
kaze cold legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

kaze 風邪と伝説 Legends about catching a cold

. kaze 風邪 common cold .
- Introduction -

god of the cold, kaze no kami 風邪の神
god of coughing, sekigamisama 咳神様

. kaze no kami 風邪の神 Deity of the common cold - Legends .

. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

In the year 1857, the common cold had turned into an epidemic and many people from Kyoto and Osaka to Chugoku and Kyushu were infected.
Those who survived where also healed of their other problems, like headache, indigestion or stomach aches.
The poisonous elements of the epidemic stayed in a body for a long time and their side-effects were beneficial.

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
和賀郡 Waga district 和賀小山田地方 Waga Oyamada area

. healing a cold with Miso paste and onions .

......................................................................................... Toyama 富山県
富山市 Toyama city 柳町 Yanagi town

. ekibyoo yoke 疫病除け avoiding an epidemic .
prevent getting kaze 風邪 a cold, sekiri 赤痢 dysentery or mashin 麻疹 measles,


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
56 風邪 collecting


. kaze no kami 風邪の神 Deity of the common cold - Legends .

. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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- #kaze #cold #catchcold #erkaeltung #disease #illness -

geri sekiri dysentery legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

geri 下痢と伝説 Legends about dysentery, diarrhea - Durchfall
sekiri 赤痢 red diarrhea, bloody dysentery // ribyoo 痢病

. sekiri 赤痢 (せきり) red dysentery .
..... hayate 颶風病(はやて)
kaze no yamai 風病 respiratory illness / neurological condition
- kigo for late summer -

少彦名神社(神農さん)Sukunahikona Jinja
大阪市中央区道修町2-1-8 / Doshomachi Chuo ward Osaka
source : powerspot-jinja.net...

. hashika, mashin 麻疹と伝説 Legends about measles, rubeola .

躁鬱病 manic depression

. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
densenbyoo 伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic
ekiri 疫痢 plague


byooshin 病神 Byoshin, deity of diseases
When a child became ill and saw something black attacking it in a dream. it must be the Byoshin 病神 Deity of disease.
In former times, when someone got diarrhea during an epidemic, they said it must have been the attack of the Byoshin.

. 疫病神 / 厄病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .
eyami no kami えやみのかみ gyooyakujin 行疫神 gyoyakujin
ekijin, yakujin 疫神 / byoshin 病神

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
犬山市 Inuyama city

. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 "old mountain hag" .
A man named 福富信蔵 Fukutomi Shinzo from 楽田 Gakuda came here to hunt, when he saw something shining strangely.
The eyes of a mountain hag had been shining! He shot at it and there was some blood, but she run away fast. He followed the blood traces and found she had entered a large home. He asked if something strange had happened and they told him the wife did not feel well these days. This wife had been the Yamanba.
Since she was found out, the Yamanba fled to Gifu and jumped into the pond おがせの池 / 苧ヶ瀬池 Ogaze no Ike.
Now people are not allowed to fish in this pond.
Once someone tried to catch fish there and ate them, but he became bloody dysentery and suffered a lot.

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
北秋田郡 Kita-Akita district

If someone eats too much sukanko すかんこ, he will get diarrhea.
sukanko is the local dialect for sukanpo すかんぽ or itadori イタドリ common sorrel or garden sorrel, eaten as a herb or in salad.

......................................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
越智郡 Ochi district 上島町 Kamijima town

hijirigami 聖神 Hijiri as a deity
In front of 大日堂 the hall of Dainichi Nyorai the Hijirigami is venerated.
Once upon a time
a hijiri 聖 holy traveler from Mount Koyasan was passing the Hall of Dainichi, when he felt a bout of dysentery and had to shit in front of the Hall.
The villagers got angry and scolded him and as they were fighting with words, eventually they killed him.
Since then there was a lot of misfortune in the village, so they built a sanctuary for him and called him Hijirigami.

. hijiri ひじり / 聖 ”holy man" .

Ehime 重信町 Shigenobu town

kubinashi uma 首なし馬 horse without a head
The lord of 吉川城 Yoshikawa castle once went to visit the great Lord 河野通宣 Kono Michinobu (1522 - 1581) with his army. but was attacked.
Since many became dysentery he was defeated.
Shortly after that, near Yoshikawa castle, a man saw a the lord on a horse without a head, and all bleeding.
He became ill for three days and nights and to end the nightmare, they built a grave and prayed for the Lord.

- quote -
Kono Michinobu
Michinobu was a younger son of Kôno Ômi no kami Michiyoshi (d.1579) and succeeded Michinao.
He suffered the abortive rebellion of his vassal Wada Michioki in 1554 and an Ôtomo campaign against him in 1565 which was evidently inspired by his alliance with Môri Motonari.
In 1568 the Konô were attacked by Utsunomiya Toyotsuna, who had the supported of the Chosokabe clan of Tosa province. The Môri came to assist the Konô and at length Utsunomiya was defeated and forced to sue for peace. The victory was afterwards reported to the shôgunate, and a note of congratulations was sent from Ashikaga Yoshiaki.
That same year Michinobu had taken ill and was forced to give up his duties as lord, handing them to his son Michinao.
- reference source : samurai wiki -

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki city

hi matsuri 火祭り fire festival
During the O-Bon festival for the ancestors, according to the lunar calendar from day 13 to day 17 of the 7th month, there was a large fire festival.
Large torches were made from wheat straw. The children put fire to the torches and carried them up to 横手山 Mount Yokoteyama. From there they threw tham into the valley. But there was never a large fire in the mountain forest.
In a village were they stopped this custom, they had fires and often a diarrea epidemic. So they continued the fire festival the next year again.

. hi matsuri 火祭り fire festival .

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
和賀郡 Waga district 和賀小山田地方 Waga Oyamada area

If someone got dysenteria or bloody dysenteria, they grind white rice in a mortar and prepare kayu 粥 rice gruel from it.
If the person was healed, he was not allowed to eat anything raw for a while. He would get pickled vegetables which had been pickled three or four years ago.
にんにく Garlic had to be cut very fine and eaten with 味噌 miso paste.
Before going to sleep he had to drink hot water with miso paste and onions.
The next morning kaze 風邪 a cold should be cured.

......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .
In Kochi they had cut the head of a dog and buried in in the ground, this was the beginning of
inugami mochi イヌガミモチ getting possessed by the Dog Deity.
The Inugami can also bewitch certain family members or young women. If such a person has been expelled from a family, nobody should go there any more to drink tea.
If they do, whey will get geri 下痢 dysentery.

Kochi 高岡郡 Takaoka district

tsuki no hikari 月の光 moonlight
If the cloths of a child are out to dry and not taken inside, they might get exposed to moonlight.
In that case the child will get geri 下痢 dysentery if it wears them.

......................................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県
植木町 Ueki town

. Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 .
Someone had caught a Kappa and cut of his arm. The Kappa pleaded with the hunter to have his arm back and would teach him how to make a medicine to cure sekiri 赤痢 bloody diarrhea.

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
伏見区 Fushimi ward // 痢病

The head priest of the temple 清養院 Seiyo-In suffered from ribyo 痢病 dysentery in one summer.
One evening when he went to the toilet, he knocked at the door, he heard a voice saying "Wait a moment, just wait!"
Then the cat of the temple came running out, the door opened fully and a huge cat came it. This huge cat walked around the district 納屋町 Nayamachi every night and asked the temple cat to join it. But since the temple cat had to keep company to the priest, it could not go out. The huge cat promised to give her a tenugui 手ぬぐい hand towel, but the temple cat still did not want to leave her master and asked the huge cat to go away. Now the priest gave a hand towel to his cat and told it to go where she wanted. So the cat run off and never returned.

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
西海市 Saikai city

akappara 赤っぱら "red stomach" - local dialect for sekiri
If people eat カボチャぞうすい pumpkin rice gruel on the geshi 夏至 summer solstice, they will not get any epidemic or sekiri 赤痢 bloody diarrhea.

......................................................................................... Nara 奈良県
葛城市 Katsuragi city // 痢病

kooshin 孝心 filial piety
On the road from the Southern part toward Osaka, there is a pass called 竹の打越. Nearby is the home of a poor family.
The head of the family once suffered of 痢病 the plague. He told his daughter that he would like
to eat some katsuo 鰹 / 鱣 bonito. But since the family was so poor, they could not afford to buy the fish. When the daughter went to draw some water from the river, all of a sudden a bonito was in her bucket. She thought this was a present from heaven and hurried home to prepare the fish for her father. After he had eaten it, his illness became better. Each time the daughter went drawing water, a bonito was in her bucket, until the father was completely healed.
This is a tale to show the merit of filial piety.

......................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
北木島町 Kitagishima town

. fuka 鱶 / same 鮫 shark .
The messenger of 諏訪大明神 Suwa Daimyojin, the Ujigami氏神 clan deity of the village, is called a Fuka.
Once upon a time three hamlets of the area have been carrying a mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine together, but they started a fight and their own Mikoshi. There appeared a shark offshore, the weather begun to become wild and sekiri 赤痢 an epidemic broke out.
If a huge shark appears offshore, this is a bad omen.

. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .

Okayama 真庭市 Maniwa city 落合町 Ochiai town

After sekiri 赤痢 an epidemic broke out in the town, they started to have a festival at the Shrine for Zenkaku Inari 善覚稲荷

善覚稲荷神社 Zenkaku Inari Jinja

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府

tososan 屠蘇散 / トソサン Tososan
Once there lived a doctor in the outskirts of Osaka, who was very poor at his art of healing.
One day in summer a man came with heavy symptoms of kakuran 霍乱 heat stroke, geri 下痢 diarrhea and ooto 嘔吐 vomiting, but he could heal him.
When asked how he did it, he replied that kakuran could also be written 鶴舞 (dance of a crane) and was thus an auspicious illness.
As medicine he had used tonsan, toso 屠蘇 ritual spiced rice wine for the new year.

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
マキノ町 Makino town

atozan アトザン afterbirth
The afterbirth is burried shallow under a holly tree. Thus the sun will shine on it plenty and the child will not get bloody dysentery.

. hiiragi 柊 holly tree .

......................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
伊豆市 Ito city

During the war there was a sekiri 赤痢 bloody diarrhea in Rahaul and many bot sick.
One soldier got so sick he was about to die. In a dream he saw his local Shrine deity. After that he was healed.

Shizuoka 水窪町 Misakubo town

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
At 大茂沢 Ogizawa people often saw a Tengu with a lantern walking around. If someone saw the light of thi lantern, he would get sekiri 赤痢 bloody diarrhea or some other kind of epidemic.

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯町 Saihaku town

. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .
At the 稲荷 Inari Shrine of the 氏神様 Ujigami they never keep a dog. In former times when a sekiri 赤痢 bloody diarrhea epidemic raged, a farmer at the edge of the village had kept a dog who was very noisy.
In the village 八頭郡船岡村 Funaoka in Yazu district they also keep no dogs, but the reason why is not clear.

......................................................................................... Toyama 富山県
富山市 Toyama city 柳町 Yanagi town

. ekibyoo yoke 疫病除け avoiding an epidemic .
To prevent getting kaze 風邪 a cold, sekiri 赤痢 dysentery or mashin 麻疹 measles ...

......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
小国町 Oguni town

. shimimochi シミモチ / 凍餅 / 凍み餅 frozen Mochi rice cakes .
Frozen Mochi are softened in water, then wrapped in fuki no ha フキの葉 the leaves of butterbur and placed near the stove.
The soft Mochi can be used as geridome 下痢止 to heal diarrhea.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
痢病 OK


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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hashika mashin measels legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

hashika, mashin 麻疹と伝説 Legends about measles, rubeola
and other epidemics

. hashika 麻疹 measles in Edo .
goyaku sanbyoo 御役三病 The three most feared diseases in Edo were

hashika 麻疹 measles
suitoo 水痘 / 水套 chicken pox
tennentoo 天然痘 / toosoo 痘瘡 smallpox, variola

. mashin 麻疹 (ましん) measles. Masern .
- kigo for Spring -
jinmashin 蕁麻疹 rush, nettle rush, hives

はしか絵・はしか童子退治図 paintings to prevent measels
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. 疫病神 / 厄病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .
eyami no kami えやみのかみ / gyooyakujin 行疫神 gyoyakujin / ekijin, yakujin 疫神, Ekibyo 疫病


. 疱瘡神 Hosogami, God of Smallpox .

. hoosoo 疱瘡と伝説 Hoso - Legends about Smallpox .


Rakuda no zu - Utagawa Kuniyasu

 rakuda 駱駝 / ラクダ camel, Kamel
a pun with
raku da 楽だ things are easy !

Hanging a picture of a camel near a place where the children can see it easily will help them get over an infection with
hoso 疱瘡 smallpox or 麻疹 measles without any problems.
- - - - -
. Raijū 雷獣 Raiju the Thunder Beast Yokai .
does not like camels. To prevent lightning to strike a home, people hung paintings of a camel on the wall or at the entrance of their home.

. Rakuda Camels in Tottori, Japan .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
勢多郡 Seta district

If someone got the 麻疹 measles, he had to walk under a bridge of a river which flows Northward. This would heal him.

......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
廿日市市 Hatsukaichi city 宮島町 Miyajima town

. saru 猿と伝説 Legends about monkeys - Affen .
Once upon a time, there lived many monkeys on Miyajima, causing trouble to the villagers. They also angered the 神鹿 sacred deer and people wanted to get rid of them.
They caught them, cut their fur and brought them to an island further away, 小黒神島 Okurokamishima.
But the monkeys soon came back and people where frustrated. Then came an epidemic of 麻疹 the measles and all the monkeys died.

......................................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
横浜市 Yokohama 金沢区 Kanazawa district

Fukutaro 福太郎 "Taro to bring good luck"
In the fishing village of Kanazawa there lived 重右衛門 Juemon. His family has a box where the deity to prevent suinan 水難 disasters at sea and 疱瘡 smallpox.
Around 1800 his younger sister had a dream. She saw a child telling her "I have been venerated in your home for a long time, but since not all know me well, please built a Shrine for me. Thus I can go on as Deity to prevend disasters at sea and getting smallpox.
When Juemon heard this, he opened the box and saw something strange in it.
The face was that of a monkey, the hand and feet were webbed like a water animal and the top of the head had an impression.
This was Fukutaro "Taro to bring good luck".

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
天田郡 Amata district 三和町 Miwa town

. kaze no kami 風邪の神 Deity of the common cold .
風邪の神 Kaze no Kami is also seen as 庚申さん Koshin san.
When a child is healed from hashika はしか the measles, people pack some nigiri おにぎり rice ball offerings in straw and bring them to his shrine.

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
伊香郡 Ika district 西浅井町 Nishi-Azai town

To heal a child with 麻疹 the measles people put sandawara サンダワラ / 桟俵 a small round straw cushion on its head and say:
"This is not very hot water, but it is boiling water". This will make the fever go away.

......................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県

If one enters ラントーバ(墓地)a graveyard without permission, one will be cursed with shikamo ツカモ(蕁麻疹 a rush), itching all over the body.
One has to burn senko 線香 an incense stick, pray and apologize to get relief.

......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県
三好郡 Miyoshi district 井川町 Ikawa town

horose ホロセ local word for Jinmashin.
There was a small stone Buddha statue in the neighborhood and whenever someone cut the weeds around it, he got the jinmashin 蕁麻疹 rush.
Only grandfather never got it. When he was young, his mother had taken him to the stone Buddha and prayed for his safety.

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
八頭郡 Yazu district 若桜町 Wakasa town

切分兵衛神 Kiriwake Hyoe no Kami,檻葉天大明神 Kashi no Ha Ten Daimyojin
Once lupon a time, Kiriwake Hyoe no Kami saw a small female deity float down the river on the leave of kashi 樫 an oak tree.
This deity was venerated at the shrine 吉川神社 Yoshikwas Jinja as 麻疹の神 the Deity to prevent Measles.
Sticking 樫の葉 a leaf of the kashi Oak tree from the Yoshikawa shrine on the entrance of the home prevents the infection with measles.
If by any bad luck someone in the family gets the measles, they place the leaf on the face to heal.

. kashi 樫 Quercus oak tree .

......................................................................................... Toyama 富山県
富山市 Toyama city 柳町 Yanagi town

ekibyoo yoke 疫病除け avoiding an epidemic
To prevend getting kaze 風邪 a cold, sekiri 赤痢 dysentery or mashin 麻疹 measles, people take the imprint of their hand and hang it at the entrance.
This will prevent bad influence to come into the home.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
130 疫病 ekibyo to collect

hashika-e 麻疹絵「はしか童子退治図」driving away the Hashika Doji

Hashika-e (Talisman to Prevent Smallpox) by Yoshikatsu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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kadomatsu pine decoration legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

kadomatsu 門松と伝説 Legends about pine decorations

Temple Tanjo-Ji, Okayama, photo by Gabi Greve

. Oni to kadomatsu 鬼と門松 Oni Demon Legends
about New Year pine decorations .

Kadomatsu are placed in front of houses, temples, shrines and official buildings to welcome the New Year deity, purify the entrance and drive demons and evil spirits out.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Chiba 千葉県
印旛郡 Inba district 酒々井町 Shisui town

If the Kadomatsu was put up on the 29th day of december, it was called
kumatsu 苦まつ pine of pain
If it was put up on the 31st day of december, it was called
ichiya matsu 一夜松 pine put up over night.
These two days had to be avoided.
The Kadomatsu should not feel the wind of the seventh day of January, and had to be put down on January 6. Sometimes people did it on day 7, but in the early morning of day 5 or 7.

......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県

. burning the kadomatsu 門松 pine decorations . .

......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

. The Zen temple 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji .
and the kadomatsu 門松 gate decoration with pines for New Year

Yamanashi 上野原市 Uenohara city 秋山村 Akiyama village

. Hinazuru Hime 雛鶴姫 Princess Hinazuru .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
51 to collect


. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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- #kadomatsu #pinedecoration #newyear -


abura-age fried tofu legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu

. abura-age, abura age, aburaage あぶら(あ)げ (油揚げ) .
thin slices of deep-fried bean curd
- Introduction -

. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Inari Fox Deity .
Offerings for this deity are usually Abura-age.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
長浜市 Nagahama city

. O-Hanagitsune お花狐 / お花キツネ O-Hana Kitsune .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
150 to collect


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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bakeneko monster cat legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫 monster cat .
- Introduction -
futamata kaijuu 二股怪獣 monster animal with two tails

. nekomata 猫又 legends about Nekomata cats .

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .

Bakeneko of Okabe - Tokaido, 岡部宿
One famous tale is known as the Cat Witch of Okabe.
It was said that an evil bakeneko haunted the temple grounds in the town of Okabe. She disguised herself as a kind old woman with the aim of luring young girls to her lair to kill and eat them. Because she was so terribly evil, her corpse turned into stone when she died.
This tale was likely inspired by a stone in the shape of a cat, however as the location of this story is lost, so too is the stone.
. source : Cat Witches of Japan .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

neko wa mamono 猫は魔物
In many prefectures, the cat is seen as a mamono 魔物 monster, especially when it gets old.

rooneko 老猫 old cat
kaineko, kaibyoo 怪猫 Kaibyo, monster cat
nekomata 猫又 monster cat

......................................................................................... Aomori 青森県
八戸市 Hachinohe city

. An old cat tries to kill a priest .

......................................................................................... Chiba 千葉県

Since a cat is a monster, it should not be allowed at the side of a dead person.

......................................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
喜多郡 Kita district

On the bed of a dead person a kamisori カミソリ razor blade or a tantoo 短刀 short sword should be placed.
Since a monster cat might come to do harm, this would prevent it.
A cat should not be allowed to sit on the bed.

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town

Once a Bakeneko killed the wife of the lord and shape-shifted in her features. All went well for some time, but then a maid servant saw the face of a cat in the mirror when the wife looked.
So the Bakeneko killed the maid servant too.

Fukushima 飯坂町 Iizaka town

To prevent cats and monsters to come near a dead person, a tantoo 短刀 short sword should be placed on the bed.
A hooki 箒 broom should be placed at the head of the dead person.
Therefore a broom should never be used to hit a living person on the head.

Fukushima 郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan machi town

. Cat from the pass Gosansho Toge .
The 石川街道 Ishikawa Kaido was crossing the pass ごさんしょ峠 / 御斎所峠 Gosansho Toge.

Fukushima 耶麻郡 Yama district

. Nekomadake 猫魔岳と伝説 Legends about Mount Nekomadake .
Kobo Daishi banning a monster cat to become a huge boulder.

Fukushima 耶麻郡 Yama district 北塩原村 Kita-Shiobara village

Once upon a time, 穴沢善右衛門 Anazawa Zenemon spent the night in his mountain hut. A huge cat shape-shifted to an old woman and wanted to come in, but he saw the spook and refused.
The next day when he came home, he found his wife bound to a tree and her teeth torn out.
There was a kikori 樵夫 woodcutter nearby, but that was the husband of the monster cat.
To get his revenge, Zenemon said he had killed his wife, made the cat eat her bones and left.
Next he took some companions, went into the cave where the monster cat lived and killed it.

......................................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
ひたちなか市 Hitachinaka city

Once 化猫 a monster cat came to the temple 華蔵院 Kezo-In and made things wet. It took the prayer clappers and made music for the other beasts to dance.
Next morning all was wet, so the priest knew there were more cats dancing.
The monster cat was wearing the robes of the priest and he found them all wet next morning.

source : ibamemo.com/2017...

......................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
白山市 Hakusan city 河内町 Kawachi town

Since the cat is 魔物 a monster, if it crosses the procession of a burial, it will possess the soul of the dead and might be reborn as a human.
A knife should be placed on the stomach of a dead person.

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
高松市 Takamatsu city

In a valley called スリバチ谷 Suribachidani in the West of Takamatsu city there is a mound made of stones.
Once there lives a 怪猫 monster cat which killed people coming to the mountain and sucked their blood. It also caused damage to the fields.
Once the cat was taking a nap in the daytime in this valley when a nearby volcano erupted and the cat burned in the flames and flew down with the rocks.
The villagers were glad it was over now, took some of the rocks and built a nekozuka 猫塚 cat mound to appease its soul.

......................................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
相模原市 Sagamihara city 緑区 Midori ward

. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder and Lightning .
Since the cat is a monster, one should not hug it during a thunderstorm.
As a monster, the cat might posses Rai Sama 雷様 the God of Thunder.

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県

The cat is seen as a monster, and thus put into a basket when kept inside the home.

青葉区 Aoba ward

In the nearby river, toward 宮城町 Miyagimachi, there is a large stone, 畳岩 as big as a Tatami mat.
In former times three lives a monster cat on this boulder, who did a lot of mischief to the travelers.

Miyagi 気仙沼市 Kesennuma city

. onbyoo ootenba 怨猫大天婆 / オンビョウオオテンバ the monster cat Onbyo Daiten Ba .
about the grandmother of 儀八郎 Gihachiro and the Neko-ishi 猫石
daitenbaa 大天婆(だいてんばばあ)Daiten Ba, Daiten Baba, Old Cat Yokai

Miyagi 本吉町 Motoyoshi town

As long as dead person is kept in the home, there should be six byoobu 屏風 folding screens upside-down to surround it.
A mi 箕 winnow should be placed on its breast, to prevent a monster cat to come close to the dead.

Miyagi 仙台市 Sendai city 太白区 Taihaku ward

. tori no haka 鶏の墓 the grave of a rooster .
Similar to the one told in Aomori, Hachinohe, about a monster cat.

Daruma san changes into a cat . . .

......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
Nagano 諏訪郡 Suwa district

A dead person should be dressed in a night robe with the belt on the other side. A knife or other blade should be placed on its body.
They will prevent a monster to come in and prevent a monster cat from eating the dead body.

Nagano 上田市 Ueda city

. kaibyo Kotababa 怪猫小太ばば The Monster Cat Kotababa, Kota Baba .
Kotaroo Yashiki 小太郎屋敷 The Home of the Kotaro Family
Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cats

Onoe Kikugorō III as the Cat Witch of Okabe
Representing Okazaki on the Tōkaidō Road

......................................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県

A knife must be placed on the blanket over a dead body to prevent monster cats from coming and doing harm.

......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県

Around 1650, a monster cat was doing harm to the livestock and small children.
The villagers eventually caught it, killed it and threw it into the river. When they did it, the mountain made a terrible sound, water was welling up and a large turtle was thrown out of the water. Therefore the villagers calle the riverside now 猫淵 Nekobuchi.

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京
品川区 Shinagawa ward

. onbyoo 怨猫 The revengeful cat .

......................................................................................... Toyama 富山県

A dead person is placed in the main living room, his head facing North.
The face shows South and some folding screens must be placed upside-down around it.
A knife must be placed on the breast of the body.
One must make sure that no cat comes near the dead body.

......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
北巨摩郡 Kita-Koma district 長坂町 Nagasaka town,大泉村 Oizumi village

A knife is placed on the breast of a dead person to prevent cats and monsters to come close.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
怨猫 / 怪猫 / 猫魔 / 魔物 猫 - OK
25 化け猫 (00)
20 化猫 (00)
12 老猫 ?

一陽齋豊國 Ichiyo Toyokuni


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .

- #neko #bakeneko #cat #katze #monstercat #catmonster #nekomata #monsterkatze #kaibyo -


Nekomadake Fukushima

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Nekomadake 猫魔岳と伝説 Legends about Mount Nekomadake

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .
- Introduction -

- quote -

Mount Nekomadake (猫魔ヶ岳 Nekoma-dake, Nekoma-gadake)
is a stratovolcano located west of Mount Bandai, close to Bandai town and Kitashiobara village in the Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
It is 1,403.6 metres high, and close to Lake Inawashiro and Oguni-numa Pond.
- source : wikipedia -


Nekoishi, Neko-Ishi 猫石 the Cat Boulder

From this boulder you could look down at 雄国沼 the pond Oguninuma.

In the North of Mount Nekomadake there is a huge boulder, Nekoishi 猫石, as big as one tatami mat.
In former times, there lived the nekomata ねこまた monster cat, who used to eat humans passing its way.
There is almost no grass or weed growing there, because the cat had scratched it all off.
One day Kobo Daishi passed here and banned a bakeneko 化け猫 cat monster to become a stone.

- quote -
- reference source : bandaisan.xsrv.jp... -

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .


猫魔ヶ岳の妖怪 The Monster from Mount Nekomadake
斎藤隆夫 Saito Takao, 八百板洋子 Yaoita Yoko
- Four legends from Fukushima -

- reference source : amazon com -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- #nekomadake #mountnekoma #kobodaishi #nekoishi #bakeneko #nekomata -


sotoba grave marker legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

sotooba 卒塔婆 と伝説 Legends about Sotoba grave markers
sotoba ... Stupa / gorintoo, Gorintō 五輪塔 Gorinto stupa

. sotooba 卒塔婆 wooden grave marker, grave tablet .
- Introduction -
Sotoba 卒塔婆, ソトバ Japanese pronounciation for STUPA.
They are provided by the Buddhist temples who run the funerals.
Usually, the posthumous name is written on a sotoba, a separate wooden board on a stand behind or next to the grave.

On a traditional Japanese grave stone, these five elements are represented as
- - - - - gorin, the five layers, in the following order:
the earth layer (chirin 地輪), a square
the water layer (suirin 水輪), a spherical shape
the fire layer (karin 水輪), a triangular shape
the wind layer (fuurin 風輪, a half-moon shape
the space layer (fuurin 風輪), gem-shaped


. sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ と伝説 Legends about Sekito stone towers .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
平鹿郡 Hiraka district

At the entrance to the 平柳 Hirayanagi hamlet there was a huge tree.
They say it was a 卒塔婆 Sotoba they had planted there many years ago during a ritual for Ekijin 疫神 Yakubyogami, the deity of diseases.

. 疫病神 / 厄病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .

Akita 羽後町 Ugo town

shishida 獅子田 field for the lion head dancer
A traveling artist of the 獅子舞 lion dance had been killed in a fight.
The villagers made a grave for him and prayed, they also erected a grave marker. When the fields were re-arranged, the grave marker fell into a field, which became cursed by the killed lion dancer.

. shishimai 獅子舞 lion dance .

- - - - - - - - - - Ugo Kaido 羽後街道 Ugo Highway - - - - - - - - - -
broke off from Yoshioka 吉岡 leading to Iwadeyama 岩出山.
Uga town is on the on the Ogachi Plain 雄勝平野 Ogachi heiya, bordered by the Dewa mountain range 出羽山脈 Dewa sanmyaku to the West, and the Ōu Mountain range 奥羽山脈 Ou sanmyaku to the East.
The area of present-day Ugo town was part of ancient Ugo Province, dominated by the Satake clan during the Edo period, who ruled the Kubota Domain under the Tokugawa shogunate.

. Matsuo Basho travelling in the region. .

. Dewa Sendai Kaido 出羽仙台街道 .

. Onikobe Kaido 鬼首街道 Onikobe Highway - "Demon Head Highway" .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu city 河東町 Kawahigashi town

. mokusei gorintoo 木製五輪塔 Gorinto made from wood .
阿弥陀堂 at the Amida Do Hall.

Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town

yakata ni kunda sotoba 家形に組んだ塔婆 / ヤカタニクンダトウバ
In the year 1949, there was a place in the mountain forest where people had collected many Sotoba and put them up to look like a house.
This was a curse and one would get ill for a long time when doing this.

Fukushima 南相馬市 Minami-Soma city

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Around 1881, there was suddenly a large number of serpents at the temple 阿弥陀寺 Amida-Ji in 八沢村 Yasawa village. one was even as long as 3 meters, and it did not get out of the way when children came. The young priest told the main priest about it but was told that he should not chase the serpent away, the animal would always eat as it pleases. The young acolyte asked: "Bus what is it that it pleases?" "The raisin of tobacco", he was told as a joke by the priest.
The young acolyte offeres some tobacco raisin to the serpent, but it did not like it and hid in the shadow. The acolyte went back home to his temple and begun to clean the floor. Suddenly he felt a great pain in his stomach, as if a serpent had been rolled round him. The priest prayed to Amida for help and the pain stopped.
Then they built 八沢の蛇塚 a stone mound for the serpent in Yasawa.

Fukushima 二本松市 Nihonmatsu city - Motomiya

kamoishi, kamo-ishi 鴨石 "duck stone"
Once upon a time, a Samurai passed the swamp 伊佐沼 Isanuma and saw a male duck. He hit its head with an arrow. On his way back he saw a female duck and shot it too. When it fell down the Samurai saw that it was carrying the head of the male duck. The Samurai felt great pity and built a mound with a Sotoba on it, to pray for the appeasement of their souls.
There is now a memorial stone called the "Duck Stone" near the road to 貴船神社 the Shrine Kifune Jinja.

. oshidori オシドリ 鴛鴦と伝説 Legends about mandarin ducks .

......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県

sotoba ishi 卒塔婆石 Sotoba stone
Near the water at 大宮鐘楼 the bell tower of Omiya Shrine. There is also an ishidooroo 石灯篭 Ishidoro stone lantern.

. 石灯篭、石燈籠、石燈篭 Ishidoro, stone lantern .

......................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
A man who had been runin 流人 in exile took his three dogs and went hunting.
On the way the dogs suddenly bit the hunter in the legs to prevent him from going on, so he killed all three of them. There came a large serpent and ate the three heads of the dogs.
The man had been saved by his dogs after all, so he buried them and put three Sotoba markers on their grave.

......................................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
東村 Higashi village

toobada, tooba-da とうば田 field in the form of a Sotoba
There were five fields in the form of a Sotoba.
The family which had made these fields was cursed, some became ill, others went crazy.
Nobody dared to use these fields any more and they turned wild nature again.

......................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
金沢市 Kanazawa city

. ame 飴 sweets .
Once a woman died shortly before giving birth and her grave was made in the temple 道入寺 Donyu-Ji. From that day on every evening there came a woman to 飴屋 the sweet shop to buy sweets. The shop owner thought this strange and followed her. She disappeared near the Sotoba of a grave. When they dug open the next morning they found a baby licking sweets.
The priest of the temple took the baby, called it Doogen 道玄 Dogen and brought the boy up to become a merciful priest.
To always remember the good deed of his ghost mother, he went to the painter 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo and asked him to paint a hanging scroll of her ghost.

. Maruyama Ōkyo 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo (1733 – 1795) .

A similar story is told at
. Temple Koogenji 光源寺 Kogen-Ji, Nagasaki .

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto city

yomigaeri 甦 / ヨミガエリ coming back to life
Around 940 priest 日蔵 Nichizo from 東寺 the temple To-Ji died, but he came back to life.
He had been to hell and seen a man in an iron cave sitting on red-hot ashes. The man said
"I am the son of 宇多 Emperor Uda, who had burned down Buddhist temples, and now I must suffer for his bad deeds.
To help me Uda should give me a proper burial and grave with a Sotoba marker."

Nichizoo 日蔵 Priest Nichizo (905 - 967)
A mountain ascet of the Shingen sect. He founded the temple 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji.
At the temple 鳳閣寺 Hokaku-Ji in Nara is a statue of the seated Nichizo.

......................................................................................... Mie 三重県
熊野市 Kumano city

sakatooba saka tooba 逆塔婆 upside-down Sotoba
When placing the Sotoba upside-down on the grave of a woman, a man who had an illegal relationship with her will die.
- - - - -
When placing a Sotoba upside-down on a grave and writes
shibari o kakeru シバリヲカケル(縄で縛る)"you are now bound"
there will be no ghost coming out of the grave any more.

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
Miyagi 香具郡 Kagu district 金山町 Kaneyama town

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a child was crying by the roadside. It had bought a saltes salmon with one eye, but the parents scolded it about this and had send it off to buy a fish with both eyes.
When it came back, the house was just a hole for a Sotoba.
The fox living nearby was afraid of the fish with one eye and had sent the child of.

Miyagi 白井市 Shiroi city 白川 Shirakawa

. inu 犬と伝説 Legends about the dog / Hund .
A farmer had a verb beautiful daughter.
When she was a baby, her mother had made her poop in the garden and as a joke told the dog of the house:
"If you eat this, I will give my daughter as a bride!"
When the daughter had grown up and men came to ask for her hand, the dog bit them all to death.
Now the mother remembered her joke of so many years ago and told her daughter about it.
The daughter begun to live with the dog in a nearby cave.
When the dog finally died, they put a 犬卒塔婆石 Sotoba memorial stone on the grave and prayed for its soul.

inu sotoba ishi 犬卒塔婆石 Sotoba memorial stone for a dog, in Shiroishi
These memorial stones for a pet have Y字の枝 forked branches stuck on them with the name and a prayer.
- reference and more photos : chindera.com/chiba-inusotoba... -

- - - - -

. inu sotoba ishi 犬卒塔婆石 the grave marker of a dog .
who helped Ono no Takamura 小野篁 (802 - 852) to chase away 大猪 a huge wild boar

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
西海市 Saikai city 西彼町 Seihi town

. Nichiren Shonin 日蓮上人 Saint Nichiren .
Saint ひでん上人 / 日伝上人 / 日傳上人 Hiden Shonin and Saint Nichiren had a match about praying for rain.
To make sure he would win, Hiden Shonin gave some poisoned rice cakes to Nichiren, but Nichiren did not eat them and gave them to a dog instead. The dog ran three and a half time around 銀杏 a gingko tree and then died.
Nichiren buried the dog near the tree and made a 卒塔婆 Sotoba marker like 杖 a pilgrim walking staff from the Gingko wood. He wrote the 法華経 Hokekyo Sutra on the marker.
He said in three and a-half years there would be a new sprout from the staff.
Since the staff had been planted upside down, the leaves also grew upside down.
The leaves are used to our day to prevent food poisoning.

. Hokekyo 法華経 / ホケキョウ Lotus Sutra Legends .

......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡市 Sado city

If a 塔婆 Sotoba falls down, there will be an accident on the sea in the direction where it fell.

......................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県
久米郡 Kume district

If a person has been dead for 50 years, people erect a special mata soba 股塔婆 marker to celebrate that the person has become a Misaki deity.
They also place small stones around the grave.

. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
高島市 Takashima city

saka tooba 逆塔婆 upside-down Sotoba
(- there is also one in Mie, see above)
If a child is difficult to bring up, the family can place o Sotoba upside-down in the garden.

......................................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
田方郡 Tagata district 函南町 Kannami town

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
furudanuki 古狸 old Tanuki
A wandering monk was giving a Buddhist lecture an the 毘沙門堂 Bishamondo hall.
There was a man listening, clutching a 卒塔婆 grave marker in his hand, but he did not understand it. On his way home when he passed 富士川 the river Fujikawa, a dog came and bit him. Now he revealed his real identity, he was an old Tanuki!>

. yugyoo shoonin 遊行上人 Yugyo Shonin, wandering monk .

......................................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県
徳島市 Tokushima city 佐古町 Sako town

Shinpachi Tanuki 新八狸 Tanuki Shinpachi / 庚申新八狸 Koshin Shinpachi
At the temple 天正寺 Tensho-Ji, the kamikuji 神籤 fortune slips were often lucky.
This was due to the power of the tanuki Shinpachi, who lived nearby.
Shinpachi had lived in the Koshin Valley. Nearby lived 北島藤蔵 Kitajima Fujikura, a retainer of the 峰須賀藩 Hachisuka domain, who was handling fire weapons.
One of the bullets had hit the home of Shinpachi and many of his friends had been killed. Since then Shinpachi had turned very angry.
He asked his Tanuki retainers to shape-shift into an old woman and women of about 20 years and go to the home of Kitajima and play tricks on his men.
Shinpachi himself made the road look like a river when the Lord Kitajima passed by. Shinpachi shape-shifted into a beautiful woman and walked under the same umbrella than Kitajima, but the umbrella was in fact 卒塔婆 a grave marker.
But in the end he killed Kitajima killed the Tanuki, who came back to life after three days.
Many people came to the temple Tensho-Ji to pay respect to the Tanuki.
But very few people came to the temple where Kitajima was buried.

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
西多摩郡 Nishi-Tama district

. Mount ミタマ山 Mitamayama, Ihaiyama 位牌山 .
This mountain is a
tatariyama, tatari yama 崇り山 cursed mountain .
Once a Hoin sama 法印様 was killed in a fire in 炭焼き小屋 a hut for making charcoal. Since then the mountain was cursed, its owner was cursed and all people who went there were cursed.
On the side of the mountain facing 峰畑 Minehata village there is now a place called
Tobayama 塔婆山 "Mountain with grave markers".
If people try to work on the fields around there, they will get ill and die.

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯郡 Saihaku district 中濱村 Nakahama village

. haibyoo 肺病と伝説 Haibyo, Legends about lung diseases .
If one burns the 塔婆 grave marker of a person who has died on the first of January and swallows the ashes, haibyo 肺病 diseases of the lung will be cured.

......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
米沢市 Yonezawa city

korori no yuurei コロリの幽霊 the ghost of cholera
In 1876, there was a cholera epidemic and many people died.
Near the place where they were buried, there lived an old man in a hut who kept koi 鯉 carp near the embankment.
One day coming back from feeding the carp, there stood an old woman near his hut. He had never seen the grandma and asked her where she came from.
From 米沢 Yonezawa, she answered. He walked a few steps and turned around, but the old woman was nowhere to be seen.
He thought she must have been the ghost of someone who had died from the choera, so he put a 塔婆 grave marker to appease her soul.

......................................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
光市 Hikari city 熊毛郡島田村 Kumage district, Shimada village

In Shimada village there was the grave of a certain person where people put up shikimi 樒 ritual branches and a Sotoba 卒塔婆 grave marker, but both were thrown away the next morning.
The daughter had a dream about this: Her mother told her not the put these things on the grave because they made too much noise.
Next morning the daughter went to the grave again and said to endure the noise for the usual 49 days after a death.
Since then, all kept quiet around the grave.

. The History of Cremation in Japan / J. M. W. Silver .
The period of mourning began at cremation and lasted 49 days, after which the spirit of the deceased was said to be with ancestral spirits.

. shikimi 樒 Skimmia, Illicium religiosum .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
卒塔婆 - 塔婆


. sekitoo 石塔 / セキトウ と伝説 Legends about Sekito stone towers .

. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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