
- - - KKKK - - -

. - - - Legends - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

kabuto 兜 helmet
. Masakado no kabuto 将門の兜 the helmet of Masakado .
18 to explore

. kadomatsu 門松と伝説 Legends about pine decorations .
51 to collect

. kaeru 蛙 / かえる frog, toad .
124 to collect
- - . wakudo iwa わくど岩 the Frog Rock .
Wakudo わくど is the local Fukuoka dialect for frog or toad.

. kagami 鏡 mirrors and legends .
- Matsuyama kagami 松山鏡 The Mirror from Matsuyama

. Kagamigaike, Kagami-ga-Ike 鏡ヶ池 Legends about a Mirror Pond .

. kagebooshi 影法師 Kageboshi, long shadow of a person .
8 to collect

. kago 篭 / 駕籠 / かご palanquin, sedan chair .
17 駕籠 to explore
59 篭 collecting
294 籠 collecting

. kagura 神楽 Kagura dance .
69 to explore (01)

kai / ..gai 貝 all kinds of shells - Muscheln
180 to explore
. takasegai 高瀬貝 trocas shells, Trochus .
to explore

. kaichoo 開帳 Kaicho, public viewing of a Buddha statue .
18 legends

. kaidoo 街道 Kaido highway roads - legends .
- Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Gokaidō - five highways starting from Edo
87 to collect

kaika, kechibi 怪火 / hi no tama 火の玉 Kaika, atmospheric ghost lights
- see hinotama fireball legends
65 to explore

. kaiko 蚕 silk worms - kuwa 桑 mulberry tree .
- kuwa - 184 legends to explore -
kaiko 蚕 102 legends to explore

. kajiya 鍛冶屋 kajishi 鍛冶師 blacksmith .
37 to explore

. kakashi 案山子 scarecrow .
- to explore / and deity Kuebiko (久延毘古)

. kakejiku 掛け軸 hanging scroll .
15 to explore

. kaki 火気 と伝説 Legends about fire .

. kaki 柿 persimmon - Diospyros kaki - Sharon Fruit legends .
141 to explore

. kama, kamado 竈 kitchen hearth .
54 to collect

. kame 亀と伝説 Legends about turtles, tortoise - Schildkröte .
and reiki 霊亀 a mysterious turtle, spirit turtle, divine turtle
458 to collect
- - - - - . minogame 蓑亀 minokame, "turtle with a raincoat"- legends .

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
110 to explore

. kamikakushi, kami-kakushi 神かくし / カミカクシ / 神隠し "spirited away".
113 to explore

. kamikaze 神風 divine wind .
08 to explore

. kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Thunderbolts .

. kamo 鴨と伝説 legends about ducks .
50 to explore

. kamon 家紋 family crest, shinmon 神紋 Shrine crest .

. Kamuro 禿 / カムロ child attendant of a courtesan .
20 translate and explore - and hage 禿げ bald

. kane 鐘と伝説 Legends about the temple bell .
more than 200 to explore / hanging temple bell, tsurigane 釣鐘 / bronze bell, dootaku 銅鐸 / small bell, suzu 鈴

. kani かに / 蟹 と伝説 Legends about crabs .
124 to explore / 鬼蟹,鬼面蟹,平家蟹 / 大蟹 /

. kanju manju 干珠満珠 the tide jewels .

. Kanmu Tennō 桓武天皇 Emperor Kanmu Tenno Legends .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Legends .  
many to explore / 19 十一面観音

. kannushi 神主 Shinto priest .
108 to collect

. Kano Hoogen 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen / Kano Eitoku 狩野 永徳 . *

. kanoke 棺桶 coffin, casket .
42 legends to explore

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 Legends about the Water Goblin .

. karasu 鴉 / 烏と伝説 legends about crow, raven . *
200 to explore

. Karukaya 苅萱 an illustrated book .

. kashi no ki カシの木 / 樫 oak tree .
42 樫 to explore
4 カシの木

. Kasuga Daimyôjin 春日大明神 Kasuga Daimyojin .

. Kasuri 絣 Ikat pattern and legends .

. kataba no ashi, kataha no ashi 片葉の葦 One-sided Reed .
12 to explore

. katsuo 鰹 bonito . / maguro 鮪 (まぐろ) tuna fish
20 to collect

. katsura 桂と伝説 Legends about the Katsura tree .

. kawauso, uso 川獺 / カワウソ / 獺 river otter .
135 カワウソ to explore / 08 川獺 / 26 獺

. kawayagami, benjogami 厠の神 God of the Toilet .
10 to explore

. kaya 榧 torreya tree .
10 to explore

. kaya 蚊帳 mosquito net .
32 to explore

. kayu 粥 rice gruel .
109 to collect

. kazan 火山 volcano, volcanic eruption .
funka 噴火 10 to explore
kazan 火山 2 to explore
焼火山権現 2 to explore
火山弾 1 to explore

. kaze 風邪と伝説 Legends about catching a cold .
56 風邪 collecting

kechiyama ケチヤマ / ケチ山 / ケ山 mountain off-limmits /// ケチ地 area off-limits.
. Shizuoka 両河内村 Ryogochi village legend .
11 to exopore

. Keiko Tenno 景行天皇 .
12 to collect

. kekkon 結婚 konrei 婚礼 marriage in Edo . *
more than 100 to explore

. kenmun ケンムン / けんもん kenmon hinotoragami ヒノトラガミ Yokai from Kagoshima .
to translate

. kesa 袈裟 priest robes .
36 collecting

. kiji 雉と伝説 legends about pheasant - Fasan .
36 to explore

. kijishi 木地師 / kijiya 木地屋 wood workers, wood dealers .
40 to explore

. kikin 飢饉 famine - Hungersnot .
29 to explore

. kiku 菊と伝説 Legends about chrysanthemum .
278 to collect

. kimon 鬼門の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Gate Legends .

kingyo 金魚 goldfish
3 to explore

. kinkei 金鶏と伝説 Legends about the golden rooster .
to translate

. kiseru 煙管 / キセル long pipe .
14 to explore

. Kishibojin, Kishimojin 鬼子母神と伝説 Legends about the deity Kishibojin .

. kitamakura 北枕 pillow for a dead person .
21 to explore
- Living people should never sleep with their pillow facing north. This is the position for placing a dead body in the home, before the funeral.

. kitooshi, kitōshi 祈祷師と伝説 Kitoshi, Legends about Shamans .
136 to explore

. kitsune 狐 the fox in Japanese culture and tales .
- - - - - and Inari 稲荷 the Fox Deity
- collecting

. kitsunebi 狐火と伝説 Legends about the "fox fire" .

. kobiki 木挽 / 木挽き timber cutters .
31 to explore

. kofun 古墳 burial mound, tumulus . *

. koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen .
85 to explore

. kojiki 乞食 beggar - and Haiku .
92 to collect

. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls in the tales .

. Kokuuzoo, Kokūzō 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu Akashagarbha Legends .
27 to explore

. Komagata 駒形 Legends from places named Komagata .

. komainu, koma-inu 狛犬 / 高麗犬 / 胡麻犬 "Korean Dog" legends .

komedawara 米俵 rice bale
16 to explore

. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monks .
and Shakuhachi flute 尺八

. Konjin, Konjin Sama  金神, 金神様 deity of metal .
konjin sama 金神様 7 / 金神 27

. konoshiro コノシロ / このしろ Konosirus punctatus - fish legends .

. Koobo Daishi Kuukai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .

. Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district in Edo .

. Koojinsama, Koojin sama, Aragami sama 荒神様 Kôjin, Kojin legends .
192 to collect

. koomori 蝙蝠 legends about Bats .

. Kōmyō shingon 光明真言 Komyo Shingon - Mantra of Light - Legends .
- and temples named Komyo-Ji 光明寺

. Koorai, Kŏrai, Goryeo 高麗 Korai - Legends related to Korea .
9 to explore *

. kooshin 庚申伝説 Legends about the Koshin Cult .
. . . . . Shōmen Kongō 青面金剛 Shomen Kongo
175 to collect

. koozui 洪水 flood, flooding .
111 to collect
demizu 出水 17 to explore

. kori 狐狸と伝説 Legends about fox and Tanuki badger .
100 to explore

korori コロリ cholera / (コレラ)
10 to explore

. koshimaki 腰巻 underwear for ladies .
35 to explore /// and fundoshi 褌 loincloth 19 to explore

. kosodate yurei 子育て幽霊 a ghost rearing a child .
15 子育て幽霊 to explore

. kozoo 小僧と伝説 Kozo, Legends about temple acolytes and youngsters .
- namikozoo 波小僧 Namikozo Kappa / Tōfu kozō 豆腐小僧 Tofu Kozo, The Tofu Boy
307 to collect

kuchibue 口笛 whistling
44 legends to explore / one from Toyama

. kudan 件 と伝説 Legends about the Kudan Yokai .
98 to collect

. kugi 釘 nail, Nagel - and curses のろい . . . . *
100 to explore

. kujaku 孔雀 peacock .
4 to explore

. kujira 鯨 whale, Walfisch Legends .
71 legends to explore

. kuko 枸杞 wolfsberry, Lycium rhombifolium .
12 to explore

. kuma くま / 熊 と伝説 Legends about bears .
熊 973 items to explore
クマ 165

. Kumano 熊野 - Legends about Kumano .
190 to collect

. kumo 蜘蛛と伝説 Legends about spiders / Spinnen .
more than 100 to explore / tsuchigumo 土蜘蛛 earth spider, ground spider - Yokai

. Kurama 鞍馬と伝説 Legends about Mount Kurama, Kyoto .
35 鞍馬 to explore

. kuri 栗 sweet chestnut .
24 栗の木 chestnut tree (02)

. kushi 櫛 comb, Kamm .
48 to explore

. kusuri-uri 薬売り selling all kinds of medicine .
8 to collect

. kuwa 鍬 hoe, plough . *
76 to explore

kuyoo 供養 memorial service
36 to collect

. kyozuka 経塚と伝説 Legends about a sutra mound .
16 collecting
kyuu 灸 moxibustion
32 to explore
. Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人 and moxibustion .

. kyuuri キュウリ / 胡瓜 Kyuri, cucumber, Gurken .
46 to collect


- #kitsune -

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