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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Kurama 鞍馬と伝説 Legends about Mount Kurama
. Kurama Yama 鞍馬山 Mount Kurama in Kyoto .
- Introduction -
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
西磐井郡 Nishi-Iwai district 平泉町 Hiraizumi town // 鞍馬東光坊
. Oni Santa Sennin 鬼三太仙人, 清悦 Seietsu .
Oni Santa, a name given to him by Kurama Tookooboo 鞍馬東光坊 Priest Toko-Bo from Mount Kurama, Kyoto.
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
. Kurama soojoo 鞍馬僧正 a priest from Kurama .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
35 鞍馬 to explore
山城鞍馬の伝説 by 佐々木肅虎
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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Showing posts with label - - - Tengu - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - Tengu - - -. Show all posts
Ise Shrine legends
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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū / Ise Grand Shrine in Mie .
and related kigo season words.
. Ise Mairi, O-Ise-Mairi 伊勢参り Ise Shrine Pilgrimage .
Ise kagura dance 伊勢神楽 is found in Kyoto and in the North and involves a ceromony known as yutate in which warm or boiling water is sprinkled about.
. Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 Highway to Ise .
. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima .
. kamigaki 神垣 fence of a shrine .
. shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道 .
pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places
List of the 150 shrines and temples in the Kinki region, starting with Ise Shrine
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
Hinoki wood chopsticks from Ise Shrine
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. The flames of the fire at 伊勢の神島 Kami Island .
......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
. Ari no Ise Mairi 蟻の伊勢参り Ise pilgrims like ants .
......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibigawa district
. A fir tree called お伊勢さん O-Ise San - and Tengu .
......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town
. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
小豆郡 Shozu district 内海町 Utsumicho town
. daidai kagura ダイダイ神楽 Dai Dai Kagura .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
. 伊勢神母大明神(アマテル神) and Yama no Kami .
oigesama お神母様 O-Ige Sama
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
. 京都二条川東寺町本正寺 and Jizo . - tr.
......................................................................................... Mie 三重県 - Home of the Grand Ise Shrine
. eki-ki 疫鬼 demon bringing dieseases .
. Ise no Futami 伊勢の二見 / Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社 .
. Ise no Kyogamine 伊勢の経ケ峯 Mountain .
14 to explore
. Kawarabuchi Jinja 河原淵神社 Shrine Kawarabuchi .
.Kita-Ise Daijingu - 北伊勢大神宮 .
and Tado Jinja 多度神社 in Kuwana
. mitarashi 御手洗 purification of hands .
. Ujiyamada - Ise city 伊勢市, formerly called Ujiyamada 宇治山田 .
Mie 松坂市 Matsuzaka city
. Ise no Oishi 伊勢の大石 .
and the oogon no niwatori 黄金の霊鶏 the golden rooster
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise and majin 魔神 the devil .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
06 伊勢参宮
17 伊勢参り
09 伊勢国
06 伊勢物語
123 伊勢民俗 collection 123
14 伊勢崎市 Isesaki city in Gunma is not included.
- - - next is Sakaki
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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- #ise #isejingu #isemairi #isetaisha #oisesama -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū / Ise Grand Shrine in Mie .
and related kigo season words.
. Ise Mairi, O-Ise-Mairi 伊勢参り Ise Shrine Pilgrimage .
Ise kagura dance 伊勢神楽 is found in Kyoto and in the North and involves a ceromony known as yutate in which warm or boiling water is sprinkled about.
. Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 Highway to Ise .
. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima .
. kamigaki 神垣 fence of a shrine .
. shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道 .
pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places
List of the 150 shrines and temples in the Kinki region, starting with Ise Shrine
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
Hinoki wood chopsticks from Ise Shrine
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. The flames of the fire at 伊勢の神島 Kami Island .
......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
. Ari no Ise Mairi 蟻の伊勢参り Ise pilgrims like ants .
......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibigawa district
. A fir tree called お伊勢さん O-Ise San - and Tengu .
......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town
. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
小豆郡 Shozu district 内海町 Utsumicho town
. daidai kagura ダイダイ神楽 Dai Dai Kagura .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
. 伊勢神母大明神(アマテル神) and Yama no Kami .
oigesama お神母様 O-Ige Sama
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
. 京都二条川東寺町本正寺 and Jizo . - tr.
......................................................................................... Mie 三重県 - Home of the Grand Ise Shrine
. eki-ki 疫鬼 demon bringing dieseases .
. Ise no Futami 伊勢の二見 / Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社 .
. Ise no Kyogamine 伊勢の経ケ峯 Mountain .
14 to explore
. Kawarabuchi Jinja 河原淵神社 Shrine Kawarabuchi .
.Kita-Ise Daijingu - 北伊勢大神宮 .
and Tado Jinja 多度神社 in Kuwana
. mitarashi 御手洗 purification of hands .
. Ujiyamada - Ise city 伊勢市, formerly called Ujiyamada 宇治山田 .
Mie 松坂市 Matsuzaka city
. Ise no Oishi 伊勢の大石 .
and the oogon no niwatori 黄金の霊鶏 the golden rooster
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise and majin 魔神 the devil .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
06 伊勢参宮
17 伊勢参り
09 伊勢国
06 伊勢物語
123 伊勢民俗 collection 123
14 伊勢崎市 Isesaki city in Gunma is not included.
- - - next is Sakaki
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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horagai conch legends
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. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
horagai 法螺貝 と伝説 Legends about conch shells, Muschelhorn
- quote -
Horagai (法螺貝) (or jinkai (陣貝)
are large conch shells, usually from Charonia tritonis,
that have been used as trumpets in Japan for many centuries. The instrument, which has served a number of purposes throughout Japanese history, has been given a number of Japanese names depending on its function. Special schools still teach students to play the traditional music associated with the conch. The conch shell, blown as a trumpet, served a number of purposes in Japanese history. It is called jinkai (陣貝), horagai (法螺貝), or a number of other names in Japanese depending on its function.
The conch is perhaps most associated with its use by Buddhist monks for religious purposes. Its use goes back at least 1,000 years, and it is still used today for some rituals, such as the omizutori (water drawing) portion of the Shuni-e rites at the Tōdai-ji in Nara.Each Shugendo schools have his own conch schell melodies which can be recognised by every Yamabushi...
Unlike most shell trumpets from other parts of the world which produce only one pitch, the Japanese hora or horagai can produce three or five different notes. The process of transforming a shell into an instrument is kept somewhat secret, but it involves the attachment of a bronze or wooden mouthpiece to the apex of the shell's spire. At freezing temperatures (often encountered in the mountainous regions of Japan) the player's lips freeze to the metal surface, so some players prefer wooden or bamboo mouthpieces. The symbolism of the conch schell form inside the Buddhist Dharma is the sanscrit letter BAN which is Cosmic Buddha: Dainichi Nyorai.
The hora is especially associated with the yamabushi, ascetic warrior monks of the Shugendo sect. The yamabushi used the trumpet to signal their presence (or movements) to one another across mountaintops and to accompany the chanting of sutras.
In war, the shell, called jinkai, or 'war shell', was used as a signaling trumpet.
A large conch would be used and fitted with a bronze (or wooden) mouthpiece. It would be held in an openwork basket and blown with a different combination of "notes" to signal troops to attack, withdraw, or change strategies, in the same way a bugle or flugelhorn was used in the west. The trumpeter was called a kai yaku (貝役). The jinkai served a similar function to drums and bells in signaling troop formations, setting a rhythm for marching, providing something of a heroic accompaniment to encourage the troops and confusing the enemy by inferring that the troop numbers were large enough to require such trumpeters. Many daimyo (feudal lords) enlisted yamabushi to serve as kai yaku, due to their experience with the instrument.
- source : wikipedia -
. yamabushi 山伏 "ascetic mountain priest" .
- Introduction -
. horagaisoo 法螺貝草 "conch trumpet plant" .
horagai mochi 法螺貝餅 Horagai sweets
gyooja mochi 行者餅 Mochi for Yamabushi mountain priests
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town
Takanebayashi no horagaishi 高根林のほらが石
conch-shell stone of Takanebayashi forest
North of the forest of 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja there is a stone looking like a horagai 法螺貝 consh-shell.
If there are strange things to happen in the village, the stone makes a warning sound of a conch-shell.
Nearby is also a statue of 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu, and some call the stone
Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo.
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
智頭 Chizu town
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a child was bewitched by a fox. A Buddhist priest performed rituals and blew his horagai ホラ貝 conch shell during the whole night. Next morning the child was dead.
......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district
. nogitsune / Yako 野狐 fox Yokai monster .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
31 法螺貝 to collect
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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- #horagai #conchshell #shell #yamabushi #trumpetshell -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
horagai 法螺貝 と伝説 Legends about conch shells, Muschelhorn
- quote -
Horagai (法螺貝) (or jinkai (陣貝)
are large conch shells, usually from Charonia tritonis,
that have been used as trumpets in Japan for many centuries. The instrument, which has served a number of purposes throughout Japanese history, has been given a number of Japanese names depending on its function. Special schools still teach students to play the traditional music associated with the conch. The conch shell, blown as a trumpet, served a number of purposes in Japanese history. It is called jinkai (陣貝), horagai (法螺貝), or a number of other names in Japanese depending on its function.
The conch is perhaps most associated with its use by Buddhist monks for religious purposes. Its use goes back at least 1,000 years, and it is still used today for some rituals, such as the omizutori (water drawing) portion of the Shuni-e rites at the Tōdai-ji in Nara.Each Shugendo schools have his own conch schell melodies which can be recognised by every Yamabushi...
Unlike most shell trumpets from other parts of the world which produce only one pitch, the Japanese hora or horagai can produce three or five different notes. The process of transforming a shell into an instrument is kept somewhat secret, but it involves the attachment of a bronze or wooden mouthpiece to the apex of the shell's spire. At freezing temperatures (often encountered in the mountainous regions of Japan) the player's lips freeze to the metal surface, so some players prefer wooden or bamboo mouthpieces. The symbolism of the conch schell form inside the Buddhist Dharma is the sanscrit letter BAN which is Cosmic Buddha: Dainichi Nyorai.
The hora is especially associated with the yamabushi, ascetic warrior monks of the Shugendo sect. The yamabushi used the trumpet to signal their presence (or movements) to one another across mountaintops and to accompany the chanting of sutras.
In war, the shell, called jinkai, or 'war shell', was used as a signaling trumpet.
A large conch would be used and fitted with a bronze (or wooden) mouthpiece. It would be held in an openwork basket and blown with a different combination of "notes" to signal troops to attack, withdraw, or change strategies, in the same way a bugle or flugelhorn was used in the west. The trumpeter was called a kai yaku (貝役). The jinkai served a similar function to drums and bells in signaling troop formations, setting a rhythm for marching, providing something of a heroic accompaniment to encourage the troops and confusing the enemy by inferring that the troop numbers were large enough to require such trumpeters. Many daimyo (feudal lords) enlisted yamabushi to serve as kai yaku, due to their experience with the instrument.
- source : wikipedia -
. yamabushi 山伏 "ascetic mountain priest" .
- Introduction -
. horagaisoo 法螺貝草 "conch trumpet plant" .
horagai mochi 法螺貝餅 Horagai sweets
gyooja mochi 行者餅 Mochi for Yamabushi mountain priests
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town
Takanebayashi no horagaishi 高根林のほらが石
conch-shell stone of Takanebayashi forest
North of the forest of 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja there is a stone looking like a horagai 法螺貝 consh-shell.
If there are strange things to happen in the village, the stone makes a warning sound of a conch-shell.
Nearby is also a statue of 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu, and some call the stone
Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo.
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
智頭 Chizu town
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a child was bewitched by a fox. A Buddhist priest performed rituals and blew his horagai ホラ貝 conch shell during the whole night. Next morning the child was dead.
......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district
. nogitsune / Yako 野狐 fox Yokai monster .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
31 法螺貝 to collect
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
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- #horagai #conchshell #shell #yamabushi #trumpetshell -
sugi cedar tree legends
- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
sugi no ki 杉の木と伝説 Legends about the cedar tree
. sugi no ki 杉の木 cedar tree, Cryptomeria japonica .
- Introduction and Haiku -
Yakusugi 屋久杉 Cedar from Yakushima
source : yakusugido.com...
. Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説
Legends about Tengu Goblins and Cedar trees .
. Oosugi Jinja 大杉神社 Osugi Shrine, Ibaraki .
- Osugi Daimyojin 大杉大明神
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
福島市 Fukushima city 杉妻町 Sugitsuma town
. The cedar tree at Temple 西光寺 Saiko-Ji .
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town // 鎮守の杉
. chinju no sugi 鎮守の杉 cedar tree of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity .
......................................................................................... 群馬県 Gunma
前橋市 Maebashi city 亀里町 Kamesato town
. otooka no yome-iri オトウカの嫁取り Otoka the fox gets a bride .
......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
軽米町 Karumai town
. sugi no tatari 杉の祟り curse of the Japanese cedar tree .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
長岡郡 Nagaoka district 西豊永村 Nishi-Toyonaga
. tsue 杖 walking staff of Gyoki Bosatsu .
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
noroi no sugi 呪いの杉 pine to curse a person
. Shrine Jishu Jinja 地主神社 .
in the back of Kiyomizu Temple
. wara ningyoo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses .
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. the cedar tree in the compound of 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine .
Mida no sugi 弥陀の杉 Cedar of Amida
- also called
Darumasugi 達磨杉 / だるま杉
平沢弥陀の杉 Hirasawa no Mida no Sugi
In 蔵王町 Zao there was an 阿弥陀堂 Amida Hall, now abolished, and on the bottom of its hill there was a huge tree. People come here to pray for becoming pregnant and having an easy birth.
- reference -
気仙沼市 Kesennuma
羽田神社 Hada Jinja
In front of the shrine there are two huge cedar trees facing each other.
They are 太郎坊の杉 Tarobo-no-sugi and Jirobo-no-sugi 次郎坊の杉.
Tarobo-sugi has a diameter of almost 7 meters.
......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
新津市 Niitsu city
. kaminari sugi 雷杉 thunder cedar .
There are various cedar trees with this name in Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
水口町 Minakuchi
. 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja and Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 The Dragon Forest. .
......................................................................................... Tokyo
荒川区 Arakawa ward
. arasoi sugi 争い杉 dispute about a cedar tree .
神津島 Kozushima island
. Yamanokami and 大天狗・小天狗 Big and Small Tengu .
......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district 金山町 Kaneyama
. Fudo Sama no Sugi no Ki 不動様の杉の木 cedar tree of Fudo Myo-o .
Shōnai 庄内 Shonai
ryuu no hone 龍の骨 bones of a dragon
In Shonai town, in the Meiji period there was a 巨杉 huge cedar tree between the waterfall and the 不動堂 Fudo Hall, but during a strike of lightning it burned down. In its ashes there where almost two buckets full of white bones. The local gossip says these were the bones of a dragon who had lived below the tree.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
54 大杉 to collect
77 杉の木 to collect
564 杉 to collect
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #sugi #suginoki #cedar #chinjunosugi #zeder -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
sugi no ki 杉の木と伝説 Legends about the cedar tree
. sugi no ki 杉の木 cedar tree, Cryptomeria japonica .
- Introduction and Haiku -
Yakusugi 屋久杉 Cedar from Yakushima
source : yakusugido.com...
. Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説
Legends about Tengu Goblins and Cedar trees .
. Oosugi Jinja 大杉神社 Osugi Shrine, Ibaraki .
- Osugi Daimyojin 大杉大明神
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
福島市 Fukushima city 杉妻町 Sugitsuma town
. The cedar tree at Temple 西光寺 Saiko-Ji .
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town // 鎮守の杉
. chinju no sugi 鎮守の杉 cedar tree of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity .
......................................................................................... 群馬県 Gunma
前橋市 Maebashi city 亀里町 Kamesato town
. otooka no yome-iri オトウカの嫁取り Otoka the fox gets a bride .
......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
軽米町 Karumai town
. sugi no tatari 杉の祟り curse of the Japanese cedar tree .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
長岡郡 Nagaoka district 西豊永村 Nishi-Toyonaga
. tsue 杖 walking staff of Gyoki Bosatsu .
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
noroi no sugi 呪いの杉 pine to curse a person
. Shrine Jishu Jinja 地主神社 .
in the back of Kiyomizu Temple
. wara ningyoo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses .
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. the cedar tree in the compound of 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine .
Mida no sugi 弥陀の杉 Cedar of Amida
- also called
Darumasugi 達磨杉 / だるま杉
平沢弥陀の杉 Hirasawa no Mida no Sugi
In 蔵王町 Zao there was an 阿弥陀堂 Amida Hall, now abolished, and on the bottom of its hill there was a huge tree. People come here to pray for becoming pregnant and having an easy birth.
- reference -
気仙沼市 Kesennuma
羽田神社 Hada Jinja
In front of the shrine there are two huge cedar trees facing each other.
They are 太郎坊の杉 Tarobo-no-sugi and Jirobo-no-sugi 次郎坊の杉.
Tarobo-sugi has a diameter of almost 7 meters.
......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
新津市 Niitsu city
. kaminari sugi 雷杉 thunder cedar .
There are various cedar trees with this name in Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
水口町 Minakuchi
. 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja and Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 The Dragon Forest. .
......................................................................................... Tokyo
荒川区 Arakawa ward
. arasoi sugi 争い杉 dispute about a cedar tree .
神津島 Kozushima island
. Yamanokami and 大天狗・小天狗 Big and Small Tengu .
......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県
最上郡 Mogami district 金山町 Kaneyama
. Fudo Sama no Sugi no Ki 不動様の杉の木 cedar tree of Fudo Myo-o .
Shōnai 庄内 Shonai
ryuu no hone 龍の骨 bones of a dragon
In Shonai town, in the Meiji period there was a 巨杉 huge cedar tree between the waterfall and the 不動堂 Fudo Hall, but during a strike of lightning it burned down. In its ashes there where almost two buckets full of white bones. The local gossip says these were the bones of a dragon who had lived below the tree.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
54 大杉 to collect
77 杉の木 to collect
564 杉 to collect
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
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inoshishi and Tengu legends
- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
inoshishi and Tengu 猪 - 天狗 と伝説 Legends about wild boar and Tengu
. Tengu 烏天狗騎猪 Karasu Tengu riding on a wild boar .
Tengu on boar 猪に乗った天狗
a drawing by 古閑 Kokan, 1771
- source : db.nichibun.ac.jp/ja... -
Crow Tengu Riding Boar (Karasu Tengu 烏天狗騎猪)
Late Edo Period Painting by Kaihō Yūtoku, Sairin-ji Temple 西林寺, Kyoto.
In paintings and woodblock prints, the boar often appears as the steed of the tengu or of their king, Sōjōbō 僧正坊. Sōjōbō is closely linked to famed warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (1159-1189), one of Japan's most revered samurai. In a well-known legend, Yoshitsune lived among the tengu in his youth and received training in the arts of war from Sōjōbō himself.
The Buddhist martial deity Marishiten is also often shown riding atop a boar.
Another possible interpretation of the above image relates to the following Zen story:
“One day a hunter was in the mountains when he happened to see a snake killing a bird. Suddenly a boar appeared and began to devour the snake. The hunter thought he should kill the boar, but changed his mind because he did not want to be a link in such a chain, and cause his own death by the next predator to come along. On his way home he heard a voice call to him from the top of a tree. It was the voice of a tengu. It told him how lucky he was, for had he killed the boar, the tengu would have killed him.
The man subsequently moved into a cave and never killed another animal.”
- source : Mark Schumacher -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the inoshishi 猪 / 猪 wild boar .
Yamanokami is sometimes seen as a Tengu.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
Inawashiroko 猪苗代湖 Lake Inawashiro
There are some Tengu living close by.
- quote -
Origin of the name “Inawashiro”
An old legend tells the story of the deity Iwahashi Myojin cultivating rice with the help of a wild boar.
The combination of the characters for “boar” (猪 i) and “bed for rice seedlings” (苗代 nawashiro),
hence “Inawashiro” (猪苗代).
An alternative theory finds the word to have its origin in the language of the Ainu people, but in any case it points to a deep connection with the cultivation of rice.
Present day Inawashiro owes its form to a large-scale eruption of the Mt. Bandai and Mt. Nekoma volcanoes that occurred between 40,000 and 50,000 years ago. There are also indications that the area around Lake Inawashiro was already inhabited by indigenous peoples 12,000 years ago. Especially in the southeast base area of the mountain facing the lake, ruins from the Jomon and Paleolithic/Pre-Jomon periods are still visible. The ruins that have been found in the bottom of the lake in the Nagahama, Kanisawahama and Sanjogata areas have been dated back to the Jomon and Kofun periods.
- source : bandaisan.or.jp... -
Shrine Iwahashi Jinja 磐椅神社
いははしのかみのやしろ Ihahashi no kami no yashiro
- Deities in residence
大山衹神(おおやまずみのかみ) Oyamazumi no Kami
埴山姫命(はにやまひめのみこと)Haniyama Hime no Mikoto
- - - - - in the 相殿 Aidono hall
木花佐久夜毘賣命(このはなさくやびめのみこと) Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto
磐長姫命(いわながひめのみこと)Iwanaga Hime no mikoto
品陀和氣命(ほんだわけのみこと)Hondawake no Mikoto
息長足姫命(おきながたらしひめのみこと)Okinagatarashi Hime no Mikoto
The Shrine is famous for the 大鹿桜 Oshika-Zakura elk cherry tree, one of the five famous cherry trees in Aizu.
A kind of サトザクラ Satozakura.
Nishimine, Inawashiro, Yama District, Fukushima
- reference source : iwahashijinja.official... -
- quote -
Lake Inawashiro (猪苗代湖 Inawashiro-ko) is the fourth-largest lake in Japan, located in central Fukushima Prefecture, south of Mount Bandai. It is also known as the 'Heavenly Mirror Lake' (天鏡湖 Tenkyōko). The lake is located within the borders of Bandai-Asahi National Park. It is a surface area of 104 square kilometres (40 sq mi), circumference of 63 kilometres (39 mi), depth of 94 metres (308 ft) and is located at an altitude of 514 metres (1,686 ft).
In winter swans migrate to the beaches of the lake and stay there until spring.
Lake Inawashiro
was formed some 30-40,000 years ago when a tectonic depression was dammed by a major eruption and pyroclastic flow from Mount Bandai. The water is acidic with a pH value of approximately 5.0, and has a high degree of transparency. The water level was considerably less during the Jōmon period as numerous artifacts and ceramic fragments have been found offshore.
The lake water
is an important source for irrigation in the Aizu region of western Fukushima Prefecture. An irrigation canal was completed during the Edo period and another, the Asaka Canal, in 1882. A third canal completed in 1915 supplies the city of Kōriyama with drinking and industrial water. The water also supplies a number of hydroelectric power plants. The lake is also an important tourist and leisure attraction in Fukushima Prefecture.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
- Karasu Tengu from 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja shrine, Kyoto
. . Atago Gongen and Atago Shrines 愛宕 / 阿多古. .
愛宕山奥の院 Atagoyama Oku no In
Tarobo from Atago was in fact a person called Shishido Saburoemon 宍戸三郎右衛門, who was a strong believer in the Atago deity. He is also responsible for making the 猪 wild boar a messenger of the deity.
............................................................................... Mie 三重県
猪田村 Idamura, Ida village, "field of the Wild Boar"
Shrine Ida Jinja 猪田神社 in 伊賀 Iga
三重県伊賀市猪田 5139 / Ida, Iga city, Mie
. Kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .
The Shrine Ida Jinja (also known as 猪田村住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja in Idamura), has been built by a Kotengu.
Until WWII, there were also ema votive tablets of the Kotengu.
In former times, the Kotengu from nearby mountains would also come for the festival, make merry and perform a lion dance.
In Iga there was also a Kotengu called 小天狗清蔵 Seizo. He helped to protect the local shrines and temples from the fury of the army of Oda Nobunaga.
He also lived in the temple Shoin-Ji.
1658 Yamade, Iga, Mie
At the temple 勝因寺 Shoin-Ji an old Kotengu used to live in hjding. He is said to have made 勝因寺梵鐘 the large temple bell, which is one of the oldest in Mie prefecture.
- reference : bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp/rekishi/kenshi... -
............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shigamura village
Wolves, monkeys and wild boars are the messengers of Yamanokami.
Yamanokami is quite wild and the Tengu maybe an incarnation.
............................................................................... Shimane 島根県
高尻 Takashiri
Tengu no Kami 天狗の神 Tengu Deity
Far away in Takashiri lived a farmer named 幾蔵 Ikuzo.
One night, the Tengu Deity appeared to him, placed a golden halberd and a golden Gohei wand in the ground and told him, if he made offerings of お神酒 ritual rice wine and お灯明 light, there would be no more damage of wild boars in his fields.
Ikuzo did as he was told and had no more damage. Other people came to him and he could cure them of their illness. He soon became a rich man.
Envious villagers tried to take away the halberd and Gohei from Ikuzo, but they had no good luck with it.
. gohei 御幣 ritual wand .
............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
庵原郡 Ihara district 両河内村 Ryogochimura village
Kechiyama ケチ山
If someone shoots a wild boar in the area of けち山のうる山(うるちこ山? urokochiyama) Kechiyama,
there is the sound of someone singing a woodcutter song and the person will be lifted away into the sky.
They say this is the doing of the local Tengu.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
早川孝太郎 Hayakawa Kotaro
九十貫を超える巨猪を撃った狩人の話。Strange tales about wild boars, deer and Tanuki badgers.
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #inoshishi #tengu -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
inoshishi and Tengu 猪 - 天狗 と伝説 Legends about wild boar and Tengu
. Tengu 烏天狗騎猪 Karasu Tengu riding on a wild boar .
Tengu on boar 猪に乗った天狗
a drawing by 古閑 Kokan, 1771
- source : db.nichibun.ac.jp/ja... -
Crow Tengu Riding Boar (Karasu Tengu 烏天狗騎猪)
Late Edo Period Painting by Kaihō Yūtoku, Sairin-ji Temple 西林寺, Kyoto.
In paintings and woodblock prints, the boar often appears as the steed of the tengu or of their king, Sōjōbō 僧正坊. Sōjōbō is closely linked to famed warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (1159-1189), one of Japan's most revered samurai. In a well-known legend, Yoshitsune lived among the tengu in his youth and received training in the arts of war from Sōjōbō himself.
The Buddhist martial deity Marishiten is also often shown riding atop a boar.
Another possible interpretation of the above image relates to the following Zen story:
“One day a hunter was in the mountains when he happened to see a snake killing a bird. Suddenly a boar appeared and began to devour the snake. The hunter thought he should kill the boar, but changed his mind because he did not want to be a link in such a chain, and cause his own death by the next predator to come along. On his way home he heard a voice call to him from the top of a tree. It was the voice of a tengu. It told him how lucky he was, for had he killed the boar, the tengu would have killed him.
The man subsequently moved into a cave and never killed another animal.”
- source : Mark Schumacher -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the inoshishi 猪 / 猪 wild boar .
Yamanokami is sometimes seen as a Tengu.
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
Inawashiroko 猪苗代湖 Lake Inawashiro
There are some Tengu living close by.
- quote -
Origin of the name “Inawashiro”
An old legend tells the story of the deity Iwahashi Myojin cultivating rice with the help of a wild boar.
The combination of the characters for “boar” (猪 i) and “bed for rice seedlings” (苗代 nawashiro),
hence “Inawashiro” (猪苗代).
An alternative theory finds the word to have its origin in the language of the Ainu people, but in any case it points to a deep connection with the cultivation of rice.
Present day Inawashiro owes its form to a large-scale eruption of the Mt. Bandai and Mt. Nekoma volcanoes that occurred between 40,000 and 50,000 years ago. There are also indications that the area around Lake Inawashiro was already inhabited by indigenous peoples 12,000 years ago. Especially in the southeast base area of the mountain facing the lake, ruins from the Jomon and Paleolithic/Pre-Jomon periods are still visible. The ruins that have been found in the bottom of the lake in the Nagahama, Kanisawahama and Sanjogata areas have been dated back to the Jomon and Kofun periods.
- source : bandaisan.or.jp... -
Shrine Iwahashi Jinja 磐椅神社
いははしのかみのやしろ Ihahashi no kami no yashiro
- Deities in residence
大山衹神(おおやまずみのかみ) Oyamazumi no Kami
埴山姫命(はにやまひめのみこと)Haniyama Hime no Mikoto
- - - - - in the 相殿 Aidono hall
木花佐久夜毘賣命(このはなさくやびめのみこと) Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto
磐長姫命(いわながひめのみこと)Iwanaga Hime no mikoto
品陀和氣命(ほんだわけのみこと)Hondawake no Mikoto
息長足姫命(おきながたらしひめのみこと)Okinagatarashi Hime no Mikoto
The Shrine is famous for the 大鹿桜 Oshika-Zakura elk cherry tree, one of the five famous cherry trees in Aizu.
A kind of サトザクラ Satozakura.
Nishimine, Inawashiro, Yama District, Fukushima
- reference source : iwahashijinja.official... -
- quote -
Lake Inawashiro (猪苗代湖 Inawashiro-ko) is the fourth-largest lake in Japan, located in central Fukushima Prefecture, south of Mount Bandai. It is also known as the 'Heavenly Mirror Lake' (天鏡湖 Tenkyōko). The lake is located within the borders of Bandai-Asahi National Park. It is a surface area of 104 square kilometres (40 sq mi), circumference of 63 kilometres (39 mi), depth of 94 metres (308 ft) and is located at an altitude of 514 metres (1,686 ft).
In winter swans migrate to the beaches of the lake and stay there until spring.
Lake Inawashiro
was formed some 30-40,000 years ago when a tectonic depression was dammed by a major eruption and pyroclastic flow from Mount Bandai. The water is acidic with a pH value of approximately 5.0, and has a high degree of transparency. The water level was considerably less during the Jōmon period as numerous artifacts and ceramic fragments have been found offshore.
The lake water
is an important source for irrigation in the Aizu region of western Fukushima Prefecture. An irrigation canal was completed during the Edo period and another, the Asaka Canal, in 1882. A third canal completed in 1915 supplies the city of Kōriyama with drinking and industrial water. The water also supplies a number of hydroelectric power plants. The lake is also an important tourist and leisure attraction in Fukushima Prefecture.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
- Karasu Tengu from 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja shrine, Kyoto
. . Atago Gongen and Atago Shrines 愛宕 / 阿多古. .
愛宕山奥の院 Atagoyama Oku no In
Tarobo from Atago was in fact a person called Shishido Saburoemon 宍戸三郎右衛門, who was a strong believer in the Atago deity. He is also responsible for making the 猪 wild boar a messenger of the deity.
............................................................................... Mie 三重県
猪田村 Idamura, Ida village, "field of the Wild Boar"
Shrine Ida Jinja 猪田神社 in 伊賀 Iga
三重県伊賀市猪田 5139 / Ida, Iga city, Mie
. Kotengu 小天狗 minor Tengu, crow-like goblin .
The Shrine Ida Jinja (also known as 猪田村住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja in Idamura), has been built by a Kotengu.
Until WWII, there were also ema votive tablets of the Kotengu.
In former times, the Kotengu from nearby mountains would also come for the festival, make merry and perform a lion dance.
In Iga there was also a Kotengu called 小天狗清蔵 Seizo. He helped to protect the local shrines and temples from the fury of the army of Oda Nobunaga.
He also lived in the temple Shoin-Ji.
1658 Yamade, Iga, Mie
At the temple 勝因寺 Shoin-Ji an old Kotengu used to live in hjding. He is said to have made 勝因寺梵鐘 the large temple bell, which is one of the oldest in Mie prefecture.
- reference : bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp/rekishi/kenshi... -
............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shigamura village
Wolves, monkeys and wild boars are the messengers of Yamanokami.
Yamanokami is quite wild and the Tengu maybe an incarnation.
............................................................................... Shimane 島根県
高尻 Takashiri
Tengu no Kami 天狗の神 Tengu Deity
Far away in Takashiri lived a farmer named 幾蔵 Ikuzo.
One night, the Tengu Deity appeared to him, placed a golden halberd and a golden Gohei wand in the ground and told him, if he made offerings of お神酒 ritual rice wine and お灯明 light, there would be no more damage of wild boars in his fields.
Ikuzo did as he was told and had no more damage. Other people came to him and he could cure them of their illness. He soon became a rich man.
Envious villagers tried to take away the halberd and Gohei from Ikuzo, but they had no good luck with it.
. gohei 御幣 ritual wand .
............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
庵原郡 Ihara district 両河内村 Ryogochimura village
Kechiyama ケチ山
If someone shoots a wild boar in the area of けち山のうる山(うるちこ山? urokochiyama) Kechiyama,
there is the sound of someone singing a woodcutter song and the person will be lifted away into the sky.
They say this is the doing of the local Tengu.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
早川孝太郎 Hayakawa Kotaro
九十貫を超える巨猪を撃った狩人の話。Strange tales about wild boars, deer and Tanuki badgers.
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. trees and their legends 樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #inoshishi #tengu -
Tengubi Tengu no Hi Fire
- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
Tengubi 天狗火 - a Yokai / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -
source : wikipedia
- Tengubi called 松明丸 Taimatsu Maru
鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien 『百器徒然袋』 Hyakki tsurezurebukuro
Tengu no gyoroo 天狗の漁撈 Tengu no gyoro, Tengu fishing
The Tengubi Yokai appears near or over water.
. Hinotama 天狗と火の玉伝説 Legends about Tengu and fire balls .
. kaki 火気 と伝説 Legends about fire .
hoshi 星 stars falling from the sky
- quote -
Tengubi 天狗火
Tengubi is a fireball phenomenon seen near rivers in Aichi, Shizuoka, Yamanashi, and Kanagawa Prefectures. It appears as one or more (up to several hundred) reddish flames which float about in the sky. These supernatural fires are said to be created by tengu.
Tengubi descends at night from the mountains to the rivers. Often it starts as a small number of fireballs which split into hundreds of smaller flames. These flames hover above the water for some time, as if dancing. Afterwards, they return to the mountains.
In most cases, humans who witness tengubi invariably meet with disaster—usually in the form of a serious illness contracted shortly after the encounter. Because of this, locals who lives in areas where tengubi is common greatly fear this phenomenon. If a local happens to see a tengubi, they will immediately drop prone and hide. Oftentimes they will cover their heads with their shoes or sandals.
Occasionally, tengubi can he helpful to humans. During times of drought, it was common for rice farmers to secretly steal water from their neighbors by redirecting water from the canals into their own fields during the night. This caused a great deal of conflict among the people involved. However, when tengubi appeared above the canals, would-be thieves were thwarted—either out of guilty consciences or because the light from the tengubi made it impossible to sneak around.
Tengubi is created by kawa tengu—”river tengu” who prefer the riversides over the deep mountain valleys where tengu normally live. It is used by these tengu to catch fish at night. For this reason it is also known as tengu no gyorō (“tengu fishing”).
Toriyama Sekien
included this phenomenon in his book Hyakki tsurezure bukuro under the name taimatsu maru (taimatsu meaning “torch,” and maru being a popular suffix for boys’ names). He described it not as a tool for tengu to help with fishing, but as a way for them to hinder and interfere with the religious practices of ascetic monks.
Long ago, tengubi was frequently seen in the villages of Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. One night, a villager was caught out in the mountains in a sudden thunderstorm. It was cold, and too dark to find his way back home, so he took shelter under a tree and shivered. Before long, mysterious fires began appearing around him. Not only did they warm his chilled body up, but they provided enough light for him to find the road and make it safely back to his village.
It was a common superstition in that village not to go outside of your home on nights when tengubi appeared. If you did, it was said that you would be spirited away into the mountains. One night a particularly foolhardy young man defied the superstition. He walked out of his house, faced the tengubi, and called out, “If you can take me, come and get me!” Suddenly, a large black shape appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the young man. It picked him up and flew away into the mountains. The young man was never seen again.
- source : Matthew Meyer -
松明丸 Taimatsumaru by Shota Kotake
Taimatsumaru is a Japanese Yokai monster folklore illustrated in a book "Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro" written by Sekien Toriyama in 1784.
Teimatsumaru is a kind of Tengubi fire that Tengu creates. It look like a Raptores in fire. It appears in deep forest. It disturbs training monks in the mountain.
source : deviantart.com/shotakotake...
............................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
岡崎市 Okazaki city
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If people happen to see a "Tengu fire", they throw their geta 下駄 wooden sandals or zoori 草履 straw sandals to make it go away.
............................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
石川郡 Ishikawa district 白峰村 Shiramine mura
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If a child plays with fire, a Tengu will find out and then put the whole house on fire. Such a fire, caused by a Tengu, can not be extinguished.
Such a fire can spread in any direction, unrelated to the flow of wind. This is called
天狗の火鳥が歩く A Tengu firebird is walking.
七尾市 Nanao city
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire / kumo no hi 蜘蛛の火 spider fire
If people see a red fire on the open sea, this is a caused by a Tengu.
If they see a smaller, bluish fire, this is caused by s spider.
. kumo 蜘蛛と伝説 Legends about spiders / Spinnen .
............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
If a fisherman sees a Tengubi and calls "Oi, oi オイオイ come here, come here!" the ball of fire will come closer.
nana fushigi 遠江 七不思議 One of the seven wonders of Totomi :
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
Tengu no Hi as a messenger of 秋葉山 Mount Akibayama and Mount 光明山 Komyosan.
. 秋葉山 Akibayama, Akiba Yama, a Tengu Mountain .
光明山古墳 Komyosan Kofum Tumulus Mound
磐田郡 Iwata district 水窪町 Misakubo
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
In the summer of 1970, a man saw a Tengu fire. It looked like 20 or 30 lampions hanging over the mountain ridge and seemed to climb upwards all the time.
There was no sound of feet walking or people talking.
磐田郡 Iwata district 佐久間町 Sakuma
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
It is often seen on the mountain ridges, like blinking lanterns.
Often seen on the pass between 佐久間町の草木と西浦の間 Kusaki village and Nishiura village.
............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
Tengubi is an expression of the supernatural power of a Tengu.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
Tengu dance during a fire festival
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #tengubi #tengunohi #tengufire -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
Tengubi 天狗火 - a Yokai / Tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -
source : wikipedia
- Tengubi called 松明丸 Taimatsu Maru
鳥山石燕 Toriyama Sekien 『百器徒然袋』 Hyakki tsurezurebukuro
Tengu no gyoroo 天狗の漁撈 Tengu no gyoro, Tengu fishing
The Tengubi Yokai appears near or over water.
. Hinotama 天狗と火の玉伝説 Legends about Tengu and fire balls .
. kaki 火気 と伝説 Legends about fire .
hoshi 星 stars falling from the sky
- quote -
Tengubi 天狗火
Tengubi is a fireball phenomenon seen near rivers in Aichi, Shizuoka, Yamanashi, and Kanagawa Prefectures. It appears as one or more (up to several hundred) reddish flames which float about in the sky. These supernatural fires are said to be created by tengu.
Tengubi descends at night from the mountains to the rivers. Often it starts as a small number of fireballs which split into hundreds of smaller flames. These flames hover above the water for some time, as if dancing. Afterwards, they return to the mountains.
In most cases, humans who witness tengubi invariably meet with disaster—usually in the form of a serious illness contracted shortly after the encounter. Because of this, locals who lives in areas where tengubi is common greatly fear this phenomenon. If a local happens to see a tengubi, they will immediately drop prone and hide. Oftentimes they will cover their heads with their shoes or sandals.
Occasionally, tengubi can he helpful to humans. During times of drought, it was common for rice farmers to secretly steal water from their neighbors by redirecting water from the canals into their own fields during the night. This caused a great deal of conflict among the people involved. However, when tengubi appeared above the canals, would-be thieves were thwarted—either out of guilty consciences or because the light from the tengubi made it impossible to sneak around.
Tengubi is created by kawa tengu—”river tengu” who prefer the riversides over the deep mountain valleys where tengu normally live. It is used by these tengu to catch fish at night. For this reason it is also known as tengu no gyorō (“tengu fishing”).
Toriyama Sekien
included this phenomenon in his book Hyakki tsurezure bukuro under the name taimatsu maru (taimatsu meaning “torch,” and maru being a popular suffix for boys’ names). He described it not as a tool for tengu to help with fishing, but as a way for them to hinder and interfere with the religious practices of ascetic monks.
Long ago, tengubi was frequently seen in the villages of Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. One night, a villager was caught out in the mountains in a sudden thunderstorm. It was cold, and too dark to find his way back home, so he took shelter under a tree and shivered. Before long, mysterious fires began appearing around him. Not only did they warm his chilled body up, but they provided enough light for him to find the road and make it safely back to his village.
It was a common superstition in that village not to go outside of your home on nights when tengubi appeared. If you did, it was said that you would be spirited away into the mountains. One night a particularly foolhardy young man defied the superstition. He walked out of his house, faced the tengubi, and called out, “If you can take me, come and get me!” Suddenly, a large black shape appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the young man. It picked him up and flew away into the mountains. The young man was never seen again.
- source : Matthew Meyer -
松明丸 Taimatsumaru by Shota Kotake
Taimatsumaru is a Japanese Yokai monster folklore illustrated in a book "Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro" written by Sekien Toriyama in 1784.
Teimatsumaru is a kind of Tengubi fire that Tengu creates. It look like a Raptores in fire. It appears in deep forest. It disturbs training monks in the mountain.
source : deviantart.com/shotakotake...
............................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
岡崎市 Okazaki city
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If people happen to see a "Tengu fire", they throw their geta 下駄 wooden sandals or zoori 草履 straw sandals to make it go away.
............................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
石川郡 Ishikawa district 白峰村 Shiramine mura
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
If a child plays with fire, a Tengu will find out and then put the whole house on fire. Such a fire, caused by a Tengu, can not be extinguished.
Such a fire can spread in any direction, unrelated to the flow of wind. This is called
天狗の火鳥が歩く A Tengu firebird is walking.
七尾市 Nanao city
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire / kumo no hi 蜘蛛の火 spider fire
If people see a red fire on the open sea, this is a caused by a Tengu.
If they see a smaller, bluish fire, this is caused by s spider.
. kumo 蜘蛛と伝説 Legends about spiders / Spinnen .
............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
If a fisherman sees a Tengubi and calls "Oi, oi オイオイ come here, come here!" the ball of fire will come closer.
nana fushigi 遠江 七不思議 One of the seven wonders of Totomi :
tengu no hi 天狗の火 Tengu fire
Tengu no Hi as a messenger of 秋葉山 Mount Akibayama and Mount 光明山 Komyosan.
. 秋葉山 Akibayama, Akiba Yama, a Tengu Mountain .
光明山古墳 Komyosan Kofum Tumulus Mound
磐田郡 Iwata district 水窪町 Misakubo
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
In the summer of 1970, a man saw a Tengu fire. It looked like 20 or 30 lampions hanging over the mountain ridge and seemed to climb upwards all the time.
There was no sound of feet walking or people talking.
磐田郡 Iwata district 佐久間町 Sakuma
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
It is often seen on the mountain ridges, like blinking lanterns.
Often seen on the pass between 佐久間町の草木と西浦の間 Kusaki village and Nishiura village.
............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
tengubi 天狗火 Tengu fire
Tengubi is an expression of the supernatural power of a Tengu.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
Tengu dance during a fire festival
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #tengubi #tengunohi #tengufire -
Ariakeyama Ariakesan Nagano
- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
- - - for Hachimen Daio, see below
. Ariakeyama 有明山 Ariakesan, Mount Ariake - Nagano
Nobutaroo 信太郎 Nobutaro
Once Nobutaro went with a friend to 有明山 Mount Ariakeyama.
When they tried to jump over the Tenguiwa 天狗岩 Tengu boulder, their bodies became an enormous in size and they jumped over 馬羅尾谷 Baraodani valley and disappeared.
Nobutaro's father 久作 Kyusaku, who had lost his only son, went everywhere to look for him. He could not find him and had to work in the fields all alone from that time on.
He build a small sanctuary for Nobutaro, 信の宮 Nobu no Miya.
有明山 Mount Ariakeyama (2268m).
Ariakeyama is also called
Shino Fuji 信濃富士 Mount Fuji of the Shino region.
- quote -
Ariake-yama (2268m)
Today, rather few people know Ariake-yama.
Of those who do, not many pay the mountain much regard. And, although the ridgeways between Yari-ga-take and Tsubakuro may be crowded enough to qualify as an Alpine “Ginza”, fewer still pay much attention to Ariake-yama even when they find it rearing up at them on their way to the foot of Tsubakuro. Rather, their eyes are drawn to the more imposing heights beyond. Ariake, it seems, has been consigned to the meizan of past ages.
In former times, though, people would direct their gaze not to those indistinct higher peaks but to the shapely mountain right in front of them, revering Ariake-yama as the Mt Fuji of Shinano Province. In an age when the Northern Alps were still “terra incognita”,
Ariake was celebrated by no less a poet than Monk Saigyō:
In Shinano on a day
It sent me awestruck on the way
To Hosono, the sight
Of mighty Ariake on the right
And then there are these lines by Monk Yūgyō:
By this moon’s kindly light
I will not lose the narrow
Road to Hosono, although
It leads me under Ariake’s height
- Ariake-yama seen from Otensho-dake; print by Yoshida Hiroshi -
According to an old chronicle, the mountain was opened in the second year of Daidō (807), when the great avatar Tohanachi Gongen was enshrined there at a place sacred to Ame-no-Uzume, where this goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry had manifested herself as a Buddha to save all living things. The mountain was once called Tohanachi-dake or “Door Away Peak”, in honour of the legend in which the sun goddess Amaterasu shut herself up in a cave and was coaxed out again when the goddess Ame-no-Uzume performed a comical dance. At which the god Tajikarawo-no-mikoto wrenched away the cave’s door and hurled it to earth at this very spot.
I came across this chronicle, the Record of Ariake’s Inauguration (Ariake Kaizan Ryakki), in Mr Kumahara Masao’s book on the dawn of Japanese mountaineering. By this account, the mountain mystic Yūkai, finding it lamentable that people had altogether given up climbing this sacred mountain, set out with his youngest brother in the sixth year of Kyōho (1721) together with fifteen or so villagers from the hamlet of Itadori at the mountain’s foot, and found his way over trackless slopes to the summit. There they stayed overnight and descended the next day.
The first path up the mountain was presumably opened on this occasion, as the chronicle says. And after a small shrine was installed on the summit, people came every summer, from far and wide, in droves to climb the mountain.
For evidence that this custom lasted into the Meiji period, we need look no further than Walter Weston, the mountaineering missionary and so-called Father of the Japan Alps, who climbed Ariake on August 14, 1912, in the first year of Taishō. Presumably he’d heard of Ariake’s reputation as a “meizan” of long standing. Most people associate Weston with Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps (1896), and rather fewer are aware of his later book, The Playground of the Far East (1918), which also concerns itself mainly with the mountains of Japan. This is probably because there is no translation. It is in this later book that he describes his ascent of Ariake.
- - snip snip - -
And then it’s easy to understand how Ariake came by its title of Shinano-Fuji.
- source : onehundredmountains.blogspot.jp... -
Azuma fushi 安曇節 song
- reference source : toki.moo 961 - - tba
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Nakatsuna koo 中綱湖 Lake Nakatsuna
Once upon a time, Mount Ariake and Lake Nakatsuna were fighting about which one was higher.
Then one day a pregnant woman came along and looked at mount Ariakeyama. She said laughingly: "Well Ariakeyama is not that high ... "
Since that time Mount Ariakeyama stoppe getting higher.
yakoo no tama 夜光の玉 a ball of light in the night
In the center of Mount Ariakeyama, there is a ball of light.
Because of this, the valley at its foot are never completely in the dark. They can never loose their way in a dark night.
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons of Japan .
- - - Hachimen Daioo 八面大王 "Great King with Eight Faces" - - -
魏石鬼 八面大王 (ぎしき はちめんだいおう) Gishiki Hachimen Daio is a legendary figure in Nagano.
Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼の岩屋(ぎしきのいわや) Cave of the Gishiki Demon
At the foot om mount Ariakeyama there lived the farmer 弥左衛門 Yazaemon with his son 弥助 Yasuke.
The son has been abducted by a Demon named Hachimen Daio 八面大王. Yasuke grew up to be a fine young man. One day he helped a yamadori 山鳥 pheasant.
Three days later Yasuke med a beautiful young woman and married her. But Hachimen Daio became quite jealous and wild again.
When 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro came tho the Kannon Hall to pray, He had a vision telling him to use the feathers of a pheasant tail to make an arrow.
When Yaskue heard this, he begun to worry. But his wife, the incarnation of the pheasant, offered her tail feathers and then disappeared.
With this arrow, the evil Hachiman Daio could be shot down and driven away.
- Another version of this legend tells of Yazaemon being kidnapped by Hachimen Daio while he was looking for medicinal herbs in the forest. His wife had bo bring up Yasuke all by herself.
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
- quote -
Once upon a time in the Heian period, there lived a demon named 魏石鬼 Gishiki at Mount Ariakeyama in Nagano.
He called himself 八面大王 the "Great King with Eight Faces".
He used all kinds of bad tricks and witchcraft and eventually the court in Kyoto send Sakanoue to drive him away.
- reference source : toki.moo.jp/merumaga/noinakami... -
八面大王足湯 Hachimen Daio Ashiyu - Hot spring and foot bath
- quote -
Daio Wasabi Farm was opened in 1917
and is named after the ancient local hero, Hachimen Daio, whose spirit is also said to be the farm's protector.
- source : notesofnomads.com/daio-wasabi-farm -
明科町 Akashina
momiji onibito もみじ鬼人 Demon Momiji "red leaves.
Momiji Onibito was the wife of Hachimen Daio, but they quarreled all the time. Then came Tamuramaro and killed Hachimen Daio. He also tried to kill Momiji, and his third arrow hit her.
But later she she came back, all crying with pain.
monomi-iwa no oni 物見岩の鬼 the demon from Monomi Rock
The demon from Monomi Rock was very bad, stole things and tormented the farmers.
Tamuramaro killed him also.
大町市 Omachi
Near the かや場 Kayaba reed field is a huge rock of about 1.5 m length.
Once uopn a time, when Hachimen Daio lived at Mount 矢沢山 Yazawayama a blacksmith brought his tools there to make weapons to fight this Oni, Hachimen Daio got angry and threw the rock in his way. They also say Tamuramaro used this rock to test his sword, so there is now a cut of about 30 cm in the rock.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
- - - Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼窟 "Cave of the Gishiki Demon" - - -
古墳 Kofun Tumulus
This is a rock chamber where the demon Hachimen Daio is said to have hidden,
The ceiling of the chamber is one huge boulder.
Nearby are more boulders, the footsteps of Hachimen Daio 八面大王足跡岩
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -
. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .
. Tenguiwa, Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu rocks and boulders .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- - - - - #ariakeyama #ariakesan -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
- - - for Hachimen Daio, see below
. Ariakeyama 有明山 Ariakesan, Mount Ariake - Nagano
Nobutaroo 信太郎 Nobutaro
Once Nobutaro went with a friend to 有明山 Mount Ariakeyama.
When they tried to jump over the Tenguiwa 天狗岩 Tengu boulder, their bodies became an enormous in size and they jumped over 馬羅尾谷 Baraodani valley and disappeared.
Nobutaro's father 久作 Kyusaku, who had lost his only son, went everywhere to look for him. He could not find him and had to work in the fields all alone from that time on.
He build a small sanctuary for Nobutaro, 信の宮 Nobu no Miya.
有明山 Mount Ariakeyama (2268m).
Ariakeyama is also called
Shino Fuji 信濃富士 Mount Fuji of the Shino region.
- quote -
Ariake-yama (2268m)
Today, rather few people know Ariake-yama.
Of those who do, not many pay the mountain much regard. And, although the ridgeways between Yari-ga-take and Tsubakuro may be crowded enough to qualify as an Alpine “Ginza”, fewer still pay much attention to Ariake-yama even when they find it rearing up at them on their way to the foot of Tsubakuro. Rather, their eyes are drawn to the more imposing heights beyond. Ariake, it seems, has been consigned to the meizan of past ages.
In former times, though, people would direct their gaze not to those indistinct higher peaks but to the shapely mountain right in front of them, revering Ariake-yama as the Mt Fuji of Shinano Province. In an age when the Northern Alps were still “terra incognita”,
Ariake was celebrated by no less a poet than Monk Saigyō:
In Shinano on a day
It sent me awestruck on the way
To Hosono, the sight
Of mighty Ariake on the right
And then there are these lines by Monk Yūgyō:
By this moon’s kindly light
I will not lose the narrow
Road to Hosono, although
It leads me under Ariake’s height
- Ariake-yama seen from Otensho-dake; print by Yoshida Hiroshi -
According to an old chronicle, the mountain was opened in the second year of Daidō (807), when the great avatar Tohanachi Gongen was enshrined there at a place sacred to Ame-no-Uzume, where this goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry had manifested herself as a Buddha to save all living things. The mountain was once called Tohanachi-dake or “Door Away Peak”, in honour of the legend in which the sun goddess Amaterasu shut herself up in a cave and was coaxed out again when the goddess Ame-no-Uzume performed a comical dance. At which the god Tajikarawo-no-mikoto wrenched away the cave’s door and hurled it to earth at this very spot.
I came across this chronicle, the Record of Ariake’s Inauguration (Ariake Kaizan Ryakki), in Mr Kumahara Masao’s book on the dawn of Japanese mountaineering. By this account, the mountain mystic Yūkai, finding it lamentable that people had altogether given up climbing this sacred mountain, set out with his youngest brother in the sixth year of Kyōho (1721) together with fifteen or so villagers from the hamlet of Itadori at the mountain’s foot, and found his way over trackless slopes to the summit. There they stayed overnight and descended the next day.
The first path up the mountain was presumably opened on this occasion, as the chronicle says. And after a small shrine was installed on the summit, people came every summer, from far and wide, in droves to climb the mountain.
For evidence that this custom lasted into the Meiji period, we need look no further than Walter Weston, the mountaineering missionary and so-called Father of the Japan Alps, who climbed Ariake on August 14, 1912, in the first year of Taishō. Presumably he’d heard of Ariake’s reputation as a “meizan” of long standing. Most people associate Weston with Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps (1896), and rather fewer are aware of his later book, The Playground of the Far East (1918), which also concerns itself mainly with the mountains of Japan. This is probably because there is no translation. It is in this later book that he describes his ascent of Ariake.
- - snip snip - -
And then it’s easy to understand how Ariake came by its title of Shinano-Fuji.
- source : onehundredmountains.blogspot.jp... -
Azuma fushi 安曇節 song
- reference source : toki.moo 961 - - tba
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Nakatsuna koo 中綱湖 Lake Nakatsuna
Once upon a time, Mount Ariake and Lake Nakatsuna were fighting about which one was higher.
Then one day a pregnant woman came along and looked at mount Ariakeyama. She said laughingly: "Well Ariakeyama is not that high ... "
Since that time Mount Ariakeyama stoppe getting higher.
yakoo no tama 夜光の玉 a ball of light in the night
In the center of Mount Ariakeyama, there is a ball of light.
Because of this, the valley at its foot are never completely in the dark. They can never loose their way in a dark night.
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons of Japan .
- - - Hachimen Daioo 八面大王 "Great King with Eight Faces" - - -
魏石鬼 八面大王 (ぎしき はちめんだいおう) Gishiki Hachimen Daio is a legendary figure in Nagano.
Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼の岩屋(ぎしきのいわや) Cave of the Gishiki Demon
At the foot om mount Ariakeyama there lived the farmer 弥左衛門 Yazaemon with his son 弥助 Yasuke.
The son has been abducted by a Demon named Hachimen Daio 八面大王. Yasuke grew up to be a fine young man. One day he helped a yamadori 山鳥 pheasant.
Three days later Yasuke med a beautiful young woman and married her. But Hachimen Daio became quite jealous and wild again.
When 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro came tho the Kannon Hall to pray, He had a vision telling him to use the feathers of a pheasant tail to make an arrow.
When Yaskue heard this, he begun to worry. But his wife, the incarnation of the pheasant, offered her tail feathers and then disappeared.
With this arrow, the evil Hachiman Daio could be shot down and driven away.
- Another version of this legend tells of Yazaemon being kidnapped by Hachimen Daio while he was looking for medicinal herbs in the forest. His wife had bo bring up Yasuke all by herself.
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
- quote -
Once upon a time in the Heian period, there lived a demon named 魏石鬼 Gishiki at Mount Ariakeyama in Nagano.
He called himself 八面大王 the "Great King with Eight Faces".
He used all kinds of bad tricks and witchcraft and eventually the court in Kyoto send Sakanoue to drive him away.
- reference source : toki.moo.jp/merumaga/noinakami... -
八面大王足湯 Hachimen Daio Ashiyu - Hot spring and foot bath
- quote -
Daio Wasabi Farm was opened in 1917
and is named after the ancient local hero, Hachimen Daio, whose spirit is also said to be the farm's protector.
- source : notesofnomads.com/daio-wasabi-farm -
明科町 Akashina
momiji onibito もみじ鬼人 Demon Momiji "red leaves.
Momiji Onibito was the wife of Hachimen Daio, but they quarreled all the time. Then came Tamuramaro and killed Hachimen Daio. He also tried to kill Momiji, and his third arrow hit her.
But later she she came back, all crying with pain.
monomi-iwa no oni 物見岩の鬼 the demon from Monomi Rock
The demon from Monomi Rock was very bad, stole things and tormented the farmers.
Tamuramaro killed him also.
大町市 Omachi
Near the かや場 Kayaba reed field is a huge rock of about 1.5 m length.
Once uopn a time, when Hachimen Daio lived at Mount 矢沢山 Yazawayama a blacksmith brought his tools there to make weapons to fight this Oni, Hachimen Daio got angry and threw the rock in his way. They also say Tamuramaro used this rock to test his sword, so there is now a cut of about 30 cm in the rock.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
- - - Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼窟 "Cave of the Gishiki Demon" - - -
古墳 Kofun Tumulus
This is a rock chamber where the demon Hachimen Daio is said to have hidden,
The ceiling of the chamber is one huge boulder.
Nearby are more boulders, the footsteps of Hachimen Daio 八面大王足跡岩
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
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. Tenguiwa, Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu rocks and boulders .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
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