
hyakunichizeki whooping cough legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

hyakunichizeki 百日咳/ 百日せき と伝説 Legends about whooping cough, pertussis

鹿嶋神社 Kashima Jinja
(御穂鹿嶋神社 Miho Kashima Jinja) 東京都港区芝4-15-1 / Tokyo Minato ward Shiba
The deity venerated in this Shrine is supposed to cure whooping cough.


. The Legend of the Dragon God at Minuma 見沼 .
In a corner of the compound is a small shrine where the villagers pray to the Dragon God of the area for good harvest.
Prayers also heal some coughing illness and when people are healed, they bring a rice ladle to the shrine as a thank you present.
Amanuma Jinja 天沼神社があり百日咳に霊験があるといわれ

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 
松山市 Matsuyama city 平田町 Hirata town

. Jizo Bosatsu at 常福寺 the temple Jofuku-Ji is .

............................................................................... Tokyo 東京
墨田区 Sumida ward

. How to cure whooping cough .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
20 百日咳 to explore (01)


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- - - - - #whoopingcough #keuchhusten #hyakunichizeki #seki -


kane, tsurigane temple bell legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. chinshoo 沈鐘 Chinsho, sunken bell legends .

kane 鐘と伝説 Legends about the temple bell

. kane 鐘 temple bell .
- Introduction -
hanging temple bell, tsurigane 釣鐘
"crocodile's mouth", waniguchi 鰐口
bronze bell, dootaku 銅鐸
small bell, suzu 鈴

. bonshoo 梵鐘 Bonsho temple bell legends .

庄田耕峰 Shoda Koho (1871-1946)

. Anchin and Kiyohime 安珍・清姫伝説 .
at the temple 道成寺 Temple Dojo-Ji


............................ waniguchi 鰐口 temple gong ............................

A Waniguchi gong hangs in front of the entrance to the temple hall and visitors may strike it before throwing their money into the box for offerings and then making their prayer/wish.

. wani わに(鰐) shark, (this means also "crocodile") .
There are no crocodiles in Japan.

Aomori 青森県 上北郡 Kamikita district 六ヶ所村 Rokkasho

Wanigudhi Jinja 鰐口神社 Waniguchi Shrine
内沼鰐口大明神神社 Uchinuma, Waniguchi Daimyojin Jinja

Once upon a time, two pious sisters wanted to visit their father and had to cross a dangerous swamp. There appeared a lage wani 鰐 shark and lay down so they could walk over its back. This is the origin of Waniguchi Jinja.


Waniguchi Jinja 鰐口神社 Waniguchi Shrine
新潟県長岡市寺泊鰐口30 Niigata, Nagaoka city, Teradomari, Waniguchi 30

Located on a small hill surrounded by trees in the middle of the fields.
Its former name was 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja.
The deity in residence is 健御名方命 Takeminakata no Mikoto = Suwa Myōjin 諏訪明神.
The date of construction is not known.
In 1908 the Shrine was united with the 道祖神社 Dosojinja of 鰐口村 Waniguchi village and the name changed to Waniguchi Jinja.

- - - - - Link with more photos :
- reference source : niigata-u.com/files ... -


Nagano 長野県 飯田市 Iida city.
There is a Waniguchi gong at 迦楼塔 the tower of Garuda. When it gets lost it is soon found again.
One of the seven wonders of Iida city.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
土浦市 Tsuchiura city

. Musashibo 弁慶 Benkei throws the bell into the lake .

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
中京区 Nakagyo ward

. kemuri o dasu kane 煙を出す鐘 a temple bell making smoke .
at temple 妙満寺 Myoman-Ji

............................................................................... Nara
Nara 山辺郡 Yamabe district都祁村 Tsuge village
. Ryuzu 竜頭 hook of the temple bell .

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
柏崎市 Kashiwazaki city

. The bell from Temple 西光寺 Saiko-Ji .
ryuuzu 龍頭 (りゅうず) Ryuzu hook of a temple bell, "Dragon Head"

............................................................................... Saitama
Chichibu 小鹿野町 Ogano

Once upon a time
the village temple went out of business and the 釣り鐘 temple bell was given to the pawn shop. It was sold to another village, where soon a fire started. The local fortune teller said it was the temple bell bringing bad luck, so it was given back. This legend is called
Tengu-sama no tsurigane 天狗様の釣り鐘 the Temple bell of the Tengu.

. Tengu legends from Chichibu .


Once the priest of a temple was in need of money and brought its temple bell 釣り鐘 to the pawn shop. At the town where it was re-sold there was a fire and nobody new why. A fortune-teller found the reason:
The temple bell wanted to go back to its temple and hat caused fire to bring attention to itself.

............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県

. The Immortal from 菊川村 Kikugawa .
and Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell", "the Bell of Muken"

............................................................................... Tokyo 東京
町田市 Machida

. chinshoo 沈鐘 the fallen temple bell .
three legends !

............................................................................... 山形県 Yamagata
鶴岡市 Tsuruoka

tsurigane 釣鐘 hanging temple bell
In the beginning of the Meiji period they wanted to build a school. To pay for it the hanging bell and the Hokyointo of the temple were sold.
Now if there is a strong wind the school building is swaying. Once during a celebration at the school the wind blew off the roof . . .
The elders of the town only laugh at this . . . after all, the hanging temple bell had been sold . .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
227 鐘 to collect
10 梵鐘 bonshoo
hanging temple bell, tsurigane 釣鐘
- source : 4 legends : tsurigane 釣鐘 -
ryuuzu 09 龍頭 (01)
small bell, suzu 鈴
- source : 206 legends : suzu 鈴 -


. chinshoo 沈鐘 Chinsho, sunken bell legends .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- - - - - #kane #tsurigane #templebell #bell #suzu #waniguchi #ryuuzu #ryuzu -


neko cat legends Katzen

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen

source : Matt on facebook
Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕

. bakeneko, bake-neko 化け猫, 化猫 monster cat .
nekomata 猫俣, 猫又, 猫叉, or 猫股 "forked cat" monster
and kashaneko かしゃ猫 "fire monster cat"

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .
怪猫 / 魔物 猫

. nekozuka 猫塚 mound for a cat .
9 to explore

. yamaneko 山猫 "mountain cat" .
carved by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro

. neko the cat and haiku 俳句 .

- photo : Japan Lovers, facebook -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .
Nekomadake 猫魔岳と伝説 Legends about Mount Nekomadake and more monster cat legends .

............................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
戸塚区 Totsuka district

. cats dancing with a tenugui 手拭 hand towel .

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
上水内郡 Kami-Minochi district 信濃町 Shinano town

. Cats can take possession of humans .

............................................................................... Nara 奈良県
宇陀郡 Uda district 大宇陀町 Ouda town

. The cat from 光明寺 the temple Komyo-Ji .

............................................................................... Tokyo

. Ohaguro お歯黒 a cat with black teeth .

. Memorial stone for a cat at Temple 回向院 Eko-In .

.A cat from 江戸中橋 Nakabashi in Edo .

湯島 Yushima district

. The 煎餅屋 Mochi rice cake store in front of Enman-Ji .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
05 赤猫 (00)
15 黒猫 (00)
73 猫 to explore (00)
25 山猫 (00)
101 猫 神 (00)
527 ネコ collecting

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .
怪猫 / 魔物 猫


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- - - - - #nekocat #catneko #neko #bakeneko #nekomata -


Time in Medieval Japan

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. ABC List of Contents - Nara Period .

“Time in Medieval Japan”

- quote -
Report on the International Time Studies Symposium 2018 “Time in Medieval Japan”
held August 1-3, 2018 at Yamaguchi University

by Migita Hiroki (Yamaguchi University); English translation and additional reporting on the comments and discussion by Raji C. Steineck (University of Zurich)

From August 1 to August 3, 2018, University of Zurich’s Chair of Japanology (supported by the Advanced Grant TIMEJ from the European Research Council) and the Research Institute for Time Studies at Yamaguchi University, in collaboration with the Japanese Society for Time studies held the International Time Studies Symposium 2018 “Time in Medieval Japan”. The symposium had the aim to explore the ways time was expressed, perceived, and experienced in medieval Japanese society from various angles. It brought together 25 researchers from the fields of intellectual and political history, literature, and religion of Japan hailing from various Japanese universities as well as from the United States and Europe for three days of presentations and extensive discussion. The program comprised papers and comments by designated specialists in the following seven fields: “calendars”, “military strategy”, “literature of the court and the warrior elite”, “village life”, “religion”, “the human body” and “markets”. Profs. Morino Masahiro, Morishita Tōru (both Yamaguchi University) and Hosoi Hiroshi (Kassui Women’s University) served as coordinators on the Japanese and Raji C. Steineck and his team at University of Zurich as coordinators on the European side.

The first conference day on August 1 started with formal greetings by Profs. Fujisawa Kenta (Director, Research Institute for Time Studies, Yamaguchi University) and Raji C. Steineck (University of Zurich, PI of the ERC Advanced Grant Project “Time in Medieval Japan” / TIMEJ). The morning sessions were dedicated to the subject areas “calendar” and “military strategy”, with Prof. Franz Emde (Yamaguchi University) serving as designated commentator. The first paper titled “The Study of Time and Calendars in Medieval Japan”, by Prof. Hosoi Hiroshi started from a thorough review of research on calendars and annotated calendars (guchūreki 具注暦) and proceeded to demonstrate, based mostly on the Hoki naiden 『簠簋内伝』, the importance of these documents to understand the regional distribution and differentiation of time consciousness. Next, Prof. Kristina Buhrman of Florida State University in her presentation “An Investigation into Day-Selection for Military Actions in Medieval Japan” explained by way of a close scrutiny of the sources that the ancient court’s culture of day selection according to the annotated calendars was probably received and continued by medieval warrior aristocrats in their planning of military exploits. Dr. Ueno Taisuke (Kanda University of Foreign Languages) discussed medieval books on strategy and what they reveal about changes in time consciousness over time. He showed that while earlier sources assume that the time of actual battle belongs entirely to the gods, later sources insert elements of human discretion and manipulation into the conception of the time of battle. The ensuing comments and discussion followed up on the main points of each paper and highlighted points such as the issue of human agency, or the apparent absence of quantitative calculation of time in medieval discussions of military strategy.

In the afternoon sessions,the subject moved to time in the literature of the court and the warrior aristocracy. In the first presentation, Prof. Morino Masahiro used the example of expressions pertaining to the call of the hototogisu 郭公/時鳥 (cuckoo) in the literature of court ladies to demonstrate how their expression of time was structured by the Kokinshū 『古今集』, and how, by the same token, the geographic aspect of the territorial boundaries of royal power strongly informed the temporality of the intratextual world in these documents. Dr. Simone Müller (University of Zurich) compared the late Heian Higashiyama gobunko bon Nittchū gyōji 東山御文庫本『日中行事』with a document of the same title written at the court of Go-Daigo (r. 1318-1339), in order to put into relief the chronography and units of time employed to regulate (at least in principle) life at court in the late Kamakura period in conjunction with questions of space and power. Alexandra Ciorciaro’s (PhD student, University of Zurich) paper on “Chronography in the official records of the Kamakura bakufu” presented a detailed analysis of the systems of temporal notation used in the Kenji sannen ki 『建治三丁丑年日記』and Buke nendai ki 『武家年代記』, highlighting not only quantitative, chronometric aspects, but also expressions pertaining to the properties of certain times, or their causal interconnections. Prof. Koyama Emi (Kyoto Institute of Technology) commented on each paper from the perspective of her own research into the illumination of ancient and medieval architecture and the ways it affected daily and nightly activities.

The second day of the symposium started with Prof. Migita Hiroki’s (Yamaguchi University) presentation on “Night-time Labor by Pre-Modern Japanese Villagers”, in which he highlighted the fact that in pre-modern time, night-time labor was often embedded in ritual and play, and performed by groups of lower status. For some of these groups, movement was restricted during the day, but conversely, while “normal” members of society were largely confined in their movements at night-time, these groups could move about freely at night. To this, Prof. Tsuji Shōji (Hoken Iryō Keiei Daigaku) responded that these findings must be seen in the light of more general and constant aspects of Japanese village life. Pointing to the necessity of regular night-time work such as protecting the fields or going fishing, which was not allocated to specific status groups, he warned against over-emphasizing exotic aspects of earlier epochs of Japanese history.

The following section on religion was opened by Prof. Yuasa Yoshimi (Saitama Gakuen University), who by way of a detailed comparative analysis of chronometrical expressions in the Buddhist sources contained in the Kamakura ibun 『鎌倉遺文』corpus demonstrated that monasteries, while sharing a certain amount of standard chronography, often had specific styles of temporal regulation and chronometric expression.

The next paper by Prof. Yorizumi Mitsuko (Tokyo University) dealt with the concept of time in Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō Uji 『正法眼蔵』「有時」. Prof. Yorizumi covered questions such as how far Dōgen’s idea that existence and time are inseparable is based on the mutual inter-dependence between different entities or how a privileged form of time that may be accessed through “practice and attainment of the way” had properties contrary to the irreversible, external and continuous character of profane time such as reversibility, discontinuity, and monadicity, giving a detailed analysis of the specifics of Dōgen’s – or Buddhism’s – concept of time as it is based on the ontology of muga / anātman. Prof. Steineck presented another paper on Dōgen’s concept of time, placing it in the context of medieval Japanese temporalities. Based on a rigorous analysis of the chronography employed in Dōgen’s writings, he discussed how the dimension of religious time as expressed in his term nikon (“now”, often interpreted as “eternal present”) is related to that of the “twelve hours”, which is mostly equated with profane time in the literature. Steineck specifically pointed out that the “eternal present” is constituted within the quantitative differentiations of time , and that Dōgen’s texts, in spite of the emphasis a large part of the literature places on the “moment” of practice and on the incalculable aspects of religious time, employ numeric chronometry to highlight the duration of practice of the patriarchs and to establish links between the “here and now” of practice and the time of the Buddhas and patriarchs. Etienne Stähelin (PhD student, University of Zurich), in his presentation on “The concept of time within early Kamakura period Sōtō Zen” explored the ways in which Dōgen’s thoughts on time were developed or re-interpreted by his disciples in the earliest commentaries on the Shōbōgenzō, remarking on their tendency to unilaterally stress the unity of all of time and every single moment over and against the differentiation between entities and their times.

Prof. Maki Takayuki then discussed the “Transformation of the Buddhist Tonsure by Japanese Ex-Emperors in the late Heian Period”. He explained the changes in a rite of passage (the taking of the tonsure) as it was practised at court in this period in between the ages and how they related to changes surrounding the transition of office between emperors, which used to shake up the world of the highest echelons of aristocracy in the Heian period because of the interpenetration of this-worldly and other-worldly logic. The final paper in this section by Hoshi Yuya (PhD student, Bukkyō University) turned to the subject of medieval mythology. In his paper “Medieval Mythology and Time Consciousness”, he traced the genealogy of the stories surrounding Doshōjin 土公神 and elucidated how myths and rituals surrounding the calendar and the seasons evolved in medieval rural society. Commenting on this session, Prof. Bandō Yōsuke provisionally linked Shintō to public ritual and Buddhism to personal salvation, while also pointing to the entwinement of both aspects both in Dōgen’s texts and in the imperial ritual of taking the tonsure.

The third day of the symposium started with two papers dedicated to the subject of the body and time. First, Dr. Daniela Tan (University of Zurich) demonstrated how the physiological cycles of the female body were linked to the movement of nature and especially celestial bodies in the chapter on women’s health of Kajiwara Shōzen’s Ton’ishō 『頓医抄』, leading to a cyclical interpretation of their temporal aspect. Next, in a presentation titled “Menstruation and Time Consciousness of Women in Medieval Japan”, Prof. Saitō Nahoko (Kokugakuin University) compared references to the female cycle in nikki such as Utatane 『うたたね』and Towazugatari 『とはずがたり』. She discussed how this cyclical physiological phenomenen affected time consciousness and time regulation of court ladies, highlighting aspects such as the establishment and loss of individuality and gender solidarity, for example in respect to the planning of religious and social activities. The commentator to this session, Dr. Anna Andreeva (Heidelberg University) emphasized the fresh perspective both papers provided on a subject that was traditionally mostly associated with kegare 穢れ (“impurity”), which allowed to transcend the confines of medieval female history.

The afternoon of the third day was dedicated to the subject of “markets”. Prof. Sakurai Eiji (Tokyo University) reported in his paper on “Workday and Wages in Medieval Japan” that, while the prices for physical commodities were decided according to the relation of supply and demand, those for labor and services were not subject to this principle. He found that labor time was paid by the workday, and that there is no evidence suggesting that its value was measured in relation to the unit of the hour, and reflected on the relevance of this fact for medieval time consciousness. The following paper on “Dept Cancellation and the Renewal of Time” by Dr. Kataoka Kōhei (University of Zurich) discussed the “virtuous policy” (tokusei 徳政) of rescinding the sale of land and of cancelling debts from the perspective of time theory by way of a thorough analysis of pertinent documents, arguing that these measures should be interpreted as attempts to restitute an ideal, imagined past, and reflecting on the specifics of medieval ideas of property. Finally, Vroni Ammann (PhD student, University of Zurich) analysed chronometric and chronotypological expressions in the Kunshū ruishō 『薫集類抄』and the Gofushimi in shinkan takimono hō 後伏見院宸翰薫物方, two medieval books on recipes for incense as part of her project to trace the temporal aspects of production, trade, and use of incense in medieval Japan. In her comments, Dr. Angelika Koch (Ghent University) followed up on questions of wage labour and time consciousness, the temporal specifics of tokusei policies, and the use of incense to measure time in order to contextualize the findings of each paper.

The symposium ended with a final round of general comments by Profs. Satō Hiro’o (Tōhoku University), Tsuji, and Bandō. Prof. Satō reviewed the contributions from the point of view of the social and geographical stratification of time consciousness and time regulation in medieval Japanese society, contrasting it to current notions of homogenized and linearized “modern” time, emphasizing the need to further research the relation between the apparent temporal plurality and the general social structure of medieval society. He also called into question facile dichotomies between medieval and modern time consciousness. Prof. Bandō followed up on these remarks, stating that while the ancient ritsuryō 律令state had possessed the power to homogenize previous plural time regimes, centrifugal forces (such as the strong tendency to rely on Buddhist images of time) gained more influence in the medieval period, which explains in part the stronger visibility of temporal plurality in this era. Finally, Prof. Tsuji placed the conference in the context of current societal issues. The conference was closed by Profs. Fujisawa and Steineck, who both emphasized the many insights gained through the multidisciplinary approach this conference took to the subject of time, and expressed their gratitude to everyone involved.

See also:

- source : PMJS: Listserve -


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- #time -




- - - AAA - - -

. - - - Top of this BLOG - - - .

- - - - - ABC List of the Legends - - - - -

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -


....................................................................... AAA .......................................................................

. Abekawa, Abe-Kawa 安倍川 river in Shizuoka . *

. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005) .

. Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 / 阿武隈河 River Abukuma legends .
and 丸森町 Marumori legends

. abura-age 油揚げと伝説 Legends about fried tofu .

. Adachi ku 足立区 Adachi ward Legends - Tokyo .

adauchi 仇討ち revenge killing
- 18 entries to explore -

. Akagisan Mount Akagisan 赤城山 Legends from Mount Akagi . - Gunma

akago 赤子 baby
150 to collect

. Amabie アマビエ mermaid and epidemics .

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
more than 200 to collect

. Amanojaku 天邪鬼 Heavenly Evil Spirit .

. amazake 甘酒 "sweet rice wine" - Amazake .
- to explore

. ame 飴 sweets .
41 to collect

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .
100 to collect

. anesama ningyoo 姉様人形 "elder sister" doll legends .

anma 按摩 blind masseur
. Ohaguro ba おはぐろ婆 Tanuki, Old Hag with Black Teeth .
08 to explore

. aoboozu 青坊主 Ao-Bozu "Blue Priest" Yokai monster .
08 to explore

aodaishoo 青大将 serpent
19 to explore (02)

. Aoso Jinja 青麻神社 "Green Hemp Shrine" . - Sendai, Miyagi

. Aragamisama, Koojinsama, Koojin sama 荒神様 Kôjin, Kojin legends .
192 to collect

. ari 蟻 ant, ants, Ameisen .
. haari, ha-ari, higi 羽蟻 flying ants and earthquake .
16 to explore 蟻 (00)

. asa 麻 (あさ) hemp .
152 to explore
- - - - - . Aoso 青麻 "Green Hemp" .
Aoso Jinja 青麻神社 "Green Hemp Shrine", Miyagi, Sendai

. Asakusa in Edo 浅草 江戸 . *

. Asamayama, Asama yama 浅間山 Mount Asama, a volcano .
14 legends to explore

. ashigaru 足軽 "light legs" , foot soldier .
10 to collect

. Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏 - Shogun (1305 – 1358) .

. Atago Gongen 愛宕権現 Legends . *
avatar (Gongen) of Buddhist Bodhisattva Jizo Bosatsu.
77 to explore

. awabi densetsu あわび アワビ 鰒 鮑伝説 abalone legends .
many legends to explore

. ayu (アユ, 鮎),(香魚) trout, sweetfish .
41 to collect

azarashi アザラシ
suiko 水虎 kind of kappa
17 to explore

. azukimeshi 小豆飯 auspicious rice with red azuki beans .
51 to explore


- #amabie -


- - - BBB - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. baku 獏 / バク legendary dream-eating tapir .
9 legends to explore

. bakuchi 博打 - tobaku 賭博 gambling . *
19 to explore

. beni 紅 or べに rouge, lipstick .
and 8 tales about 白粉 white face powder to explore

. Benkei ベンケイ / 弁慶と伝説 Legends about Musashibo Benkei . (? - 1189)
20 to collect (01)

. Benten 弁天と伝説 Legends about Benten / Benzaiten 弁財天 .
122 弁天 collecting // 28 弁財天 (02)

. bentoo 弁当 Bento lunch box Legends .
115 to collect

. bijin - Edo no bijin 江戸の美人 the beauties of Edo .
美人 89 to explore

. bikuni 比丘尼 Buddhist nun (ama 尼) . *
50 to explore

. Binbogami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty . *
42 to explore

. Bishamonten 毘沙門 .
53 to collect

. biwa 琵琶 lute .
39 to collect

. Biwako 琵琶湖 Lake Biwako .

. bonji 梵字 sanskrit letters and legends .
11 to collect

. Bonten 梵天 Baramonten, Brahma . *

. bookon 亡魂と伝説 Bokon Legends about a dead soul, .

. boozu 坊主 Bozu priest and legends .
316 to collect

. Buddhist Temples and Sake 酒とお寺 .

. buna 鮒 crucian carp - legends . *
katame buna 片目鮒 / katame no buna 片目の鮒 buna fish with one eye
. Bunkyō 文京区 Bunkyo ward, "Literature Capital" - Tokyo .

. buta, ton 豚 pig, swine .
36 collecting

. butsudan 仏壇 / 佛壇 Buddhist family altar . *
90 legends to collect

. butsuzoo 仏像 Butsuzo, Buddha statues .
57 to collect

. byakudan 白檀 sandalwood legends .

. byoobu 屏風 folding screen .
43 to collect

. byooninda 病人田 field of an ill person .
36 to explore / and https://fudosama.blogspot.jp/2005/02/juusanbutsu.html





- - - CCC - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. Castles and their Legends お城と伝説  . *

. craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker 職人 shokunin .
21 entries to explore


. chagama 茶釜と伝説 Legends about tea kettles, water kettles .

. chidori 千鳥 plover .
9 to explore

. chifusu チフス typhus / 腸チフス / チフスと伝説 Legends about typhus .

. choochin 提灯 / 提燈 / チョウチン Chochin, Lantern .
300 + to collect

. choochoo 蝶々 Chocho, butterfly art motives - and legends .

choozubachi 手水鉢 handwash basin
. Tokyo, 神田 Kanda district legends .
14 to explore

. Chushingura 忠臣蔵 and the 47 浪人 Ronin .
to collect





- - - DDD - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. Daidarabotchi ダイダラボッチ Monster .
- デエダラボッチ deidaarabotchi / デーデッポ Deedeppo / ダイダラボッチャ Daidarabotcha / Tiirabotcha デーラボッチャ

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
for hebi 蛇 snake, see HHH

. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 Legends .
daikokubashira 大黒柱 strongest pillar of a building
86 大黒 to explore

. daikon 大根 Radish, Reddish .
100 to explore // daikon taboos and inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 the "young wild boar"

. daiku 大工 carpenter and legends . *

. Daimyoo Gyooretsu 大名行列 Daimyo Gyoretsu Lord's procession .
10 to collect

. daizu 大豆 soy beans - Soyabohnen .
39 to explore

dango 団子 dumplings
171 to collect

. dankon 男根 penis .
20 to explore

. Daruma Daishi 達磨 Bodhidharma .

. Dewa sansan 出羽三山 Three Mountains of Dewa .
7 to explore

. dokuhebi 毒蛇と伝説 Legends about poisonous snakes and serpents .

. dokuro 髑髏 Gasha-dokuro がしゃどくろ "rattling skull" legends

. dondon yaki どんどん焼き / トンド ritual New Year fire .

. Doosojin, Dososhin 道祖神 Legends about Wayside Gods .

. doo, dō 銅 と伝説 Legends about copper - Kupfer - Do .
doozan, dōzan 銅山 Dozan copper mine
63 to collect

dookutsu 洞窟 Dokutsu, cave
57 to colelct

doroboo 泥棒 Dorobo, thief
40 to collect (one in Hina dolls)

. doshakuzure 土砂崩れ landslide legends .
gakekuzure 崖崩れ / jisuberi 地滑り
masago 土砂 (マサゴ) / dosha 土砂 earth and sand - for construction work
. dosha-kaji 土砂加持 ritual to prevent landslides .

. doyoo 土用 Doyo - Dog days of summer .
44 to collect

. Dragon - ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends . *





- - - EEE - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. Ebisu えびす様, Hiruko 蛭子Legends .
- - - . 天狗兵衛 Tengubei,大黒天 Daikokuten,えびす三郎 Ebisu Saburo, 布袋 Hotei .

. eboshi 烏帽子と伝説 Legends about ritual caps and hats .
28 to explore

. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
25 to collect

. Edo - Legends and Tales from Edo 江戸の伝説 .

. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
78 legends to collect

. Enkuu 円空 Legends about Master Carver Enku 円空と伝説  .

. Enma 閻魔天、閻魔王 King of Hell .
15 to explore

. En no Gyôja 役行者 En no Gyoja .
34 役行者 / 15 小角 / 7 役小角

. enoki 榎 nettle tree, Chinese hackberry .
132 enoki 榎 collecting
07 榎の木





- - - FFF - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. fan, hand fan (oogi 扇 - uchiwa 団扇) .
more than 70 to explore

fuchi, -buchi 淵 / 渕 river pool
. Kappabuchi, Kappa-buchi 河童淵 / カッパ淵 / 河童が渕 .
渕 200 legends to explore
淵 more than 700 legends to explore

. Fudo Myo-O 不動様 in legends and tales .

. fugu 河豚 blowfish - Takifugu porphyreus .
4 to explore (Minato ward legends)
4 hari senbon ハリセンボン

. fuji no ki 藤の木 wisteria tree legends .
7 to collect

. Fujisan, Fujiyama 富士山と伝説 Legends about Mount Fuji .
八ヶ岳,富士山 / 金北山,富士山 / びわ湖の土,富士山,三上山 / ダイラボウ (ダイダラボッチ) , , ,
- 63 legends to explore -

. Fukagawa 深川 Koto ward, Tokyo - Legends .

. Fuku no Kami 福の神 God of Good Luck / Fukusuke 福助 .
18 to collect

. fukuro, fukuroo, fukurō 梟 / フクロウ owl, Eule .
17 フクロウ to explore / 15 梟

. funadama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat - Legends .
more than 50 to explore

. fundoshi ふんどし / 褌 loincloth, underwear for men in Edo .
10 ふんどし to explore / 10 褌

. furoshiki 風呂敷 cotton cloth wrapper legends .
47 to collect

. furusato ふるさと / 故郷、/ 古里 hometown, Heimat .
38 to explore

. Fuujin 風神 Fujin、Fuuten 風天 Futen - 風神伝説 Wind God Legends . .
- Kamaitachi 鎌鼬(かまいたち) "sickle weasel" to explore





- - - GGG - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. gama 蝦蟇と伝説 Legends about toads .
many to explore

. ganbyoo 眼病 Ganbyo, eye disease .
40 to collect

. gangu 玩具, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys .
more than 200 legends to explore, including mingu 民具
- - - - - hariko 張子 / 張り子 papermachee doll legends .

. gantan 元旦 first day of the New Year .
- 51 collecting

. genkaku 幻覚と伝説 Legends about hallucinations .
17 to translate

. geri 下痢と伝説 Legends about dysentery, diarrhea - Durchfall .
sekiri 赤痢 bloody dysentery

. geta 下駄 wooden clogs .
117 to explore

. gingko, itcho 銀杏 gingko biloba tree .
41 to collect

gohanご飯 / manma マンマ rice
79 to explore

. gohei 御幣 - nusa - a ritual wand .
41 to explore

. Gokuraku 極楽 Legends about the Buddhist Paradise .
26 to explore

. Gold and Silver Mines - kinzan 金山 ginzan 銀山 . *

. goma 胡麻 sesame .
14 to explore

gosai 後妻 / nochizoi 後添い
40 後妻 / 01後添
. gosai of Lord Takanobe Ienari 高野辺家成, Gunma .

. goshiki 五色と伝説 Legends about the five ritual colors .

. goze 女盲, ごぜ, ゴゼ, 瞽女 blind woman .
36 to explore

. guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai monster .
about 30 to explore

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668-749) .
40 to collect





- - - HHH - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. Hachiman Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 . *
- and - Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro 源八幡太郎義家 (1039 - 1106) *

. Hachirootaroo 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro, Hachiro-Taro .
14 to explore

. hagoromo 羽衣 feather mantle of a heavenly maiden .
19 to explore

. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child . *
24 to explore

. haibyoo 肺病と伝説 Haibyo, Legends about lung diseases .
16 to explore

. Hakozaki 箱崎 Hakozaki cities and their legends .

. hakuba 白馬と伝説 Legends about a white horse .

. hakuroku 白鹿 white deer, white stag legends .

. hakuun 白雲 Haku-Un "White Cloud" . 白雲院 Haku-Un In, Osaka
17 白雲 to explore

. hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり) clamshell, hard clam .
14 to explore

. Hamamatsu 浜松 town in Shizuoka .
76 to explore

. hamo 鱧 pike conger eel / 鱣 sen .
to explore

. hanabi 花火 firework legends .

. ha no kamisama 歯の神様 Deity of Teeth .
hagami san 歯神さん / ハガミサン - / 10 to explore

. Hannya Shingyoo 般若心経 Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra - Legends .

. harae 祓 purification ritual .
134 to collect
. Harunasan 榛名山と伝説 Legends about Mount Haruna . - Gunma

. hashi 橋 bridge / Onibashi 鬼橋 Demon Bridge . *

. hashi 箸と伝説 Legends about chopsticks .
138 to collect

. hassaku hassaku 八朔 Legends about the first of August .
12 to collect

. hato 鳩 dove, pidgeon - Taube .
- yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"

. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
26 collecting

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
2374 蛇 (00) to collect

. Heian Period Legends (794 to 1185) 平安時代の伝説 .

. henro 遍路 pilgrims, also in Shikoku .
30 to collect

. heso 臍と伝説 Legends about navel, belly button, Nabel .
30 to explore

. heso no o へその緒と伝説 Legends about the umbilical cord .
13 to explore

. hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire .
65 to explore

. hibuse 火防と伝説 Legends about fire prevention .
14 to explore

. Hida no takumi 飛騨の匠 master carpenters - Gifu .

. Hidarugami ヒダル神 The Hunger Gods. .
41 to explore / Darashi ダラシ 9 to explore

. Hidari Jingoro 左甚五郎 - legendary carpenter .

. hideri 日照り / kanbatsu 旱魃 drought legends, Trockenheit .
90 collecting

. Hideyoshi - Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 .
(1537 - 1598) Hashiba Hideyoshi 羽柴秀吉 

. higoi 緋鯉と伝説 / ヒゴイ Legends about the Red Carp .

. hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster Legends .
16 to explore

. hijiri ひじり 【聖】 ヒジリ ”holy man", mendicant monk legends .

. hikigaeru 蝦蟇 / ひきがえる / ヒキガエル toad legends .
to explore

. Hikyaku, hikyaku 飛脚 伝説 legends about fast running messengers .
33 to explore

. hi matsuri 火祭り fire festival legends .
8 to collect

. himonoshi 檜物師 "artisan making things from Hinoki cypress wood" .
2 檜物屋 to explore

. hina 雛 / お雛様 / 烏の雛 Hina dolls and chicks . *

. hinawa 火縄 rope to make fire .
17 legends to explore

. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls .
- ball of fire, more than 400 to explore
. hinotama from Ehime with Tengu .
kanetama カネ玉 "money ball"

. hishikui 鵁 bean goose (Anser fabalis) .
and - ichoo 異鳥 a strange bird

. Hita 日田市 - Bungo no Kuni Hita 豊後国日田 . * Oita
17 to explore

. hitobashira 人柱 / ikenie 生贄 / 生け贄 human sacrifice .

. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉と伝説 Legends about the human soul .
tamabi 魂火 fireball of a soul, human fireball
197 人魂 to collect
23 人玉 to ecplore

. Hokekyoo, Hokkekyoo 法華経 Hokekyo, Lotus Sutra Legends .
22 to explore

. hooju 宝珠 Hoju, wish-fulfilling jewel - cintamani .
19 to explore

. hooki 箒 / ほうき Hoki, broom, Besen .
117 to collect

. Hookigami, Hōkigami 箒神 Hokigami, Hahakigami - the Broom Deity .

. Horai 蓬莱 sacred mountain and island - Legends .

. Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 Hosogami, God of Smallpox .
25 legends to explore / smallpox 疱瘡 69 legends to explore

. hoozuki ホウズキ - 鬼燈 - 鬼灯 - ほうずき Chinese lantern plant .

. horagai 法螺貝 conch shell legends .
31 to collect

. hotaru 蛍 firetlies, firefly .
33 to collect

. Hotei 布袋 the deity Pu-Tai .
7 to explore

. hototogisu 杜魂 /蜀魂 little cuckoo .
時鳥 04 / ホトトギス 15 / ほととぎす 07 / 杜鵑 06 to explore

. Hot Springs 温泉 Onsen legends .

. hyakunichizeki 百日咳/ 百日せき と伝説 Legends about whooping cough, pertussis .
20 to explore

. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan, gourd .
25 to explore





- - - III I I I - - -

. - - - ABC List of this BLOG - - - .

. ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts . *

. ichoo いちょうの木 Icho, Gingko biloba tree .
6 to explore

. igo 囲碁 the game of Go .
8 legends to explore

. ihai 位牌 Buddhist mortuary tablet, .
29 to explore
- - - - - tatariyama 崇り山 the cursed mountain
Mount ミタマ山 Mitamayama is also called Ihaiyama 位牌山 because of its form looking like a Buddhist mortuary tablet, 位牌.

イイズナ 飯綱 Iizuna, Mustela nivalis, common weasel and Mount Iizuna
23 to explore

. ijuu 異獣 Iju Monster Animals .

. huge monster animal with eight legs - Hokkaido 北海道 .
. 吉祥寺村 Kichijomura, Kyoto .

. ike no nushi 池の主 the master of the pond, "Pond Deity" .

. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
400 to collect

. inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 the "young wild boar" Legends .
Tanokami 田の神 is also called inokami, i no kami 亥の神 God of the Boar

. inoshishi 猪 / イノシシ wild boar legends .
108 to collect / inoshishi and Tengu

. inu 犬 dog legends .
13 shiroinu 白犬 white dog - one with Nichiren
more than 1000 to collect

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" wolf .

. irori 囲炉裏 / 居炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth .
100 to collect

. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Grand Ise Shrine .
Ise 伊勢 - 伊勢の神様 - 伊勢様 - 伊勢踊 and more
318 to collect

. Ise Mairi, Isemairi 伊勢参り Pilgrimage to Ise - Legends .

. ishi doorooo 石灯篭、石燈籠、石燈篭 Ishidoro, stone lantern legends .
tōrō, tooroo 灯篭 Toro stone and other lanterns / sekidoro, sekitoro
9 to translate

. ishigaki 石垣 stone wall. .
78 to collect

. Itabashi ku 板橋区 Itabashi ward - Tokyo .

. itachi 鼬、イタチ weasel .
64 to explore

. iwashi 鰯と伝説 Legends about sardines - Sardinen .
50 to collect

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine - Shimane .
10 出雲大社 (01)
212 出雲 (00)


- #itachi -