori no yuurei コロリの幽霊 the ghost of cholera .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
85 to explore (04)


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #koicarp #carpkoi # karpfen #oniwakamaru #benkei #higoi #redcarp -




tako octopus legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

tako 蛸と伝説 Tako Legends about Octopus

. tako 蛸 Octopus in Japanese Culture .
- Introduction -

In the Edo period, money was called "o-ashi" 足 legs,  
and things with many legs, like ika cuttlefish and tako octopus were considered auspicious gifts.

The Fisherman and The Octopus
Kusakabe Kinbei 日下部金兵衛 Kusakabe Kimbei
(1841 – 1934) - fotografer


CLICK for more photos of Ukiyo-E and the Tako !
Hokusai 北斎

The Tako was a kind of hero in lady's dreams
(or maybe in the men's dreams who made the prints).


. tako bikuni 蛸比丘尼 the Octopus nun .

. Tako Yakushi 蛸薬師 Octopus Yakushi Nyorai .


In some regions there are legends about an octopus changing into a huge serpent or vice versa.

source : youkaitama.seesaa.net/archives

hebidako 蛇蛸(へびだこ) serpent-octopus

In many parts of 北九州 Kita Kyushu.


- quote -
Ayakashi (妖 - あやかし) is the collective name for yōkai that appear above the surface of some body of water.

"Ayakashi" from the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Sekien Toriyama

In the Nagasaki Prefecture, the kaika 怪火;カイカ (ghost lights) that appear above water are called this, and in the funayūrei 船幽霊 (boat spirits) in the Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Saga Prefecture are also called this. In the western part of Japan, they are said to be those who died at sea and are attempting to capture people to join them.In Tsushima, they are also called "kaika of ayakashi (ayakashi no kaika)," and appear on beaches in the evening, and it would look like as if a child were walking in the middle of the fire. On coasts, kaika would appear as mountains and obstruct one's path, and are said to disappear if one doesn't avoid the mountain and tries to bump into it intently.

There is the folk belief that if a live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates), an actual fish, gets stuck to the bottom of the boat, it would not be able to move, so ayakashi is a synonym for this type of fish.

In the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Sekien Toriyama, the ayakashi is represented by a large sea snake, but this may actually be an ikuchi, sea snake or octopus.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami Chita

shoojagama しょうじゃがま

.......................................................................... Fukui 福井県 ......................................

蛇が蛸になる a serpent becomes an octopus

敦賀市 Tsuruga

There was a rock with many shells, so a man once went there diving to harvest them. But he never came back to the surface. When his friends found him in the water, he was circling around a large pillar. They pulled the body up and found that the pillar was in fact the leg of a huge octopus and the head of the animal was huge like a rock.

.......................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 ......................................


.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................

At the Shrine Watatsumi Jinja 綿津海神社
Tako is seen as a deity 蛸神様 / たこ神さま Tako Kamisama.

Once a woman fishing for kelp cut off one leg of a Tako, who later became the
Octopus Deity with Seven Legs "七本足の蛸"を蛸神様
- reference : moon.ap.teacup.com/syunjun -

.......................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 ......................................

ヤザイモン / 八左兵門 Yazaimono Tako
Once a huge Tako took a nap on a rock. When Yasaimon 八左兵門 (Yazaemon) saw this, he cut off one leg each day. On Day 8 he wanted to cut off the last leg, but the huge Tako threw him into the sea with it and then continued his nap.
Since that time, the huge Octopus is called ザイモン蛸 Yazaimon in this area.

坂出市 Sakaide

daija 大蛇 huge serpent and oodako 大蛸 huge octopus
Once upon a time a huge serpent and a huge octopus had a fight and the huge octopus threw the serpent into the sea - so he had won! Ten years later there was oil oozing out of the sea where the serpent had perished. A fisherman found the oil, threw out his load of rice and hauled the bones of the snake into his ship. He sold it as medicine in Osaka and became a rich man.

小豆郡 Shozu district 土庄町

At 天津神社 Amatsu Jinja there is a stone with a paining of an octopus.
Once a fisherman caught an octopus and killed it, so the curse of this animal came over the fisherman. To appease it, the fisherman had the carving made and prayed for forgiveness.

.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................


.......................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi

. Throwing octopus at the kenmun ケンムン Yokai .

人蛸 チュドホ "human Tako"

ケンムン Kenmun - Kenmono

ケンモン Kenmono - a Yokai from Amami islands - Amami kappa kenmun
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- and Kenmun from Okinawa


Yokai of Tako and Shells タコや貝の妖怪

英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho (1652 - 1724) - 『田原藤太秀郷』
- source : ameblo.jp/pandemonium0299 -


.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................

If a pregnant woman eats octopus, the child will have warts.

本吉郡 Motoyoshi district 本吉町


.......................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 ......................................
南島原市 Minami Shimabara


.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 ......................................
刈羽郡 Kariwa district

蛇が蛸になる a serpent becomes an octopus

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................

bunaga ブナガ,木の精

キジムナー,アカガミ kijimunaa akagami

.......................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 周防大島町 Suo Oshima

Once upon a time there lived a skilfull fisherman named 甚平 Jinbei.

There was an unskilfull fisherman called 甚平 Jinbei.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -

門司ヶ関人形工房 / たこ TAKO


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- #takolegends #octopuslegends -




Hokigami Hahakigami

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Hookigami, Hōkigami 箒神 (ほうきがみ) Hokigami, Hahakigami Legends about the Broom Deity
箒神 (ははきがみ) Hahakigami
箒の神 (ホウキノカミ) Hoki no Kami

百器徒然袋 -by 鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien

In my dream I saw a broom,
just as one uses to clean up after an autumn typhoon,
just as poets use when warming their saké among the trees,
just like the ones used by attendants during morning cleanings.

- source : Matt Alt - facebook -

- quote -
broom spirit
A hahakigami is a tsukumogami which takes up residence in a broom. They can sometimes be seen on cold, windy late autumn mornings, sweeping wildly at the blowing leaves.

Long ago, brooms were not household cleaning tools, but actually holy instruments used in ritual purification ceremonies. They were used to on the air in a room or area in order to purify it and sweep out any evil spirits and negative energy that might be lingering there. Like any tool used for many years, a broom which reaches a very old age becomes a perfect home for a spirit — perhaps even more so in the case of a hahakigami because of the ritual nature of its origin.

are used also as magical charms for safe and quick childbirth. Because brooms are used to “sweep out” evil energy, a hahakigami acts as a sort of totem to “sweep out” the baby from its mother safely.
They are also used as charms to keep guests from overstaying their visit. Anyone who has stayed beyond their welcome might also be “swept out” by the power of the hahakigami.
- source : yokai.com/hahakigami -


- - - - - Shrines were Hahakigami is venerated 箒神を祀る神社
産神 Ubugami equals 箒神 Hokigami
A mother has to sweep the floor with a broom or stamp on the broom forcefully to have a safe birth.
Women who did not take good care of their brooms often had a difficult birth.

高忍日売神社 Takaoshihime Jinja
愛媛県伊予郡松町徳丸387番地 Ehime
- source : takaoshihime.jp -

徳井神社 Tokui Jinja
Hooki no Miya 箒の宮 "Shrine of the Broom"
兵庫県神戸市灘区大和町4丁目 -- 4 Chome-5-5 Yamatocho, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo
- reference : kamnavi.jp/en/settu/tokui -

. ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" .
guardian deity of pregnant women, newborn babies and one's birthplace


source : cromag.blog8.fc2.com

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

Hokigami is the first to show up during a birth. If he does not show up, a woman can not give birth safely. Sp she has to take good care of her broom.

This saying is told in many parts of Japan, in Kagawa 香川県, Kanagawa 神奈川県, Nagasaki 長崎県, Oita 大分県

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................
松山市 Takamatsu

Takaboozu 高坊主 Takabozu
He comes instead of Hokigami to help with a birth.

source : youkai.tou3.com

. Takaboozu 高坊主 Takabozu monster (Large Priest) .
It has the figure of a very large monk and appears on crossroads and in the mountains, to take people by surprise.

.......................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 ......................................
星野村 Hoshino

Hokigami is the Deity of Birth. If a woman walks over a broom, she will have a difficult birth.

The same is told in Ehime 愛媛県.

.......................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 ......................................

There are various tales and lore on the topic of giving birth.
A woman has to go to a special hut for giving birth, there a broom has to stand up to make sure the Hokigami will come to help.
If the pregnant woman steps on the broom by accident, the Hokigami will get angry and she can not give a safe birth.

.......................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 ......................................
Higashi Kunisaki district

If the bottom of a newborn baby is blue, they say the Hokigami has blown it out.

東臼杵郡 Higashi Usuki district

If Hokigami and Benjogami (Deity of the Toilet) do not show up in time, a woman can not give birth. Therefore a woman has to keep the toilet clean too.

. Benjogami 便所神 God of the Toilet .

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................

To help with an easy birth, people weave a basket of material from a broom and put a knife into it.

.......................................................................... Oita 大分県 ......................................

If Hokigami does not show up, a woman can not give birth safely.

.......................................................................... Tokyo ......................................
神津島 Kozushima

Hokigami is the same as Izumo no Kami 箒神は出雲の神 and is the first to show up during a birth. If a woman takes good care of her broom, she will have an easy birth. But if not, five days after giving birth, a 河童 Kappa in the form of an old grandpa will snow up and take the baby away to its death.

Ōta 大田区 Ota ward

Hokigami, Arakamisama and Benjogami
These three deities show up for a birth. So women have to venerate them every day to get their help when they need it.
The toilet has to be kept especially clean, especially by pregnant women.
If a newborn baby has a bruise at the bottom, it signifies that Arakami Sama has been there and pinched it to come out fast.
The Hokigami must be honored be never stepping over a broom. A broom must never be used to hit people, otherwise the birth might become a problem.

.......................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 ......................................

. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .

Once upon a time
a 乞食 poor beggar woman gave birth to a baby girl under a bridge.
A person passing over the bridge heard the Deity of the Broom and the Deity of the Toilet talking, saying that whoever would get married to this girl would become the richest man in the village. So this girl was lucky, got married and lived to a long and rich life.

.......................................................................... Yamaguchi ......................................
西八代郡 Nishi Yatsushiro district 上九一色村 Kami Kuishiki

Once a traveling businessman stayed over night in a temple of 荒神様 Kojin Sama. There the Hokigami came along and invited Kojin Sama to come and assist with a birth tonight, but Kojin Sama refused. The Hokigami went alone to help. When he came back he told that the child had been born safely, but its life would be short, because on this and that day a Kappa (Enko エンコ) would come and get it.
The businessman thought this was about his own child. On the day when the life of the child was supposed to come to an end the child went to the river with her old nurse. But the nurse was in fact the Kappa, took the child by the hand and wanted to jump into the river. Just in this moment the father gave a loud ring with a sacred bell. So the Kappa fled in haste and the child was saved.

. Aragamisama, Koojinsama 荒神様 Kojin Sama .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- source : blog.zige.jp/la-comic -


. shuro hooki 棕櫚 ほうき broom made from Shuro palm .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


source : teramoto.co.jp/history

Seller and buyer of Hoki brooms in Edo
「hooki uri ほうき売り」and「hooki kai ほうき買い」
It was truly a recycle society.

. Doing Business in Edo .


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #hokigami #hahakigami #takabozu -

