
Butsusen Buddhist immortals hermits

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits

Butsusen-kai 仏仙界 the realm of Buddhist immortals is the realm where the immortals live
(as opposed to the shinsen-kai 神仙界, the realm were the Shinto deities reside, in the famous mountains like 富士山 Fujisan or 蓬莱山 Horaisan.)

These Sennin practise sendo 仙道修行 to become Immortals and budo shugyo 武道修行 martial arts.
They live a hermit life with little contact to the world, with no pain and no joy.
Usually when someone enters this realm, he is not allowed to come back.

There are various types of Butsusen:
tensen 天仙 Sennin of the heavenly realm. chisen 地仙 Sennin of the earthly realm
shikaisen 尸解仙 Shikaisen, rikusen 陸仙、suisen 水仙 、shinsen 新仙、doosen 童仙 child Sennin,
gyokujo 玉女 "treasure women", sennyo 仙女 female Sennin

The Butsusen Hermits are also called Daisen 大仙、Sensei 仙聖、or simply Sen 仙.

- - - Shikaisen is the realm where the body survives after death.
. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .

. China - The Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien .


日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan

. 01 Koma no Kikori 高麗山樵 woodcutter from Mount Komayama .

. 02 Udohama Nyosen 宇度浜女仙 female Sennin from Udohama beach .
03 Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama

. 04 Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁 Old Man Suzuka .


05 Yagara no Okina 箭柄翁 / 煎柄翁 Old Man Yagara
no information found yet


. 06 Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .


. 07 Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin .
and the samurai Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)


. 08 Kanshiwa 飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi Kan Shiwa .
a master carpenter of Hida Takayama


. 09 Ono no Takamura 小野篁 . (802 - 852)


10 Shirohashi no Okina 白箸翁 (しろはしのおきな)Old Man selling white chopsticks

source : 国際日本文化研究センタ

He was a strange old man, living in the Early Heian period.
Around (859-877) he sold white chopsticks in the streets of Kyoto. He always seemed to be about 70 years. After his death his body was buried in the earth.
But a few years later people saw him, clad like a monk, reading the 法華経 Hoke-Kyo Sutra

Hakucho-o den 白箸翁伝 ハクチョオウデン Legend of Hakucho-O
book by 紀長谷雄 Ki no Haseo (845 – 912) , Literati of the Heian Period


. 11 Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 .


. 12 Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平朝臣 .


. 13 Ikoma Sennin 生馬仙人 / 生馬仙 Ikoma Sen .


. 14 Miyako no Yoshika 都良香 .


. 15 Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .


. 16 Saga no In Kunshi 嵯峨の隠君子 / 嵯峨隠君子 .


. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Here the most important ones are introduced.
There are 僧侶 18 priests, 8 仙人 sennin (including 3 仏仙 like Kume Sennin).
The other 11 are humans.
聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi and 役ノ行者 En no Gyoja have a special relationship to Buddhism.


- reference source : toki.moo.jp/inaka-jo/05sennin... -

- reference source : nihonkogaku . com 日本古学 -


Hotokegasen 仏ヶ仙(ほとけがせん)736 m
peak in the Hiruzen mountain range, Okayama 蒜山仏ヶ山


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #buddhistsennin #buddhistimmortals -


Japanese Sennin Immortals Hermits

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Nihon no sennin 日本の仙人 Japanese Immortals and Hermits

日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan

本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals
Honcho shinsen den - Lives of Japanese Spirit Immortals / Biography of Japanese immortals
By 大江匡房 Oe no Masafusa

孫右衛門 Magoemon - - see below, Yamanashi -

Michinori Honcho Shinsenden - Accounts of Japanese Immortals
For a broad discussion of these Japanese immortals, see Hori, "On the Concept of Hijiri (Holy-man)."


There are basically three types of Sennin

. Shinsen 神仙 / 神僊 Daoist Immortals and Hermits .
. Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits .

Shikaisen, shikai sen 尸解仙 becoming a Sennin after death (the dead body is kept "alive".)
. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .


. 01 倭武命(大和武尊)Yamato Takeru .
. 02 上宮太子(聖徳太子)Shotoku Taishi  .
. 03 武内宿禰 Takenouchi no Sukune  .
. 04 浦嶋子(浦島太郎)Urashima Taro .
. 05 役ノ行者(役ノ小角)En no Gyoja - Jimpen Dai-Bosatsu .
. 06 徳一大徳 Tokuitsu .
. 07 Taichō 泰澄大徳 Taicho Daitoku - Tengu 白山坊 Hakusan-Bo .
. 08 久米仙 Kume Sennin .
. 09 都藍尼 Toran-Ni - 女仙人 a female Sennin .

. 10 善仲 Zenchu and his twin - 11 善算 Zensan .
. 12 窺詮法師 / 喜撰法師 Kisen Hoshi .
. 13 行叡居士 Gyoei Koji .
. 14 教待和尚 Kyotai Osho .
. 15 報恩大師 Hoon Daishi, Ho-On Daishi .
. 16 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi 空海 Kukai  .
. 17 慈覚大師 Jikaku Daishi 円仁 Ennin .
. 18 陽勝仙人 Yosho Sennin
. 19 陽勝仙人弟子仙 / 陽勝弟子童 Hijiri, disciple of Yosho .

. 20 Kawara no In 河原院 源融 Minamoto Toru .
- - - 21 藤太君 Tooda no Kimi 藤太君 Toda no Kimi
- - - 22 源太君 げんだのきみ)Genda no Kimi  
. 23 白箸翁 Shirohashi no Okina - Old Man selling white chopsticks .
. 24 都良香 Miyako no Yoshika (834 - 897) .
. 25 Juge 河内国樹下僧 Monk Juge from Kawachi no Kuni .

- - - 26 美濃国河邊人 / 河辺人 Mino no Kuni Hotori no Hito 美濃国の河の邊(ほとり)の人
- - - 27 出羽国石窟仙 Dewa no Kuni Sekkutsu Sen "Immortal in the stone cave"
. 28 大嶺僧 / 浄蔵法師 Jozo Hoshi .
- - - 29 大嶺山仙 Ominesan Sen / 大峰山

. 30 Kanda 竿打仙 Kanda Sen / 竿打ち仙人 Sao-Uchi Sennin .
- - - 31 伊予国長生翁 Iyo no Kuni Chosei Ogina, Old man Chosei
. 32 Chuzan, Chusan 中算上人 Saint Chuzan Shonin - 興福寺の僧 .
- - - 33 橘正道 / 橘正通 Tachibana no Machimichi (漢詩 Poet of the Mid-Heian period)
- - - 34 東寺僧 Toji Monk / 東寺長者 Toji Choja -head priest of temple To-Ji in Kyoto
- - - 35 比良山僧 Hieizan Monk from Mount Hieizan in Kyoto
- - - 36 愛宕護僧 Atago Monk / 愛宕護山仙 Atago Moriyama Sen / 愛宕護山聖人 Saint from Mount Atago, meeting a wild boar
. 37 沙門日蔵 Shamon Nichizo (905 - 967) .


- reference source : 本朝神仙記伝 宮地巌夫 -

本朝神仙記伝 上之巻
饒速日命/可美真手命/稲飯命 三毛入野命/椎根津彦/賀茂別雷大神並玉依比売命/阿蘇都彦命 阿蘇都媛命 速瓶玉命/倭媛命/日本武尊/印南別嬢/白鳥陵守目杵/武内宿禰/水江浦島子/若狭八百姫/高麗山樵並真珠男、白綿女/宇度浜女仙並漁夫/押坂直/漆部造麿か妻の女仙并七子/駕籠仙人/吉野山二女仙/鈴鹿翁/煎柄翁 - 箭柄翁 /柿本人麿/久米仙人/養老仙人并草野何某/菊女仙/願覚仙人/飛龍士韓志和/武庫山女仙/蝉丸/小野篁/白箸翁/貞純親王/在原業平朝臣/生馬仙人/都良香/菅公/嵯峨隠君子/藤太主並源太主/松木春彦/平維盛仙人/平景清仙人並平盛嗣仙人/佐々木高綱/津軽女仙/残夢/鬼三太清悦並柳塘異人高館女仙/大枝国兼/由井源蔵/度会常昌神主/万里小路藤房卿/郷谷長生夫妻/十津川異人/長清道士/長谷川式部太夫/岩田刀自/大口山女仙

本朝神仙記伝 下之巻
白幽子/白山仙人並加藤友春/原隼人佐/天野三郎兵衛康景/一路居士並道観及善輔/海上隠者/武市常三/奥州異人/美濃女仙/福山坊/雨畑の仙翁/於竹女仙並於松女仙/髯道人/虚庵/飛騨異人/山門玄常/栗山某/長谷川角行/三石山仙翁並女仙/雲居官蔵/吉村専兵衛/青木主計頭/白鳥永徳/義斎/信濃女仙/山中山三郎/京都仙翁/荏原孫右衛門/金嶽新左衛門/霧山六女仙/羽黒山千三仙人/雲水行者/足柄山五仙人/上総仙人/米叟上人/甲斐徳本/阿勘女仙/ 御殿林仙人 Gotenbayashi /河野至道寿人

with explanations about each one 
- reference source : majinnnn.jugem.jp.. -

. ABC-List of the Immortals .


- Another page with a long list of Sennin

by 井上大曽根 Inoue Ozone
- reference source : redbird.no-ip.info... -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #37sennin #nihonnosennin #japanesesennin #senninjapan


shinsen Daoist immortals hermits

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

shinsen 神仙 / 神僊 Daoist Immortals and Hermits 
immortal mountain wizard (in Taoism); Taoist immortal; supernatural being
shinzen しんぜん / 神仙

source : 神仙故事:翟笔师失仙缘

Through diligent practise they obtained jinzuuriki 神通力 supernatural powers and a long life as immortals.

shinsendoo 神仙道 Shinsendo "the way to gain longevity"
. 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals .

- quote -
cult of immortality 神仙思想
A philosophical perspective in ancient China, which developed from a combination of Taoism with the doctrine of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. It was a cult of longevity and eternal life, and those who obtained these goals were called Sages thought to live on special islands.
In China, gardens symbolizing this cosmological view were built in the Qin and Han dynasties, and in Japan as well, gardens influenced by this perspective were made in the Asuka and Nara periods.
Hōrai and crane-and-tortoise gardens, popular in the Momoyama and Edo periods, were also based in part on this philosophy.
- source : Japanese Garden Dictionary -

藤田友治 Fujita Tomoji
古代日本と神仙思想 ― 三角縁神獣鏡と前方後円墳の謎を解く

- - - 目次 contents
三角縁神獣鏡に見る神仙思想 - triangular rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
神仙思想と浦島太郎 Urashima Taro

- - - - - replica of the mirror - 三角縁神獣鏡

. Urashima Taro 浦島太郎 .


. hooraisan 蓬莱山 Hōrai, Mount Horai .
mountain of eternal youth


- quote -
神仙説【しんせんせつ】 shinsen setsu

- source : kotobank -

神仙伝 (しんせんでん)shinsen den
. . . . . With a list of more than 90 names here :
- reference source : wikipedia -

ゲームソフト / ピクシブ百科事典 / a game and dictionary


by 田中貢太郎 Tanaka Kotaro (1880 - 1941)
- essay by 田中貢太郎 -


Shinsen Setsu The Holy Immortals (a study of ancient Taoism).
Takeuchi Yoshio - Tokyo, 1935.

Daoist Immortality and Buddhist Holiness: A Study and Translation of the Honchō shinsen-den.


- quote -
shinsenboku 神仙木 Lit. tree of immortals
A tree associated with Mt. Penglai Horaisan 蓬莱山, legendary island of the immortals. Since the Heian period the evergreen and long-lived pine, matsu 松 has been associated with the shinsenboku and planted on islands in garden ponds.
- source : JAANUS -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- - - - - - A legend from China
In 秦州 Shinshu in China a man walked alone at night, suddenly found himself surrounded by smoke and standing on the top of the mountain. There he met many people having a party, drinking and enjoying music. When he later tried to get up on the mountain again to steal their wealth, there was nothing to be seen.
It must have been the effect of the Shinsen or maybe some Tengu.

Sorori 蘇呂里 Sorori,shinsen no jutsu 神仙の術
Sorori was a Samurai from Mikawa (eastern Aichi) who was close to 豊臣秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Sorori later lived in a mountain retreat and practised the way of a Shinsen, until he was able to fly freely in the sky.

source : commons.wikimedia.org/wiki
Sorori Shinzaemon and Hideyoshi
by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

- - - - - Sorori Sugimoto Shinzaemon
The second unifier of Japan, Hideyoshi, was tricked into giving more than he bargained for by Sorori (Sugimoto Shinzaemon), a scabbard maker whose great wit and humor enabled him to become “a kind of buffoon to Hideyoshi” and the only named Japanese court jester in the available records.
... Hideyoshi asked Sorori what recompense he wished. He replied, "A paper bag full of rice." Hideyoshi, pleased with his moderation, promised him what he desired. However, several days later, Sorori arrived dragging after him an enormous paper bag, which he put over a great barn. Hideyoshi was much amused, and asked Sorori to celebrate the matter in a verse.

- Fools Are Everywhere: The Court Jester Around the World
by Beatrice K. Otto
- : books.google.co.jp -

. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1537 - 1598) .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. The Eight Chinese Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #shinsen #shintohermits #shintosennin -


Tengu sumo wrestling legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
for Tengubashi 天狗橋 bridges see below, Miyagi.

Tengu to sumoo 天狗と相撲 Legends about Tengu and Sumo wrestling

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

Tengu no Sumotoriba 天狗の相撲場
is often a place in the forest which is rather flat and has few or no trees, thus naturally fit for the Tengu to gather and do Sumo wrestling.
It is found in many forests of Japan.

. Sumoo 相撲 Sumo wrestling / rikishi 力士 wrestler .

How the Tengu lost his nose

- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/inehapo/e -


Tengu sumootori yama 天狗角力取山 Tengusumotoriyama
Two mountains where Tengu practise Sumo wrestling

Fukushima 猪苗代町 Inawashiro - 1360 m
Yamagata - 鶴岡市 Tsuruoka - 1376 m

Yamagata - In front is the flat area for Sumo.

- under construction

. shibaten シバテン / shiba tengu 柴天狗 Shiba Tengu, Shibatengu .
Like a Kappa, he hangs around rivers, asks people to have a wrestling bout and begins to confuse their minds.
But he never goes into the river himself, so he is not a real Kappa.
Legends from Ehime, Kochi and Tokushima in Shikoku.

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 
喜多方市 Kitakata town

Tengu no sumootori ba 天狗の相撲とり場 Tengu and Sumo wrestling
At the place where the Tengu used to practise sumo wrestling, a Tengu once had his long nose come off.
It turned into the flower of 水バショウ Mizubasho, skunk cabbage.

福島市土湯 「びっき沼の水芭蕉」-
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring : Mizubasho from Bikkurinuma swamp

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 
伊勢崎市 Isesaki 波志江町 Hashie

The strong man 五郎兵衛 Gorobei once had a wrestling bout with a Tengu, but he lost it.

勢多郡 Seta district 横野村 Yokono

The shrine Hachimangu is located in the north of the pond ミゾロガ池 Mizorogaike (Mizoro-ga-ike), 赤城山西麓 wwst of Mount Akagisan. There is a large matsu 松 pine tree in its compound where the Tengu lives.
Sometimes he comes to the home to the 南雲家 Nagumo family for a bout of Sumo. When his partner is the son, the Tengu always wins. But one day the father was his opponent and the Tengu lost!
Now the family was allowed to cut the huge pine tree and sell it for good money.

. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .

............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 
日立市 Hitachi

Once upon a time
there was a Sumo wrestling place of the Tengu near the temple 大雄院 Daio-In. The ancestors of the 住吉氏 Sumiyoshi family went there every night, every night to learn sword fighting from the Tengu.

大雄院 / ダイオウイン Daio-In / (Taiyu-In) 茨城県日立市宮田町5-6-15

高萩市 Takahagi

Once a Tegu landed on a stone in the garden of the 大部氏宅 Obu family, put a blindfold over the eyes of one family member and took him to the mountain to have a bout of Sumo.
The Tengu told him: "If you come up here next time, bring some sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and we can have a party!"
The man came home and told his wive about it, but from that day on the Tengu never appeared again.

多賀郡 Taga district 高岡村 Takaoka

A tengu came every day to have a bout of Sumo with a 炭焼き charcoal maker.
One day the Tengu told him: "If you promise not to eat 4つ足と2足 "four legs and two legs", I will make you rich for the rest of your life. But you must never tell anyone about our meeting and this promise!"
The man had no idea what "four legs and two legs" meant and asked other villagers about it. But from that day on, the Tengu did not come any more.

. sumigama 炭竈 と伝説 Legends about charcoal kilns .

............................................................................... Kagawa 

. Tengu of Mount Shiromine 白峯山 in Sanuki 讃岐 .
Saganbō Daigongen 相模坊大権現

- 白峯天狗伝説 Shiromine Tengu Densetsu
相模坊は相撲が好き Saganbo liked to practise Sumo.

- reference source : city.sakaide.lg.jp/soshiki/bunkashinkou -

............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 
仙台市 Sendai

Tengu sumotoriba 天狗相撲取場
On the eastern side of the 大倉ダム Okura Dam there is a steep cliff, and below it the 大倉川渓谷 Okuragawa gorge, spanned by the Tengubashi 天狗橋 Tengu-bashi, Tengu Bridge.
A Tengu has built it in just one night. At the cliff is the Shinto shrine 小倉神社 Ogura Jinja. Close by is the Sumo place of the Tengu.

- quote -
Tengu Bashi Ichinoseki Sendai

Original 19th century hand colored albumen photograph. Dimensions are 26.5 cm x 20.5 cm (10.5 in x 8 in).
- source : worthpoint.com/worthopedia -

- - - - - Other bridges named 天狗橋 Tengubashi - often natural rock formations

Fukushima / 鮫川村 Samegawa
A natural stone bridge, almost 8 m long and 4 m wide.

Kagawa 香川県
On the way from 宇田津 Udatsu along 金比羅道 the road to Konpira san is a stone brigde, the Tengubashi. It is not known which stone mason built this bridge.

In Hiroshima is a bus stop named 天狗橋(広島県)on the way to Konpira san.

Miyagi 宮城県 / 桃生郡 Momou district 雄勝 Ogatsu
A dolmen stone formation which looks like a natural bridge. A Tengu built it in one night.

CLICK for more photos !

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 

When all the villagers were asleep, a Tengu came to the village. Soon another Tengu came flying down from the sky and the two begun a bout of Sumo wrestling. They made a large dohyoo 土俵 Sumo ring arena and wrestled for a while,
Then they practised with the sword, the whole night long.

............................................................................... Tokyo 東京  
文京区 Bunkyo ward

. Temple 小石川伝通院 Koishikawa Denzu-In / Dentsu-In.
The pious 岱雄 Taio and Sumo wrestilng at 成田不動 Narita Fudo.

............................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 

Tengu sumootori yama 天狗角力取山 Tengusumotoriyama
Mountain where Tengu practise Sumo wrestling

西村山郡 Nishi-Murayama district

. 鳥海山の筍,月山の筍 bamboo shoots from Mount Chokaisan and Mount Gassan .
at 竜が岳 Mount Ryugatake

南置賜郡 Minami-Okitama district 中津川村 Nakatsugawa

tsunegami sama ツネガミサマ / 常神 Tsunegami Deity
Sometimes the Tengu comes to the Sumo place all dressed up. He is the messenger of Tsunegami Sama.

source : wikimedia
Fukui, Tsunegami Peninsula
Ongami-jima is an uninhabited island which belongs to Wakasa Town of Fukui Prefecture. About 500 meters offshore from Tsunegami Peninsula, it is the biggest island in Fukui.
In 629, upon orders of the Japanese Emperor, a shrine was built on the island enshrining the god of Tsunegami.
source : jal.japantravel.com/fukui

- - - - -

At 稲山 Mount Inesan (Inayama) there is a wrestling place of the Tengu.
Once an onlooker called out
"Inesan to Dai-Tengu, 川内戸 Kawanaido no Ko-Tengu - yokkoisho, have a bout!"
But at that moment he was thrown down the hill and landed in front of his home.

- by the way
At Inayama in Yamanashi, there are 稲山遺跡 Inayama remains from the Jomon period

- reference source : sitereports.nabunken.go.jp -

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 

西八代郡 Nishi-Yatsushiro 上九一色村 Kami-Kuishiki

yama no nushi 山の主 Lord of the Mountain
At 大和田山 Mount Owadasan a forest worker was about to engage in a Sumo bout with a young priest who happened to come along. Suddenly there was a voice from the sky:
"If you do Sumo with that person, you are sure to die!"
The forest worker was quite surprized by this warning and stopped and the young priest suddenly was gone.
The young priest had been the Tengu, the Lord of this Mountain.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengusumo #sumotengu -


sennin poetry

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sennin and poetry 仙人


- - - - - kyooka. kyōka 狂歌 Kyoka poems - - - - -

『古狂歌 ご笑納ください』
Robin D Gill

- source : amazon com -

All are Edo kyouka but the last, a Kamigata kyouka.

飯盛 Tenmei
Long-lived sages and long-nosed goblins over Yoshino take care
not to step on the tree-tops, as blossoms not clouds are there!

橘打枝 E1790
By white clover/calves besot, the cloud-borne saint became a fool that is to say,
the dew upon that flow’ry field is his drool!

Riding cranes or flying on nothing but the wind sounds risky –
mountain saints who’d live forever seem like dare-devils to me.

Mountain mystics may be old, but all their teeth are there --
I guess that comes from eating just mist, haze, fog and air.

I suppose “ascetics” and “wizards” might be added to the translations as “sages” “saints” amd “mystics” for「仙人」。

Thanks to Robin D. Gill !


- - - - - Haiku 俳句 - - - - -

群仙図屏風 folding screen with images of the Sennin
曾我蕭白 Soga Shohaku (1730 - 1781)

byoobu-e no sennin to zasu yama no tera

I sit with the Immortals
on a folding screen
in a mountain temple

松永兼子 Matsunaga Kaneko


sennin no hige arai-iru shimizu kana

this clear water
where Sennin wash
their beard . . .

寺田寅彦 Terada Torahiko (1878 - 1935)


伊丹三樹彦 Itami Mikihito (1920 - )
花仙人 Hana Sennin - Poetry Collection 1991 
現代俳句18人集 - Modern Haiku by 18 Poets


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. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


- - - - - #senninpoetry #senninhaiku -


sennin eight Chinese immortals

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

China - The Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien

- quote -

He Xian Gu (何仙姑; pinyin: Hé Xiān Gū) - 何仙姑(かせんこ)Kasenko
The Immortal Woman
He Xian Gu’s immortality is due to a consistent diet of powdered mother-of-pearl and moonbeams. While swallowing it, she vowed to remain a virgin.
According to a different version, He Xian Gu, daughter of a 7th-century shopkeeper, ate a magic peach and became immortal. Since than she is flying about.
She is attributed by the lotus/lotus pond, which can cultivate people through meditation.
Occasionally she is attributed with a peach, the divine fruit of Gods, associated with immortality or a music instrument or a ladle to dispense wisdom, meditation and purity.

Cao Gou Jiu (曹國舅; pinyin: Cáo Guó Jiù) - 曹国舅(そうこっきゅう)Sokokkiyu
The Royal Uncle Cao
Cao Gou Jiu is reputed to have been the brother of a 10th century Song Empress, the uncle to the Emperor of the Song Dynasty and the son of a military commander. His attribute, the castanets, are thought to be derived from the pass that gave him free access to the palace, a benefit of his rank.
He is also attributed with a jade tablet, which can purify the air.
According to another version, Cao Guo Jiu's younger brother Cao Jingzhi was a bully, but no one dared to prosecute him because of his powerful connections, not even after he killed a person. Royal Uncle Cao was so overwhelmed by sadness and shame on his brother that he resigned his office and left home.
He is represented by wearing formal court dress, always the finest dress among all Eight Immortals, and carrying castanets.
Cao Gou Jiu is the patron deity of actors.

Li Tie Guai (李鐵拐; pinyin: Lĭ Tiĕ Guăi) Li Tieguai. - 李鉄拐 / 鉄拐李(りてっかい)Ri Tekkai
Gama Sennin 蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal"
The Iron-Crutch Li
Because of his great skill at magic, Li Tie Guai, was able to free his soul from his body and aid and meet others in the celestial realm. Li Tie Guai, a good looking man used his skill frequently. Once, while his spirit was gone from his body, a disciple decided that Li Tie Guai was dead and burned his body as was traditional. When Li Tie Guai’s soul returned from its travels, he was forced to enter the body of a beggar.
He is represented as a lame beggar carrying a double gourd. The gourd, symbolising longevity and the ability to ward off evil, has a cloud emanating from it. The cloud represents the soul, depicted as a formless shape.
The gourd represents also helping the needy and relieve the distressed.
Sometimes Li Tie Guai is pictured riding the qilin.
Li Tie Guai is the emblem of the sick.
. Gama Sennin 蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal" - 劉海 Liu Hai .

Lan Cai (蓝采和; pinyin: Lán Cǎihé) - 藍采和(らんさいか)Ransaika
The Immortal Hermaphrodite
Lan Cai is said to have wandered the streets as a beggar while singing a song about the brevity of mortal life. Her/his attribute is a basket of flowers associated with longevity, which she/he carries to remind viewers of the transience of life and with which she/he can communicate with gods.
She/he is variously portrayed as a youth, an aged man, or a girl; in modern pictures generally as a young boy.
She/he is represented by wearing a tattered blue gown and only one shoe.
Lan Cai is the patron deity of florists.

Lü Dongbin (呂洞賓; pinyin: Lǚ Dòngbīn) - 呂洞賓(りょどうひん)Ryodohin
The Chief leader

Lü Dongbin was an 8th-century scholar, who learned the secrets of Taoism from Zhuang Lin Quan. Dressed as a scholar, he is honoured as such. His attribute, the sword, which can subdue the evil, allowed him to travel the earth slaying dragons and fighting evil.
He is represented with a sword on his back and a fly brush in his hand.
Lü Dongbin is also the patron deity of barbers.

Han Xiang Zi (韓湘子; pinyin: Hán Xiāng Zi) - 韓湘子(かんしょうし)Kanshoshi
The Philosopher Han Xiang
Han Xiang Zi is said to have been the nephew of Han Yü, a famous scholar of the 9th century. Among his special skills was the ability to make flowers bloom instantaneously and smooth wild animals. His attribute is the flute, which can cause growth.
He is represented as a Happy Man.
Han Xiang Zi is the patron saint of musicians.

Zhang Guo Lao (張果老; pinyin: Zhāng Guǒ Lǎo) - 張果老(ちょうかろう)Chokaro
The Elder Zhang Guo
Zhang Guo Lao is reputed to have been a recluse of the 7th or 8th century. He travelled with a white mule that could go incredible distances and then be folded up and placed in a wallet. Zhang Guo Lao had only to sprinkle water to the mule to reconstitute it for further use.
Zhang Guo Lao's attribute is a drum made of a bamboo tube with two rods with which to strike it. The drum can cure life.
He is represented as an old man riding the mule, at times riding backwards.
Zhang Guo Lao is the emblem of old men.

Zhongli Quan (鐘离權; Pinyin: Zhōnglí Quán) - 漢鍾離(かんしょうり)Kanshori または鍾離権(しょうりけん)
Zhongli Quan was reputed to have lived during the Zhou dynasty (1122-256 BC). Among his many powers were transmutation and the knowledge of the elixir of life. His attribute is a fan, which can bring the dead back to life.
He is represented as a Fat Man with his bare belly showing.
Zhongli Quan represents the military man.

- reference source : nationsonline.org/oneworld/Chinese_Customs -


- quote -
The Eight Immortals 八仙 are a group of legendary xian ("immortals") in Chinese mythology.
Each immortal's power can be transferred to a power tool (法器) that can bestow life or destroy evil. Together, these eight tools are called the "Covert Eight Immortals" (暗八仙). Most of them are said to have been born in the Tang or Song dynasty. They are revered by the Taoists and are also a popular element in the secular Chinese culture. They are said to live on a group of five islands in the Bohai Sea, which includes Penglai Mountain-Island.

- - - - - The Immortals are:

He Xian'gu
Cao Guojiu
Li Tieguai
Lan Caihe
Lü Dongbin
Han Xiangzi
Zhang Guolao
Zhongli Quan

李鉄拐(りてっかい)Ri Tekkai または鉄拐李
漢鍾離(かんしょうり)Kanshori または鍾離権(しょうりけん)

In literature before the 1970s, they were sometimes translated as the Eight Genies.
First described in the Yuan Dynasty, they were probably named after the Eight Immortal Scholars of the Han.
- In art
- In literature
- In qigong and martial art
- Reverence
- Depictions in popular culture
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Bashiko, Taoist immortal,
considered by the Japanese to be the first veterinary surgeon. He supposedly lived in China in the years 2697-2597 B.C. and cured a dying dragon by operating on its throat. Bashiko is rarely depicted in art, while another Taoist sage, Chinnan, is more popularly shown with dragons.

Kinko - Qin Gao (Kinkô sennin) 琴高仙人 Kinko Sennin
Kinko, who lived beside a river and was a painter of fish.
One day a giant carp offered to take him for a ride into the realm of the immortals. He returned after a month, telling his followers never to kill another fish. He then jumped into the river, where he was transformed into a carp himself. Kinko is usually shown reading a Taoist scroll while riding on the back of the magical fish.

Sennin Koshohei with a short stick in his hand leaning slightly over a small rock that turns into a goat. Koshohei led a herd of goats to the mountains and stayed there for 40 years in meditation. His brother found him after all that this time and was wondering where the goat were. Koshohei touched the boulders around him with a stick, and they turned into goats.

- another name for Chokaro / Chang Kuo-lao

. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .


. shinsen 神仙 / 神僊 Daoist Immortals and Hermits  .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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Tengu sennin immortal legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

- What is the difference between a Tengu and a Sennin?
Tengu are part of the Buddhist realm and Sennin belong to the realm of Chinese Daoism 道教.
There are also shinsen, shinzen 神仙 Sennin of the Daoist tradition, who possess jintsuuriki, jinzuriki, shintsuuriki 神通力 supernatural power.

Some 阿闍梨 Ajari or 山伏 Yamabushi can turn to Tengu.

Humans with supernatural powers can go to the 天狗界 Tengu World or the 仙人界 Sennin World.
11 stories about Tengu are told in the 今昔物語 Konjaku Monogatari, a collection of over one thousand tales written during the late Heian period (794–1185) .
The stories portray Tengu as enemies of Buddhism, setting fires at temples or tricking priests. Priests who attain special powers through religious discipline, but use these powers for their own ends were thought to enter in the next life the transmigratory realm of Tengudou 天狗道.
- quote JAANUA -

. The most important 48 Tengu of Japan - 四十八天狗 .

. Nihon no sennin 日本の仙人37人 - 37Japanese Immortals and Hermits .

. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .


Some tales can be found in a collection of Toyota Toki とよた時
天狗・仙人妖怪ばなし Tales about Tengu, Sennin and Yokai Monsters
- reference source : とよた時 -


In China all kinds of Sennin are worshipped. In Japan all kinds of Tengu are worshipped.
The Sennin of Tang China are almost like Tengu. The wings of Tengu are probably from the imagination of painters.

Many Sennin in the meaning of "mountain hermit" are found in Japan, like 役小角 En no Ozuno En-no-Gyôja 役行者 or 久米 Kume.


. Torakichi 虎吉 sennin no moji 仙人の文字 letters of Torakichi .


............................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
喜多郡 Kita district 内子町 Uchiko // 越智郡 Ochi district 小田町 Oda

Tengu live deep in the mountains and practise to get supernatural power. They are like Sennin.
If a wicked bad person goes to the mountain, the Tengu will throw them out. Tengu do not like impurities.

............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
氣仙郡 Kessen district 唐丹村 Toni

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ "White Deity" .
legends of 飛行というと天狗 a flying Tengu or the sennin 仙人 Immortals helping humans.

............................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県
板野郡 Itano district

. toita sennin 戸板仙人 Sennin of the Wooden Door .
atthe back of 大麻比古神社 Oasahiko Shrine there lived a Tengu.

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

The sennin 仙人 Immortal from 金が岳 Mount Kanagatake (1,764 m) named 新左衛門 Shinzaemon
and the Tengu from 茅ヶ岳 Mount Kayagatake (1,703 m) named 江草孫右衛門 Magoemon from Egusa were on bad terms.
The Immortal jumped into the sky, made a strong wind and called the clouds. He could also take any human shape he liked. He was almost a Yokai monster Immortal.
The Immortal sometimes shape-shifted into a ball of fire to show the Tengu that he was still a novice in the field.

source : toki.moo.jp/merumaga/reizan...

茅ヶ岳の天狗伝説 The Tengu legend from Mount Kayagatake.

Magoemon is a human who trained to become a Tengu, others say he is the Immortal from Mount Kayagatake.
Once he climbed the mountain to do some work, and when he came back to his home, three family generations had passed and nobody remembered him.
He was so sad, he went back to the mountain and practised 神通力 to gain divine powers.
He lived around 1520 during the times of Takeda Nobutora, the father of Takeda Shingen, in the village of Egusa.
He sometimes appeared when farmers were working in the forest and helped them cut trees. He even ate the food they shared with him.
When they gave him a leaf of tobacco, he put it on his palm and then ate it.
Time passed on in the village of Egusa. Now it is around 1715.
The woodworkers saw a huge human like a monster stand on the rocks. The beard was upside down and covered his face with white hair. His huge eyes rolled around. The villagers fled in great fear. Then there was a strong wind and black clouds showed in the sky . . . all because the villagers had disturbed Magoemon in his mountain retreat.

西八代郡 Nishi-Yatsushiro district 市川三郷町 Ichikawamisato

takara no oogi 宝の扇 magic hand fan
Once upon a time
there lived a naughty boy named 悪太郎 Akutaro (Bad Taro). A Sennin made him promise to change his ways and become a good boy and gave him a magic hand fan to make his own nose long or short as he wished. With this hand fan he was able to help in a fight of a Tengu and a 荒神 Kojin Wild Deity.
Akutaro could also use the fan to travel in the air.
Later this magic fan turned up in the hands of a Samurai and when enemies of Japan came from a foreign country, he could make the noses of the enemy turn long or cut them off.
The fan became venerated like a God of War 軍神.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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- - - - - #tengusennin #sennintengu #sennin #immortal #mountainhermit #hermit -