. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends
. kitsune no yome-iri, kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride" .
- Introduction -
damasareta 騙された to be deceived by a fox
tsuki 憑き... bewitched, possessed by a fox
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Inari Fox Deity .
. Inari 稲荷 "Fox Deity" Festivals .
. Inarigami 稲荷神 fox legends about silk, cocoons and the mulberry tree .
. Hikyakugitsune 飛脚狐 伝説 legends about fast fox messengers .
Akita, Kochi, Shimane, Tokyo, Tottori, Yamagata.
- - - Kyoozooboo 経蔵坊 The Fox Kyozobo / TKeizooboo 桂蔵坊 The Fox Keizobo
Hikyakugitsune, hikyaku kitsune 飛脚狐 the Fox messenger "with flying legs" - Tottori
- - - Yojiroo 與治郎狐 / 与次郎狐 The Fox Yojiro
- - - Gengoroogitsune 源五郎狐 The Fox Gengoro
- - - The White Fox Genkuro 白狐源九郎 and Minamoto Yoshitsune
- - - Kumagaya Yasuzaemon 熊谷弥惣左ヱ門 Edo
- - - Kitarogitsune きたろう狐 / キタロウギツネ Kitaro the Fox
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. Genko 玄狐 / Kurogitsune 黒狐 Kurokitsune, black fox .
and the 松前 Matsumae clan of Hokkaido
. dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull and fox .
. daimyō gyōretsu 大名行列 Daimyo procession - fox and badger legends .
. hanabi 花火 fox and firework legends .
. Hannya Shingyoo 般若心経 Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra .
This Sutra is often recited if someone is bewitched or possessed by a fox or Tanuki.
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩と狐と伝説 and kitsune Fox legends .
. Kitsune no Atai 狐の直 / 狐直 from Mino .
. kudagitsune クダ狐, クダギツネ/ Kanko 管狐 the "pipe fox" .
. kuyoo 狐供養と伝説 Kuyo - Legends about Fox memorial service .
. Mino no Kitsune 美濃の狐 / 三野狐 The Fox of Mino. .
. nakōdo 仲人 Nakodo, legends about fox matchmakers for marriage .
Umahashisaka no Mansukegitsune 馬橋坂の万助狐 Mansuke Kitsune the Fox
Umahashisaka no Manjuuroo 馬橋坂の万寿郎狐 Manjuro the Fox
. oni 鬼と狐 demons and foxes .
Osakigitsune, Osaki Kitsune 尾先狐 / をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox Yokai with a split tail
- see comments
. Osan-gitsune 於三狐 Osangitsune, a fox with three tails . - Hiroshima
. otoka オトカ(キツネ)/ オトカサマ Otoka Sama .
. sentakugitsune, sentaku kitsune 洗濯狐 the Fox doing laundry .
. shichiya 質屋 pawn shop and fox legend .
. soba 蕎麦 Legends about buckwheat and foxes .
. tenpura 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tempura and fox legends .
..... サンクロウギツネ Sankurogitsune
. Toogoro kitsune 藤五郎狐 a fox named Togoro .
. tooshi 凍死 freezing to death bewitched by a fox .
. Tsurigitsune 釣狐 ‘Fox Trapping’ - 狐釣り狂言 Kitsune tsuri .
. yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China .
probably ジャッカル jakkaru, jackal, or maybe a fox 狐.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and fox legends .
source : Tokyo Smart facebook

Sankichi きつね三吉 Kitsune Sankichi
by 佐藤さとる Sato Satoru
. Sankichigitsune 三吉狐 The fox Sankichi .
in Ibaraki 茨城県
- and
a fox along the Mito Kaido 水戸海道 Sea road to Mito
yako 野狐 nogitsune, "fox in the field"
- quote -
Yako (野狐) is a spirit possession of foxes (kitsune), as told in Kyushu. To be possessed by it is called "yako-tsuki" (野狐憑き).
The yako, literally meaning field foxes, are also called nogitsune.
The appearance of a yako is almost completely consistent among all legends, and unlike real foxes, they are black or white, are slightly larger than a mouse, and smaller than a cat. The original yako is said to be invisible to the eye. In Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture, they normally bring along a great crowd that walks with them, and thus there is the phrase "yako's thousand-fox company (ヤコの千匹連れ yako no senbiki zure)."
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Yamagata, temple 三蔵院 Sanzo-In Yako legend .
source : dostoev.exblog.jp
遠野物語拾遺200 (野狐の情) The story of a grateful fox
Tono Monogatari
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari - Legends of Tono .
Shinozakigitsune, Shinozaki-gitsune 篠崎狐 the fox from Shinozaki
A shapeshifting fox was once freaked out by a traveling business man. It transformed into dead person and freaked out the man to take revenge.

Come and Sleep: The Folklore of the Japanese Fox
Christopher Kincaid
Ideal wife and sexual vampire. Prankster and saint. Tree and train.
The Japanese fox left her paw-print on Japanese culture. She challenges traditional, negative views of women. She brings harmony and division. She possesses and protects. She is the shape of Japan's soul. Discover why the fox is Japan's most storied animal.
- at amazon com
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
.................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
. komugi 小麦 wheat and foxes .
. The Lord and takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks .
. Otoragitsune, O-Tora-Gitsune お寅狐 the Fox named Tora (Tiger) .
オトラギツネ - オトラサン "O-Tora San"
.................................................................. Akita 秋田県
Aniai machi 阿仁合村
. gingitsune, Gin gitsune 銀狐 the Silver Fox .
and 阿仁銅山 the Ani Dozan copper mine
.................................................................. Aomori 青森県
. The fox オバフトコロ Obafutokoro. .
.................................................................. Fukui 福井県
. Osaisangitsune おさいざん狐 a fox named O-Saizan .
a White Fox, Protector of Taizan Fukun 泰山府君 / 太山府君 King of Hell
.................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town
. Throwing 鰹 tuna fish to 乙姫 Princess Otohime .
郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town
. Bewitched by a fox at 山王坂 the Sannozaka slope .
.................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
. Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa fox legends .
. kitsune kooyaku 狐膏薬 fox medicine .
Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師
.................................................................. Gunma 群馬県
. 朱鶴 Azuru and the temple 茂林寺 Morin-Ji .
and - Bunbuku Chagama 文福茶釜 / 分福茶釜 Lucky Tea Kettle Story
.................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県
. Fox and Amida Raigo 阿弥陀来迎 .
飯沼郷 Iinuma at the temple 弘経寺 Gugyo-Ji
. Bewitched Grandmother combing hair .
- at 取手市 Toride city
. woman bewitched at 大光院 the Temple Daiko-In .
.................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
. A fox stealing iwashi 鰯 sardines .
. komugi 小麦 wheat and foxes .
.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
. Charcoal legends, 炭俵 sack for charcoal .
. The fox hunter 勝又弥左衛門 Katsumata Yazaemon .
along the Azuma Kaido 東街道 Highway
. Fox, 卒塔婆 Sotoba and fish with one eye .
.................................................................. Miyazaki 宮崎県
. A fox at the Kijo Kaido 木城街道 Kijō Highway .
.................................................................. Nara 奈良県
. Fox using ohaguro お歯黒 blackening its teeth .
大柳生町 Oyagyuson
村内山口神社の北隣に「柳の森」と呼ばれる小さな森があり、昔天をつくばかりに大きな柳の木があり、大柳生の地名もここから生まれた。 この柳は弘法大師が杖にしていたのをこの地に挿したのが大きくなったと伝わっていたが、京都の三十三間堂が建立される際、棟木に柳を用いることとなり、この柳も求められた。 大勢の人を集め運ぼうとしたが全く動かなかったところ、どこからともなく現れた小人が音頭をとると、するすると動き始めたという。
....................................... fox legends
akuta 悪田 fox from Akuta
... 戦前には12月10日の亥の子の日に小学校で農作物の品評会が開かれていたが、キツネがその出品物を狙って提燈行列を作ってやってくるといわれていた。
... 1956年ごろのこと。親戚の家から棟上式のご馳走を自転車に積んで帰る途中、どんどんペダルが重くなって漕げなくなったので、中学校の近くで止めて一服した。すると畑の中に灯が点った。それからは自転車は軽く漕げた。翌日、畑の持主に聞いても「そんな時間に火は焚いていない」というので、自転車も灯もキツネの悪戯だとわかった。
... 1986年ごろのこと。バイクで山を通ったら春先なのに雪が積もったところに木がたくさん倒れていた。そのまま知らぬ山奥に迷い込んでしまい、大平尾集落に出てしまった。キツネの仕業。
... 悪田のゲンスケギツネが兵隊に化けて小学校に検閲に来た。みな騙されて敬礼をした。ゲンスケギツネは軍事演習の鉄砲に驚いて井戸にはまり、小学校に展示されたという。
... 猟師が悪田のゲンスケギツネを狩ろうとしておとりを仕掛けたが、なかなかかからない。やがて女が来て「奥さんが死んだ」と言ったり、野辺送りの行列が来たりしたけれども、ゲンスケギツネの仕業だと思って気にしなかった。ゲンスケギツネの姿を見て猟銃を撃ったら、当たりはしなかったが野辺送りの行列も消えた。
... キツネは朝、山できれいな娘に化けてスーッと通っていく。
gingitsune 銀ギツネ silver fox
.................................................................. Nagano 長野県
. a fox from river 千曲川 Chikumagawa .
. Matsumoto city 松本市, bewitched by a fox .
. a fox at the Matsumoto Kaido 松本街道 Matsumoto Highway .
. shokunin 職人 The youngest child of a craftsman .
上水内郡 Kami-Minochi district 信濃町 Shinano town
. a fox takes possession of a human .
and イナリオドリ inari odori rituals
.................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
- quote -
Otohime gitsune, Otohimegitsune 乙姫狐 the fox princess Otohime
Otohime gitsune is the name of a kitsune—and a goddess—who lived in what is now the village of Kyūhirota in Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture.
Long ago, there was a goddess named Otohime. She lived in a mountain called Hatahikiyama. She was a clairvoyant, and was only known to the villagers by her disembodied voice which could be heard in the woods—nobody had ever seen her true form. Whenever the villagers would call out to her from the base of her mountain, she would answer their questions. ... more
- source : yokai.com/otohimegitsune...-
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. Grandma goes to sell soy sauce 醤油 .
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. A fox gets carrots and sato 砂糖 sugar .
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. A fox and his children get 赤飯 red auspicious rice .
..... along the 新発田街道 Shibata Kaido Highway
.................................................................. Tochigi 栃木県
. Yama no Kami 山の神 kills babies .
.................................................................. Tokyo 東京
. Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six famous Benten in Edo and foxes .
Minato ward 港区
Chuo ward
. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 and Sugiyama Daimyojin 杉山大明神 .
. Kakigaracho 蛎殻町 and kujaku 孔雀 a dead peacock .
Arakawa ward 中央区
. Oide Kitsune, Oidegitsune 御出狐 the Fox Oide and the shrine おいで稲荷 Oide Inari .
Edogawa ward 江戸川区
. The Ghost of a Dead Woman .
Machida city 町田市
. three fox legends .
Nakano ward 中野区
. kitsune-tsuki 狐つき bewitched by a fox .
and kitsune otoshi 狐落とし getting rid of the bewitching from a fox.
(2 more otoshi to explore)
Nerima ward 練馬区
. hikeshi Inari 火消稲荷 Firefighter Inari Fox .
Sumida ward 墨田区
. Fox and Inari legends .
.................................................................. Tottori 鳥取県 ....................................................................
. Legends about foxes from Tottori 狐と伝説 kitsune densetsu . *
Inaba gogitsune 因幡五狐 / / 因幡の五狐 five foxes from Inaba
Kyoozooboo 経蔵坊 The Fox Kyozobo
Keizooboo 桂蔵坊 The Fox Keizobo . . ..and more
.................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
. bewitched - 南陽市 Nanyo City .
. fox and 不動院 the temple Fudo-In .
. Fox and Duck 狐 鴨 - Tsurugaoka 鶴岡市 .
. Monogusa Taro 物ぐさ太郎 "Do-Nothing-Taro" and his kitsune nyooboo 狐女房 fox wive .
.................................................................. Yamaguchi 山口県
. tanuki to kitsune 狸,狐 the badger and the fox .
- under construction -
. tofu 豆腐伝説 Legends with fox and Tofu .
The fox has a special relationship to tofu, especially fried tofu, abura age 油揚げ.
They will be collected in a separate entry.
. abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu and Inari .
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 3216 entries (collecting)
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
- - - - - 白狐 shirogitsune - white fox - 68 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
. The White Fox from Nara .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List . - Introduction -
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -

“Prince Hanzoku terrorized by a nine-tailed fox”
Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
- quote -
The Enchanting Vixens of Japanese Folklore
- Corrupting kings and destroying dynasties, the nine-tailed femme fatale
- The succubi-type fox bringing illness versus the loving mother-type kitsune
- - - - - “Tamamo-no-Mae”
- The tale of Kuzunoha - mother of Abe no Seimei
- The mysterious kitsune continues to fascinate us today
- source : intojapanwaraku.com/en... -
. kyuubi no kitsune 九尾の狐 fox with nine tails .
and Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前, 玉藻の前, 玉藻御前 Princess Tamamo Gozen)
Sesshooseki Hot Spring 殺生石 "the Murder Stone" and Matsuo Basho
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #kitsunefoxlegends #foxlegends #kitsunetsuki #kitsuneotoshi ##kitsune -
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
- #kitsune #fox #fuchs -
Kitsune: The Divine Inari Fox and the Demon Yokai Fox
by Linda Lombardi
kitsune no michi 狐の道 "Fox Road" in Okayama
Fukushima 福島県
相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iitate
shiro-ookami 白狼,shiro-gitsune, shirogitsune 白狐 white wolf, white fox
源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo wanted to defeat a family called Sumitora 墨虎 "Black Tiger".
He brought a Mountain Deity 山神 and an Inari Deity 稲荷神 all the way from Kyoto and prayed for seven days and nights, with out food or sleep.
On the 15th day of the 10th lunar month, a white wolf and a white fox appeared and their footprints lead to a small sanctuary for Sanno 山王祠 high up in the forest.
He thought that was a hint from the Deities, started the battle and won it.
Osaki Kitsune をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox with a split tail
- known in 埼玉県 Saitama,東京都 Tokyo and 神奈川県 Kanagawa
This is a kind of Yokai monster weasel or small fox with a split tail, also written 尾先, 尾裂」「御先狐」or「尾崎狐」. Some see it as a Yokai. It used to be known in the Chichibu area and then spread all over Musashi province. Before choosing a bride or groom, on has to carefully investigate the family to make sure it does not live with the family and comes along. The bride might give birth to foxes and leaves the family soon after giving birth.
Some Kitsune-women also give birth to mice before disappearing, and the whole family becomes unhappy and unlucky.
also known as osakigitsune オサキギツネ
Tokyo 箕輪村
shirogitsune 白狐 white fox
There is an old family in Minowa. They tell a tale of a white fox who fell into the well and died on the first day of the New Year.
Since then the family had misfortunes and lost all their wealth.
Legend from Tokyo Ikebukuro and Asakusa
The foxes from 野中 Nakano were eight siblings, and always played around human beings without any harm.
Most of them took the form of a beautiful man and got married. This is the same behaviour as 池袋村の狐 the foxes from Ikebukuro village.
Osaki Kitsune をさき狐 / オサキキツネ fox with a split tail
... wikipedia :
Osaki is a type of spirit possession of a fox told about in legends of Japan. They are also called osaki-gitsune. They can also alternatively be written 尾先. Other ways of writing them include 尾裂, 御先狐, 尾崎狐, among others.
..... Families that have osaki are called "osaki-mochi" (osaki havers), "osaki-ya" (osaki propieters),
"osaki-tsukai" (osaki users), and so on.
They never show themselves and are said to bring gold and silver, rice, and other things on a whim. Osaki-mochi are said to avoid contact with society and marriage with others and only marry among each other. This is said to be because if someone from an osaki family marries into another, the other family also becomes osaki-mochi, and this has often been one cause of societal tensions in relation to marriages.
much more
Osaki from Mount Akagisan
Kiko 気狐
are powerful spirit foxes which serve the god Inari, and the third highest rank in kitsune society.
ALTERNATE NAMES: senko (wizard fox)
HABITAT: usually found near Inari shrines
Legends from Okayama
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
At many temples where Yamabushi come to practise, they perform rituals to protect people from illness or misfortune.
Often malicious foxes are responsible for this.
At the temple 神福寺 Shinpuku-Ji there is a fox revered as
. ushirogami ウシロ神 Kami in the back .
who can also help to protect people
Kitsune Miko きつねみこ / 狐巫女
and a new Kabuki production
Legend from Shiga 滋賀県
伊香郡 Ika district 余呉町 Yogo town
A dealer in brooms made from Shuro palm came crossing over the pass to reach Shiotsu in the early morning.
He saw a fox sleeping on the roadside and teased it with his broom. When he came back the same road during daytime, it became quite dark and he could only see a strange fire. He went there and found a large lodging house, where he could sleep and get some food, even a hot bath.
Another man came past and asked him "What are you doing here?"
The man came to his senses and saw he was all naked. His food was only shit from the fox.
Legends from Kyoto 京都府 Fushimi 伏見区
. Yasomura Rotsu 八十村路通 .
A disciple of the Haiku poet 芭蕉 Matsuo Basho had been to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari Shrine where he met an old priest, who was in fact a fox from the home of a friend from 彦根 Hikone.
Rotsu asked the fox about Hikone and the fox was happy to entertain him.
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A man from 二見浦 Futamiura in Ise went on business to Kyoto and rested near 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari Shrine.
Suddenly a fox jumped around and asked him to come with him. The fox seemed to jump right over the torii 鳥居 Shrine gate.
When he came back home, his wife soon realized he was furugitsune 古狐 an old fox and she did not let the animal into the house.
The fox lived near the beach and later they built a small Shrine for it, called 塩間の稲荷 Shioma no Inari.
Legend from Kyoto 亀岡 Kameoka
Once a hunter mistook the Kannon Statue from 独鈷抛山 Mount Tokkonage for a fox and hot an arrow at her. The arrow hit the eye of Kannon and she went down to the river to wash her eye for a full recovery. Since this event the water from the valley of Mount Tokkonage is said to heal ganbyoo 眼病 eye diseases.
Legend from . Iwate 岩手県
大船渡市 Ofunato city 三陸町 Sanriku town
A man was carrying surume スルメ squid in his backpack. When he came to the tunnel, the bamboo grass begun to rattle spookily, He felt like hit by a stroke of lightning in the head, or like having water poured over his head, or like being lifted up by his mouth or ears. He thought this might be a fox and said loudly*
"I will not be bewitched by you, never!"
He took some surume スルメ squid into his hand and walked on. When another person came from the other side, the spook stopped immediately.
Legend from Nagano
The messenger of Inari is a fox holding a hooju / hooshi no tama 宝珠(ホーシノタマ)ritual jewel.
Some people have found this jewel under the eaves and taken it home to venerate.
The tail of a fox looks a bit like this jewel, they say.
Legend from Ehime Ehime 愛媛県
松山市 Matsuyama city // 長狐が我等の師匠 master fox
chooko 長狐 a long (master) fox
The wife of 河野通直 Kano Michinao (1564 - 1587), Lord of 伊予国 Io no Kuni, was bewitched and became two women. Nobody knew who was the real one. While eating her ears would begin to move, so they torured her to find out. And indeed, an old fox appeared in her place. When they tried to kill it. all the foxes from the Shikoku region came along.
They said this fox was the messenger 貴狐明神 of 稲荷 Inari and the master of all foxes in Japan. If they would not kill her, the foxes would leave Shikoku and do no more harm.
Michinao believed them and let the fox go. All the other foxes also left Shikoku.
- This fox could have been the Japanese version of 貴狐天皇(ダキニ天) Dakini Ten
貴狐天王(きこてんのう) Kiko Tenno
Legend from Akita 秋田県
In the middle of the mountain forest, a fox shapeshiftes into a woman using itoguruma 糸車 a spinning wheel. If someone shoots with a gun, she will just laugh. In that case the hunter should aim at the spinning wheel, not the woman.
Legend from Yamaguchi 山口県
阿武郡 Abu district 福栄村 Fukue village // 糸車
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A hunter made a shelf for his guns, but it was a bit to small and they say a monster would live there. Every night there was a strange light and they heard the sound of itoguruma 糸車 a spinning wheel turning. If he shot at the light, the bullet would not leave the gun. His friends advised him to shoot at the spinning wheel and the spook stopped.
It might have been the trick of a fox.
Legend from Iwate 岩手県 奥州市 Oshu town // 瀬戸物屋
A setomonoya 瀬戸物屋 pottery dealer found a fox in his garden and killed it with a stick. Or so he thought !
But the fox had bewitched him and he had smashed all his pottery.
Legend from Kyoto, 東山区 Higashiyama ward
In January of the year 1731 near 建仁寺 the temple Kennin-Ji there was a shop selling bowls. The son of the owner got an order from a man from Sakai/Osaka, to make pottery bowls for the Korean ambassadors. To collect the payment his father went to Sakai, but he was told that they never placed such an order. When the father questioned his son, he was confused, could not understand a word and was obviously bewitched by a fox.
Legend from Mie, 鈴鹿市 Suzuka city
A merchant from Yokkaichi went out for business, loading his car with rice bowls, chopsticks and more. In the evening he came to a bridge where he found a baby carriage with a crying baby. This must be an abandoned child, he thought, took it in his arms and cradled it. When he came back to his senses, he realized he had been shaking his own car and all the pottery pieces inside were broken. He did not remember where he was and stayed there confused until the next morning. He had been bewitched by a fox, no doubt.
Legend from Kumamoto
Once a young Samurai killed a pregnant fox with his sword, even as the fox had folded her hands and asked to save her.
Sind then misfortune has come to the Samurai. Some members came to hayajini 早死 a premature death.
The family lost its wealth and one who had to make a living as a forest worker came to tonshi 頓死 dropped dead.
The sword came into the hands of an old man, but he went crazy, killed his consort and then cut off his own head.
Legend from Niigata, 新潟市 Niigata city 江南区 Konan ward
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
There lived a fox under the floor beams, who often looked very hungry, always came when the children from the terakoya 寺子屋 temple school were eating lunch.
One boy gave only a few bites to the fox, but it became bewitched by the fox.
The parents of the boy went to apologize to the fox and the boy came back to be normal.
Legend from Nagano 飯田市 Iida city
. Echigojishi 、越後獅子 lion dance from Echigo .
When the actors with their 越後獅子 Echigojishi climbed up a steep gorge on the way,
they saw a fox taking a nap and threw stones at it.
A while later they came to a large estate and performed their lion dance.
The daughter of the estate prepared a good meal for them and let them have a bath.
When the bath water felt cold, they had a good look.
The house and the girl had disappeared and there was only a large barley field.
The good meal they had eaten was only bafun 馬糞 horse manure.
White Fox legend from Miyagi 宮城県 大崎市 Osaki city 古川荒谷 Furukawa Araya
Tokei Inari 斗瑩稲荷 (とけいいなり じんじゃ)
In the estate of 宇津野左衛門四郎為忠 Utsuno Saemon Shiro Tametada there lived a shirogitsune 白狐 white fox.
One night there came thieves and he fought them, but got hurt and died.
But he came back to life soon.
There he found he had no wounds, but the white fox had them and the fox had died.
The white fox had become his substitute.
The family made a grave for the fox and built a small Shrine they called 左衛門四郎稲荷 Saemon Shiro Inari.
The shrine was later added to the temple 斗瑩山光明寺 Tokeizan Komyo-Ji and named 斗瑩稲荷 Tokei Inari Shrine.
Legend from iwate 東磐井郡 Higashi-Iwai district 大東村 Daito village
Around 1920, a man from 江刺 Esashi was walking over 地蔵峠 the pass Jizo Toge when a fox took away the candle light from his lantern.
The fox walked around the man seven times and took away the fire, but the man did not notice it.
Legend from Nagano 上伊那郡 Kami-Ina district
Once a grandpa was possessed by a fox. He got a stomach ace and fell to the ground.
They placed an amulet of 三峯様 Mitsumine Sama on his back.
He got up and run away. then he fell down and was normal again.
Legend from Okayama 川上郡 Kawakami district 備中町 Bitchu town
In the hamlet 布瀬 Nunose there is a small Sanctuary under a muku no ki 椋の木 Muku tree (Aphananthe aspera),
where kitsune sama キノネ様 a fox is venerated.
In local dialect it is also calld 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity,
or マツリデン Matsuri Den or イワイデン Iwai Den, place for a festival .
Legend from Nagano 北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi district 小谷村(おたりむら) Otari village
kitsune キツネ fox and mujina ムジナ / tanuki タヌキ badger
If someone is bewitched by a fox or badger, they go to 神宮寺 the Temple Jingu-Ji to pray for healing.
Others ask a shaman for a special exorcistic ritual.
In the local dialect, a kitooshi 祈とう師 Kitoshi shaman is called Hoogen sama ホーゲンサマ Hogen Sama.
Legend from Shimane, 飯石郡 Iishi district
A man named 横屋 Yokoya was able to remove the bewitching of a fox.
The pries of 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji also used to remove the bewitching of a fox.
Families with a healed person were not welcome and their children usually could not marry.
Legend from Nagano, 木曽町 Kiso town
蛻庵稲荷 Setsuan Inari
A fox shape-shifted into a samurai and called himseld 蛻庵 Setsuan.
He said he was a messenger from Suwa Shrine.
He was soon found out.
He was now taken in at 興禅寺 Temple Kozen-Ji and fed.
When he was on an errand to 安国寺 the Temple Ankoku-Ji he was shot.
Soon there was an epidemy in the area and people said it was the curse of the fox.
People then venerated the fox an the tmeple Kozen-Ji as 蛻庵稲荷 Setsuan Inari.
蛻庵稲荷 セツアンイナリ Setsuan Inari Shrine
Legend from Okayama, 井原市 Ibara city 西江原町 Nishi-Ebara town
surikesa, surigesa 摺り袈裟 / 摺袈裟
A surigesa 摺袈裟(すりげさ) is a special robe of a Buddhist priest.
The letters of a Buddhist Mandala are kept in a pockst of 袈裟 the Kesa.
The letters are printed (suri) on paper.
The Surigesa kept at 法泉寺 the Temple Hosen-Ji are originally a treasure from 修禅寺 the Temple Shuzenji in Izu.
The legend relates to 曽我兄弟 the Soga brothers.
Elder Brother 曾我五郎 Goro placed one on the grave of his junger brother 曾我十郎 Juro,
to help him get out of the hell and into the Buddhist paradise.
There is also a story about an old couple of foxes, which lived in the back mountain of the temple.
The priest gave them Surigesa amulets to help them go to the Buddhist heaven.
Now the foxes are venerated at 得脱稲荷 the Fox shrine Tokudatsu Inari in the temple compound.
kamisori gitsune
Long ago in a meadow, there was a family of notoriously mischievous foxes that would wield their magical powers for the very specific purpose of tricking people to shave their heads bald 😂.
One day, all the villagers living near the meadow agreed the balding had to be stopped, and the only man whose head hadn’t been shaved bald by the foxes, Saizō, stood up. The villagers cheered for the new hero, but also wished that Saizō meet the same fate as theirs in the corner of their minds 😂.
In the meadow, Saizō witnessed a fox turning into a woman. She then turned a straw doll into a live baby. Wondering what the fox was up to, Saizō followed her.
The woman entered a house and an old lady greeted her, and started playing with the baby.
“Old lady, don’t be fooled! These are foxes disguised as your family!” Saizō stormed in, and tied the woman and the baby to a pole.
Saizō then set a cedar leaf on fire and made them inhale a lot of smoke, thinking they would turn back into a fox and a doll. But they didn’t, and instead died.
“What have I done 😭!! Please wake up, please wake up,” cried Saizō, but it was too late.
Just then, an esteemed priest came to see what had happened, and tried to calm Saizō down. But he couldn’t forgive himself, and pleaded that he become a monk to mourn for the dead woman and baby.
“If you say so 😔” said the priest, and shaved all of Saizō’a hair.
The woman, the old woman and priest turned into foxes and said, “GOTCHA 😂😂😂!!!!”
The folk tale is called “Kamisori Gitsune.”
Legend from Nagasaki
foxes at
大音寺 the Temple Daion-Ji and 大音寺 the Temple Daiko-Ji
Legend from Saitama, Chichibu
Once upon a time,
the priest from the Temple 長慶寺 Chokei-Ji came home from a funeral,
where he had received some botamochi 牡丹餅 ボタモチ sweets.
On the way home a fox passed by.
At home, when he wanted to eat the sweets, they had transformed into horse manure.
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